Display news updated in real-time to the visitors of your WordPress website with this versatile news ticker plugin.
Easily display the latest news, financial updates, weather warnings, election results, sports results, and more using the versatile news ticker generated by this WordPress plugin.
Manually create news from a dedicated menu in the back-end, automatically generate news from your posts, or pull updates using RSS feeds from popular news sites, blogs, or industry sources.
The plugin automatically updates the news by sending HTTP requests to your server. Note that you can specify the frequency of the updates and configure advanced caching options from the plugin settings.
Use the 56 options per news ticker, 4 options per featured news, 9 options per sliding news, and 3 general options to create an unlimited number of different news tickers. Each news ticker can have different colors, typography, news sources, and behaviors.
Your web server must run WordPress version 4.9 or greater and have at least PHP 5.2 installed. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of PHP for the best performance.
We offer a 30-day no-questions-asked refund policy. Don't like the plugin for any reason? Send us an email at [email protected], and we will refund your entire purchase.
When you purchase the plugin, an annual subscription will automatically be created using your chosen payment method. You can cancel your subscription at any time from your account.
The plugin is open source. Live News will continue working when your license expires, but you will no longer be able to download the latest plugin updates.
See the plugin in action with 18 captioned screenshots.