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Entries by tag: pain - hamstring

Hello 2015

I really wanted to stay off all pain-relievers, but that lasted only until yesterday when I got hit with every kind of pain imaginable from the hips down. I was also really trying to focus on mobility with the foam roller, lacrosse ball and resistance band. Yesterday that fell apart as well...I couldn't roll without being in pain. So I've been taking various degrees of pain meds for about a day now. I will start again with mobility, which really has to be the focus. I just refuse to believe that I'm broken and can't be fixed after years of Chronic Cardio, lack of stretching etc.

January 1
Mobility work-calves, IT band, hamstrings.
5 pushups
Walk 1 mile - 25.52

January 2-Nada

January 3-Mobility work on calves.

January 4-

Mobility fail!
Walk 1 miles 22.07
Walk .80 - 26.05

January 5-
7A-Morning flow class at Laughing Lotus.
I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get through class, but I took Aleve this AM and was feeling better when class started. I'm hoping getting back to regular practice schedule will resolve a lot of the pain issues and I can take another run at working on my mobility issues without needing anything.

2015-Commitment to mobility.

My 50 year old body is seriously messed up from years of trying to be the runner/biker/thin person I was never going to be.
With the recent weight-loss (and maybe lifestyle stuff too) my pinched nerve/muscle spasm pain has alleviated considerably. However, my legs and hip flexors are in sad shape and being on my feet at my job is not helping. I have massive cramps in my calves and soreness throughout the legs and knees. I've stopped taking Aleve, which had replaced the Ibuprofen, and I'm not taking any flexeril or vicodin, so I'm having to live with the actual body sensations.

So 2015 (and I've already started the commitment) is about making sleep, followed by mobility a priority in the form of my Yoga practice/foam roller/lacrosse ball for the calf/resistance band stretching and other mobility work.

That means if I do weights/cardio/biking on any day, I still have to do SOME mobility work, and I'm trying to give myself time ahead of Yoga class to stretch out with the strap. I'm also going to do a private lesson to try and improve my form on basic asanas.

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