Plugin-tag: scheduled
WP Missed Schedule Posts
(6 totale bedømmelser)Auto publish future/scheduled posts missed by WordPress cron
(0 totale bedømmelser)This plugin allows scheduling small elements of HTML or text with various options, and reusing of those elements wherever you want.
(4 totale bedømmelser)This plugin provides an easy, lightweight way to show content based on the day of the week.
(7 totale bedømmelser)Integrates future-dated posts into your blog. Adds future posts and category selection to Wordpress's built-in calendar widget.
Improved Cron
(5 totale bedømmelser)Keep WP-Cron running every minute for scheduled tasks without actually using Cron.
Time goes by
(0 totale bedømmelser)ショートコード [tgb ][/tgb] で囲まれた部分が start_time, end_time, config で指定された時間帯等に表示されるようになるプラグインです。
MY Missed Schedule
(3 totale bedømmelser)重发定时失败的文章。Find missed schedule posts and it republish them correctly. Once every five minutes.
SOUP – Show off Upcoming Posts
(6 totale bedømmelser)Displays your upcoming posts in a sidebar widget to tease your readers
The Future Posts
(0 totale bedømmelser)Display future (scheduled) posts in responsive grids using shortcodes. Works with PODS, Advanced Custom Fields, WooCommerce, and all page builders.
Easy Scheduled Posts
(1 totale bedømmelser)An easy to use WordPress function to add scheduled posts to any theme.
All Post Statuses for Add Link
(5 totale bedømmelser)Adds all post statuses to the "Add Link" modal in the editor, allowing you to link to future content, draft posts, private items etc.
(0 totale bedømmelser)A WordPress plugin to quickly and easily view all your scheduled posts.