Charles University, Prague
Protestant Theological Faculty
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The article deals with the judicial proceedings with Apostle Paul. The first part quotes the circumstances of Paul´s life and discusses in detail his status of Roman citizen. The second part pays attention primarily to the Paul´s judicial... more
"The contribution deals with Paul’s trial. It pursues the analysis of the historical background of Paul’s trial, the development of Roman law and trial elements with emphasis on the appeal (appellatio) practice and deals with... more
Der Artikel befasst sich mit dem christlichen Apologeten Arnobius von Sicca, der in der Zeit der diokletianischen Christenverfolgung wirkte, und mit seinem apologetischen Werk Adversus nationes. Nachdem die historischen Quellen und... more
Jednota v mnohosti: In Pluribus unitas
Refugium: Olomouc 2014. ISBN 978-80-7412-192-0.
s. 132-139.
Refugium: Olomouc 2014. ISBN 978-80-7412-192-0.
s. 132-139.
The paper aims to present a Christian author Arnobius of Sicca, that is relatively not much known in our country and who lived at the turn of the 3rd and 4th century in North African Sicca. Although Arnobius’ apology Adversus nationes... more
This paper presents the anthropological issues of the Arnobius’ work Adversus nationes as captured in the first two books of that work. Arnobius of Sikka, African rhetorician of the time of Diocletian, is an author of a comprehensive... more
Arnobius ze Sikky je jedním z méně známých latinsky píšících křesťanských autorů. Je autorem jediného dochovaného díla, apologie Adversus nationes, kterou sepsal pravděpodobně v ob-dobí Diokleciánova pronásledování křesťanů nebo krátce po... more
HTF - Katedra historické teologie a církevních dějinHussite Theological FacultyHusitská teologická fakult
The article discusses two related textual differences between MT and LXX in Zech 11:7a,11b. While MT reads ן ֵכ ָל י ֵיּ ִנ ֲע ֹאן צּ ַה (v. 7) and ן ֵכ י ֵיּ ִנ ֲע ֹאן צּ ַה (v. 11), LXX has εἰς τὴν... more
The article tries to show that 2 Sam 7 is a complete reinterpretation of Judean royal ideology for the needs of the exilic situation of the Davidic royal house. A more ancient form of the ideology is attested in Ps 132 (even if the psalm... more
This book is a study of the texts referring or alluding to the dynastic promise to David in the books of Samuel and Kings (and the "Law of the King" in Deut 17,14-20). Attention is paid to the textual problems of some of the studied... more