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Entries by tag: hamstrings

Sunday & Tuesday

October 4, 2015
AM Workout:
32 minute hill walk on the treadmill for 2.25 miles.

October 6, 2015
AM Workout:
10 minutes warm-up/walk on the treadmill (.72 miles,) 5 circuits + 1 extra on the last (12/10/8/6/12 leg extensions, 12 DB squats, 12/10/8/6/12 lying leg curls, 12 each butt blaster, 12/10/8/6/12 standing calf raises, 12 seated calf raises, 12/10/8/6/12 machine double crunch, 90 second plank,) 20 minutes hill climbing on the stair master (92 floors,) and 5 minutes stretching. 61 minutes for 498 kcal.

Thursday and Saturday

October 1, 2015
AM Workout:
10 minutes Spinning, 5 circuits + 1 extra on the last (12/10/8/6/12 each DB split squats, 12 KB sumo squats, 12/10/8/6/12 straight-leg DB dead lifts, 12 KB swings, 12/10/8/6/12 standing calf raises, 12 seated calf extensions, 12/10/8/6/12 Turkish sit-ups, 12 each lying med ball wood chop,) and 5 minutes stretching. 41 minutes for 312 kcal.

October 3, 2015
AM Workout:
30 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (2 miles,) 5 circuits + 1 extra on the last (12/10/8/6/12 DB flat press, 12 DB flat flies, 12/10/8/6/12 DB shoulder presses, 12 DB side raises , 12/10/8/6/12 two-arm DB extensions, 12 dips, 12/10/8/6/12 each DB one-arm row, 12 body rows, 12/10/8/6/12 standing DB curls, 12 DB hammer curls,) and 5 minutes stretching. 60 minutes for 438 kcal.


September 24, 2015
AM Workout:
10 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (.72 miles,) 5 circuits + 1 extra on the last (12/10/8/6/12 each DB lunges, 12 hack squats, 12/10/8/6/12 DB dead lifts, 12 seated leg curls, 12/10/8/6/12 standing DB calf raises, 24 adductors, 24 abductors, 12/10/8/6/12 each standing med ball wood chops, 12 machine crunches.) Then off to the stationary bike for 10 minutes (3 miles,) and 5 minutes stretching. 58 minutes for 446 kcal.


September 17, 2015
AM Workout:
10 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (.72 miles,) 5 circuits + 1 extra on the last (12/10/8/6/12 machine leg extensions, 12 each DB lunges, 12/10/8/6/12 machine leg curls, 12 KB goblet squats, 12/10/8/6/12 standing calf raises, 12 seated calf extensions, 12/10/8/6/12 Turkish sit-ups, 60 second plank.) Then off to the arc trainer for 10 minutes (.51 miles,) and 5 minutes stretching. 50 minutes for 359 kcal.

Thursday and Friday

September 10, 2015
AM Workout:
10 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (.72 miles,) 5 circuits + 1 extra exercise on the last one (12/10/8/6/12 DB squats, 12 leg extensions, 12/10/8/6/12 straight-leg DB dead lifts, 12 leg curls, 12/10/8/6/12 DB calf raises, 24 adductors, 25 abductors, 30 second side plank each, 12 DB Turkish sit-ups,) 4 minutes stationary bike (1.1 miles,) 5 minutes rowing (720 meters,) 6 minutes elliptical (.45 miles,) and 5 minutes stretching. 56 minutes for 454 kcal.

September 11, 2015
AM Workout:
5 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (.33 miles,) Combat class and 5 minutes stretching. 55 minutes for 476 kcal.


January 9, 2014
AM Workout:
5 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (.33 miles,) 4 circuits (10 DB chest press, 10 DB shoulder press, 10 each one-arm DB extensions, 10 seated cable rows, 10 each DB curls, 10 DB squats, 10 each DB front lunge, 10 each DB lying wood chop.) Then it was off to the stair master for 15 minutes (48 floors) and 5 minutes stretching. 65 minutes for 510 kcal.

New Year; New Workout...Monday

January 6, 2013
AM Workout:
10 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (.68 miles,) 2 circuits (20 push-ups, 20 DB shoulder press, 20 bench dips, 20 pulley seated rows, 20 DB curls, 20 squats, 20 each forward lunges, 20 DB lying wood chops.) Then it was off to the stair master for 15 minutes (42 floors) and 5 minutes of stretching. 58 minutes for 475 kcal.


October 11,2013
AM Workout:
15 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (1 mile,) 100 lunges, 50 straight-leg dead lifts, and various shoulder rehab exercises. Then it was off to the stair master for 22 minutes (80 floors) and 5 minutes stretching. 72 minutes for 580 kcal.


August 8, 2013
AM Workout:
5 minute warm-up/walk on the treadmill (.33 miles,) BfL lower body workout-circuit version, 10 minutes on the stair master (32 floors,) 5 more minutes walking on the treadmill (.34 miles,) and 5 minutes stretching. 55 minutes for 400 kcal.

The weekend!

Went to the gym on Friday and worked out nice and hard -- total body strength training, with 3 sets of 10 on each machine. Took about an hour, maybe a little longer, followed up with abs and stretching. Very sore the next two days, especially shoulders, chest, and hamstrings.

Skipped Saturday and Sunday due to the Pride weekend festival. We [gf and I] spent about 3 hours each day walking up and down the various booths and along the parade route, so we got in plenty of exercise walking and goofing off and having a good time.

Monday (today) we're going back to the gym to do an hour or so of cardio. Tuesday will be weights again. Wednesday we're meeting with our personal trainer for the first time to get evaluated, and I imagine Thursday will be a rest day.



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