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Biochar, a carbon-rich solid product of slow pyrolysis of biomass, has gained interest due to its application in the various aims. Investigating of adsorption properties of biochar for removing pollutants from waste water is current... more
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The natural sepiolite clay mineral was obtained from General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) of Turkey and modified with 2.5 M of NaOH. The natural (SP) and modified (Na-SP) sepiolite samples were characterized by... more
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New iodide-, thiocyanate-and perchlorate-selective liquid membrane electrodes based on the tris (2,2′,2′′salicylidene-imino)triethylamine-iron (III) complex has been reported. These electrodes exhibit linear Nernstian responses over the... more
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    • Potentiometric Titration
The aim of our research was to apply Box-Behnken experimental design and response surface methodology for modeling of some Turkish coals. As a base for this study, standard Bond grindability tests were initially done and Bond work indexes... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringModelingResponse Surface Methodology
In this study, a three-level Box-Behnken factorial design combined with response surface methodology (RSM) for modeling and optimizing of some operations parameter of Multi-Gravity Separator (MGS) to produce a celestite concentrate was... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringProcess OptimizationMathematical Programming
A three-level Box-Behnken factorial design combining with a response surface methodology (RSM) was employed for modeling and optimizing three operations parameters of the flotation on lead flotation. The flotation studies of lead ores... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryResponse Surface MethodologyFactorial Design