Papers by Zinnur Yilmaz

Electrocoagulation process has been used as an effective method for the removal of a variety of c... more Electrocoagulation process has been used as an effective method for the removal of a variety of contaminants in the wastewater and drinking water. In this study, the removal of Mn+2 ions from drinking water was investigated. For this purpose, raw water samples were taken from the influent of Sivas Water Treatment Plant which is treating the water of Sivas 4 Eylül Dam. Various type electrodes materials were used in EC process were connected as monopolar parallel; as operating parameters the effects of the type of electrode, initial pH, current density and electrolysis time on the removal of Mn+2 were investigated. The higher Mn+2 removal efficiency in the EC process using Al electrode has been obtained. Under optimum operating conditions, the removal efficiency of Mn+2 in the initial pH 7,9, current density 20 A/m2 and 30 minutes EC time was found to be as 100%. The results showed that increasing current density and EC time has increased of Mn+2 removal efficiency. Besides, economical evaluation of the EC process was also made through calculating operating costs in terms of energy and electrode (aluminum) consumptions. As a result, EC process was proved to be an effective treatment method for the removal of Mn+2 from drinking water

With the development of the textile industry, textile industrial wastewater is increasing and the... more With the development of the textile industry, textile industrial wastewater is increasing and the treatment of this wastewater is a major problem in Turkey and in the World. For this industrial wastewater treatment is used for the various treatment methods such as physical, chemical, biological, advanced oxidation and electrochemical treatment. The mostly of conventionally used biological treatment methods are time consuming, want a large work area and not effective for wastewater containing toxic compounds. Advanced oxidation techniques are the high treatment cost and generally used to obtain a high degree of purity grade water. The chemical coagulation method is slow and generates a large amount of sludge. Electrocoagulation treatment method recently has gained attention as environmental compatibility and due to its versatility are potential methods for treatment of industrial wastewater. Electrocoagulation process compared to chemical coagulation process, which is preferred, has some advantages. This method of metal electrodes immersed in the waste water, which causes dissolution of the electrode plates are used to direct electric current. The aim of this study, for the removal of dyes in textile wastewater of electrocoagulation process by combining with alternative treatment methods have been investigated.
Conference Presentations by Zinnur Yilmaz

International Symposium on Urban Water and Wastewater Management, 2018
With rapid population growth in our country, people have come to urban areas through migration fr... more With rapid population growth in our country, people have come to urban areas through migration from rural areas, resulting in unplanned and inappropriate infrastructure in the cities. This immigration movement to the cities was not well managed and the people who came to the cities did not have good living spaces by the central and local governments. The urban transformation phenomenon that has recently emerged as a result of uneven urbanization has also led to the opening of new settlements. What is the vital role of the veins in the human body is the infrastructure for the cities. The aim of the study which situation of infrastructure, drinking water treatment plant, wastewater treatment plant and solid waste facilities of 1397 municipalities serving in our country of work are evaluated. In Turkey, it discharged wastewater volume of 183 L / day, while the amount of water drawn 217 L / day, also the amount of waste 17.1 kg / day, respectively. Recently, the number of wastewater treatment plants in Turkey is remarkable increase in the number of biological treatment plants. In our country, 56% of the water taken for water supply and drinking water network is surface and 44% is groundwater. Despite this, the total population share of the population, which is the sewer network in our country, is 84% and there is no sewerage line of 16%. Findings and results obtained without working have focused on the situation of infrastructure facilities in our country, the relations of the subjects with each other are explained and recommendations have been developed on issues related to how they change day by day.

International Symposium on Urban Water and Wastewater Management, 2018
today and that significant efforts have to be made on energy efficiency. Even small energy effici... more today and that significant efforts have to be made on energy efficiency. Even small energy efficiency improvements are therefore of great importance. The purpose of the wastewater treatment plants is to
treat the pollutants with suitable technology before discharcing to the receiving medium and to remove the pollutants that may harm the water environment. Despite the availability of wastewater treatment
plants, some mistakes are made in estimating the various technical parameters. These mistakes made during the initial installation of the plant can cause more electricity to be consumed. For this reason,
the system may operate with less efficiency. The exact cost of energy use may vary from one operational case to another. The estimates made suggest that the energy cost may vary between 2%- 60% of the total operating cost. In this study, energy consumptions (kWh/m3) of Wastewater Treatment Plants, which are established in various countries and subject to research, are examined and improvement models are emphasized. The feasible operation of the wastewater treatment plant is the total energy consumption of the wastewater treatment plant and the reduction of energy consumption through energy optimization. For example, in the United States, about 3-4% of total electricity consumption is used for the transport and treatment of water and wastewater, which is about 0.45 kWh for the treatment of one m3 of wastewater. Energy is a significant cost in wastewater treatment plants because it is necessary for all stages of the treatment process from wastewater influent
to the effluent in the treatment plant. Energy efficiency can be one of the major problems when water and wastewater treatment plants are not well designed and operated. Energy efficiency can be improved if adequate funding is provided for energy recovery projects. However, by making operational changes, significant energy savings can be achieved with the necessary improvements in water and wastewater treatment plants.

Özet Yüzyıllardan beri ülkeler arası ekonomik ve siyasi ilişkilerin arka planında enerji konusu y... more Özet Yüzyıllardan beri ülkeler arası ekonomik ve siyasi ilişkilerin arka planında enerji konusu yatmaktadır. Ülkelerin sürdürülebilir kalkınmalarını ve toplumsal refahını sağlayabilmesi için artan enerji talebini karşılamaları gerekmektedir. Bu bağlamda Türkiye mevcut enerji kaynakları göz önüne alındığında kendi kendine yetebilen bir ülke olmadığı görülmektedir. Ancak Türkiye, stratejik bir coğrafi konumda olması nedeniyle sahip olduğu enerji potansiyeli açısından birçok ülkeye göre şanslı olduğu söylenebilir. Türkiye, bu önemli konumunu kullanarak son yıllarda kaydettiği ekonomik büyümeye paralel olarak dünyanın en hızlı büyüyen enerji piyasalarından biri haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada ise enerji kaynaklarının Türkiye'deki durumu incelenmiş olup kaynakların üretim, tüketim değerleri ile enerji politikaları ve çözüm önerileri üzerinde durulmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Enerji, enerji ve türkiye, enerji politikaları

Bu çalışmada, Taguchi deneysel tasarım metodu kullanılarak tekstil atıksuyunun arıtımında alüminy... more Bu çalışmada, Taguchi deneysel tasarım metodu kullanılarak tekstil atıksuyunun arıtımında alüminyum elektrotların kullanıldığı Elektrokoagülasyon prosesinde optimum deney şartları; başlangıç pH, akım yoğunluğu, elektriksel iletkenlik, elektroliz süresi ve elektrotlar arası mesafe belirlenmiştir. Deneysel çalışmada performans kriteri olarak KOİ parametresi incelenmiştir. Optimizasyon çalışması için belirlenen parametre sayısı 5 ve her bir parametre için 4 farklı seviye incelenmesi düşünülerek L16 (4 5) Taguchi faktöriyel deney tasarımı yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar neticesinde, KOİ giderme verimine göre optimum koşullar sırasıyla, başlangıç pH 6, akım yoğunluğu 100 A/m 2 , iletkenlik 7,5 ms/cm, elektroliz süresi 15 dakika ve elektrotlar arası mesafe 2,5 cm olarak bulunmuştur. Bu şartlarda tahmin edilen KOİ giderme verimi %76,8 iken deneysel olarak bulunan değer %75,1'dir. Sonuç olarak tekstil atıksuyunun arıtımında EC prosesi Taguchi deneysel tasarım metodu kullanılarak bu prosese etki eden parametreler optimize edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelime: Elektrokoagülasyon, Taguchi metodu, KOİ giderimi, Tekstil atıksuyu 1. Giriş Türkiye'de nüfusun artışı ve teknolojinin gelişmesiyle birlikte diğer endüstrilerde olduğunu gibi tekstil endüstrisi de gelişmekte ve mevcut olanlarda kapasitelerini arttırmaktadır. Bu durum mevcut doğal kaynaklardan biri ve en önemlisi olan suyun tüketimini ve deşarjını arttırmaktadır. Tekstile endüstrisinde çeşitli proseslerde kullanılan ve atıksu olarak nitelenen sular alıcı ortamlara deşarj edildiklerinde alıcı ortamdaki ekolojik dengeyi bozmakta ya da büyük tahribatlara neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu atıksuların alıcı su ortamlarına verilmeden önce mutlaka arıtılması ve tekrar proseste kullanılması gerekmektedir. Özellikle tekstil endüstrisinde yüksek su tüketimi nedeniyle atıksu oluşumu oldukça fazladır. Tekstil endüstrisinde ortaya çıkan atıksuların çoğunluğu yıkama ve boyama prosesleri sonucu oluşmaktadır. Bu atıksular miktar ve karakteristik yönden değişiklik göstermektedir. Atıksuların karakteristiği elyaf cinsi, uygulanan işlemler ve kullanılan kimyasal maddelere bağlı olarak değişiklik gösterir. Bu nedenle tekstil endüstrisi atıksuları özellikle boyama prosesinde fazla miktarda kullanılan azoboyalar suda aromatik aminlerin oluşumunu sağlar buda suda kansorojenik ürünlerin oluşumuna neden olur. Ayrıca proses sonucu oluşan atıksular; yüksek renk ve pH değerlerine sahip (pH: 2-12), yüksek KOI konsantrasyonu ve süspanse katı madde içeren, düşük biyolojik parçalanmaya sahiptir [1, 2, 3, 4]. Tekstil endüstrisi atıksuların arıtılabilirliliği ile ilgili birçok çalışma yapılmıştır. Genellikle bu atıksular şu arıtma yöntemleri ile arıtılabilirliği incelenmiştir; kimyasal koagulasyon, biyolojik oksidasyon, kimyasal çöktürme, klorlama, ozan, adsorbsiyon, kimyasal oksidasyon ve membran proseslerdir [5, 6, 7] .Çoğu tekstil atıksuyunun mikroorganizmalarda toksik etki yapmasından dolayı bu atıksuların arıtımı biyolojik (aerobik-anaerobik) proseslerle gerçekleştirilemesi oldukça güç ve maliyetlidir [8, 9]. Kimyasal artımda kullanılan en yaygın yöntemlerden biri kimyasal koagülasyondur. Ancak tekstil endüstrisinde çözünmüş boyar maddelerin gideriminde bu yöntem pek etkili değildir [10]. Aktif karbon adsorsiyonu, polimer ve mineral sorbentler ve biyosorbentler kullanılarak tekstil
Papers by Zinnur Yilmaz
Conference Presentations by Zinnur Yilmaz
treat the pollutants with suitable technology before discharcing to the receiving medium and to remove the pollutants that may harm the water environment. Despite the availability of wastewater treatment
plants, some mistakes are made in estimating the various technical parameters. These mistakes made during the initial installation of the plant can cause more electricity to be consumed. For this reason,
the system may operate with less efficiency. The exact cost of energy use may vary from one operational case to another. The estimates made suggest that the energy cost may vary between 2%- 60% of the total operating cost. In this study, energy consumptions (kWh/m3) of Wastewater Treatment Plants, which are established in various countries and subject to research, are examined and improvement models are emphasized. The feasible operation of the wastewater treatment plant is the total energy consumption of the wastewater treatment plant and the reduction of energy consumption through energy optimization. For example, in the United States, about 3-4% of total electricity consumption is used for the transport and treatment of water and wastewater, which is about 0.45 kWh for the treatment of one m3 of wastewater. Energy is a significant cost in wastewater treatment plants because it is necessary for all stages of the treatment process from wastewater influent
to the effluent in the treatment plant. Energy efficiency can be one of the major problems when water and wastewater treatment plants are not well designed and operated. Energy efficiency can be improved if adequate funding is provided for energy recovery projects. However, by making operational changes, significant energy savings can be achieved with the necessary improvements in water and wastewater treatment plants.
treat the pollutants with suitable technology before discharcing to the receiving medium and to remove the pollutants that may harm the water environment. Despite the availability of wastewater treatment
plants, some mistakes are made in estimating the various technical parameters. These mistakes made during the initial installation of the plant can cause more electricity to be consumed. For this reason,
the system may operate with less efficiency. The exact cost of energy use may vary from one operational case to another. The estimates made suggest that the energy cost may vary between 2%- 60% of the total operating cost. In this study, energy consumptions (kWh/m3) of Wastewater Treatment Plants, which are established in various countries and subject to research, are examined and improvement models are emphasized. The feasible operation of the wastewater treatment plant is the total energy consumption of the wastewater treatment plant and the reduction of energy consumption through energy optimization. For example, in the United States, about 3-4% of total electricity consumption is used for the transport and treatment of water and wastewater, which is about 0.45 kWh for the treatment of one m3 of wastewater. Energy is a significant cost in wastewater treatment plants because it is necessary for all stages of the treatment process from wastewater influent
to the effluent in the treatment plant. Energy efficiency can be one of the major problems when water and wastewater treatment plants are not well designed and operated. Energy efficiency can be improved if adequate funding is provided for energy recovery projects. However, by making operational changes, significant energy savings can be achieved with the necessary improvements in water and wastewater treatment plants.