Roman Zaoral
Lecturer in medieval history, Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology
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Papers by Roman Zaoral
On the other hand, the real wages of master craftsmen were increasing. The results evidence that Central Europe was a specific region of the Small Divergence (low prices and wages), unlike North Western Europe, particularly Amsterdam, and London, where prices and wages were considerably growing. It was a consequence of the uneven distribution of South American precious metals in Europe which resulted in the Great Divergence (high prices and wages) in England and the Netherlands. The relationship between money supply and the price level is examined using Fisher´s equation of exchange, which retrospectively confirms the validity of the ascertained development tendencies.
On the other hand, the real wages of master craftsmen were increasing. The results evidence that Central Europe was a specific region of the Small Divergence (low prices and wages), unlike North Western Europe, particularly Amsterdam, and London, where prices and wages were considerably growing. It was a consequence of the uneven distribution of South American precious metals in Europe which resulted in the Great Divergence (high prices and wages) in England and the Netherlands. The relationship between money supply and the price level is examined using Fisher´s equation of exchange, which retrospectively confirms the validity of the ascertained development tendencies.
Bayern und Böhmen waren im bereits im Hochmittelalter sowohl durch intensive Handelsbeziehungen wie auch durch Migrationsprozessen eng miteinander verbunden. Die Phasen, Richtungen und Strömungen dieser Beziehungsgeschichte lassen sich am Beispiel des damals kursierenden Geldes rekonstruieren. Sie lassen auch Rückschlüsse auf die ökonomischen und gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse im Hochmittelalter zu. Im Folgenden werden daher die Rahmenbedingungen von handel und Verkehr nachgezeichnet, um anschließend die Herstellung und Verbreitung von Münzen zu analysieren, anhand deren sich unterschiedliche grenzüberschreitende Währungsräume erkennen lassen. Die Entstehung und der Wandel dieser Währungsräume gehen dabei einerseits auf die Migrations- Siedlungsgeschichte Böhmens zurück, andererseits auf strukturelle Bedingungen wie natürliche Ressourcen.
Using numismatic and documentary evidence, the book provides an invaluable point of comparison with the financial conditions in Western Europe during the Middle Ages.
Deuxième volume "L'approche internationale" consacré à l'« Histoire de l’économie sans travail. Finances, investissements et spéculation de l’Antiquité à nos jours »