Publications by Zdeněk Kučera
Historical Geography in Czechia: Themes and Concepts, 2023
Adaptive Strategies for Water Heritage, 2019
Hardcover 49,99 € | £44.99 | $59.99 53,49 € (D) | 54,99 € (A) | CHF [1] 66,61 eBook Available fro... more Hardcover 49,99 € | £44.99 | $59.99 53,49 € (D) | 54,99 € (A) | CHF [1] 66,61 eBook Available from your library or MyCopy [3]

Land, 2019
At the 2018 meeting of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape (PE... more At the 2018 meeting of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape (PECSRL), that took place in Clermont-Ferrand and Mende in France, the Institute for Research on European Agricultural Landscapes e.V. (EUCALAND) Network organized a session on traditional landscapes. Presentations included in the session discussed the concept of traditional, mostly agricultural, landscapes, their ambiguous nature and connections to contemporary landscape research and practice. Particular attention was given to the connection between traditional landscapes and regional identity, landscape transformation, landscape management, and heritage. A prominent position in the discussions was occupied by the question about the future of traditional or historical landscapes and their potential to trigger regional development. Traditional landscapes are often believed to be rather stable and slowly developing, of premodern origin, and showing unique examples of historical continuity of local landscape forms as well as practices. Although every country has its own traditional landscapes, globally seen, they are considered as being rare; at least in Europe, also as a consequence of uniforming CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) policies over the last five decades. Although such a notion of traditional landscapes may be criticized from different perspectives, the growing number of bottom-up led awareness-raising campaigns and the renaissance of traditional festivities and activities underline that the idea of traditional landscapes still contributes to the formation of present identities. The strongest argument of the growing sector of self-marketing and the increasing demand for high value, regional food is the connection to the land itself: while particular regions and communities are promoting their products and heritages. In this sense, traditional landscapes may be viewed as constructed or invented, their present recognition being a result of particular perceptions and interpretations of local environments and their pasts. Nevertheless, traditional landscapes thus also serve as a facilitator of particular social, cultural, economic, and political intentions and debates. Reflecting on the session content, four aspects should be emphasized. The need for: dynamic landscape histories; participatory approach to landscape management; socioeconomically and ecologically self-sustaining landscapes; planners as intermediaries between development and preservation.

This paper analyses the historical cultural landscapes in Czechia and their preservation and regi... more This paper analyses the historical cultural landscapes in Czechia and their preservation and regional distribution. The regional distribution of existing and proposed landscape conservation zones and natural parks is analysed by division into peripheral, core and neutral zones. The most protected historical cultural landscapes are in the neutral area where land use/land cover changes in past decades were less intensive. In contrast, core area landscapes are affected by intensification and those in peripheral areas are influenced by extensification. While correlations were identified between the spatial distribution of protected landscape distribution and areas with predominantly German speaking inhabitants prior to 1945, more protected historical cultural landscapes are located in the core area where long-term Czech-speaking inhabitants prevailed. Finally, although the proportions of existing landscape conservation zones are almost equal, proposed landscape conservation zones prevail in the core area.
Geografické rozhledy, 2018
Geography makes use of a whole array of visual sources and information. Such sources are primari... more Geography makes use of a whole array of visual sources and information. Such sources are primarily studied for their visual content. Although visual content is a main carrier of information comprised in images, those should not be studied as mere pictures, but shall rather be approached as threedimensional objects. It is the material nature of images that enables utilization, preservation and dissemination of messages held within them. The article thus aims to discuss the actual nature of images as things.

Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift–Norwegian Journal of Geography, 2018
The purpose of the article is to examine the ways in which regional geography textbooks are used ... more The purpose of the article is to examine the ways in which regional geography textbooks are used in elementary education, using north-west Bohemia as a case study. The authors analysed 18 textbooks published since the beginning of the 20th century, in two steps: (1) the onstruction
of geographical names frequency maps indicating which parts of the case region are accentuated or suppressed in individual textbooks, and (2) a qualitative analysis of the textbooks’ content. The study revealed that a complex image of north-west Bohemia in interwar period in Czechoslovakia and in the period of accession to the European Union is presented in the textbooks. The textbooks published during communist era are imbued with the adoration of local industries, whereas those published later, in the period of political and socio-economic transformation, accentuate the risks of excessive environmental exploitation. At any time since the beginning of the 20th century, the places and regions that represent the values preferred by the governing ideology are emphasized within the studied textbooks. Thus, the geography textbooks, that reflect the society-wide discourse, disseminate not only knowledge but also dominant values. In this way, a desired image of reality is created that legitimates the aims and stances of those in power.

Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 2017
Mining heritage refers to a complex of both tangible and intangible features and values whose for... more Mining heritage refers to a complex of both tangible and intangible features and values whose formation was associated with the development of mining activities in the given region. After mining activities are completed, original industrial and related subsidiary structures either fall into dereliction or are subject to conversion. One of frequent modes of transformation of objects is their presentation as heritage and utilization for the needs of tourism. The way of its interpretation and presentation to the public plays a very important
role in mining heritage preservation, since it may be atributed not only historical and architectural values, but may also reflect political or ideological background of the period in which it was formed. The paper
discusses the defnition of mining heritage and the questions concerning its origin, recognition, protection, management and interpretation in the case of the Jáchymovsko area, part of the cross-border mountainous
region in Czech-German borderland which is being proposed to be included into the UNESCO heritage list. The Jáchymovsko area is distinguished by the fact that it combines a 500-year-old history of mineral extraction and therefore local mining heritage is very diverse. Thus, different types of local mining heritage and its conversion for other purposes (e.g., tourism) are analysed, ways of local mining heritage identifcation, management and interpretation are discussed.
Place and brand: place branding and problems of its conceptualisation – Along with goods and serv... more Place and brand: place branding and problems of its conceptualisation – Along with goods and services, marketing practices are being increasingly applied also to places. By means of one of these techniques (place branding), places are made visible, their images are improved and identities enhanced in order to attract tourists, investors and inhabitants. However, the newly emerging discipline of place branding faces a number of problems, largely related to the nature
of a place. After briefly introducing and discussing the concept of place branding, the paper, based on a literature review, focuses on discussing these problems and their potential solution.
key words: place – place branding – marketing – regional development
KAŠKOVÁ, M., KUČERA, Z., CHROMÝ, P. (2016): Místo a značka: place branding a problémy jeho koncep... more KAŠKOVÁ, M., KUČERA, Z., CHROMÝ, P. (2016): Místo a značka: place branding a problémy jeho konceptualizace [Place and brand: place branding and problems of its conceptualisation]. Informace ČGS, 35, 2, 1–16. ISSN 1213-1075 – Place and brand: place branding and problems of its conceptualisation – Along with goods and services, marketing practices are being increasingly applied also to places. By means of one of these techniques (place branding), places are made visible, their images are improved and identities enhanced in order to attract tourists, investors and inhabitants. However, the newly emerging discipline of place branding faces a number of problems, largely related to the nature of a place. After briefly introducing and discussing the concept of place branding, the paper, based on a literature review, focuses on discussing these problems and their potential solution.

„1989“ und Bildungsmedien. „1989“ and Educational Media, 2016
The year 1989 is believed to be one of the crucial landmarks in the development of Czech society ... more The year 1989 is believed to be one of the crucial landmarks in the development of Czech society in the 20 th century. The fall of the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia brought with it major transformations of almost all important aspects of Czech society at that time. The paper discusses the impact of these changes on education (didactics as well as curriculum) during the period of the so called posttotalitarian transformation of society. Using the example of Northwest Bohemia, changes in the intentional as well unintentional modes of representation of regional specifics and identity in geography textbooks are analyzed and discussed. Particular attention is given to the comparison of means used for the formation of a certain regional image before and after 1989. In the study of the content of the textbooks used primarily in elementary education, methods of discursive (in the case of text) and content (in the case of pictures) analysis are applied. Formation of regional identities and images is a continual process which is influenced by the whole array of inner and outer factors. The identity of Northwest Bohemia has transformed significantly following the changes in political regime of the state after 1989 as well as did the social and discursive practice of presentation of information and knowledge. In the textbooks from the Communist period emphasis was put on the adora ¬ tion of manual labour, industrial production, socialist ideas, and progress. The under ¬ representation of regional differences and resulting presentation of regions as more or less equal is also visible. On the opposite, textbooks published after 1989 mention also problems of regional development, environmental degradation caused by industrial activities in particular. Themes of quality of environment, nature conservation , benefits of free market are even more highlighted. Thus a new set of norms or a new way of see ¬ ing is being presented to the users of the textbooks that reflects contemporary societal practice and cultural values.
Biocultural Diversity in Europe, 2016
▶ 99,99 € | £90.00 | $129.00 ▶ *106,99 € (D) | 109,99 € (A) | CHF 113.00 eBook Available from you... more ▶ 99,99 € | £90.00 | $129.00 ▶ *106,99 € (D) | 109,99 € (A) | CHF 113.00 eBook Available from your library or ▶ MyCopy Printed eBook for just ▶ € | $ 24.99 ▶
Domov a krajina, 2016
ceskoslovenska nemecka polska Ndrodnosti pfevazujkt v oblastech Ceska v roce 1930 na urovni obci ... more ceskoslovenska nemecka polska Ndrodnosti pfevazujkt v oblastech Ceska v roce 1930 na urovni obci (Zdroj dat: Statisticky lexikon obd v zemi Ceske, Praha: Orbis 1934; Statisticky lexikon obd v zemi Moravskoslezske, Praha: Orbis 1935.)

Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, katedra sociální geografie a regionálního roz... more Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje, KUHIG -Centrum pro výzkum v kulturní a historické geografii, Albertov 6, 128 43, Praha 2 Dne 8. října 2015 se s podporou Ministerstva kultury České republiky konal již 5. seminář z cyklu Otisky kamenné historie, který organizuje Omnium z. s. ( Místem setkání byla opět budova Starého Purkrabství v areálu národní kulturní památky Vyšehrad v Praze. Seminář se již tradičně věnoval problematice obnovy a zachování fyzické podoby i hodnot kostelů, hřbitovů a dalších významných, a přesto někdy opomíjených, kulturních prvků v české venkovské i městské krajině. Byly představeny a diskutovány především výsledky již probíhajících či ukončených projektů a aktivit. Seminář je tak i jakousi přehlídkou zájmu místních společenství o obnovu a údržbu symbolických míst a zároveň poskytuje dostatek inspirace a příkladů "dobré praxe" pro ty, kteří o podobných činnostech uvažují. V průběhu celodenního semináře zaznělo celkem 15 příspěvků, které se týkaly jak kostelů, tak hřbitovů a dalších památek zejména regionálního a lokálního významu. Obsah jednotlivých přednesených příspěvků je zpřístupněn na samostatných webových stránkách:
Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, katedra sociální geografie a regionálního roz... more Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje, KUHIG -Centrum pro výzkum v kulturní a historické geografii, Albertov 6, 128 43, Praha 2
Publications by Zdeněk Kučera
of geographical names frequency maps indicating which parts of the case region are accentuated or suppressed in individual textbooks, and (2) a qualitative analysis of the textbooks’ content. The study revealed that a complex image of north-west Bohemia in interwar period in Czechoslovakia and in the period of accession to the European Union is presented in the textbooks. The textbooks published during communist era are imbued with the adoration of local industries, whereas those published later, in the period of political and socio-economic transformation, accentuate the risks of excessive environmental exploitation. At any time since the beginning of the 20th century, the places and regions that represent the values preferred by the governing ideology are emphasized within the studied textbooks. Thus, the geography textbooks, that reflect the society-wide discourse, disseminate not only knowledge but also dominant values. In this way, a desired image of reality is created that legitimates the aims and stances of those in power.
role in mining heritage preservation, since it may be atributed not only historical and architectural values, but may also reflect political or ideological background of the period in which it was formed. The paper
discusses the defnition of mining heritage and the questions concerning its origin, recognition, protection, management and interpretation in the case of the Jáchymovsko area, part of the cross-border mountainous
region in Czech-German borderland which is being proposed to be included into the UNESCO heritage list. The Jáchymovsko area is distinguished by the fact that it combines a 500-year-old history of mineral extraction and therefore local mining heritage is very diverse. Thus, different types of local mining heritage and its conversion for other purposes (e.g., tourism) are analysed, ways of local mining heritage identifcation, management and interpretation are discussed.
of a place. After briefly introducing and discussing the concept of place branding, the paper, based on a literature review, focuses on discussing these problems and their potential solution.
key words: place – place branding – marketing – regional development
of geographical names frequency maps indicating which parts of the case region are accentuated or suppressed in individual textbooks, and (2) a qualitative analysis of the textbooks’ content. The study revealed that a complex image of north-west Bohemia in interwar period in Czechoslovakia and in the period of accession to the European Union is presented in the textbooks. The textbooks published during communist era are imbued with the adoration of local industries, whereas those published later, in the period of political and socio-economic transformation, accentuate the risks of excessive environmental exploitation. At any time since the beginning of the 20th century, the places and regions that represent the values preferred by the governing ideology are emphasized within the studied textbooks. Thus, the geography textbooks, that reflect the society-wide discourse, disseminate not only knowledge but also dominant values. In this way, a desired image of reality is created that legitimates the aims and stances of those in power.
role in mining heritage preservation, since it may be atributed not only historical and architectural values, but may also reflect political or ideological background of the period in which it was formed. The paper
discusses the defnition of mining heritage and the questions concerning its origin, recognition, protection, management and interpretation in the case of the Jáchymovsko area, part of the cross-border mountainous
region in Czech-German borderland which is being proposed to be included into the UNESCO heritage list. The Jáchymovsko area is distinguished by the fact that it combines a 500-year-old history of mineral extraction and therefore local mining heritage is very diverse. Thus, different types of local mining heritage and its conversion for other purposes (e.g., tourism) are analysed, ways of local mining heritage identifcation, management and interpretation are discussed.
of a place. After briefly introducing and discussing the concept of place branding, the paper, based on a literature review, focuses on discussing these problems and their potential solution.
key words: place – place branding – marketing – regional development