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This paper addresses the issue of software cost estimation through fuzzy decision trees, aiming at acquiring accurate and reliable effort estimates for project resource allocation and control. Two algorithms, namely CHAID and CART, are... more
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      Fuzzy set theoryCost EstimationSoftware effort estimationFuzzy Decision Tree
Mobile Commerce is an evolving area of e-Commerce, where users can interact with the service providers through a mobile and wireless network, using mobile devices for information retrieval and transaction processing. M-Commerce services... more
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      Information RetrievalMobile CommerceMobile serviceTransaction Processing
Feature selection has been recently used in the area of software engineering for improving the accuracy and robustness of software cost models. The idea behind selecting the most informative subset of features from a pool of available... more
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Near real-time tracking of objects is becoming a critical requirement in transportation business today since competition is increasing and customers are becoming more demanding in obtaining information on services and delivery of... more
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    • Object Tracking
The Cultural Journeys in the Information Society is a dynamic hypermedia environment, which proposes the Electronic Roads as a meta-form for exploring cultural information that can form Cultural Journeys. The Electronic Roads meta-form... more
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      Information SpaceLearning EffectivenessInteractive Learning EnvironmentCollaborative Learning Environment
We are indebted to Professor Keith Hartley and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments. Thanks are also due to Mr. John S. Koufakis, for his valuable assistance concerning the collection of the data series used. The views... more
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      Defence and Peace EconomicsApplied EconomicsArms Race
The aim of this paper is to indicate the extent to which the arms race against Turkey, in which Greece and Cyprus have been entangled, imposes a defence expenditure burden that is tough for the two allies to bear. To do so we have... more
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      Defence and Peace EconomicsApplied EconomicsArms Race
Heart attacks and devaluations are not predictable and, certainly, are never preannounced". (The usual remark made by government spokesmen shortly after a domestic currency devaluation has taken place.) The contribution that this paper... more
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    • Applied Mathematics
This paper suggests a new approach for developing m-commerce services and applications based on a scheme that divides m-applications into directory-and transaction-oriented classes, identifies mobile user requirements, and takes into... more
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      Distributed ComputingMobile CommerceM Commerce
This work proposes a new methodology for intelligent classification and retrieval of software components based on user-defined requirements. The classification scheme utilizes a dedicated genetic algorithm which evolves a small number of... more
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      Object Oriented ProgrammingWeb Application Development
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The lack of a software tool to automate the creation of a well-defined, Natural Language Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document is an obstacle to the process of efficient Requirements Engineering (RE). This paper provides an... more
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      Formal SpecificationRequirement EngineeringSoftware Requirements Specification
a) To present a review of ongoing health telematic applications in Cyprus. b) To promote the use of these health telematic applications in the Cyprus region. c) To help in the spin off of other health telematic applications thus enabling... more
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      Emergency MedicineComputer User Interface DesignHome Care ServicesMedical and Health Sciences
Software development organisations are under heavy pressure to complete projects on time, within budget and with the appropriate level of quality, and many questions are asked when a project fails to meet any or all of these requirements.... more
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    • Artificial Intelligence applications
Many parameters affect the cost evolution of software projects. In the area of software cost estimation and project management the main challenge is to understand and quantify the effect of these parameters, or 'cost drivers', on the... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware Cost EstimationArtificial Intelligence applicationsAttribute Selection
This paper deals with the problem of software effort estimation through the use of a new machine learning technique for producing reliable confidence measures in predictions. More specifically, we propose the use of Conformal Predictors... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware effort estimation
This paper addresses the issue of Software Cost Estimation (SCE) providing an alternative approach to modelling and prediction using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Input Sensitivity Analysis (ISA). The overall aim is to identify and... more
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Artificial Intelligence and Innovations (AIAI) will interest researchers, IT professionals and consultants by examining technologies and applications of demonstrable value. The conference focused on profitable intelligent systems and... more
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The provision of effective emergency telemedicine and home monitoring solutions are the major fields of interest discussed in this study. Ambulances, Rural Health Centers (RHC) or other remote health location such as Ships navigating in... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringData CompressionMedicineMobile telecommunication
This paper examines the use of fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs) as a technique for modeling political and strategic issues situations and supporting the decision-making process in view of an imminent crisis. Its object domain is soft computing... more
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      GeneticsCognitive ScienceApplied MathematicsDecision Making