? ?
Journal created:
on 1 January 2004 (#1749326)
on 27 June 2013
"Oh, the places I have been,
And the things I have seen...
What would it all mean?
Without somewhere,
To share..."



Thirty Plus Change. English. IT Systems Admin.

Water Baby. Geek. Sister. Fangirl. Writer. Photographer. Stargazer. Traveller.

Proud to be a Treehugger. Easily distracted by all things shiny.

Old enough to know better, daft enough to blithely go ahead and do it anyway.

(Because it's there, that's why.)


My journal is half 'n' half. Generic randomness, fandomness, arty-ness and anything-else-ness I wish to share with the world at large, are available to all. More personal posts are flocked.

If you wish to friend me, please go ahead. I'm not around on LJ as much as I'd like these days, (life's like that), but odds are I'll friend you back... Just as soon as I notice you're there! ;-)


Visitor Map
90s grunge, abseiling, air shows, airwolf, amanda tapping, archaeology, astronomy, atlantis, avatar, avengers, babylon 5, badminton, baking, band of brothers, beachlife, being green, bodyboarding, bodysurfing, boogieboarding, bradley cooper, brit rock, burn notice, castle, castle/beckett, cheese, chicagoland vampires, chloe neill, chocolate, christian bale, christopher eccleston, classical music, coasteering, coffee, comics, conservation, cookery, cycling, damien lewis, daniel craig, david tennant, deathstalker series, discworld series, doctor who, doodling, due south, extreme sports, fandom, fanfiction, farscape, firefly, formula 1, futurama, gail carriger, graphic design, guild hunter series, history, hitchhikers guide, hugh jackman, ian somerhalder, ice hockey, ilona andrews, indie music, ironman, j.d. robb, jack sparrow, james bond, jeaniene frost, jeffrey donovan, jeremy renner, john barrowman, johnny depp, karen chance, kate beckett, kate daniels series, kayaking, kim harrison, lazy sunday afternoons, life, lord of the rings, macgyver, marvel, matt bomer, michael fassbender, nalini singh, nathan fillion, ncis, night huntress series, nottingham panthers, open water swimming, parasol protectorate, pepper potts, pepperony, photography, pirates of the caribbean, playing guitar badly, power kiting, prog rock, quantum leap, reading, real ale, red dwarf, richard dean anderson, rick castle, robert downey jr, robin of sherwood, rock-pooling, sailing, sanctuary, scifi, scrambling, secret histories series, seeing the world, serenity, sherlock holmes, simon r green, sledging, snorkelling, spaced, spinning, stana katic, star trek, star wars, stargate, stargazing, steampunk, summer days, sunworship, surfing, tall ships, tapestry, terry pratchett, the great outdoors, the hollows, the natural world, the sea, the simpsons, the vampire diaries, tony stark, tony/pepper, torchwood, urban fantasy, walking, wanderlust, web design, white collar, writing, x-files, x-men, yoga, zumba
