In Y. Bayyurt, Y. Bektaş-Çetinkaya (Eds.), Research Perspectives on Teaching and Learning English in Turkey: Policies and Practices (199-216). Peter Lang., 2012
An increasing number of universities either provide seminars regarding the uses of English in int... more An increasing number of universities either provide seminars regarding the uses of English in international contexts, or on how effective methodologies can be developed for teaching English and what can be done to train future English language teachers. There are, however, very few edited volumes about English language teaching in countries like Turkey. In this respect, Research Perspectives on Teaching and Learning English in Turkey: Policies and Practices offers a broad picture of English language teaching in the Turkish EFL context. It examines the development of English language teaching and learning in Turkey and illustrates current practices through empirical studies. The sixteen chapters in the book are divided into four thematic sections: Teacher Education in Turkey, English Language Learning in Turkey, Instructional Technologies in English Language Teaching and Learning in Turkey, and English Language Education in the Turkish Socio-Cultural Context.
Papers by Arif Bakla
Keywords: QR codes, mobile learning, EFL, language skills, language areas
Keywords: Digital Nativeness, ESL, EFL, Digital Productivity, Digital Tools
Keywords: Computer-assisted pronunciation teaching (CAPT), segmental/suprasegmental phonology, accuracy, intelligibility, nativeness, teacher education
Keywords: Screencasts, Writing Feedback, EFL Writing, CALL, Educational Technology.
Keywords: Interactive videos, learner engagement, learner analytics, tracking, feedback
better. The present study investigates EFL instructors’ perceptions ofwork-related flow. It focuses on the effect
of gender and teaching experience on work-related flow. 120 English language instructors working at three
different universities took part in the study. The Work-related Flow Inventorywas administered to the
instructors to collect data about their perceptions of work-related flow in their work place. This inventory is
composed of 12 7-point items in two subscales; that is, motivation for work-relatedflow and motivation for
seeking work-related enjoyment. The subscale of motivation for work-related flow consisted of 6 items and
motivation for seeking work-related enjoyment consisted of 6 items. The overall Inventorywas found to be
highly reliable (12 items; = .92). The mean score for the participants was calculated to be 55,43.
An independent samples t-test was conducted to examine whether there was a statistically significant
difference between males and females in relation to their overall work-related flow. There was not a significant
difference between the mean scoreof the males (M=55,70, SD=13,60) and females (M=54,60, SD=15,40);
t(106)= .390, p = .698. Similarly, an analysis of variance showed that the participants’ overall scores did not differ
with respect to their experience, F(105) = .114, p = .892. These results imply that teachers might experience work
flow at any period during their professional life.
Books by Arif Bakla
On iki bölümden oluşan bu kitap, Nvivo yazılımının kullanımını adım adım anlatmakta ve verilerin hazırlanmasından kodlamaya ve sorgulamalara kadar çeşitli konularda zengin örnekler ve ekran görüntüleri sunmaktadır. Verilen örneklerde "Çevresel Değişim Projesi" adlı gerçek bir projeden elde edilen veriler kullanılmıştır. Bu örnek projeye ait dosyalar yazılım ile birlikte verilmekte olup kitabın çeşitli yerlerinde bu projeye ve projenin unsurlarına göndermelerde bulunulmaktadır. Kitabı okurken örnek projeyi inceleyebilir ve anlatılanları proje üzerinde adım adım izleyebilirsiniz. Çalışmanın sizin nitel analize yönelik bilgi ve becerilerinizi özellikle de NVivo kullanma konusundaki yetkinliğinizi artıracağı düşünülmektedir. Bu kitap NVivo yazılımının kullanımını göstermekle kalmayıp, aynı zamanda nitel araştırmalara yönelik bilginizi artırmanıza da yardımcı olacaktır.
1. BÖLÜM: Bakış açıları: Nitel programlama ve NVivo
2. BÖLÜM: Geleceğe dönük bir bakış açısıyla işe başlama
3. BÖLÜM: NVivo veri tabanı oluşturma
4. BÖLÜM: Kodlamanın temelleri
5. BÖLÜM: Kodlama ile devam
6. BÖLÜM: Vakalar, sınıflandırmalar ve karşılaştırmalar
7. BÖLÜM: Çoklu ortam kaynakları ile çalışma
8. BÖLÜM: NVivo projenize kaynak materyalleri ekleme
9. BÖLÜM: Veri kümeleri ve karma yöntemler
10. BÖLÜM: Veriyi görselleştirmeye yönelik araçlar ve stratejiler
11. BÖLÜM: İleri analiz için kodlama ve sorgulamaları kullanma
12. BÖLÜM:NVivo ile takım çalışması
Sipariş için;
High-quality writing is a combination of thinking, organization, writing and continuous proofreading. Learners can write better if they know how to think critically. Moreover, we know that good writers plan ahead, so throughout this book, learners are taught how to plan ahead as they generate original ideas and organize them using prewriting strategies including outlining, brainstorming, freewriting and mind mapping. In addition, a significant portion of writing instruction involves teaching revising, editing, peer feedback and self-editing to assist learners in polishing their writing. In this book, learners are provided with exercises, checklists and guidelines to help them acquire essential proofreading and editing skills.
Carefully selected or specifically written sample paragraphs are supported by a variety of activities and serve as examples to teach eight different paragraph types that are commonly seen in academic contexts. This book provides teachers and learners with real language use from the written work of EFL learners’ and hypothetical learner paragraphs illustrating some important points. It also provides authentic language from books written for the purposes other than language teaching and learning. The major points are regularly recycled throughout the book using attractive infographics, visual summaries and other consolidation materials. Users of this book will have access to lots of additional information included in the appendices, such as feedback symbols, punctuation summary, glossary, and a list of innovative Web 2.0 tools to boost the quantity and quality of student writing. All of these will ultimately help learners striving to be better paragraph writers.
I hope that instructors and learners will enjoy using this book in their writing classes, and I am sure that their suggestions will give me invaluable insight into further development in prospective editions.
Keywords: QR codes, mobile learning, EFL, language skills, language areas
Keywords: Digital Nativeness, ESL, EFL, Digital Productivity, Digital Tools
Keywords: Computer-assisted pronunciation teaching (CAPT), segmental/suprasegmental phonology, accuracy, intelligibility, nativeness, teacher education
Keywords: Screencasts, Writing Feedback, EFL Writing, CALL, Educational Technology.
Keywords: Interactive videos, learner engagement, learner analytics, tracking, feedback
better. The present study investigates EFL instructors’ perceptions ofwork-related flow. It focuses on the effect
of gender and teaching experience on work-related flow. 120 English language instructors working at three
different universities took part in the study. The Work-related Flow Inventorywas administered to the
instructors to collect data about their perceptions of work-related flow in their work place. This inventory is
composed of 12 7-point items in two subscales; that is, motivation for work-relatedflow and motivation for
seeking work-related enjoyment. The subscale of motivation for work-related flow consisted of 6 items and
motivation for seeking work-related enjoyment consisted of 6 items. The overall Inventorywas found to be
highly reliable (12 items; = .92). The mean score for the participants was calculated to be 55,43.
An independent samples t-test was conducted to examine whether there was a statistically significant
difference between males and females in relation to their overall work-related flow. There was not a significant
difference between the mean scoreof the males (M=55,70, SD=13,60) and females (M=54,60, SD=15,40);
t(106)= .390, p = .698. Similarly, an analysis of variance showed that the participants’ overall scores did not differ
with respect to their experience, F(105) = .114, p = .892. These results imply that teachers might experience work
flow at any period during their professional life.
On iki bölümden oluşan bu kitap, Nvivo yazılımının kullanımını adım adım anlatmakta ve verilerin hazırlanmasından kodlamaya ve sorgulamalara kadar çeşitli konularda zengin örnekler ve ekran görüntüleri sunmaktadır. Verilen örneklerde "Çevresel Değişim Projesi" adlı gerçek bir projeden elde edilen veriler kullanılmıştır. Bu örnek projeye ait dosyalar yazılım ile birlikte verilmekte olup kitabın çeşitli yerlerinde bu projeye ve projenin unsurlarına göndermelerde bulunulmaktadır. Kitabı okurken örnek projeyi inceleyebilir ve anlatılanları proje üzerinde adım adım izleyebilirsiniz. Çalışmanın sizin nitel analize yönelik bilgi ve becerilerinizi özellikle de NVivo kullanma konusundaki yetkinliğinizi artıracağı düşünülmektedir. Bu kitap NVivo yazılımının kullanımını göstermekle kalmayıp, aynı zamanda nitel araştırmalara yönelik bilginizi artırmanıza da yardımcı olacaktır.
1. BÖLÜM: Bakış açıları: Nitel programlama ve NVivo
2. BÖLÜM: Geleceğe dönük bir bakış açısıyla işe başlama
3. BÖLÜM: NVivo veri tabanı oluşturma
4. BÖLÜM: Kodlamanın temelleri
5. BÖLÜM: Kodlama ile devam
6. BÖLÜM: Vakalar, sınıflandırmalar ve karşılaştırmalar
7. BÖLÜM: Çoklu ortam kaynakları ile çalışma
8. BÖLÜM: NVivo projenize kaynak materyalleri ekleme
9. BÖLÜM: Veri kümeleri ve karma yöntemler
10. BÖLÜM: Veriyi görselleştirmeye yönelik araçlar ve stratejiler
11. BÖLÜM: İleri analiz için kodlama ve sorgulamaları kullanma
12. BÖLÜM:NVivo ile takım çalışması
Sipariş için;
High-quality writing is a combination of thinking, organization, writing and continuous proofreading. Learners can write better if they know how to think critically. Moreover, we know that good writers plan ahead, so throughout this book, learners are taught how to plan ahead as they generate original ideas and organize them using prewriting strategies including outlining, brainstorming, freewriting and mind mapping. In addition, a significant portion of writing instruction involves teaching revising, editing, peer feedback and self-editing to assist learners in polishing their writing. In this book, learners are provided with exercises, checklists and guidelines to help them acquire essential proofreading and editing skills.
Carefully selected or specifically written sample paragraphs are supported by a variety of activities and serve as examples to teach eight different paragraph types that are commonly seen in academic contexts. This book provides teachers and learners with real language use from the written work of EFL learners’ and hypothetical learner paragraphs illustrating some important points. It also provides authentic language from books written for the purposes other than language teaching and learning. The major points are regularly recycled throughout the book using attractive infographics, visual summaries and other consolidation materials. Users of this book will have access to lots of additional information included in the appendices, such as feedback symbols, punctuation summary, glossary, and a list of innovative Web 2.0 tools to boost the quantity and quality of student writing. All of these will ultimately help learners striving to be better paragraph writers.
I hope that instructors and learners will enjoy using this book in their writing classes, and I am sure that their suggestions will give me invaluable insight into further development in prospective editions.
Sarıçoban, A., and Bakla, A. (2012). Yabancı dil öğretiminde teknoloji kullanımı [Technology use in foreign language education]. In A.Sarıçoban, and Z. M. Tavil (Eds.), ÖğretimTeknolojileriveMateryalTasarımı (79-96). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
Sarıçoban, A., and Bakla, A. (2012). Yabancı dil öğretiminde teknoloji kullanımı [Technology use in foreign language education]. In A.Sarıçoban, and Z. M. Tavil (Eds.), ÖğretimTeknolojileriveMateryalTasarımı(59-78). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.