Conference Presentations by Julio Ortiz Luquis, PhD
By Noe Cornago, Full Professor and Julio Ortiz Luquis, Research Associate, Diplomacy situated: settings, personas, practices 5th Conference of the NDH Network 25th-27th May, 2023, Turku, Finland, 2023
Based in a combination of historical sources, extant literature, and original interviews, this wo... more Based in a combination of historical sources, extant literature, and original interviews, this working paper seeks to elucidate the contours of a variety of (para)diplomatic efforts protagonized both by Puerto Rico and around Puerto Rico across time.
Conferencia ofrecida por invitación del Programa en Estudios Internacionales y Sagrado Verde, de ... more Conferencia ofrecida por invitación del Programa en Estudios Internacionales y Sagrado Verde, de la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, San Juan, Puerto Rico
10 de julio del 2020.
“Institutional Balancing in UNASUR: Reconfiguration Dynamics in South America’s regional space in... more “Institutional Balancing in UNASUR: Reconfiguration Dynamics in South America’s regional space in the XXI Century”. Panel: The Future Scenarios of Latin American and Caribbean Regionalism”. May 8, 2019. Department of Political Science, University of Puerto Rico. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Comments to Geoff Borrows, Raymond Laureano and Joanna Camacho's work on Puerto Rico's paradiplom... more Comments to Geoff Borrows, Raymond Laureano and Joanna Camacho's work on Puerto Rico's paradiplomacy in the XX century, for the panel "Perspectivas históricas sobre la paradiplomacia contemporánea: La gestión internacional de los gobiernos subnacionales en el Caribe con enfoque en la experiencia de Puerto Rico", in American Historical Association (AHA) 132nd Annual Meeting: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism in Global Perspective Washington, DC, 4-7 January 2018

This panel puts forward a considerable conceptual challenge, that is to link and prospect the rol... more This panel puts forward a considerable conceptual challenge, that is to link and prospect the role of Latin American and Caribbean diasporas in United States' foreign policy-making towards Latin America and the Caribbean. Within the study of US international relations and foreign policy the influence of ethnic groups in US foreign policy has been analyzed. What is totally new to this debate is the hemispheric context, a XXI century where US policy towards the region limits itself to bilateral free trade agreements and contestation strategies against left-wing governments. Rodolfo O. De la Garza (2000) book Latinos in US Foreign Affairs, Jorge Dominguez's essay Latinos in US foreign affairs (2003) and the report of the Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs on the matter have elucidated key aspects of the Latino involvement and mentalities regarding US engagement in world affairs. Now, the scope of our questions, hypothesis and possibilities of action today in 2015 must change to analyze Latinos' impact in US foreign policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean in times of increasing political coordination among sub-regional multilateral institutions, projection of regional institutions as entities with international juridical personality, new alliances, strategic regionalism and the role of regional powers in an emerging multipolar world. We will briefly explain the determinant phenomenon in the region's international relations to understand the regional landscape and how it works; first, a regional space formed by superimposed regional integration and regionalist schemes; and secondly, the role of the leadership of regional and secondary powers in the political and institutional makeup of some of the multilateral regional and sub-regional institutions. The books presented today will help us in this effort. The book " Breve Historia de la integración de América Latina y el Caribe: Un sueño bicentenario " by Sergio Guerra Vilaboy is a detailed work that scrutinizes the power and development of the Latin American and Caribbean integrationist thought. The work is an exhaustive account of region-building and the ways its citizens have been defining themselves and carving their aspirations based on values and interests from the XIX century to the XXI century's post-liberal and post-hegemonic regionalism. It explains in a succinct and clear way the legacy of the so-called conceptual capacities of the Latin American and Caribbean region and the conceptual tools the region has built over time to face structural and regional challenges. In the chapter about ALCA, the book analyses the hemispheric project of the US in the post-Cold War era based on free market multilateralism. A project designed to create a single market on goods and services for the entire Western Hemisphere (Free Trade Area for the Americas) within the norms of the WTO, a concept that was later replicated at the sub-regional scale by CARICOM, the Andean Community and others in the form of a CEPAL's sponsored model called open regionalism.
Ponencia presentada en el Foro Regional| CELAC: su identidad en un mundo cambiante, en una región... more Ponencia presentada en el Foro Regional| CELAC: su identidad en un mundo cambiante, en una región renovada; Jueves 5 de marzo de 2015
Ponencia presentada en el panel "Puerto Rico y el Caribe", del 1er Congreso de Relaciones Interna... more Ponencia presentada en el panel "Puerto Rico y el Caribe", del 1er Congreso de Relaciones Internacionales de la Asociación Puertorriqueña de Relaciones Internacionales (APRI). Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico y el Caribe, Viejo San Juan, 1 de octubre de 2016.
Papers & Articles by Julio Ortiz Luquis, PhD
Metro, 2021
Julio Ortiz-Luquis habla sobre la opción de una libre asociación entre Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos
El Nuevo Dia, 2019
Por lo novel que pueda parecer el intento de cambio de régimen del 23 de enero de 2019 en Venezue... more Por lo novel que pueda parecer el intento de cambio de régimen del 23 de enero de 2019 en Venezuela —ejecutado y apoyado por la oposición venezolana y 13 países del hemisferio— lo cierto es que no lo es. Cambios de régimen han sucedido en América Latina y el Caribe, siempre apoyados desde Estados Unidos, y en ocasiones por la Organización de Estados Americanos.
Lo que sí es un precedente es que casi un tercio de los países latinoamericanos y caribeños, unilateralmente, han desconocido al presidente incumbente y reconocido al presidente de la Asamblea Nacional, Juan Guaidó, como presidente en funciones.
El pasado 20 de abril, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Brasil, Paraguay y Perú le anunciaron a Bolivi... more El pasado 20 de abril, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Brasil, Paraguay y Perú le anunciaron a Bolivia, presidente pro tempore de la Unión de Naciones Sudamericana (UNASUR), su decisión de “no participar en las distintas instancias hasta que no se garantice el funcionamiento adecuado de la organización”.
El pasado 20 de abril, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Brasil, Paraguay y Perú le anunciaron a Bolivi... more El pasado 20 de abril, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Brasil, Paraguay y Perú le anunciaron a Bolivia, presidente pro tempore de la Unión de Naciones Sudamericana (UNASUR), su decisión de " no participar en las distintas instancias hasta que no se garantice el funcionamiento adecuado de la organización ".
If the needed international humanitarian aid, UN agencies and international vessels cannot enter ... more If the needed international humanitarian aid, UN agencies and international vessels cannot enter freely into Puerto Rican ports, it is only because the White House, the Department of State and Defense do not allow them to do so. As we will see, these seemingly disjointed obstacles, amongst others, have been disconnecting Puerto Rico from the world, problematic because it forbids Puerto Rico’s engagement in the kind of multilateral humanitarian cooperation that could have in fact, saved it from the horrific Maria after-math it is now so crudely and inhumanely suffering.
Risk Assessment-Consultancy for Gilling Johnson Group, Beijing, China.
PhD Thesis Abstract by Julio Ortiz Luquis, PhD
Cases of Venezuela and Chile in the Union of South American Nations" focuses on existing balance ... more Cases of Venezuela and Chile in the Union of South American Nations" focuses on existing balance of power and secondary power approaches, which are available in International Relations literature, and their applicability to regional institution-building in South America. Despite the increasing attention being devoted to concepts such as 'hegemonic stability' and 'emerging powers', no suitable conceptual framework has been
Conference Presentations by Julio Ortiz Luquis, PhD
10 de julio del 2020.
Papers & Articles by Julio Ortiz Luquis, PhD
Lo que sí es un precedente es que casi un tercio de los países latinoamericanos y caribeños, unilateralmente, han desconocido al presidente incumbente y reconocido al presidente de la Asamblea Nacional, Juan Guaidó, como presidente en funciones.
PhD Thesis Abstract by Julio Ortiz Luquis, PhD
10 de julio del 2020.
Lo que sí es un precedente es que casi un tercio de los países latinoamericanos y caribeños, unilateralmente, han desconocido al presidente incumbente y reconocido al presidente de la Asamblea Nacional, Juan Guaidó, como presidente en funciones.