Copyright © 2010 by Early Theatre. This Book Review is brought to you by DigitalCommons@McMaster. It has been accepted for inclusion in Early Theatre by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@McMaster. For more information, please... more
Fixing King JohnP re s e nt e d by No Na me P la ye rs a t t he O f f t he Wa ll T he a t e r, Ca rne g ie , P e nns ylva nia. July 18-Aug us t 2 , 2 0 14. Writ t e n by Kirk Lynn. Dire ct e d Fixing King John by No Name Players.
- by M. G. Aune
In 1769, David Garrick's Shakespeare Jubilee helped to establish Stratford-upon-Avon as a destination for those wishing to learn more about Shakespeare and celebrate his work. In order to see a Shakespeare play performed, however,... more
How does a theater company approach Shakespeare in a city that boasts Walt Disney World, Sea World, Universal Studios, and a raft of additional competitors for leisure dollars? Collaboratively. Since its inception in 1989, the Orlando... more
a chance opportunity. Perhaps Hirsh becomes rather too confined by a rigorous logical analysis, and a literal reading of the texts he deals with. He tends to brush aside all alternatives with an appeal to a logical certainty that does not... more