2025 Summer Student Workshop Series
Interested in learning what workshops are available this summer? Click the link to find out.
Applying to a Summer Studentship?
Summer Research Studentships are available at the University of Calgary. They provide motivated students with an opportunity to participate in research and innovation activities at the University during the summer months. The award consists of a stipend only, with most providing $7,500 for a 16-week period.
Wondering how to approach a supervisor?
Please note although this document states the PURE award, the concepts are the same for all awards.
Putting together your resume
Need assistance in putting your resume together? Connect with Career Services for tips and assistance. -
Funding that is available
A single application can be used to apply for summer studentships from the following partners/agencies:
- Alberta Cancer Foundation
- Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute
- Alberta Innovates
- Biomedical Engineering (BME)
- Diane Laflamme-McCauley Award for Cancer Research
- Libin Cardiovascular Institute
- McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health
- PURE (Program for Undergraduate Research Experience)
- O'Brien Centre Summer Studentships
Award eligibility will be automatically determined at application based on your qualifications and responses. Applicants will be considered for all awards for which they meet eligibility criteria; however, only ONE (1) offer of award will be made to successful students.
To learn more about funding please click the link below. The PDF of the presentation is here.
How to apply
Applications for the summer studentships are made through the University of Calgary consolidated summer studentship application portal by the dates established annually, but commonly in late January (2025 student deadline: January 27).
Each application submitted through the consolidated application portal will be reviewed independently by several faculty reviewers to derive a composite score and rank.
To learn more about the new application system, please click here.
*Note for Non-UCalgary students: The Request for UCID webform will close 12PM MST Wednesday, January 31, 2025. Due to high request volume, processing can take 1-2 business days.
Past students and non-UCalgary students are eligible to apply for selected awards. However, you must have a current (not expired) UCID and an IT Account to sign in to the online application system.
If you are not currently registered for classes at the University of Calgary, even if you have a UCID, you must first follow the 'Apply for a UCID' process to allow us to give you an IT Account.
This is a two-step process, and each step will take approximately a business day to complete.
**If you have a current UCID and IT Account, please skip these steps and proceed directly to the application form in the previous tab.**
Apply for a UCID
- Apply for a UCID# (link here).
- When you click the “Submit” button, your request will be sent to the Unicard Office for processing. A copy of your request will also be sent to you.
- You will receive an email from the Unicard Office when your request has been processed and a UCID has been assigned. Generally, your request will be processed within one business day.
Apply for a UCalgary IT Account
- Your UCID is required before proceeding with this step.
- Go to the IT Account Registration site and complete the multi-step process. Read the step-by-step instructions here.
- You will receive an email once your request has been processed and your IT Account set up. Generally, your request and your access to the AIHS Award Application site will be processed within one business day.
- Use your IT Account username and password to access the online application system.

Profiles of 2024 Undergraduate Summer Studentship Recipients!
You received an award? Congratulations! Now what?
Students offered a Studentship will be required to accept or decline their offer by a date specified in the emailed notification of the award offer. Both students and supervisors will be notified of the outcome by email. As there can be several rounds of offers, the timing of emails may differ among students.
All summer students are deemed Student Researchers and will be registered into a RVST 598 course based on the term of their summer studentship placement. Please note that RVST 598 is not a 'real' course (no credit is earned, no grade is given, no tuition is charged). It is used to provide summer students appropriate liability insurance and workers’ compensation coverage while undertaking their summer research work. The course will appear on a student’s transcript and indicate the specific award if applicable (e.g., Alberta Innovates, NSERC USRA, OCSS, ACF, and PURE). RVST 598 does not count towards program requirements.
Non-UofC students will be required to complete an online application form for Open Studies. The student will receive an individualized token that allows the student to apply only to the program identified for them. Please note this process does not give the student admission to the University of Calgary. This process temporarily classifies the student as a Student Researcher with the University of Calgary for the duration of their summer studentship.
All students will be manually registered in the appropriate RVST 598 course based on the term of their studentship. Students can confirm registration by checking their Student Centre.
Summer students must adhere to all University of Calgary regulations as they pertain to health and safety training, travel, and workplace safety, among others.
For more information, visit the University of Calgary Risk Management website.
Your supervisor is an important mentor to you. Connect with them regularly for guidance on your research project, for career advice and to get insights into one aspect of research in action.
Your research institute may hold regular or end-of-summer events to support and celebrate undergraduate research. Don't be shy - join in the fun!
Once you have accepted your award, you will need to get set-up to receive your monthly payment. Click the link to learn more.
Depending on the rules laid out by the award you have accepted, you might be required to do the following:
- submit progress reports
- participate in an undergraduate research program activity
- deliver a podium or poster presentation on their summer project at the end of the summer term
- submit a poster in electronic format
- present at a research symposium
It is your responsibility to read the Terms of Reference of the award to know what is expected once you have completed your studentship.
So you would like to be a supervisor, what's your role?
Eligible supervisors must hold a full-time faculty appointment (GFT or clinical) with the University of Calgary. Research associates, post-doctoral fellows, staff and non-clinical, non-TUCFA appointees are not eligible to support summer studentship applicants. The supervisor must have sufficient resources to support the research conducted by the student. The supervisor must be prepared to provide direct and continuous supervision and mentorship during the term of the award.
As part of the application process, the supervisor will be invited to review and comment on the student's proposal. Once the request has been made, the supervisor will be able to complete their portion of the application.
A supervisor may sponsor no more than 2 summer students per year through the consolidated summer research application portal.
Find a student
Students are encouraged to approach faculty members for research supervision. Supervisors are welcome to approach students with a research opportunity. In the Cumming School of Medicine, the BHSc program is happy to circulate research opportunities through its list-serv.
Support your student’s application
Find out more about the format of the application and the rubric that will be used to evaluate each submission.
Student submits their application
Ensure your student submits their application by the deadline. Once they submit, you will receive an email requesting information to support/complete the application process.
Submit your reference
Ensure you submit your portion of the application by the deadline. For summer 2025 awards, the supervisor portion is due no later than January 31, 2005.
Summer studentships awards from the following are managed through the AwardSpring consolidated application portal:
- Alberta Cancer Foundation
- Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute
- Alberta Innovates
- Biomedical Engineering (BME)
- Diane Laflamme-McCauley Award for Cancer Research
- Libin Cardiovascular Institute
- McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health
- Neuroscience Summer Research Scholarship (NSRS)
- PURE (Program for Undergraduate Research Experience)
- O'Brien Centre Summer Studentships
The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the student conducts their research experience in a safe and ethical environment, following procedures and rules of the University of Calgary, and, if applicable, those of the specific research environment in which the student is engaged.
The supervisor is expected to:
- meet regularly with the student,
- provide regular feedback and support to the student and the student's research project
- complete a final survey that adequately explains the student’s research successes and challenges.
Please note:
If the applicant is granted this award, you will be required to ensure that it is used for the project described in the submitted application and abide by the University of Calgary’s policies governing the pursuit of research, including academic and research integrity. All research that involves the use of human subjects must be reviewed and certified as acceptable by the appropriate University Research Ethics Board.