
Femina is my first WordPress theme, written with love for simple code. It was designed to be fully responsive by taking the mobile-first approach. Besides a very customizable header, it features the full range of post formats, three menu locations, two widget areas in the sidebar and three in the footer. It is accessibility and translation ready and has full Gutenberg support.
Accessibility ready, Blog, Custom background, Custom header, Custom logo, Custom menu, Editor-stylesheet, Udvalgte billeder, Sidefod-widgets, Fuldbredde-skabelon, Grid layout, One column, Indlægsformater, Right sidebar, Fastgjort indlæg, Temafunktioner, Trådede kommentarer, Parat til oversættelse, Two columns
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Dette tema er tilgængeligt på følgende sprog: Čeština, English (US), Español de Argentina, Español, Español de México, Español de Venezuela og Français.