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Mean-preserving and covariance preserving matchings are introduced that can be obtained with conditional, randomized matching on sub-populations of a large control group. Under moment conditions it is shown that these matchings are,... more
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    • Statistics
The coarsest balancing score for multiple treatments T is the minimal sufficient statistic s for the covariates' distributions, D T , of populations {P t , t ∈ T } receiving each treatment t ∈ T. A unit in P r with covariates x is a good... more
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Necessary and sufficient conditions are provided for the existence of consistent statistical procedures in regression models with random predictors under various error assumptions.
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Some units from a population receive the same treatment that is different from treatments available for other reservoir populations. The minimal sufficient statistic s for the pre-treatment x-covariates's distributions in the populations... more
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    • Causal Inference
Concerns are expressed for the Monotonic Imbalance Bounding (MIB) property (Iacus et al. 2011) and for MIB matching because i) the definition of the MIB property leads to inconsistencies and the nature of the imbalance measure is not... more
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      MathematicsComputer SciencePhilosophy of PropertyMatching statistics
The inherent bias pathology of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimation method is confirmed for models with unknown parameters θ and ψ when MLÊ ψ is function of MLEθ. To reduceψ's bias the likelihood equation to be solved for ψ is updated... more
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In several linear regression data sets, $Y (\in R)$ on ${\bf X} (\in R^p),$ visual comparisons of $L_1$ and $L_2$-residuals' plots indicate bad leverage cases. The phenomenon is confirmed theoretically by introducing Location... more
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    • Mathematics
The aim of this paper is to prove the phenotypic convergence of cryptocurrencies, in the sense that individual cryptocurrencies respond to similar selection pressures by developing similar characteristics. In order to retrieve the... more
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      EconometricsSocial Science Research Network
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      MathematicsEconomicsStochastic VolatilityBlack Scholes Model
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      EconomicsEconometricsBlack Scholes ModelCall Option
A statistical decision problem is hidden in the core of option pricing. A simple form for the price C of a European call option is obtained via the minimum Bayes risk, R B , of a 2-parameter estimation problem, thus justifying calling C... more
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      MathematicsEconomicsEconometricsCall Option
The inherent bias pathology of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimation method is confirmed for models with unknown parameters θ and ψ when MLÊ ψ is function of MLEθ. To reduceψ's bias the likelihood equation to be solved for ψ is updated... more
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      MathematicsEconometricsStatisticsLikelihood Principle
For a large class of distributions and large samples, it is shown that estimates of the variance σ 2 and of the standard deviation σ are more often Pitman closer to their target than the corresponding shrinkage estimates which improve the... more
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      MathematicsStatisticsShrinkage estimator
Maximum likelihood estimates are often biased. It is shown that this pathology is inherent to the traditional ML estimation method for two or more parameters, thus motivating from a different angle the use of MCMLE.
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    • Mathematics
For a large class of distributions and large samples, it is shown that estimates of the variance σ2 and of the standard deviation σ are more often Pitman closer to their target than the corresponding shrinkage estimates which improve the... more
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Statistical pragmatism embraces all efficient methods in statistical inference. Augmentation of the collected data is used herein to obtain representative population information from a large class of non-representative population's... more
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      MathematicsComputer Science
A statistical decision problem is hidden in the core of option pricing. A simple form for the price C of a European call option is obtained via the minimum Bayes risk, R B , of a 2-parameter estimation problem, thus justifying calling C... more
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Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) provides posterior models for a stochastic parameter Θ when the observed, size n sample x(∈ R nxd), has intractable likelihood; d ≥ 1. For x from c.d.f. F θ , with unknown θ ∈ Θ, the ABC-steps are: a... more
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      MathematicsResearch Methodology and StatisticsMatching statistics
Some units from a population receive the same treatment that is different from treatments available for other reservoir populations. The minimal sufficient statistic s for the pre-treatment x-covariates's distributions in the populations... more
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      MathematicsEconometricsStatisticsCausal Inference
Minimum Kolmogorov and Wasserstein distance estimates, $$\hat{\theta }_{MKD}$$ θ ^ MKD and $$\hat{\theta }_{MWD},$$ θ ^ MWD , respectively, of model parameter, $$\theta (\in \Theta ),$$ θ ( ∈ Θ ) , are empirically compared, obtained... more
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    • Statistics