Plugin-tag: gatsby
(8 totale bedømmelser)WPGatsby is a free open-source WordPress plugin that optimizes your WordPress site to work as a data source for Gatsby. This plugin must be used in c …
Headless Mode
(6 totale bedømmelser)Once you take the head off of WordPress, nobody needs to see it. This plugin hides the front end by redirecting to the shiny static (etc) site.
WP Gatsby Markdown Exporter
(2 totale bedømmelser)Export WordPress content to Markdown for GatsbyJS.
Publish to Netlify
(0 totale bedømmelser)Easily deploy static sites to Netlify using WordPress as backend. This plugin builds your static website using Netlify webhooks to trigger the deploy …
Nullify empty fields for ACF
(1 totale bedømmelser)Set Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) empty field value as null instead of false to avoid GraphQL error in GatsbyJS.
Build Trigger for Gatsby
(0 totale bedømmelser)This plugin will helps you to trigger a build of Gatsby at the time of post/page save or updates with different types.
Redirection GraphQL Extension
(0 totale bedømmelser)Expose redirects set up in Redirection plugin to GraphQL API.
WP Spark Connector
(0 totale bedømmelser)If you like this plugin, then consider checking out our other projects: WidgetKit For Elementor – The most advanced & powerful Elementor addons …