Papers by Dr. P.Arunachalam Arunachalam

Kristu Jayanti Journal of Management Sciences (KJMS)
Generally, countries are ranked according to their Gross Domestic Products (GDPs), Human Resource... more Generally, countries are ranked according to their Gross Domestic Products (GDPs), Human Resource Developments, competitiveness index, poverty level, Per Capital Income, Industrial Development Index, Ease of Doing Business Index, etc. India is the sixth-largest economy based on its $3 trillion GDP in nominal terms. Ranks will help countries realize/understand the status of their current positions. Accordingly, corrective measures could be adopted to reach a higher rank in the coming years to rectify those problems. Similar is the case with comparing/ranking universities and institutions within the national level to overcome the drawbacks identified by the ranking agencies. Generally, it is in practice to see that Ranking is prepared by comparing units with similar characteristics in all aspects or only among homogeneous groups. Then only the validity of the Ranking will be very high or acceptable to all to a large extent. If the Ranking is done among the inequalities, it is of no us...
In an outset the women empowerment has to reflect the economic growth in India. The globalised er... more In an outset the women empowerment has to reflect the economic growth in India. The globalised era, country’s growth is depends on the participation of women people. The traditional habits of women people does not have a role to play on public as results the human development index in India is very low as compared to our neighboring countries like Sri Lanka and Bhutan. Now a days the scenario has changed women participation is increased day by day particularly MGNREG Scheme is reduce gender wage differences and SHGs gives a platform of accumulation of capital adequacy. The women entrepreneur has to face several problems and hurdles to promote their business especially in fund generation.

Journal of Global Economy, 2010
In recent years, the flow of solid wastes in all over the world has been increasing. There is no ... more In recent years, the flow of solid wastes in all over the world has been increasing. There is no question, that, this trend poses ever-increasing problems for society. Already, many cities are having trouble in disposing of mounting heaps of trash. Neighboring areas are reluctant to serve as the cities dumps and locations, that are suitable for land fill operations are getting scarce. Other methods of waste disposal are now recognized to create problems of their own. Burning garbage pollutes the air, while treatment of liquid wastes leaves sludge, which must be disposed of. Moreover, dumping wastes into the ocean and other water bodies is not costless to society; sludge dumped in to the sea can kill or contaminate marine life and pollute nearby waters and beaches. The changing composition of solid wastes also adds to the problem of disposal. For example, plastics, (which are non-degradable and often have harmful combustion properties) make up an increasing percentage of solid wastes...

Journal of Global Economy, 2010
Higher education in India is undergoing rapid changes. The challenges ahead are multifaceted and ... more Higher education in India is undergoing rapid changes. The challenges ahead are multifaceted and multidimensional. Though the data show a massive growth in the number of students' enrollment in colleges/universities, holistic view reveals that still only a meager of the total population has access to higher education. Globalization and privatization are imposing new challenges but the nations are still entangled in solving the basic problems of accessibility to higher education for all. In the wake of the transition from elitist to mass education, universities worldwide are under pressure to enhance access and equity, on the one hand, and to maintain high standards of quality and excellence, on the other. Today the notion of equity not only implies greater access to higher education, but also opportunities for progress. In recent debates on higher education, the notions of equity and access go beyond minority to diversity. Affirmative action, too, has become race-exclusive and g...
International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 2021
There is a common practice existing among the people for time immemorial, not only in India even ... more There is a common practice existing among the people for time immemorial, not only in India even among the western world,to have or seekconsultants/experts/advisers/assistants/sometimes even astrologers forgetting somevaluableexpertise opinions beforeventuringinto a new business, finding good schools fortheir children, selecting a suitable educational for their wards, where to construct a house, where to go for a tour, selecting a suitable bridegroom and brides,how to make their children a popular figure in the society etc. etc.
2011 3rd International Conference on Information and Financial Engineering IPEDR vol.12 (2011)
International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH
Population of Kerala has been ageing faster compared to ageing of population in other Indian stat... more Population of Kerala has been ageing faster compared to ageing of population in other Indian states. Service pensioners, who are part of the general population, have also been ageing in Kerala. Peculiar aspect of the ageing of service pensioners is that ageing is more pronounced in the oldold and oldest old category of pensioners. Ageing of pensioners increases the number of pensioners which in turn increases the pension expenditure in Kerala.
Page 1. THAVAN IJRMM Vol-01: No-01 Oct-Dec 2011 51 A Study on the Economic Rights of the People a... more Page 1. THAVAN IJRMM Vol-01: No-01 Oct-Dec 2011 51 A Study on the Economic Rights of the People and Corruption in India A Study on the Economic Rights of the People and Corruption in India Dr.P.Arunachalam Professor ...
Papers by Dr. P.Arunachalam Arunachalam