Papers by Zuzana Golec Mírová

Študijné zvesti, 2024
The Moravian region occupies a central position in the Northern part of the East Hallstatt cultur... more The Moravian region occupies a central position in the Northern part of the East Hallstatt culture. There are two regional groups – the Horákov and Platěnice groups. Both of them provide numerous information for the study of chronology. Priority are chosen burial sites with suitable dates, which can be classified into the individual stages, phases and sub-phases of Reinecke’s or horizons of Parzinger’s periodisation. Within the Platěnice group these are namely the burial grounds in Moravičany, Dílečky, and Seloutky, Na Šťastných. Within the Horákov group we deal with the necropolises in Modřice, Rybníky and Sádky, and Vojkovice, Vojkovické nivy. The central burial ground including cave sanctuary Habrůvka, Býčí skála (not place of sacrifice), is related to both regions. The wagon graves are of strategic importance for the interregional chronology. While the Horákov group offers five of them, the first one in the Platěnice group has been identified at the burial site of Seloutky, Na Šťastných, which is quite newly introduced among the older sites. The fact that the wagon was recognized in a grave with cremation burial is of key importance. Habrůvka, Býčí skála, then offers six unique wagons. Moravia plays an important role for comparison of chronology with neighbouring Bohemia, Slovakia, Austria and Poland. Graves with wagons allow correlations across distant regions up to Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg or Eastern France.

Early Iron Age Amber at the Heuneburg. New Insights into the Origin of the Amber Raw Material and... more Early Iron Age Amber at the Heuneburg. New Insights into the Origin of the Amber Raw Material and its Processing
As part of a research project funded by the Czech Science Foundation and the German Research Foundation, amber objects from various Central European contexts of the Early Iron Age (Ha C – Lt A) are to be analysed using scientific methods between 2023 and 2026. The focus is on determining the origin of the amber, reconstructing long-distance trade networks and analysing socio-economic and craft aspects. The project began with an investigation of the amber from the important late Hallstatt power centre of the Heuneburg. While the raw material for the amber artefacts from the Heuneburg itself came from the area between the Polish and Lithuanian Baltic coasts, the material from Bettelbühl burial mound 4 originated in the North Sea area and the western region of the Baltic Sea (Denmark/Northern Germany). This offers fascinating insights into the trade and exchange networks of the Early Iron Age.

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2023
Hoards disappeared from the regions of the “heart” of Hallstatt Europe. As for the peripheral are... more Hoards disappeared from the regions of the “heart” of Hallstatt Europe. As for the peripheral areas, which include Moravia, the situation was different. The elite Hallstatt hoard from Bánov – “Skalky”, Uherské Hradiště District (CZ), dating to 575–550 BCE, proves that some regions did not abandon their “old Bronze-Age habits”. The hoard is among the most exclusive set of discoveries dating to the Hallstatt Period found in the Czech Republic. Its 1.500–2.000 pieces of amber beads represent the largest individual prehistoric set of amber in the Czech Republic. In the 6th century BCE, the eastern part of what is now the Czech Republic (Moravia) was the primary transit region of the Baltic amber to the Mediterranean. Extensive barter trade took place along the route of the Amber Road. Included in the Bánov hoard were exclusive women’s jewellery items which were evidently exchanged for amber. It is a set of dragon fibulae from contemporary Slovenia. This article describes the circumstances of the discovery, offers a detailed catalogue of the findings, introduces a chronological-typological analysis of the inventory and proposes the origin of the artefacts. An analysis of the composition and origin of glass by Scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS) and of amber by IR spectrometry was carried out in this study. Chemical analysis of glass determined the colouring agents and the composition, which points to the possible origin of the analysed items. While amber corresponds to the Baltic spectrum, analysis of the glass revealed surprising findings. Most of the beads do not correspond to the expected natron glass type but to an older mixed alkali type. Furthermore, an overview of the deposition of hoards in Moravia and the methodology of studying the deposition is presented. A model of long-distance trade on the Amber Road and its chronological background are also outlined. The authors discuss the social structure, elites, long-distance trade on trade routes north of the East Hallstatt culture region, and the assumed ceremony surrounding the creation of hoards.

Praehistorische Zeitschrift, 2021
The article presents a hoard from the Final Bronze Age found in 2005 in the cadastre of Dolany-No... more The article presents a hoard from the Final Bronze Age found in 2005 in the cadastre of Dolany-Nové Sady ‒ “Sádek”, Olomouc District (CZ). It consists of 2 bronze axes, 3 bronze cheek-pieces of a horse’s bit, 2 bronze phalerae, decorated bronze belt sheet, 6 fragments of 3 different plano-convex ingots and a ceramic vessel. The paper deals with the chronological-typological evaluation of the hoard and especially the motivations for its deposition in connection with supra-regional long-distance roads. Authors discuss the model of social organization of the landscape in the Low Jeseník Mountains area and selected adjacent regions.
Der Artikel präsentiert einen Hortfund der späten Bronzezeit, 2005 im Kataster von Dolany-Nové Sady ‒ „Sádek“, Bezirk Olomouc (CZ) entdeckt. Der Hort besteht aus zwei Bronzeäxten, drei bronzenen Wangenstücke einer Pferdetrense, zwei Bronzephaleren, verzierten Gürtelblechenbronzen, sechs Fragmenten von drei verschiedenen plankonvexen Barren und ein Keramikgefäß. Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der chronologisch-typologischen Bewertung des Hortes sowie den Motiven für seine Deponierung im Zusammenhang mit überregionalen Fernhandelswegen. Die Autoren diskutieren ein Modell der sozialen Organisation der Landschaft im Gebiet des Nieder-Jeseník-Gebirges und in ausgewählten angrenzenden
Článek představuje depot z pozdní doby bronzové nalezený v roce 2005 na katastru obce Dolany-Nové
Sady ‒ „Sádek“, okres Olomouc (CZ). Skládá se ze 2 bronzových seker, 3 bronzových postranic koňského udidla, 2 bronzových falér, zdobeného plechového opasku, 6 fragmentů 3 různých koláčových ingotů a keramické nádoby. Příspěvek se zabývá chronologicko-typologickým vyhodnocením depotu a zejména motivací pro jeho uložení v souvislosti s nadregionálními dálkovými cestami. Autoři diskutují model sociální organizace krajiny v oblasti Nízkých Jeseníků a vybraných sousedních regionů.

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2022
The Hallstatt hoard from Kralice na Hané, containing eight bronze vessels, iron hanger for cauldr... more The Hallstatt hoard from Kralice na Hané, containing eight bronze vessels, iron hanger for cauldrons and two iron heads of supporting rods used in fire pits, represents a unique evidence of deposition of luxury items from the period of 625–500 BCE (Ha D1–D2) in the Czech Republic. The hanging assembly for cauldrons and the supporting heads do not have any known analogies in the Hallstatt Period and constitute the oldest find of its kind to the North of the Alps. The bronze vessels are also unique in their own way, there are no analogies to the ladles with levered handles, and bowls with what is known as omphalos are very rare. The detailed analysis of the hoard reveals the social roots of the owners. They were probably members of the elite class. Chemical analysis proved the presence of animal fat residue in the bronze vessels. The possible usage of the vessel is discussed in the details. Additionally, the three sequences of the existence of the set, i.e. – origins of the set, predisposition processes of the set and the background of its placement in the proximity of a magnate homestead in the centre of the Platěnice group of the East Hallstatt culture in Central Moravia, are described. Authors are suggesting the use of luxurious set in the banquet of elites combined with prolonged burial ceremony.

Slovenská Archeológia - Supplementum 2, 2021
The transition between the late Hallstatt period and the early La Tène period represents a notabl... more The transition between the late Hallstatt period and the early La Tène period represents a notable phase of the moravian prehistory. It is associated with the concept of the so-called 'first celtic expansion' as promoted by Miloš Čižmář. The current sources on the 5th century BC confirm the discontinuity of development in HD3 and LTA; and the expansion concept was recently confirmed by Petra Goláňová. Adding to the topic, Martin Golec and Zuzana Mírová have brought up the yet ignored aspect of central site with the continuity of elites during HD1–D3 at Habrůvka – 'Býčí skála'. The social system during the late Hallstatt period in Moravia can be defined as largely centralised, which conforms to P. Goláňová's theory on LTA. The Provodov – 'Rysov' hillfort provides ample evidence in the form of finds dating to HD1–LTA and is discussed within the framework of this topic.
Sborník referátů z konference k Mezinárodnímu roku jeskyní a krasu; Acta Speleologica Vol. 10/2021 , 2021
A well-known Moravian site is the Býčí Skála Cave in the Moravian Karst, which was researched in ... more A well-known Moravian site is the Býčí Skála Cave in the Moravian Karst, which was researched in 1872 by Heinrich Wankel. It has attracted scientific attention for 150 years and has been reinterpreted. Its position in the research of the entire Hallstatt Period (575-450 BC) in Moravia is irreplaceable. It is a central site - a sanctuary/tomb - with an abnormal representation of elites. Its correct understanding and incorporation into other data is crucial. The methodology of her research has two components: 1. revision of published sources, including museum collections; 2. revision research and subsequent scientific analyzes. Linking the two components leads to reinterpretation.
Fines Transire 29, 2020
The following article deals with the elites of the Iron Age in Moravia and their connections with... more The following article deals with the elites of the Iron Age in Moravia and their connections with the surrounding regions in Ha D1‒D3, especially the West Hallstatt culture. It presents a chronological model of the Hallstatt Period in Moravia, deals with key sites with the presence of elites. Attention is paid to the richest unit of the Hallstatt Period in Moravia, Central Cave Sanctuary in Habrůvka - "Býčí skála", the authors deal with its position within Hallstatt society. It is discussed in particular a model of central place identifiers across the Hallstatt cultures.

Archaeometry, 2021
In 2017, a luxury bronze bucket was discovered near Kladina village in the Czech Republic. The bu... more In 2017, a luxury bronze bucket was discovered near Kladina village in the Czech Republic. The bucket is dated to the 9th century BC and it is a unique artefact, having no parallel in Europe. Stylistically, it is a "transition type" dated between the Late Bronze Age (11th–10th century BC) and the Hallstatt Period (8th–6th century BC). Detailed palynological analysis of verdigris and soil infill of the bucket identified a wide range of pollen grains belonging mainly to herbs, with bitter‐sour properties, and cereals. Subsequent chemical analysis, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, of soil extracts revealed the presence of the compound miliacin that is a chemical marker of millet. Moreover, a starch analysis reveals the presence of enzymatically modified starch grains. These data, with the help of archaeological knowledge, indicate that the original content may have been millet‐based food/beverage with addition of herbs. We suggest that this luxury vessel, given the contents we have identified, was deposited, in the late spring/summer months of the year.
Centrum východohalštatské kultury na střední Moravě, 2020
The chapter deals with the analysis of horse harnesses and wagons from the burial ground in Selou... more The chapter deals with the analysis of horse harnesses and wagons from the burial ground in Seloutky - "Na Šťastných". Special emphasis is placed on the analysis of parts of the first discovered wagon of the Platěnice group of East Halltstatt culture in Moravia, which was probably burned. Such a situation indicates the presence of the elite even in the cremation chamber graves of the Platěnice group. The chapter for a comprehensive view contains a list of PS / former PS findings.

Centrum východohalštatské kultury na střední Moravě, 2020
The foundation stone of research into society, and not just that of the Hallstatt Period, is a gr... more The foundation stone of research into society, and not just that of the Hallstatt Period, is a grave as the reflection of one’s social status. According to Heinrich Härke graves yield three basic categories of data: 1 – intentional archaeological data reflecting the way of thinking, religion and social ideology of the society (type of burial, construction and especially grave goods); 2 – functional archaeological data – providing information on the life and environment of the individual (anthropologic remains); 3 – environmental data – between 1 and 2 (Härke 1993). Based on a synthesis of all elements and the subsequent selection we can obtain a relatively accurate picture on the social status of the deceased as well as their community as a whole. Chiefdom is a regional social order which concentrates power in the hands of a socially superior individual (Carneiro 1981). In fact, intentional archaeological data – funeral architecture (in particular monumental) and grave goods (represented especially by imported and luxury items) may help study the level of social stratification (e.g. Renfrew 1974; Earle 1997). Example calculations converted to “man-hours” according to (Soós 2017) e.g. the volume of the tumulus (Vyškov-Dědice – “Padělky na Letním poli“) or stone elements of chamber graves (Morašice H1 – “U Mohyly”; Seloutky H4/2017 – “Na Šťastných”) – prove the social significance of the deceased due to the involvement of workforce and the need to address the immovable element, and its quantification to the extent possible.

Centrum východohalštatské kultury na střední Moravě, 2020
The authors build on a recently proposed three-level social model based on complex monitoring of ... more The authors build on a recently proposed three-level social model based on complex monitoring of elites of the Horákov and Platěnice groups/former HG and PG in Moravia (Mírová – Golec 2018, Fig. 22): 1 – magnate class; 2a – upper middle class; 2b – lower middle class; 3 – lower class (Fig. 6). They are also using statistical analyses, especially cluster analyses and correspondence analysis.
9.1 Identification of elites. Data for the purpose of an analysis consists in the structured data of identified immovable and movable cases of elites (Fig. 7–12).
9.2 Statistics. The analyses employed (correspondence analysis and cluster analysis) clearly proved relations among the data on elites in the case of PG as well as HG/former PG and HG; the Habrůvka – “Býčí skála” is a huge exception, with numerous identifier of the presence of elites. Furthermore, analyses clearly show the formation of centres of both groups – HG/former HG in the Brno region and PG/former PG in the Prostějov region (Fig. 13–21).
9.3 Resulting model and centralisation. The study of elites requires the definition of theoretical bases: 1 – social and political model – the social and political organisation according to Elman R. Service the Hallstatt Period belongs to the chiefdom level with a privileged chief and his family (Service 1975; Kolář 2007); 2 – cultural and economic model – the issue of elites now includes an aspect of economy, as the management of resources was necessary to retain power within the social status of elites (Polanyi 1975; Murphy 2008); 3 – Mediterranean model – the “Homeric society” is a suitable basis for the model of the Hallstatt society. The aristocracy of Greek basileuses and the related customs finds its analogy in Hallstatt elites (Kolář 2007; Bouzek 2011). Therefore, the authors have defined the following centre of elites; not intuitively but
based on analyses: 1 – HG/former HG in the Brno region in the proximity of the Modřice – “Rybníky” and “Sádky” sites; 2 – PG/former PG in the Prostějov region close to the sites Kralice na Hané – “Kralický háj”. The site known as Habrůvka – “Býčí skála” represents mix of both assumed centres (Fig. 22, 69).
Praehistorische Zeitschrift, 2021
Available on:
The article presents a hoard from the Final B... more Available on:
The article presents a hoard from the Final Bronze Age found in 2005 in the cadastre of Dolany-Nové Sady ‒ “Sádek”, Olomouc District (CZ). It consists of 2 bronze axes, 3 bronze cheek-pieces of a horse’s bit, 2 bronze phalerae, decorated bronze belt sheet, 6 fragments of 3 different plano-convex ingots and a ceramic vessel. The paper deals with the chronological-typological evaluation of the hoard and especially the motivations for its deposition in connection with supra-regional long-distance roads. Authors discuss the model of social organization of the landscape in the Low Jeseník Mountains area and selected adjacent regions.
The Býčí Skála Cave is the central cave sanctuary / princely tomb in Moravia (Czech Republic). I... more The Býčí Skála Cave is the central cave sanctuary / princely tomb in Moravia (Czech Republic). It was institutionalized around 575 BC (Ha D1b) and was still used in Ha D3, i.e. approximately up to 450 BC (Ha D1b = 575‒550 BC, Ha D2 = 550‒500 BC, Ha D3 = 500‒450 BC). Authors summarize the current concept of the site.
Jantarová stezka v proměnách času, 2020
The horse has played an important role in the life of prehistoric people. The La Tène period is a... more The horse has played an important role in the life of prehistoric people. The La Tène period is a time, when we can see an increase in the sources with the horse topic in contexts that are no longer firmly tied to the higher social layer – it is mainly about occurrence in settlement. The occurrence of sources with the theme of the horse reflects both the socio-economic settings of the society and the chronological questions can be well studied. The paper presents a material base related to wagons, yokes and horse harnesses in the La Tène period in Moravia (CZ). The author has collected 20 sites / contexts totaling nearly 150 objects, which are depicted on nine plates. The result of this paper is a complex typology and chronology of wagons, yokes, horse harnesses and equestrian equipment of the La Tène period in Moravia.

Živá archeologie, 2018
21. století je dobou rychlého rozvoje moderních technologií. Mnoho nových metod nalezlo uplatnění... more 21. století je dobou rychlého rozvoje moderních technologií. Mnoho nových metod nalezlo uplatnění v archeologii, rozvoj lze sledovat nejen v aplikaci přírodovědných analýz, boom nastal také v použití informačních technologií. Zuzana Mírová provedla v roce 2017 po téměř století od výzkumu kompletní revizi halštatských velmožských mohyl Brno-Holásky 1 a 2 (H1 a H2). Při ní se pokusila zasadit do širších souvislostí jedny z nejbohatších halštatských hrobových celků stupňů Ha C2 v České republice, kulturně náležející k východohalštatské kultuře (dříve východohalštatskému kulturnímu okruhu), a to do její části – horákovské skupiny. Ač byly oba hroby mnohokrát citovány, jejich význam nebyl nikdy zcela rozpoznán a nad lokalitou Brno-Holásky tak viselo mnoho otazníků. Díky téměř detektivní práci s materiálem a původní dokumentací vznikly nejen nové kresebné a fotografické tabulky s kompletním inventářem či doplněné a opravené plány, ale i grafické vizualizace a zejména 3D rekonstrukce ve spolupráci s odborníkem na archeologické rekonstrukce Igorem Furuglášem. Příspěvek přináší postup tvorby 3D rekonstrukcí Brna-Holásek 1 a 2 jak z hlediska softwaru, tak z hlediska použitých analogií. Rekonstrukce jsou zasazeny do kontextu rekonstrukční archeologie doby halštatské na Moravě. Jako takové jsou nesporně nejen atraktivní prezentací pro veřejnost, ale i vhodným podkladem pro vědeckou diskuzi nad současnou úrovní interpretace bohatého nálezu.
Výzkum historických cest v interdisciplinárním kontextu 2019, 2020
The paper presents collected data topically concerning the horse in the Bronze Age, Hallstatt and... more The paper presents collected data topically concerning the horse in the Bronze Age, Hallstatt and La Tène Periods in Moravia, i.e., in the years 2300/2200 – the turn of the era. There are a total of 5,259 objects distributed across 219 sites. The data confronts the system of long-distance communications by Jan Martínek et al., determines their possible intensification in different periods and predicts possible centres. This follows the thesis that the horse and the sources associated with it belong to elites that coordinate long-distance roads and centres.
Vlastivedný zborník Považia, 2019
In the autumn of 2017 Institute for Archaeological Heritage in cooperation with Museum of the Sou... more In the autumn of 2017 Institute for Archaeological Heritage in cooperation with Museum of the SouthEast Moravia, Masaryk University and Palacký University Olomouc realized prospection with metal detectors in the site of 'Rysov' near Provodov. The archaeological research itself was caused by the need to find out its archaeological potential, because the site has been damaged by amateur 'treasure hunters' for a long time. According to available information these activities have been going on here since the late 1980s. The research also included practical lessons for archaeology students of Palacký University who exercise to work with metal detectors in the field and document context of discoveries.

Rozhovor hradiská.sk Liptovský hrad Halštatské hroby Fotogrametria v praxi história / archeológia... more Rozhovor hradiská.sk Liptovský hrad Halštatské hroby Fotogrametria v praxi história / archeológia / technológie / vizualizácie 1/2017 Keltské nížinné osady /04 Keltské nížinné osady /04 obsah Jedným z najzákladnejších otázok ľudstva je, odkiaľ pochádzame. Touto otázkou sa zaoberáme od nepamäti. V pradávnych dobách sme náš pôvod vysvetľovali nadprirodzenom, božstvom, mýtami. Dnes už máme to šťastie a možnosť sa pozerať na túto otázku vedecky, podložene faktami. Bola by veľká škoda, v dobe extrémneho prívalu informácií z každej strany, dať túto tému bokom, veď ak poznáme našu históriu, poznáme lepšie sami seba. Často mávam pocit, že je veľa zaujímavých tém, ktorým sa nevenuje veľká pozornosť, alebo zapadnú už v spomínanom prívale informácii. Jedná sa o nové poznatky z poľa histórie a archeológie, nielen z domova ale aj celosvetovo. Každoročne príde na svet veľké množstvo kvalitného materiálu o výskumoch, ktoré sa ale nie vždy dostanú k širokej verejnosti a "zapadnú" vo vedeckých kruhoch. Treba myslieť aj na laickú, amatérsku sféru ľudí a nadšencov histórie, ktorí zapálene hľadajú rôzne dostupné materiály v rôznych odvetviach našej histórie. Toto mi vnuklo myšlienku pozbierať a nejakou formou prezentovať zaujímavosti z poľa histórie, ktoré nie sú moc širokej verejnosti predstavované. Spolu s portálom hradiská.sk sa už nejaký čas snažíme o popularizáciu archeológie formou rôznych prednášok, 3D vizualizácií, či písania článkov o hradiskách a archeológii všeobecne. Prinášame vám teda prvé číslo magazínu digitálne hradiská, v ktorom sa budeme prezentovať novinky, výskumy, technológie, rekonštrukcie a mnoho iného z témy nám najbližšej -našej histórie. Dúfam, že tento náš projekt nájde svoje obecenstvo a bude prínosný pre každého, koho táto téma zaujíma. Ďakujem a prajem príjemné čítanie. Orgoň -Šéfredaktor hradiská.sk digitálne HRADISKÁ 1/2017 © Igor Furugláš, 2017 Redakcia: Peter Jenčík, Igor Furugláš Grafické spracovanie: Igor Furugláš / dwarf digital, s.r.o. Počet stran: 51 Vydalo: dwarf digital, s.r.o. / Praha -Staré Město, Kaprova 42/14, PSČ 110 00 v roku 2017 Igor Furugláš -Šéfredaktor dwarf digital, s.r.o.
The Horse in the Bronze and Iron Ages in Moravia, 2019
Several aspects of horse religious symbolism.
Papers by Zuzana Golec Mírová
As part of a research project funded by the Czech Science Foundation and the German Research Foundation, amber objects from various Central European contexts of the Early Iron Age (Ha C – Lt A) are to be analysed using scientific methods between 2023 and 2026. The focus is on determining the origin of the amber, reconstructing long-distance trade networks and analysing socio-economic and craft aspects. The project began with an investigation of the amber from the important late Hallstatt power centre of the Heuneburg. While the raw material for the amber artefacts from the Heuneburg itself came from the area between the Polish and Lithuanian Baltic coasts, the material from Bettelbühl burial mound 4 originated in the North Sea area and the western region of the Baltic Sea (Denmark/Northern Germany). This offers fascinating insights into the trade and exchange networks of the Early Iron Age.
Der Artikel präsentiert einen Hortfund der späten Bronzezeit, 2005 im Kataster von Dolany-Nové Sady ‒ „Sádek“, Bezirk Olomouc (CZ) entdeckt. Der Hort besteht aus zwei Bronzeäxten, drei bronzenen Wangenstücke einer Pferdetrense, zwei Bronzephaleren, verzierten Gürtelblechenbronzen, sechs Fragmenten von drei verschiedenen plankonvexen Barren und ein Keramikgefäß. Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der chronologisch-typologischen Bewertung des Hortes sowie den Motiven für seine Deponierung im Zusammenhang mit überregionalen Fernhandelswegen. Die Autoren diskutieren ein Modell der sozialen Organisation der Landschaft im Gebiet des Nieder-Jeseník-Gebirges und in ausgewählten angrenzenden
Článek představuje depot z pozdní doby bronzové nalezený v roce 2005 na katastru obce Dolany-Nové
Sady ‒ „Sádek“, okres Olomouc (CZ). Skládá se ze 2 bronzových seker, 3 bronzových postranic koňského udidla, 2 bronzových falér, zdobeného plechového opasku, 6 fragmentů 3 různých koláčových ingotů a keramické nádoby. Příspěvek se zabývá chronologicko-typologickým vyhodnocením depotu a zejména motivací pro jeho uložení v souvislosti s nadregionálními dálkovými cestami. Autoři diskutují model sociální organizace krajiny v oblasti Nízkých Jeseníků a vybraných sousedních regionů.
9.1 Identification of elites. Data for the purpose of an analysis consists in the structured data of identified immovable and movable cases of elites (Fig. 7–12).
9.2 Statistics. The analyses employed (correspondence analysis and cluster analysis) clearly proved relations among the data on elites in the case of PG as well as HG/former PG and HG; the Habrůvka – “Býčí skála” is a huge exception, with numerous identifier of the presence of elites. Furthermore, analyses clearly show the formation of centres of both groups – HG/former HG in the Brno region and PG/former PG in the Prostějov region (Fig. 13–21).
9.3 Resulting model and centralisation. The study of elites requires the definition of theoretical bases: 1 – social and political model – the social and political organisation according to Elman R. Service the Hallstatt Period belongs to the chiefdom level with a privileged chief and his family (Service 1975; Kolář 2007); 2 – cultural and economic model – the issue of elites now includes an aspect of economy, as the management of resources was necessary to retain power within the social status of elites (Polanyi 1975; Murphy 2008); 3 – Mediterranean model – the “Homeric society” is a suitable basis for the model of the Hallstatt society. The aristocracy of Greek basileuses and the related customs finds its analogy in Hallstatt elites (Kolář 2007; Bouzek 2011). Therefore, the authors have defined the following centre of elites; not intuitively but
based on analyses: 1 – HG/former HG in the Brno region in the proximity of the Modřice – “Rybníky” and “Sádky” sites; 2 – PG/former PG in the Prostějov region close to the sites Kralice na Hané – “Kralický háj”. The site known as Habrůvka – “Býčí skála” represents mix of both assumed centres (Fig. 22, 69).
The article presents a hoard from the Final Bronze Age found in 2005 in the cadastre of Dolany-Nové Sady ‒ “Sádek”, Olomouc District (CZ). It consists of 2 bronze axes, 3 bronze cheek-pieces of a horse’s bit, 2 bronze phalerae, decorated bronze belt sheet, 6 fragments of 3 different plano-convex ingots and a ceramic vessel. The paper deals with the chronological-typological evaluation of the hoard and especially the motivations for its deposition in connection with supra-regional long-distance roads. Authors discuss the model of social organization of the landscape in the Low Jeseník Mountains area and selected adjacent regions.
As part of a research project funded by the Czech Science Foundation and the German Research Foundation, amber objects from various Central European contexts of the Early Iron Age (Ha C – Lt A) are to be analysed using scientific methods between 2023 and 2026. The focus is on determining the origin of the amber, reconstructing long-distance trade networks and analysing socio-economic and craft aspects. The project began with an investigation of the amber from the important late Hallstatt power centre of the Heuneburg. While the raw material for the amber artefacts from the Heuneburg itself came from the area between the Polish and Lithuanian Baltic coasts, the material from Bettelbühl burial mound 4 originated in the North Sea area and the western region of the Baltic Sea (Denmark/Northern Germany). This offers fascinating insights into the trade and exchange networks of the Early Iron Age.
Der Artikel präsentiert einen Hortfund der späten Bronzezeit, 2005 im Kataster von Dolany-Nové Sady ‒ „Sádek“, Bezirk Olomouc (CZ) entdeckt. Der Hort besteht aus zwei Bronzeäxten, drei bronzenen Wangenstücke einer Pferdetrense, zwei Bronzephaleren, verzierten Gürtelblechenbronzen, sechs Fragmenten von drei verschiedenen plankonvexen Barren und ein Keramikgefäß. Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der chronologisch-typologischen Bewertung des Hortes sowie den Motiven für seine Deponierung im Zusammenhang mit überregionalen Fernhandelswegen. Die Autoren diskutieren ein Modell der sozialen Organisation der Landschaft im Gebiet des Nieder-Jeseník-Gebirges und in ausgewählten angrenzenden
Článek představuje depot z pozdní doby bronzové nalezený v roce 2005 na katastru obce Dolany-Nové
Sady ‒ „Sádek“, okres Olomouc (CZ). Skládá se ze 2 bronzových seker, 3 bronzových postranic koňského udidla, 2 bronzových falér, zdobeného plechového opasku, 6 fragmentů 3 různých koláčových ingotů a keramické nádoby. Příspěvek se zabývá chronologicko-typologickým vyhodnocením depotu a zejména motivací pro jeho uložení v souvislosti s nadregionálními dálkovými cestami. Autoři diskutují model sociální organizace krajiny v oblasti Nízkých Jeseníků a vybraných sousedních regionů.
9.1 Identification of elites. Data for the purpose of an analysis consists in the structured data of identified immovable and movable cases of elites (Fig. 7–12).
9.2 Statistics. The analyses employed (correspondence analysis and cluster analysis) clearly proved relations among the data on elites in the case of PG as well as HG/former PG and HG; the Habrůvka – “Býčí skála” is a huge exception, with numerous identifier of the presence of elites. Furthermore, analyses clearly show the formation of centres of both groups – HG/former HG in the Brno region and PG/former PG in the Prostějov region (Fig. 13–21).
9.3 Resulting model and centralisation. The study of elites requires the definition of theoretical bases: 1 – social and political model – the social and political organisation according to Elman R. Service the Hallstatt Period belongs to the chiefdom level with a privileged chief and his family (Service 1975; Kolář 2007); 2 – cultural and economic model – the issue of elites now includes an aspect of economy, as the management of resources was necessary to retain power within the social status of elites (Polanyi 1975; Murphy 2008); 3 – Mediterranean model – the “Homeric society” is a suitable basis for the model of the Hallstatt society. The aristocracy of Greek basileuses and the related customs finds its analogy in Hallstatt elites (Kolář 2007; Bouzek 2011). Therefore, the authors have defined the following centre of elites; not intuitively but
based on analyses: 1 – HG/former HG in the Brno region in the proximity of the Modřice – “Rybníky” and “Sádky” sites; 2 – PG/former PG in the Prostějov region close to the sites Kralice na Hané – “Kralický háj”. The site known as Habrůvka – “Býčí skála” represents mix of both assumed centres (Fig. 22, 69).
The article presents a hoard from the Final Bronze Age found in 2005 in the cadastre of Dolany-Nové Sady ‒ “Sádek”, Olomouc District (CZ). It consists of 2 bronze axes, 3 bronze cheek-pieces of a horse’s bit, 2 bronze phalerae, decorated bronze belt sheet, 6 fragments of 3 different plano-convex ingots and a ceramic vessel. The paper deals with the chronological-typological evaluation of the hoard and especially the motivations for its deposition in connection with supra-regional long-distance roads. Authors discuss the model of social organization of the landscape in the Low Jeseník Mountains area and selected adjacent regions.
The exhibition and book are presenting the current state of knowledge of the Early Iron Age in Moravia with emphasis on the latest results of archaeological excavations in the geographical area of Prostějov.
(graves, homestead, hillfort with acropolis, cave sanctuary, random finds) and particularly moveable cases. In the conclusion, we categorize graves H1 and H2, based on the presence of a wagon, sword, toreutics, turnspit and other proofs of luxury, among the wealthiest graves from Ha C West Hallstatt and East Hallstatt cultures.
The find comes from the area of the southeastern part of the Pohořelice suburb, in the "Bažantnice" area. Probably female sculpture depicts a figure in a long robe with a crown or ornament on her head. The figure holds her left arm bent at the side and is topped with a hole, probably used for riveting another piece. The right hand is damaged. From the formation of the back of the sculpture, it is evident that the lower part was hollow, whether it formed a closed tube or a semi-closed shape. Elemental analysis of the object, taken from depth, was carried out by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, it was found that the alloy is composed of multiple 99% copper and less than 1% lead. A small figurative sculpture with thin arms has been until now unknown in Moravia. The exclusion method and knowledge of contemporary we limit the find to the Hallstatt period. Unique analogues can be found south of our territory in Austria or Etruscan Italy.