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New technologies and online resources for educational purposes inspire researchers to approach Professional Development (PD) from a different angle with the aim to professionally improve teachers' practices and methodologies. From this... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyTeachers' professional development
Since the beginning of the twentieth century the definition of Cultural Heritage has gradually expanded from the scale of individual monument to the scale of cultural landscapes. The broadening of the term has at the same time increased... more
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    • Cultural Heritage Management
The Erasmus+ project 'DigitalHEIghts' aims to promote a sustainable pathway for transforming online assessment of learning and to support the digital upskilling of academics in digital assessment through the development of... more
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    • Assessment
In recent times, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, different terms that are similar in meaning have been adopted in the academic literature to describe the transition from face-to-face to online learning in Higher Education (HE). Emergency... more
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      Educational TechnologyAssessment in Higher Education
The Erasmus+ project 'DigitalHEIghts' aims to promote a sustainable pathway for transforming online assessment of learning and to support the digital upskilling of academics in digital assessment through the development of... more
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    • Assessment
The analysis of a sample of characteristic commercial shop signs in today’s Limassol, Cyprus, asserts their anchorage function as syncretic/polysemiotic texts relying upon the synergy of semiotic systems, in their commercial and broader... more
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      SemioticsTranslation StudiesCultural Studies (Communication)
The print advertisement produces meaning for its readers through the interaction of a complex system of semiotic elements. Understanding this meaning is based on readers' ability to follow the established reading conventions of their... more
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      SemioticsComputer ScienceEye trackingMarketing Communications
derives from the Prague School of semiotics, the author issues a plea for further research in cultural semiotics with view to deepening our understanding about the often silent, yet resonant and occasionally conflicting argumentative... more
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      SemioticsGeographyVisual StudiesMarketing semiotics
This paper reports work in progress regarding the design, development and evaluation of a surface computing application in support of collaborative problem-based learning (PBL). The domain-independent application, so called Ideas Mapping,... more
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      Collaborative decision makingIdea GenerationComputer Application
This study examined the potential of simulations to bolster interest in middle school social studies classrooms. Using a pre-post-design, we examined 305 middle school students (49% female) who participated in the web-based GlobalEd... more
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      HistoryPsychologyPerspective Taking
GlobalEd is a problem-based learning simulation on the web for middle school students to engage in negotiations on a variety of international policy issues such as human rights and international economics. The six-week simulation is... more
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Increasingly, scholars have taken note of the tendency for women to conceptualize issues such as security, peace, war, and the use of military force in different ways than their male counterparts. These divergent conceptualizations in... more
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      Social WorkPublic Administration and Policy
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    • Online Instruction
Learning (CALL), by building a framework of existing research work in the field. Based on a corpus of 163 articles, published between January 2009 and September 2010 in four major journals devoted to CALL, it sets out to describe the... more
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    • Computer Assisted Language Learning
This paper reports on a qualitative study of the use of social technologies, explored in the context of an intensive 650-hour Greek language course. Qualitative content analysis of instructors' field notes, students' and instructors'... more
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    • Social Constructionism
Problem based learning (PBL) pedagogy aims to provide context-rich academic situations where students can work together and demonstrate authentic application of knowledge. This paper seeks to address a recurrent problem in education... more
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Purpose -The purpose of this study is to chart the development in computer-assisted language learning (CALL), by building a map of existing research work in the field. Based on a corpus of 163 manuscripts, published between January 2009... more
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    • Computer Assisted Language Learning
This paper reports on the design and development of a surface computing application in support of collaborative idea creation and thematic categorisation. C.A.R.T (Collaborative Assisted Repository for Tabletops) allows up to 4 users to... more
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    • Computer Application
Problem Based Learning (PBL) is an instructional method in which the base for learning is a real-world problem. A typical PBL setting is comprised of students working together on an authentic problem, using simple tools such as... more
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      Human Computer InteractionInformation SpaceHCI Education