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İnsan sosyal bir varlık olarak çevresiyle sürekli iletişim içerisindedir. İlk insandan bugüne kadar geçen süreçte, ilkel yöntemlerle sağlanan iletişim, bugün bilim ve teknolojinin hızına paralel olarak sürekli gelişmektedir. Fiziki... more
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      LiteratureCulture StudiesTeaching of Foreign Languages
Günümüzde edebiyatın ve edebi metinlerin yabancı dil öğretiminde kullanılması günden güne daha fazla önem kazanmaktadır. Edebiyatın en temel özelliği, kültür taşıyıcısı görevine sahip olmasıdır. Bu özelliğinin yanı sıra edebiyat,... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesCultural Studies and Literatures
The music has always had a privileged position in human life since ancient times. The music defined as a language of feelings, has had a different mission in every society and has provided an opportunity to express all the feelings and... more
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      French LiteratureFrench languageTeaching of Foreign Languages
ÖZET Günümüzde, ülkeler arasındaki siyasi, ekonomik ve kültürel ilişkilerin artmasıyla birlikte yabancı dil toplumumuz için önemli bir ihtiyaç haline dönüşmüştür. Bu sebeple yabancı dil bilen nitelikli insanlar yetiştirmek büyük bir önem... more
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      Teacher EducationForeign language teaching and learning
Eğitim sistemi, günümüzde üzerinde en çok tartışılan ve araştırma yapılan konulardan bir tanesidir. Özellikle de insanın kendisini yetiştirmesinde ve geliştirmesinde büyük bir öneme sahip olan bu temel süreç, örgün ve yaygın olarak bütün... more
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      Teacher EducationForeign language teaching and learning
The emergence and the development of foreign language learning-teaching have clearly a deep history. From past to present, all the politic, economic, social and cultural events played an important role in the process of foreign language... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesForeign languagesLiterary Text In Language Teaching
The words are called as basic building blocks of language. It is impossible to discuss the language system without words. It is related to the vocabulary whether a language is rich or not. It is also related to the peoples' vocabulary to... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesVocabulary Learning
Today, it is discussed that the use of literary texts in foreign language classroom as a course material isn't obligatory; but necessary due to the close relationship between language and literature. Although literary texts are accepted... more
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      Grammar TeachingLiterary Text In Language Teaching
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This study aims to describe the place of the grammar-translation method and the direct method in the teaching of French foreign language. Since they are the oldest methods and no longer used in the teaching of FFL, it is possible to see... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesMethodology of Teaching French as a Foreign Language
Il y a un rapport étroit entre la connaissance sur la langue et son emploi efficace. Sans connaître la grammaire d'une langue il est impossible de découvrir ses caractéristiques syntaxiques, morphologiques et sémantiques, et sans... more
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    • French Language Teaching
Hasan ATMACA * RESUME Assia Djabar, connu comme un écrivain francophone d'origine algérienne, l'une des meilleurs écrivains féminins, a une popularité internationale grâce à ses oeuvres littéraires dans le monde. L'une des plus... more
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    • Turkish Studies
The words are called as basic building blocks of language. It is impossible to discuss the language system without words. It is related to the vocabulary whether a language is rich or not. It is also related to the peoples’ vocabulary to... more
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      PsychologyTeaching of Foreign LanguagesVocabulary Learning
Today, it is discussed that the use of literary texts in foreign language classroom as a course material isn’t obligatory; but necessary due to the close relationship between language and literature. Although literary texts are accepted... more
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      SociologyGrammar TeachingLiterary Text In Language Teaching
Nowadays, foreign language has become a critical need for our society with the increase of political, economic and cultural relations between the countries. For his reason, training qualified people who know a foreign language has a great... more
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      SociologyTeacher EducationPolitical ScienceForeign language teaching and learning
Eğitim sistemi, günümüzde üzerinde en çok tartışılan ve araştırma yapılan konulardan bir tanesidir. Özellikle de insanın kendisini yetiştirmesinde ve geliştirmesinde büyük bir öneme sahip olan bu temel süreç, örgün ve yaygın olarak bütün... more
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      Teacher EducationForeign language teaching and learning
Both cattle and dogs were examined in modern and rural dairy farms that had a history of abortion over 5%. The blood samples were collected from 427 aborted cattle and the sera were tested using a commercial ELISA test kit. Additionally,... more
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    • Animal Production
dilbilgisinin dil becerilerinin geliştirilmesinde oynadığı rolü irdeleyeceğiz. Sonuç olarak yabancı dil öğreniminde hangi yolla izlemenin daha etkili olduğu sorusuna yanıt arayacağız.
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      PhilosophyFrench Language Teaching