Books by Maria Foteini Papakonstantinou
![Research paper thumbnail of Μαρία-Φωτεινή Παπακωνσταντίνου, ΔΑΦΝΟΥΣ. ΤΟ ΑΣΚΛΗΠΙΕΙΟ: ex umbra in solem / απ΄τη σκιά στο φως [ΕΞΩΦΥΛΛΟ-ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΙΚΑ-ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ]](
Μορφωτικός & Εξωραϊστικός Σύλλογος Αγίου Κωνσταντίνου Φθιώτιδας "Ο Δαφνούς", 2022
DAPHNUS. THE ASKLEPIEION. This book presents the results of the rescue excavations carried out by... more DAPHNUS. THE ASKLEPIEION. This book presents the results of the rescue excavations carried out by the 14th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities in 2005-2007 near the modern town of Agios Konstantinos (Fthiotida - Central Greece), during the construction works of the Highway Patras - Athens - Thessaloniki - Evzonoi (P.A.TH.E.).
The remains of an acropolis fortification on a rocky hill at the foot of mount Knemis, SE of Agios Konstantinos, had been identified in the 19th century by German scholars with the ancient city of Daphnus, repeatedly mentioned by Strabo.
The excavations, directed by the author of this book, were the first ever conducted in the area and brought to light parts of the ancient city and its cemeteries. According to their results, evidence of habitation and worship at the site "Isiomata" is chronologically scaled from the Geometric period to Hellenistic times.
The highlight of the excavations that is extensively discussed here was the discovery of the Asclepieion, one of the best-preserved for its ground plan sanctuaries of the hero-God in the Greek mainland. It is a rectangular building complex consisting of two different buildings, Building A (katagogeion) and Building B (loutron & abaton / enkoimeterion). The base of a monumental rectangular altar, an eschara full of ashes and some bothroi (pits) dug in the ground were found in the outdoor area. Some of the pits as well as the deposit area at the eastern part of the building complex, contained rich sacrificial and ritual activity material, such as animal bones, vases, votive small objects, bronze jewellery, iron weapons ect.
Numerous findings of different types (bronze snake figurine, bronze
bracelets with snake-headed edges, inscribed vases, marble statuettes,
fragmentary votive steles) suggest the identification of the monument with an Asclepieion. Inscribed sherds of the 4th century B.C. bearing the name of the Asclepius confirm the attribution, at least from this period onwards.
According to the excavation data, the use of the area for ritual purposes
goes back to the end of the 6th century B.C. and continues during the Classical period, when Building B was erected. By the middle of the 4th century B.C., Building A (katagogeion) –which was intended for the consumption of common meals– was constructed. Finally, in the Early Hellenistic period a temple of small dimensions was added to the East of Building A.
The sanctuary was violently destroyed at the beginning of the 1st century B.C. When Strabo visited the site, Daphnus, except for its harbour,
was in ruins.
For technical reasons related to the construction of the Highway,
the Asclepieion has been relocated to a neighboring place in order to be restored and become accessible to the public as an organized archaeological site.
Τόμος Α΄ ΠΡΟΪΣΤΟΡΙΚΟΙ ΧΡΟΝΟΙ [374 σελίδες) / Vol. 1 Prehistoric times [374 pages]
Επιμέλεια: Μαρία-Φωτεινή Παπακωνσταντίνου, Χαράλαμπος Κριτζάς & Ιωάννης Π. Τουράτσογλου. Edited b... more Επιμέλεια: Μαρία-Φωτεινή Παπακωνσταντίνου, Χαράλαμπος Κριτζάς & Ιωάννης Π. Τουράτσογλου. Edited by Maria-Foteini Papakonstantinou, Charalampos Kritzas & Ioannis P. Touratsoglou
![Research paper thumbnail of Μ.-Φ. Παπακωνσταντίνου κ. ά. (επιμ.), Μελέτες για την αρχαιολογία στην Κεντρική Ελλάδα προς τιμήν της Φανουρίας Δακορώνια τ. Β΄ [ΠΕΡΙΕΧ.], Αθήνα 2018 / M.-F. Papakonstantinou et al. (eds), Pyrra. Studies on archaeology in Central Greece in honor of Fanouria Dakoronia v. 2 [CONTENTS ] Athens 2018](
Τόμος B΄ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΟΙ ΧΡΟΝΟΙ [476 σελίδες) / Vol. 2 Ηistorical times [476 pages]
Επιμέλεια: Μαρία-Φωτεινή Παπακωνσταντίνου, Χαράλαμπος Κριτζάς & Ιωάννης Π. Τουράτσογλου / Edited ... more Επιμέλεια: Μαρία-Φωτεινή Παπακωνσταντίνου, Χαράλαμπος Κριτζάς & Ιωάννης Π. Τουράτσογλου / Edited by Maria-Foteini Papakonstantinou, Charalampos Kritzas & Ioannis P. Touratsoglou
9-44 Ανδρέου Ιωάννα Ο Αττικός δήμος των Αιξωνιδών Αλών και τα ιερά του
45-56 Ανδρέου Ηλίας Υδραυλικά ἐργα στον Αττικό δήμο των Αιξωνιδών Αλών
57-64 Cantarelli Floriana Il gruppo Italiano che ha svolto attività geostorica nella Ftiotide. Gli studiin corso e alcune idee
65-86 Γεωργίου Ευαγγελία Προερνίων Φθιωτών
87-104 Coleman John Korseia in East Lokris
105-122 Γώγος Σάββας Περί της σκευής του αρχαίου ελληνικού θεάτρου
123-140 Δεσπίνης Γιώργος Γλυπτά από τη Φθιώτιδα
141-170 Ζάχος Γεώργιος Ενεπίγραφες επιτύμβιες στήλες στην Αρχαιολογική Συλλογή Ελάτειας
171-222 Helly Bruno La Thessalie des « siècles obscurs ». Un essai d’interprétation historique
223-232 Katsonopoulou Dora Opuntian Lokris through Literary Sources
233-248 Kounouklas Petros Marine installations at the site of Kynos
249-264 Κριτζάς Χαράλαμπος Επιγραφικές ενδείξεις για την ιππάφεσιν του ιπποδρόμου των Δελφών
265-282 Μπούγια Πολυξένη Νηρηίδα του γάμου και του θανάτου. Αντικατοπτρισμοί γυναικείου κτερίσματος από το Ναρθάκιον της Αχαΐας Φθιώτιδος
283-302 Ντάσιος Φώτης Για την Κρίσα ξανά
303-320 Πάντος Πάντος Πυρά Ηρακλέους στην Οίτη. Παλιές και νέες ανασκαφές (1988-1992)
321-338 Παπαδημητρίου Άγγελος Τιθορέα, φύσει και τέχνῃ πόλις ερυμνή
339-348 Παπασταθοπούλου Αριστέα Ναΐσκος και αγαλματίδιο ένθρονης Κυβέλης
349-358 Rousset Denis Monuments funéraires archaïques de Doride et de Phocide
359-364 Σίμωσι Αγγελική Βυζαντινό ναυάγιο στη θαλάσσια περιοχή του Αγ. Ιωάννη Θεολόγου στη Φθιώτιδα
365-376 Σιψή Μαρία Μια λευκή λήκυθος «κυρίου» τύπου στο Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Λαμίας
377-400 Σταυρογιάννης Λάμπρος Τρεις ταφικοί νομισματικοί «θησαυροί» από τις Κομποτάδες Φθιώτιδας
401-410 Summa Daniela Towards history of the Corpus of Inscriptions of Eastern Locris
411-420 Τζάλας Χάρης Το ομοίωμα πλοίου αρ. 17420 του Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου Διστόμου
421-446 Τζάχου-Αλεξανδρή Όλγα Δώρα για τη νύφη από τον Ζωγράφο του Πηλέως στην κάλπιδα του Εθνικού Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου αρ. 26165
447-464 Τουράτσογλου Ιωάννης Ο υστερορωμαϊκός νομισματικός θησαυρός της Γλύφας Φθιώτιδος/2001
465-476 Τσούρτη Ηώς Η αρχαϊκή νομισματοκοπία της Χαλκίδας. Τα παραδείγματα του Νομισματικού Μουσείου
Mnemosyne Supplements History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity vol. 362 [626 PAGES], 2013
This book presents the results of a major project carried out by a team from the Universidad Auto... more This book presents the results of a major project carried out by a team from the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid and the 14th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities at Lamia offering a complete picture of what Epicnemidian Locris was like in the past.
ΥΠΠΟ - ΙΔ΄ ΕΠΚΑ / YPPO - 14th EPKA [ 640 ΣΕΛΙΔΕΣ / 640 PAGES]
![Research paper thumbnail of Μ.-Φ. Παπακωνσταντίνου (επιμ.), Καθ΄οδόν... Αρχαιότητες και Δημόσια Έργα στη Φθιώτιδα 2004-2014 / M.-F. Papakonstantinou (ed.), On the road... Antiquities and Public Works in Fthiotida 2004-2014 [ΟΛΟ ΤΟ ΒΙΒΛΙΟ / ENTIRE BOOK]](
Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού και Αθλητισμού - Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Φθιώτιδας και Ευρυτανίας, Λαμία 2015 Ministry of Culture and Sports, Ephorate of Antiquities of Fthiotida and Evrytania, Lamia 2015 [110 ΣΕΛΙΔΕΣ / 110 PAGES]
Τα Δημόσια έργα στη Φθιώτιδα ως εργαλεία ανάδειξης
αρχαιοτήτων και βιώσιμης ανάπτυξ... more ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ
Τα Δημόσια έργα στη Φθιώτιδα ως εργαλεία ανάδειξης
αρχαιοτήτων και βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης......................................................11
Ύδρευση - Αποχέτευση Λαμίας
Αρχαία Λαμία
• Ιστορικό πλαίσιο ......................................................................................17
• Η οχύρωση, τα δημόσια οικοδομήματα, τα νεκροταφεία ....................21
• Αρχαιολογικά ευρήματα στο πλαίσιο
της ανανέωσης του δικτύου ύδρευσης - αποχέτευσης..........................24
Αποχέτευση Στυλίδας
Αρχαία Φάλαρα
• Ρωμαϊκή έπαυλη ....................................................................................29
• Οχύρωση ελληνιστικών χρόνων ............................................................33
• Νεκροταφείο γεωμετρικών χρόνων......................................................35
Αποχέτευση Αταλάντης
Αρχαίος Οπούς
• Ρωμαϊκή έπαυλη ....................................................................................39
Αυτοκινητόδρομος ΠΑΘΕ, Άγιος Κωνσταντίνος, θέση “Ισιώματα”
Αρχαίος Δαφνούς
• Θέση - ιστορικό πλαίσιο ........................................................................43
• Ανασκαφές ..............................................................................................44
• Το πολυάνδριο ........................................................................................47
• Το ιερό του Ασκληπιού ..........................................................................49
Αυτοκινητόδρομος ΠΑΘΕ, Καινούργιο, θέση “Άγιος Δημήτριος”
• Νεκροταφείο γεωμετρικών χρόνων......................................................59
Αυτοκινητόδρομος ΠΑΘΕ, Θερμοπύλες, θέση “Αγία Τριάδα”
• Αγροικία υστερορωμαϊκών χρόνων ......................................................63
Αυτοκινητόδρομος ΠΑΘΕ, Αυλάκι Στυλίδας, θέση “Βουλγάρα”
• Νεκροταφεία κλασικών - ελληνιστικών και ρωμαϊκών χρόνων ........65
Αυτοκινητόδρομος ΠΑΘΕ, Αχινός
Αρχαίος Εχίνος
• Η αρχαία πόλη του Εχίνου......................................................................69
• Οι αγροτικές εγκαταστάσεις ..................................................................71
• Τα νεκροταφεία ......................................................................................78
Νέα Σιδηροδρομική Γραμμή, Λυγαριά Λαμίας, θέση “Παλαιοχώρια”
• Κατάλοιπα προϊστορικού οικισμού
και οικισμού ιστορικών χρόνων ..............................................................85
Αυτοκινητόδρομος Κεντρικής Ελλάδας Ε65,
Σταυρός Λαμίας, θέση “Μαγούλα Ποτιστικών”
• Νεκροταφείο πρωτογεωμετρικών χρόνων ..........................................89
Αυτοκινητόδρομος Κεντρικής Ελλάδας E65,
Στύρφακα Λαμίας, θέση “Παλαιοχώρι”
• Το ιερό της Δήμητρας ............................................................................93
• Nεκροταφείο υστερορωμαϊκων χρόνων ..............................................95
Καθ΄ οδόν… Αρχαιότητες και Δημόσια Έργα
στη Φθιώτιδα, 2004-2014 ..................................................................97-110
Public works in Fthiotida, agents for the enhancement of antiquities
and sustainable development ..................................................................11
Lamia Water Supply - Sewage System
Ancient Lamia
• Historical background ............................................................................17
• The fortification, the public buildings, the cemeteries ......................21
• Archaeological finds in the frame of the renewal
of the water supply - sewage system ....................................................24
Stylida Sewage System
Ancient Falara
• Roman villa ............................................................................................29
• Hellenistic fortification ..........................................................................33
• Geometric cemetery ..............................................................................35
Atalanti Sewage Sytem
Ancient Opus
• Roman villa ............................................................................................39
PATHE Highway, Agios Konstantinos, site “Isiomata”
Ancient Daphnus
• Location - historical context ................................................................43
• Excavations ............................................................................................44
• The polyandrion ......................................................................................47
• The sanctuary of Asklepius ..................................................................49
PATHE Highway, Kainourgio, site “Agios Dimitrios”
• Geometric cemetery ..............................................................................59
PATHE Hightway, Thermopylae, site “Agia Triada”
• Late Roman Farmhouse ......................................................................63
PATHE Highway, Avlaki of Stylida, site “Voulgara”
• Classical - Hellenistic and Roman cemeteries ..................................65
PATHE Highway, Αchinos
Ancient Echinos
• The ancient city of Echinοs....................................................................69
• The rural installations ............................................................................71
• The cemeteries ......................................................................................78
New Railway Line, Lygaria of Lamia, site “Palaiochoria”
• Settlement remains of Prehistoric
and Historic times ....................................................................................85
Central Greece Highway E65,
Stavros of Lamia, site “Magoula of Potistika”
• Protogeometric cemetery ....................................................................89
Central Greece Highway E65,
Styrfaka of Lamia, site “Palaiochori”
• The sanctuaty of Demeter ....................................................................93
• Late Roman cemetery ..........................................................................95
On the road… Antiquities and Public Works
in Fthiotida, 2004-2014 ......................................................................97-110
![Research paper thumbnail of Μ.-Φ. Παπακωνσταντίνου - Γρ. Τζιάλλας (επιμ.), Πρακτικά Επιστημονικής Ημερίδας ΑΣΠΑΛΙΣ Ι. Ιστορία και αρχαιολογία της Μελιταίας και της ευρύτερης περιοχής της, Μελιταία 08.08.2011, Αθήνα 2015 [ΑΦΙΕΡΩΣΗ - ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΙΚΕΣ ΣΕΛΙΔΕΣ - ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΕΙΣ ΕΙΣΗΓΗΣΕΩΝ]](
Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Φθιώτιδας & Ευρυτανίας - Πολιτιστικός Σύλλογος Μελιταίας [123 ΣΕΛΙΔΕΣ]
Slu pnodu1xndoX Dnd x w2 ADlu 'vilag»n1og SuyaiooIAD uaandzuo "oduaxodox nalagndaxn Daluiorhia3 S... more Slu pnodu1xndoX Dnd x w2 ADlu 'vilag»n1og SuyaiooIAD uaandzuo "oduaxodox nalagndaxn Daluiorhia3 Soglu ory1tydouy gnd3a023 o2 1 ngpyea alno ngumgo ua inx Dyadoda ala ADYDggodz aou 'aomdg3ano nOAg3Ig 1Dx a030303 AMngo1dau 'aw30oyugx3 Ag11o11nY0 uooApidoig luio 'am1gYYad ng1L0d3rila3 uoogu3 aluo 'nwpririodhod1t Ag1La3g1DuNI Lola9MN3 aluo Slaanypay 10 Souioy aoj3000N AON1LovooXdy aoi acoa03qN3ADu3 aw2 uomADAdo aluuo 9noiopdoun 3yng3ano Lnilugow Slu uylna aln 10 01A00odt wayirodou wa 3N So3dod Slua SoX3310 o1ndado» w» og11pldanao urhagyou Slu Sny»rylu Sua odo3a o2 pdou "Soogrin ADoluognx ala "S31lngan1 Sla Sz1aoADAdo wx S3N1auno1g 1o wn NYD "Slu p13gprlooooY i Di39piadas u uoudo10x Slua uAonllio13 vludy u 'oj3gi0u Su1 ;nooY pigpd H SuXodau Sl Dorilulh palkoyo1DXdd 3i Su LolyoXoDA3 Sua luo1X3ano lao 10» Sla Snodv3gnano Sao1 3ri Sn3o3Xo Suu Sgzwood $3A310 S1o ludyX '101auddy ana13riadou Snrhoy øjadodg ala 3ri Slua j101i.o30 10 '1007 o1 nalugy aluno Slua uo3p13i alu pd»I "Aw1luaomxdy AgAIODYY Dx agmdoi91odjI madodg VI alao oaOdX o1No md SoX3ano 3ol3dlua wx "N30p133 Sgnkoipo13 S13kaur3 oaz» pn3i pdod luiodt old 3augluagouo1 nouo oyrtoy ala 9u0 t661 01 q0lounvOLI aojakdaouj ao1 Solovowdo urhaori Sw oyriodgo1gn1o Sla Umdoyowld» ala 3oluapx3h (lunghL) ung}aYoII H Spirlonodurya Slnaounou SlonauyYa sl Slrogodu 10 Sl130pnD Sh3opdg 30 1 59gp Qmd31w3 o1 10x ngpeYH al»o A03030x3 gmkoyomloo nomgods N Aw309ex3AD13 luoOApldong luo 3k2313ririao nx (0130non oNikoyo1Xdy onn9 010 '133aao lao x »120riorioN o10 yXd») y3oaon 3o 3olugdlza E00z o2 0uy swgpYYI
Δήμος Λοκρών - Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Φθιώτιδας & Ευρυτανίας [156 ΣΕΛΙΔΕΣ]
Δήμος Δελφών - 24η Εφορεία Βυζαντινών Αρχαιοτήτων - Ι΄ Εφορεία Προϊστορικών και Κλασικών Αρχαιοτήτων [219 ΣΕΛΙΔΕΣ + CD]
ΥΠΠΟΑ / ΕΦΕΦΕΥ, Λαμία 2015 [191 σελίδες]
Το έργο "ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗ ΤΟΙΧΟΓΡΑΦΙΩΝ ΤΟΥ ΙΕΡΟΥ ΝΑΟΥ ΤΗΣ ΜΕΤΑΜΟΡΦΩΣΕΩΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ στο Δ.Δ. Βράχας, Δήμ... more Το έργο "ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗ ΤΟΙΧΟΓΡΑΦΙΩΝ ΤΟΥ ΙΕΡΟΥ ΝΑΟΥ ΤΗΣ ΜΕΤΑΜΟΡΦΩΣΕΩΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ στο Δ.Δ. Βράχας, Δήμου Φουρνά, Ν. Ευρυτανίας", ενταγμένο στο Ε.Π. ΘΕΣΣΑΛΙΑΣ - ΣΤΕΡΕΑΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ - ΗΠΕΙΡΟΥ 2007-2013 υλοποιήθηκε με αυτεπιστασία από την 24η Εφορεία Βυζαντινών Αρχαιοτήτων (2011-2014) και από την Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Φθιώτιδας & Ευρυτανίας (2014-2015)
Papers by Maria Foteini Papakonstantinou
ΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΣ Φίλων έκθυμος προσφορά μελετών στον ιατρό Στέφανο Γερουλάνο, Αθήνα 2022, 247-259

Μ.-Φ. Παπακωνσταντίνου, Χ. Κριτζάς, Ι. Τουράτσογλου (επιμ.), ΠΥΡΡΑ Μελέτες για την αρχαιολογία στην Κεντρική Ελλάδα προς τιμήν της Φανουρίας Δακορώνια, Τόμος Α΄, ΠΡΟΪΣΤΟΡΙΚΟΙ ΧΡΟΝΟΙ, 257-280, Αθήνα, 2018
A rescue excavation of the 14th Ephorate of Prehist... more TUMULUS OF THE EARLY BRONZE AGE IN ATALANTI.
A rescue excavation of the 14th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities
at A. & G. Kokoretsis plot in Atalanti (ancient Opous), as a result of the activities
for the construction of a new building, brought to light under an ancient road
part of the cloak and of the stone enclosure of a tumulus. A burial pithos was
found in situ close to its centre.
The pithos contained a disturbed primary burial of a woman and associated grave
goods, namely three clay vessels. Two of them, in the regional Ayia Marina style,
date the burial to the EH III period. Fragments of other pithoi, some clay vessels
and small finds, as well as gaps in different places of the cloak, indicate the existence
of several graves, which were not preserved. Moreover, sporadic finds at the
opposite part of the plot, some distance from the above mentioned tumulus,
suggest the use of the surrounding space within the EH period.
The tumulus of Atalanti is one of the very few burial mounds of this period in
the Greek mainland, the unique prehistoric architectural residue ever found at
this site and the first detection of the Ayia Marina style through whole vessels in
East Locris.
Pyrra, vol. A, 257-280 (2018).
ANCESTRAL LANDSCAPES. Proceedings of the International Conference held in Udine, May 2008. Traveaux de la Maison de l' Orient et de la Méditerrannée No 58, Lyon 2011
In this paper results of recent unpublished excavations of tumuli in Central Greece and Thessaly ... more In this paper results of recent unpublished excavations of tumuli in Central Greece and Thessaly as well as re-considerations of old publications are presented. The comparative study of the speciments of this group aims to reveal their common features and each one's peculiarities, through an integrative presentation of the material in our disposal.

Πρακτικά 5ου ΑΕΘΣΕ, Βόλος 26.02 - 01.03.2015, Τόμος ΙΙ: Στερεά Ελλάδα, Βόλος 2020
Maria-Foteini Papakonstantinou, Nikoletta Koutsokera, Tobias Krapf
New excavations at the well known prehistoric settlement of Lianokladi were conducted sporadically from 2006-2011 near the centre of the mound, focusing on the MH phase οf its habitation. The architectural remains of the central part of the excavated area corresponding to the upper (III) Stratum, after Wace and
Thompson, are attributed to three partially uncovered freestanding buildings of domestic use. They extend to the SW (house A) and NE (houses B and C) of a paved street orientated NW-SE. A secondary vertical street runs between houses B and C. This is the first emergence of data concerning the urban organization of the settlement. In addition, two tombs, one of which at least is of later chronology, were found outdoors at the level of the foundation of architectural MH structures.
Of more interest are houses B and C. Τhe uncovered part of house B is clearly identified as a storeroom of a prosperous household, since many clay bins were found in situ, along with a round platform of unbaked clay, broken pithoi and other storage vessels. The two rooms of house C belong to different building phases within the same period. All the buildings are contemporary dating to the first half of MH II period (Pefkakia 6 early).
The bulk of the ceramic material belongs to all the common MH categories. The characteristic regional matt-painted pottery (Δ1β) was found in substantial quantities; besides, grey minyan are also well represented. The presence of imported pottery suggests cultural and commercial contacts with the Cyclades and southern areas of Central Greece, such as Boeotia and Euboea.

4ο ΑΕΘΣΕ, Βόλος 15.3 - 18.3.2012, Βόλος 2015, 989-998, 2015
Maria-Foteini Papakonstantinou, Tobias Krapf, Nikoletta Koutsokera, Angelos Gkotsinas, Aggeliki Karathanou, Konstantinos Vouvalidis, Georgios Syrides
The prehistoric mound of the Agia Paraskevi village on the northern margins of the Spercheios basin in Central Greece is recorded in bibliography since 1950. The habitation of the site is dated, according to the excavation data from the Late Neolithic period to the Middle Helladic regarding the nucleus of the settlement, but also to the Late Bronze Age and Historical times referring to its foothills. This paper aims to present the archaeological, palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographical data from the Middle Helladic layers of the site through an interdisciplinary cooperation. The study of the prehistoric settlement of Agia Paraskevi is part of the project entitled “Archaeological and Palaeogeographical Research in the Spercheios Valley”.
Recent archaeological research (2006 and onwards) has revealed the stone foundation, of apsidal and rectangular buildings of different sub-phases of the Middle Helladic era. Inside these houses, apart from the abundant small finds, great quantities of pottery of a wide variety were found. Its study indicates not only local
production, but also trade relations with the North and the South.
Palaeogeographical research has shown the direct contact of the settlement with the sea. This was probably the main factor of growing trade relations with other regions. The results of the palaeoenvironmental studies concerning the exploitation of the surrounding natural environment indicate that intensive agricultural and breeding activities were practiced. The combined examination of all the above data suggests that the human environment/occupation and the cultural aspect of the community were significantly affected and shaped by the geological and environmental changes that occurred to the deltaic area of the Spercheios Valley.

Πρακτικά 5ου ΑΕΘΣΕ, Βόλος 26.02 - 01.03.2015, Τόμος ΙΙ: Στερεά Ελλάδα, Βόλος 2020
Maria-Foteini Papakonstantinou, Tobias Krapf
The continuation of the excavations on the prehistoric mound of Agia Paraskevi, Lamia (site ‘Platania’) in 2012-2013 has enriched our knowledge on the residential architecture, urban planning and pottery production in the Spercheios valley during the first half of the Middle Bronze Age.
Three new buildings of domestic character were brought to light; one of them, which was the only one uncovered almost in its entirety, is an apsidal house (building 4). These buildings antedate the already published
houses of Agia Paraskevi that date to the MH II / Pefkakia 6 Middle phase. Specifically, buildings 4 and 5 are dated in the beginning of MH II and building 6 to the transition from EH III to MH I.
Two successive construction phases were identified in the masonry of buildings 4 and 5, with little chronological distance between them. Destruction layers of mudbrick, which contained large quantities of mostly
broken ceramics, as well as items of domestic use, were covering the interior of these two houses, as well as the interior of the earlier building 6.
Particularly notable is the assemblage from the apsidal house (building 4), mainly consisting of large storage vessels with sophisticated matt-painted decoration of regional style (known as Δ1β) in various shapes, which, until now, have only been known from fragments at other MH sites.
It is now safe to suggest that the settlement at Agia Paraskevi was an important production center of this pottery with a wide range of diffusion reaching up to the Pagasetic Gulf in the North and Phokis in the South.
Small drinking vessels of minyan and imported wares, which were found in contact with the storage vessels, allow the precise dating of the material to Pefkakia Phase 5.
AEGAEUM 37. Annales liégeoises et PASPiennes d’archéologie égéenne, 2014, 487-494
Angelos Gkotsinas et al. Contribution à la Conférence PHYSIS. L’ENVIRONNEMENT NATUREL ET LA REL... more Angelos Gkotsinas et al. Contribution à la Conférence PHYSIS. L’ENVIRONNEMENT NATUREL ET LA RELATION HOMME-MILIEU DANS LE MONDE ÉGÉEN PROTOHISTORIQUE. Actes de la 14e Rencontre égéenne internationale, Paris, Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art (INHA), 11-14 décembre 2012

4ο ΑΕΘΣΕ, Βόλος 15.3 - 18.3.2012, Βόλος 2015, 911-918, 2015
Grigoris Ν. Tsokas, Alexandros Stambolidis, Georgios Varmegezis,
Panagiotis Ι. Tsourlos, Maria-Foteini Papakonstantinou, Nikoletta Koutsokera
The site of “Platania” (Municipality of Lamia) is situated southwest of the village Ayia Paraskevi, close to the old road Lamia-Stylida. In this location, where a prehistoric hill is found, archaeological investigation is taking place during the last years by the 14th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities. The investigation took place in the core of settlement, and revealed building installations of the Middle Helladic Period. At
the edge of the hill, more recent installations were discovered (up to the historical years), while older test excavation had already testified that the activity at the site went back to the Neolithic period.
The geophysical investigation took place during November and December 2010 by the application of the method of electric mapping. The aim was the detection of antiquities under soil, and as far as possible their depiction. In the present work the data recording procedure is described, as well as the treatment and interpretation
of the data. The results of geophysical prospection are described. Subsequently, suggestions for theexcavation program were proposed.
The distribution of resistance in the subsoil, revealed certain geoelectrical anomalies of linear form. In certain cases the abnormalities form closed geometrical shapes. These anomalies are attributed to possible existence of buried ancient architectural remains. Their density is consistent with the results of the up to date archaeological
research, suggesting the existence of a flourishing prehistoric settlement in the area.
In the southern part of the surveyed area, a pronounced anomaly is observed which has the shape of an equitable corner. Its plan is reminiscent of a defensive structure, even though the possibility of a modern construction or of ruined foundations of large buildings should be also taken into account.
Consecutive test excavation research proved that the plan portrayed by the geoelectrical mapping was caused by the stone-built foundation of lined buildings or an enclosure, whose nature remains still unknown and it will be further examined by the ongoing systematic archaeological research.

April 2010 Quaternary International 216(1):64-74
Konstantinos Vouvalidis et al.
Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the area of the prehistor... more Konstantinos Vouvalidis et al.
Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the area of the prehistoric settlement of Megali Vrysi close to the village of Agia Paraskevi in Central Greece, 5 km east of Lamia City, were investigated. The area is situated in the low flat alluvial plain on the outskirts of Sperchios Valley that is bordered NNW to ENE by a rocky, hilly ridge of the Othrys Mountain foothills, 5.5 km away from the present coastline. The Megali Vrysi site is considered to be an important Mediterranean prehistoric commercial centre. Reconstruction of the palaeoenvironmental changes of the broader area adds new information concerning the general palaeogeographical setting of the settlement. Multidisciplinary research involved a detailed geomorphological survey combined with stratigraphical, palaeontological, and geophysical studies. The penetrated strata differentiated into 4 units from top to bottom. The first represents the archaeological strata. The second consists of the freshwater marshy sediments, while the third is the transition layer between the second and the deeper fourth group of marine-lagoonal sediments. The Holocene stratigraphy data was combined with the 14 C-AMS dating results and showed a marine palaeoenvironment (w 5500 BC) gradually having shifted to a coastal-lagoonal one (w3500 BC) and finally changed to a freshwater marshy environment (w2500 BC). The comparison between ages and depths of the relative sea level points allowed the estimation of the sea level rise rate for the Agia Paraskevi area which is considerably lower than the one proposed for the Aegean Sea in the same time period. This considerable offset is attributed to the intensive tectonic uplift of the study area due to the tectonic deformation of the Sperchios Valley and this is probably why the prehistoric coastal settlement remained on the surface and unaffected from the sea transgression for more than 7000 yrs during Holocene.

4ο ΑΕΘΣΕ, Βόλος 15.3 - 18.3.2018, Βόλος 2015, 893-899, 2015
Georgios Syrides, Eleni Aidona, Konstantinos Vouvalidis,
Maria-Photeini Papakonstantinou, Sophia Pechlivanidou, Nikoletta Koutsokera
The prehistoric settlement of Agia Paraskevi was founded during the Neolithic period on a headland extending into a shallow sheltered marine bay. A slow but continuous siltation, by the Sperchios River, affected the area diachronically. Until the Final Neolithic period the area was a shallow marine-lagoonal environment that was restricted and gradually turned into a freshwater marsh (Early Helladic period). Marshes extended along the whole area until the previous century. Today the remnants of the prehistoric settlement are situated on the northern margin of the low flat alluvial plain of the Sperchios River 2 km east of the city of Lamia and ~5 km away from the present coastline. In this study, the data, which derived from a detailed stratigraphical analysis of the anthropogenic and natural deposits, are compared with Magnetic Susceptibility measurements performed on 107 selected samples from
3 boreholes indicating different depositional paleoenvironments (terrestrial, marine, marshy). A Bartington MS2B meter at low (0.46 kHz) and high (4.6 kHz) frequency was used for the measurements. Selected cores are:
MAG-1 (8 m. depth) drilled in the centre of the prehistoric settlement, traced the thickness of the anthropogenic (archaeological) strata. High values of magnetic susceptibility are recorded in these sediments, indicating that the whole core is affected by human occupation. PAR-2 (7 m. depth) drilled eastwards of the settlement into the former marine bay, penetrated shallow marine fine-grained sediments, while upwards marshy sediments were found. Low values of magnetic susceptibility
are recorded suggestive of the natural source of these sediments.
MAG-2 (7 m. depth) drilled in the north edge of the settlement, investigated the interface between anthropogenic strata (upper part) and Holocene natural sediments (lower part). The variation of the magnetic susceptibility indicates the limits of the influence exerted by human occupation. Anthropogenic sediments can positively be distinguished from natural ones due to higher values of magnetic susceptibility, especially layers of destruction containing burnt material and charcoal. Two layers of destruction in MAG-1 (1.39-1.41 m., 1.88-1.92 m.) are clearly depicted, while in MAG-2 the transitional zone between anthropogenic and coastal marine sediments is situated at a depth of 4.30-4.50 m.
Books by Maria Foteini Papakonstantinou
The remains of an acropolis fortification on a rocky hill at the foot of mount Knemis, SE of Agios Konstantinos, had been identified in the 19th century by German scholars with the ancient city of Daphnus, repeatedly mentioned by Strabo.
The excavations, directed by the author of this book, were the first ever conducted in the area and brought to light parts of the ancient city and its cemeteries. According to their results, evidence of habitation and worship at the site "Isiomata" is chronologically scaled from the Geometric period to Hellenistic times.
The highlight of the excavations that is extensively discussed here was the discovery of the Asclepieion, one of the best-preserved for its ground plan sanctuaries of the hero-God in the Greek mainland. It is a rectangular building complex consisting of two different buildings, Building A (katagogeion) and Building B (loutron & abaton / enkoimeterion). The base of a monumental rectangular altar, an eschara full of ashes and some bothroi (pits) dug in the ground were found in the outdoor area. Some of the pits as well as the deposit area at the eastern part of the building complex, contained rich sacrificial and ritual activity material, such as animal bones, vases, votive small objects, bronze jewellery, iron weapons ect.
Numerous findings of different types (bronze snake figurine, bronze
bracelets with snake-headed edges, inscribed vases, marble statuettes,
fragmentary votive steles) suggest the identification of the monument with an Asclepieion. Inscribed sherds of the 4th century B.C. bearing the name of the Asclepius confirm the attribution, at least from this period onwards.
According to the excavation data, the use of the area for ritual purposes
goes back to the end of the 6th century B.C. and continues during the Classical period, when Building B was erected. By the middle of the 4th century B.C., Building A (katagogeion) –which was intended for the consumption of common meals– was constructed. Finally, in the Early Hellenistic period a temple of small dimensions was added to the East of Building A.
The sanctuary was violently destroyed at the beginning of the 1st century B.C. When Strabo visited the site, Daphnus, except for its harbour,
was in ruins.
For technical reasons related to the construction of the Highway,
the Asclepieion has been relocated to a neighboring place in order to be restored and become accessible to the public as an organized archaeological site.
9-44 Ανδρέου Ιωάννα Ο Αττικός δήμος των Αιξωνιδών Αλών και τα ιερά του
45-56 Ανδρέου Ηλίας Υδραυλικά ἐργα στον Αττικό δήμο των Αιξωνιδών Αλών
57-64 Cantarelli Floriana Il gruppo Italiano che ha svolto attività geostorica nella Ftiotide. Gli studiin corso e alcune idee
65-86 Γεωργίου Ευαγγελία Προερνίων Φθιωτών
87-104 Coleman John Korseia in East Lokris
105-122 Γώγος Σάββας Περί της σκευής του αρχαίου ελληνικού θεάτρου
123-140 Δεσπίνης Γιώργος Γλυπτά από τη Φθιώτιδα
141-170 Ζάχος Γεώργιος Ενεπίγραφες επιτύμβιες στήλες στην Αρχαιολογική Συλλογή Ελάτειας
171-222 Helly Bruno La Thessalie des « siècles obscurs ». Un essai d’interprétation historique
223-232 Katsonopoulou Dora Opuntian Lokris through Literary Sources
233-248 Kounouklas Petros Marine installations at the site of Kynos
249-264 Κριτζάς Χαράλαμπος Επιγραφικές ενδείξεις για την ιππάφεσιν του ιπποδρόμου των Δελφών
265-282 Μπούγια Πολυξένη Νηρηίδα του γάμου και του θανάτου. Αντικατοπτρισμοί γυναικείου κτερίσματος από το Ναρθάκιον της Αχαΐας Φθιώτιδος
283-302 Ντάσιος Φώτης Για την Κρίσα ξανά
303-320 Πάντος Πάντος Πυρά Ηρακλέους στην Οίτη. Παλιές και νέες ανασκαφές (1988-1992)
321-338 Παπαδημητρίου Άγγελος Τιθορέα, φύσει και τέχνῃ πόλις ερυμνή
339-348 Παπασταθοπούλου Αριστέα Ναΐσκος και αγαλματίδιο ένθρονης Κυβέλης
349-358 Rousset Denis Monuments funéraires archaïques de Doride et de Phocide
359-364 Σίμωσι Αγγελική Βυζαντινό ναυάγιο στη θαλάσσια περιοχή του Αγ. Ιωάννη Θεολόγου στη Φθιώτιδα
365-376 Σιψή Μαρία Μια λευκή λήκυθος «κυρίου» τύπου στο Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Λαμίας
377-400 Σταυρογιάννης Λάμπρος Τρεις ταφικοί νομισματικοί «θησαυροί» από τις Κομποτάδες Φθιώτιδας
401-410 Summa Daniela Towards history of the Corpus of Inscriptions of Eastern Locris
411-420 Τζάλας Χάρης Το ομοίωμα πλοίου αρ. 17420 του Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου Διστόμου
421-446 Τζάχου-Αλεξανδρή Όλγα Δώρα για τη νύφη από τον Ζωγράφο του Πηλέως στην κάλπιδα του Εθνικού Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου αρ. 26165
447-464 Τουράτσογλου Ιωάννης Ο υστερορωμαϊκός νομισματικός θησαυρός της Γλύφας Φθιώτιδος/2001
465-476 Τσούρτη Ηώς Η αρχαϊκή νομισματοκοπία της Χαλκίδας. Τα παραδείγματα του Νομισματικού Μουσείου
Τα Δημόσια έργα στη Φθιώτιδα ως εργαλεία ανάδειξης
αρχαιοτήτων και βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης......................................................11
Ύδρευση - Αποχέτευση Λαμίας
Αρχαία Λαμία
• Ιστορικό πλαίσιο ......................................................................................17
• Η οχύρωση, τα δημόσια οικοδομήματα, τα νεκροταφεία ....................21
• Αρχαιολογικά ευρήματα στο πλαίσιο
της ανανέωσης του δικτύου ύδρευσης - αποχέτευσης..........................24
Αποχέτευση Στυλίδας
Αρχαία Φάλαρα
• Ρωμαϊκή έπαυλη ....................................................................................29
• Οχύρωση ελληνιστικών χρόνων ............................................................33
• Νεκροταφείο γεωμετρικών χρόνων......................................................35
Αποχέτευση Αταλάντης
Αρχαίος Οπούς
• Ρωμαϊκή έπαυλη ....................................................................................39
Αυτοκινητόδρομος ΠΑΘΕ, Άγιος Κωνσταντίνος, θέση “Ισιώματα”
Αρχαίος Δαφνούς
• Θέση - ιστορικό πλαίσιο ........................................................................43
• Ανασκαφές ..............................................................................................44
• Το πολυάνδριο ........................................................................................47
• Το ιερό του Ασκληπιού ..........................................................................49
Αυτοκινητόδρομος ΠΑΘΕ, Καινούργιο, θέση “Άγιος Δημήτριος”
• Νεκροταφείο γεωμετρικών χρόνων......................................................59
Αυτοκινητόδρομος ΠΑΘΕ, Θερμοπύλες, θέση “Αγία Τριάδα”
• Αγροικία υστερορωμαϊκών χρόνων ......................................................63
Αυτοκινητόδρομος ΠΑΘΕ, Αυλάκι Στυλίδας, θέση “Βουλγάρα”
• Νεκροταφεία κλασικών - ελληνιστικών και ρωμαϊκών χρόνων ........65
Αυτοκινητόδρομος ΠΑΘΕ, Αχινός
Αρχαίος Εχίνος
• Η αρχαία πόλη του Εχίνου......................................................................69
• Οι αγροτικές εγκαταστάσεις ..................................................................71
• Τα νεκροταφεία ......................................................................................78
Νέα Σιδηροδρομική Γραμμή, Λυγαριά Λαμίας, θέση “Παλαιοχώρια”
• Κατάλοιπα προϊστορικού οικισμού
και οικισμού ιστορικών χρόνων ..............................................................85
Αυτοκινητόδρομος Κεντρικής Ελλάδας Ε65,
Σταυρός Λαμίας, θέση “Μαγούλα Ποτιστικών”
• Νεκροταφείο πρωτογεωμετρικών χρόνων ..........................................89
Αυτοκινητόδρομος Κεντρικής Ελλάδας E65,
Στύρφακα Λαμίας, θέση “Παλαιοχώρι”
• Το ιερό της Δήμητρας ............................................................................93
• Nεκροταφείο υστερορωμαϊκων χρόνων ..............................................95
Καθ΄ οδόν… Αρχαιότητες και Δημόσια Έργα
στη Φθιώτιδα, 2004-2014 ..................................................................97-110
Public works in Fthiotida, agents for the enhancement of antiquities
and sustainable development ..................................................................11
Lamia Water Supply - Sewage System
Ancient Lamia
• Historical background ............................................................................17
• The fortification, the public buildings, the cemeteries ......................21
• Archaeological finds in the frame of the renewal
of the water supply - sewage system ....................................................24
Stylida Sewage System
Ancient Falara
• Roman villa ............................................................................................29
• Hellenistic fortification ..........................................................................33
• Geometric cemetery ..............................................................................35
Atalanti Sewage Sytem
Ancient Opus
• Roman villa ............................................................................................39
PATHE Highway, Agios Konstantinos, site “Isiomata”
Ancient Daphnus
• Location - historical context ................................................................43
• Excavations ............................................................................................44
• The polyandrion ......................................................................................47
• The sanctuary of Asklepius ..................................................................49
PATHE Highway, Kainourgio, site “Agios Dimitrios”
• Geometric cemetery ..............................................................................59
PATHE Hightway, Thermopylae, site “Agia Triada”
• Late Roman Farmhouse ......................................................................63
PATHE Highway, Avlaki of Stylida, site “Voulgara”
• Classical - Hellenistic and Roman cemeteries ..................................65
PATHE Highway, Αchinos
Ancient Echinos
• The ancient city of Echinοs....................................................................69
• The rural installations ............................................................................71
• The cemeteries ......................................................................................78
New Railway Line, Lygaria of Lamia, site “Palaiochoria”
• Settlement remains of Prehistoric
and Historic times ....................................................................................85
Central Greece Highway E65,
Stavros of Lamia, site “Magoula of Potistika”
• Protogeometric cemetery ....................................................................89
Central Greece Highway E65,
Styrfaka of Lamia, site “Palaiochori”
• The sanctuaty of Demeter ....................................................................93
• Late Roman cemetery ..........................................................................95
On the road… Antiquities and Public Works
in Fthiotida, 2004-2014 ......................................................................97-110
Papers by Maria Foteini Papakonstantinou
A rescue excavation of the 14th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities
at A. & G. Kokoretsis plot in Atalanti (ancient Opous), as a result of the activities
for the construction of a new building, brought to light under an ancient road
part of the cloak and of the stone enclosure of a tumulus. A burial pithos was
found in situ close to its centre.
The pithos contained a disturbed primary burial of a woman and associated grave
goods, namely three clay vessels. Two of them, in the regional Ayia Marina style,
date the burial to the EH III period. Fragments of other pithoi, some clay vessels
and small finds, as well as gaps in different places of the cloak, indicate the existence
of several graves, which were not preserved. Moreover, sporadic finds at the
opposite part of the plot, some distance from the above mentioned tumulus,
suggest the use of the surrounding space within the EH period.
The tumulus of Atalanti is one of the very few burial mounds of this period in
the Greek mainland, the unique prehistoric architectural residue ever found at
this site and the first detection of the Ayia Marina style through whole vessels in
East Locris.
Pyrra, vol. A, 257-280 (2018).
Maria-Foteini Papakonstantinou, Nikoletta Koutsokera, Tobias Krapf
New excavations at the well known prehistoric settlement of Lianokladi were conducted sporadically from 2006-2011 near the centre of the mound, focusing on the MH phase οf its habitation. The architectural remains of the central part of the excavated area corresponding to the upper (III) Stratum, after Wace and
Thompson, are attributed to three partially uncovered freestanding buildings of domestic use. They extend to the SW (house A) and NE (houses B and C) of a paved street orientated NW-SE. A secondary vertical street runs between houses B and C. This is the first emergence of data concerning the urban organization of the settlement. In addition, two tombs, one of which at least is of later chronology, were found outdoors at the level of the foundation of architectural MH structures.
Of more interest are houses B and C. Τhe uncovered part of house B is clearly identified as a storeroom of a prosperous household, since many clay bins were found in situ, along with a round platform of unbaked clay, broken pithoi and other storage vessels. The two rooms of house C belong to different building phases within the same period. All the buildings are contemporary dating to the first half of MH II period (Pefkakia 6 early).
The bulk of the ceramic material belongs to all the common MH categories. The characteristic regional matt-painted pottery (Δ1β) was found in substantial quantities; besides, grey minyan are also well represented. The presence of imported pottery suggests cultural and commercial contacts with the Cyclades and southern areas of Central Greece, such as Boeotia and Euboea.
Maria-Foteini Papakonstantinou, Tobias Krapf, Nikoletta Koutsokera, Angelos Gkotsinas, Aggeliki Karathanou, Konstantinos Vouvalidis, Georgios Syrides
The prehistoric mound of the Agia Paraskevi village on the northern margins of the Spercheios basin in Central Greece is recorded in bibliography since 1950. The habitation of the site is dated, according to the excavation data from the Late Neolithic period to the Middle Helladic regarding the nucleus of the settlement, but also to the Late Bronze Age and Historical times referring to its foothills. This paper aims to present the archaeological, palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographical data from the Middle Helladic layers of the site through an interdisciplinary cooperation. The study of the prehistoric settlement of Agia Paraskevi is part of the project entitled “Archaeological and Palaeogeographical Research in the Spercheios Valley”.
Recent archaeological research (2006 and onwards) has revealed the stone foundation, of apsidal and rectangular buildings of different sub-phases of the Middle Helladic era. Inside these houses, apart from the abundant small finds, great quantities of pottery of a wide variety were found. Its study indicates not only local
production, but also trade relations with the North and the South.
Palaeogeographical research has shown the direct contact of the settlement with the sea. This was probably the main factor of growing trade relations with other regions. The results of the palaeoenvironmental studies concerning the exploitation of the surrounding natural environment indicate that intensive agricultural and breeding activities were practiced. The combined examination of all the above data suggests that the human environment/occupation and the cultural aspect of the community were significantly affected and shaped by the geological and environmental changes that occurred to the deltaic area of the Spercheios Valley.
Maria-Foteini Papakonstantinou, Tobias Krapf
The continuation of the excavations on the prehistoric mound of Agia Paraskevi, Lamia (site ‘Platania’) in 2012-2013 has enriched our knowledge on the residential architecture, urban planning and pottery production in the Spercheios valley during the first half of the Middle Bronze Age.
Three new buildings of domestic character were brought to light; one of them, which was the only one uncovered almost in its entirety, is an apsidal house (building 4). These buildings antedate the already published
houses of Agia Paraskevi that date to the MH II / Pefkakia 6 Middle phase. Specifically, buildings 4 and 5 are dated in the beginning of MH II and building 6 to the transition from EH III to MH I.
Two successive construction phases were identified in the masonry of buildings 4 and 5, with little chronological distance between them. Destruction layers of mudbrick, which contained large quantities of mostly
broken ceramics, as well as items of domestic use, were covering the interior of these two houses, as well as the interior of the earlier building 6.
Particularly notable is the assemblage from the apsidal house (building 4), mainly consisting of large storage vessels with sophisticated matt-painted decoration of regional style (known as Δ1β) in various shapes, which, until now, have only been known from fragments at other MH sites.
It is now safe to suggest that the settlement at Agia Paraskevi was an important production center of this pottery with a wide range of diffusion reaching up to the Pagasetic Gulf in the North and Phokis in the South.
Small drinking vessels of minyan and imported wares, which were found in contact with the storage vessels, allow the precise dating of the material to Pefkakia Phase 5.
Grigoris Ν. Tsokas, Alexandros Stambolidis, Georgios Varmegezis,
Panagiotis Ι. Tsourlos, Maria-Foteini Papakonstantinou, Nikoletta Koutsokera
The site of “Platania” (Municipality of Lamia) is situated southwest of the village Ayia Paraskevi, close to the old road Lamia-Stylida. In this location, where a prehistoric hill is found, archaeological investigation is taking place during the last years by the 14th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities. The investigation took place in the core of settlement, and revealed building installations of the Middle Helladic Period. At
the edge of the hill, more recent installations were discovered (up to the historical years), while older test excavation had already testified that the activity at the site went back to the Neolithic period.
The geophysical investigation took place during November and December 2010 by the application of the method of electric mapping. The aim was the detection of antiquities under soil, and as far as possible their depiction. In the present work the data recording procedure is described, as well as the treatment and interpretation
of the data. The results of geophysical prospection are described. Subsequently, suggestions for theexcavation program were proposed.
The distribution of resistance in the subsoil, revealed certain geoelectrical anomalies of linear form. In certain cases the abnormalities form closed geometrical shapes. These anomalies are attributed to possible existence of buried ancient architectural remains. Their density is consistent with the results of the up to date archaeological
research, suggesting the existence of a flourishing prehistoric settlement in the area.
In the southern part of the surveyed area, a pronounced anomaly is observed which has the shape of an equitable corner. Its plan is reminiscent of a defensive structure, even though the possibility of a modern construction or of ruined foundations of large buildings should be also taken into account.
Consecutive test excavation research proved that the plan portrayed by the geoelectrical mapping was caused by the stone-built foundation of lined buildings or an enclosure, whose nature remains still unknown and it will be further examined by the ongoing systematic archaeological research.
Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the area of the prehistoric settlement of Megali Vrysi close to the village of Agia Paraskevi in Central Greece, 5 km east of Lamia City, were investigated. The area is situated in the low flat alluvial plain on the outskirts of Sperchios Valley that is bordered NNW to ENE by a rocky, hilly ridge of the Othrys Mountain foothills, 5.5 km away from the present coastline. The Megali Vrysi site is considered to be an important Mediterranean prehistoric commercial centre. Reconstruction of the palaeoenvironmental changes of the broader area adds new information concerning the general palaeogeographical setting of the settlement. Multidisciplinary research involved a detailed geomorphological survey combined with stratigraphical, palaeontological, and geophysical studies. The penetrated strata differentiated into 4 units from top to bottom. The first represents the archaeological strata. The second consists of the freshwater marshy sediments, while the third is the transition layer between the second and the deeper fourth group of marine-lagoonal sediments. The Holocene stratigraphy data was combined with the 14 C-AMS dating results and showed a marine palaeoenvironment (w 5500 BC) gradually having shifted to a coastal-lagoonal one (w3500 BC) and finally changed to a freshwater marshy environment (w2500 BC). The comparison between ages and depths of the relative sea level points allowed the estimation of the sea level rise rate for the Agia Paraskevi area which is considerably lower than the one proposed for the Aegean Sea in the same time period. This considerable offset is attributed to the intensive tectonic uplift of the study area due to the tectonic deformation of the Sperchios Valley and this is probably why the prehistoric coastal settlement remained on the surface and unaffected from the sea transgression for more than 7000 yrs during Holocene.
Georgios Syrides, Eleni Aidona, Konstantinos Vouvalidis,
Maria-Photeini Papakonstantinou, Sophia Pechlivanidou, Nikoletta Koutsokera
The prehistoric settlement of Agia Paraskevi was founded during the Neolithic period on a headland extending into a shallow sheltered marine bay. A slow but continuous siltation, by the Sperchios River, affected the area diachronically. Until the Final Neolithic period the area was a shallow marine-lagoonal environment that was restricted and gradually turned into a freshwater marsh (Early Helladic period). Marshes extended along the whole area until the previous century. Today the remnants of the prehistoric settlement are situated on the northern margin of the low flat alluvial plain of the Sperchios River 2 km east of the city of Lamia and ~5 km away from the present coastline. In this study, the data, which derived from a detailed stratigraphical analysis of the anthropogenic and natural deposits, are compared with Magnetic Susceptibility measurements performed on 107 selected samples from
3 boreholes indicating different depositional paleoenvironments (terrestrial, marine, marshy). A Bartington MS2B meter at low (0.46 kHz) and high (4.6 kHz) frequency was used for the measurements. Selected cores are:
MAG-1 (8 m. depth) drilled in the centre of the prehistoric settlement, traced the thickness of the anthropogenic (archaeological) strata. High values of magnetic susceptibility are recorded in these sediments, indicating that the whole core is affected by human occupation. PAR-2 (7 m. depth) drilled eastwards of the settlement into the former marine bay, penetrated shallow marine fine-grained sediments, while upwards marshy sediments were found. Low values of magnetic susceptibility
are recorded suggestive of the natural source of these sediments.
MAG-2 (7 m. depth) drilled in the north edge of the settlement, investigated the interface between anthropogenic strata (upper part) and Holocene natural sediments (lower part). The variation of the magnetic susceptibility indicates the limits of the influence exerted by human occupation. Anthropogenic sediments can positively be distinguished from natural ones due to higher values of magnetic susceptibility, especially layers of destruction containing burnt material and charcoal. Two layers of destruction in MAG-1 (1.39-1.41 m., 1.88-1.92 m.) are clearly depicted, while in MAG-2 the transitional zone between anthropogenic and coastal marine sediments is situated at a depth of 4.30-4.50 m.
The remains of an acropolis fortification on a rocky hill at the foot of mount Knemis, SE of Agios Konstantinos, had been identified in the 19th century by German scholars with the ancient city of Daphnus, repeatedly mentioned by Strabo.
The excavations, directed by the author of this book, were the first ever conducted in the area and brought to light parts of the ancient city and its cemeteries. According to their results, evidence of habitation and worship at the site "Isiomata" is chronologically scaled from the Geometric period to Hellenistic times.
The highlight of the excavations that is extensively discussed here was the discovery of the Asclepieion, one of the best-preserved for its ground plan sanctuaries of the hero-God in the Greek mainland. It is a rectangular building complex consisting of two different buildings, Building A (katagogeion) and Building B (loutron & abaton / enkoimeterion). The base of a monumental rectangular altar, an eschara full of ashes and some bothroi (pits) dug in the ground were found in the outdoor area. Some of the pits as well as the deposit area at the eastern part of the building complex, contained rich sacrificial and ritual activity material, such as animal bones, vases, votive small objects, bronze jewellery, iron weapons ect.
Numerous findings of different types (bronze snake figurine, bronze
bracelets with snake-headed edges, inscribed vases, marble statuettes,
fragmentary votive steles) suggest the identification of the monument with an Asclepieion. Inscribed sherds of the 4th century B.C. bearing the name of the Asclepius confirm the attribution, at least from this period onwards.
According to the excavation data, the use of the area for ritual purposes
goes back to the end of the 6th century B.C. and continues during the Classical period, when Building B was erected. By the middle of the 4th century B.C., Building A (katagogeion) –which was intended for the consumption of common meals– was constructed. Finally, in the Early Hellenistic period a temple of small dimensions was added to the East of Building A.
The sanctuary was violently destroyed at the beginning of the 1st century B.C. When Strabo visited the site, Daphnus, except for its harbour,
was in ruins.
For technical reasons related to the construction of the Highway,
the Asclepieion has been relocated to a neighboring place in order to be restored and become accessible to the public as an organized archaeological site.
9-44 Ανδρέου Ιωάννα Ο Αττικός δήμος των Αιξωνιδών Αλών και τα ιερά του
45-56 Ανδρέου Ηλίας Υδραυλικά ἐργα στον Αττικό δήμο των Αιξωνιδών Αλών
57-64 Cantarelli Floriana Il gruppo Italiano che ha svolto attività geostorica nella Ftiotide. Gli studiin corso e alcune idee
65-86 Γεωργίου Ευαγγελία Προερνίων Φθιωτών
87-104 Coleman John Korseia in East Lokris
105-122 Γώγος Σάββας Περί της σκευής του αρχαίου ελληνικού θεάτρου
123-140 Δεσπίνης Γιώργος Γλυπτά από τη Φθιώτιδα
141-170 Ζάχος Γεώργιος Ενεπίγραφες επιτύμβιες στήλες στην Αρχαιολογική Συλλογή Ελάτειας
171-222 Helly Bruno La Thessalie des « siècles obscurs ». Un essai d’interprétation historique
223-232 Katsonopoulou Dora Opuntian Lokris through Literary Sources
233-248 Kounouklas Petros Marine installations at the site of Kynos
249-264 Κριτζάς Χαράλαμπος Επιγραφικές ενδείξεις για την ιππάφεσιν του ιπποδρόμου των Δελφών
265-282 Μπούγια Πολυξένη Νηρηίδα του γάμου και του θανάτου. Αντικατοπτρισμοί γυναικείου κτερίσματος από το Ναρθάκιον της Αχαΐας Φθιώτιδος
283-302 Ντάσιος Φώτης Για την Κρίσα ξανά
303-320 Πάντος Πάντος Πυρά Ηρακλέους στην Οίτη. Παλιές και νέες ανασκαφές (1988-1992)
321-338 Παπαδημητρίου Άγγελος Τιθορέα, φύσει και τέχνῃ πόλις ερυμνή
339-348 Παπασταθοπούλου Αριστέα Ναΐσκος και αγαλματίδιο ένθρονης Κυβέλης
349-358 Rousset Denis Monuments funéraires archaïques de Doride et de Phocide
359-364 Σίμωσι Αγγελική Βυζαντινό ναυάγιο στη θαλάσσια περιοχή του Αγ. Ιωάννη Θεολόγου στη Φθιώτιδα
365-376 Σιψή Μαρία Μια λευκή λήκυθος «κυρίου» τύπου στο Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Λαμίας
377-400 Σταυρογιάννης Λάμπρος Τρεις ταφικοί νομισματικοί «θησαυροί» από τις Κομποτάδες Φθιώτιδας
401-410 Summa Daniela Towards history of the Corpus of Inscriptions of Eastern Locris
411-420 Τζάλας Χάρης Το ομοίωμα πλοίου αρ. 17420 του Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου Διστόμου
421-446 Τζάχου-Αλεξανδρή Όλγα Δώρα για τη νύφη από τον Ζωγράφο του Πηλέως στην κάλπιδα του Εθνικού Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου αρ. 26165
447-464 Τουράτσογλου Ιωάννης Ο υστερορωμαϊκός νομισματικός θησαυρός της Γλύφας Φθιώτιδος/2001
465-476 Τσούρτη Ηώς Η αρχαϊκή νομισματοκοπία της Χαλκίδας. Τα παραδείγματα του Νομισματικού Μουσείου
Τα Δημόσια έργα στη Φθιώτιδα ως εργαλεία ανάδειξης
αρχαιοτήτων και βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης......................................................11
Ύδρευση - Αποχέτευση Λαμίας
Αρχαία Λαμία
• Ιστορικό πλαίσιο ......................................................................................17
• Η οχύρωση, τα δημόσια οικοδομήματα, τα νεκροταφεία ....................21
• Αρχαιολογικά ευρήματα στο πλαίσιο
της ανανέωσης του δικτύου ύδρευσης - αποχέτευσης..........................24
Αποχέτευση Στυλίδας
Αρχαία Φάλαρα
• Ρωμαϊκή έπαυλη ....................................................................................29
• Οχύρωση ελληνιστικών χρόνων ............................................................33
• Νεκροταφείο γεωμετρικών χρόνων......................................................35
Αποχέτευση Αταλάντης
Αρχαίος Οπούς
• Ρωμαϊκή έπαυλη ....................................................................................39
Αυτοκινητόδρομος ΠΑΘΕ, Άγιος Κωνσταντίνος, θέση “Ισιώματα”
Αρχαίος Δαφνούς
• Θέση - ιστορικό πλαίσιο ........................................................................43
• Ανασκαφές ..............................................................................................44
• Το πολυάνδριο ........................................................................................47
• Το ιερό του Ασκληπιού ..........................................................................49
Αυτοκινητόδρομος ΠΑΘΕ, Καινούργιο, θέση “Άγιος Δημήτριος”
• Νεκροταφείο γεωμετρικών χρόνων......................................................59
Αυτοκινητόδρομος ΠΑΘΕ, Θερμοπύλες, θέση “Αγία Τριάδα”
• Αγροικία υστερορωμαϊκών χρόνων ......................................................63
Αυτοκινητόδρομος ΠΑΘΕ, Αυλάκι Στυλίδας, θέση “Βουλγάρα”
• Νεκροταφεία κλασικών - ελληνιστικών και ρωμαϊκών χρόνων ........65
Αυτοκινητόδρομος ΠΑΘΕ, Αχινός
Αρχαίος Εχίνος
• Η αρχαία πόλη του Εχίνου......................................................................69
• Οι αγροτικές εγκαταστάσεις ..................................................................71
• Τα νεκροταφεία ......................................................................................78
Νέα Σιδηροδρομική Γραμμή, Λυγαριά Λαμίας, θέση “Παλαιοχώρια”
• Κατάλοιπα προϊστορικού οικισμού
και οικισμού ιστορικών χρόνων ..............................................................85
Αυτοκινητόδρομος Κεντρικής Ελλάδας Ε65,
Σταυρός Λαμίας, θέση “Μαγούλα Ποτιστικών”
• Νεκροταφείο πρωτογεωμετρικών χρόνων ..........................................89
Αυτοκινητόδρομος Κεντρικής Ελλάδας E65,
Στύρφακα Λαμίας, θέση “Παλαιοχώρι”
• Το ιερό της Δήμητρας ............................................................................93
• Nεκροταφείο υστερορωμαϊκων χρόνων ..............................................95
Καθ΄ οδόν… Αρχαιότητες και Δημόσια Έργα
στη Φθιώτιδα, 2004-2014 ..................................................................97-110
Public works in Fthiotida, agents for the enhancement of antiquities
and sustainable development ..................................................................11
Lamia Water Supply - Sewage System
Ancient Lamia
• Historical background ............................................................................17
• The fortification, the public buildings, the cemeteries ......................21
• Archaeological finds in the frame of the renewal
of the water supply - sewage system ....................................................24
Stylida Sewage System
Ancient Falara
• Roman villa ............................................................................................29
• Hellenistic fortification ..........................................................................33
• Geometric cemetery ..............................................................................35
Atalanti Sewage Sytem
Ancient Opus
• Roman villa ............................................................................................39
PATHE Highway, Agios Konstantinos, site “Isiomata”
Ancient Daphnus
• Location - historical context ................................................................43
• Excavations ............................................................................................44
• The polyandrion ......................................................................................47
• The sanctuary of Asklepius ..................................................................49
PATHE Highway, Kainourgio, site “Agios Dimitrios”
• Geometric cemetery ..............................................................................59
PATHE Hightway, Thermopylae, site “Agia Triada”
• Late Roman Farmhouse ......................................................................63
PATHE Highway, Avlaki of Stylida, site “Voulgara”
• Classical - Hellenistic and Roman cemeteries ..................................65
PATHE Highway, Αchinos
Ancient Echinos
• The ancient city of Echinοs....................................................................69
• The rural installations ............................................................................71
• The cemeteries ......................................................................................78
New Railway Line, Lygaria of Lamia, site “Palaiochoria”
• Settlement remains of Prehistoric
and Historic times ....................................................................................85
Central Greece Highway E65,
Stavros of Lamia, site “Magoula of Potistika”
• Protogeometric cemetery ....................................................................89
Central Greece Highway E65,
Styrfaka of Lamia, site “Palaiochori”
• The sanctuaty of Demeter ....................................................................93
• Late Roman cemetery ..........................................................................95
On the road… Antiquities and Public Works
in Fthiotida, 2004-2014 ......................................................................97-110
A rescue excavation of the 14th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities
at A. & G. Kokoretsis plot in Atalanti (ancient Opous), as a result of the activities
for the construction of a new building, brought to light under an ancient road
part of the cloak and of the stone enclosure of a tumulus. A burial pithos was
found in situ close to its centre.
The pithos contained a disturbed primary burial of a woman and associated grave
goods, namely three clay vessels. Two of them, in the regional Ayia Marina style,
date the burial to the EH III period. Fragments of other pithoi, some clay vessels
and small finds, as well as gaps in different places of the cloak, indicate the existence
of several graves, which were not preserved. Moreover, sporadic finds at the
opposite part of the plot, some distance from the above mentioned tumulus,
suggest the use of the surrounding space within the EH period.
The tumulus of Atalanti is one of the very few burial mounds of this period in
the Greek mainland, the unique prehistoric architectural residue ever found at
this site and the first detection of the Ayia Marina style through whole vessels in
East Locris.
Pyrra, vol. A, 257-280 (2018).
Maria-Foteini Papakonstantinou, Nikoletta Koutsokera, Tobias Krapf
New excavations at the well known prehistoric settlement of Lianokladi were conducted sporadically from 2006-2011 near the centre of the mound, focusing on the MH phase οf its habitation. The architectural remains of the central part of the excavated area corresponding to the upper (III) Stratum, after Wace and
Thompson, are attributed to three partially uncovered freestanding buildings of domestic use. They extend to the SW (house A) and NE (houses B and C) of a paved street orientated NW-SE. A secondary vertical street runs between houses B and C. This is the first emergence of data concerning the urban organization of the settlement. In addition, two tombs, one of which at least is of later chronology, were found outdoors at the level of the foundation of architectural MH structures.
Of more interest are houses B and C. Τhe uncovered part of house B is clearly identified as a storeroom of a prosperous household, since many clay bins were found in situ, along with a round platform of unbaked clay, broken pithoi and other storage vessels. The two rooms of house C belong to different building phases within the same period. All the buildings are contemporary dating to the first half of MH II period (Pefkakia 6 early).
The bulk of the ceramic material belongs to all the common MH categories. The characteristic regional matt-painted pottery (Δ1β) was found in substantial quantities; besides, grey minyan are also well represented. The presence of imported pottery suggests cultural and commercial contacts with the Cyclades and southern areas of Central Greece, such as Boeotia and Euboea.
Maria-Foteini Papakonstantinou, Tobias Krapf, Nikoletta Koutsokera, Angelos Gkotsinas, Aggeliki Karathanou, Konstantinos Vouvalidis, Georgios Syrides
The prehistoric mound of the Agia Paraskevi village on the northern margins of the Spercheios basin in Central Greece is recorded in bibliography since 1950. The habitation of the site is dated, according to the excavation data from the Late Neolithic period to the Middle Helladic regarding the nucleus of the settlement, but also to the Late Bronze Age and Historical times referring to its foothills. This paper aims to present the archaeological, palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographical data from the Middle Helladic layers of the site through an interdisciplinary cooperation. The study of the prehistoric settlement of Agia Paraskevi is part of the project entitled “Archaeological and Palaeogeographical Research in the Spercheios Valley”.
Recent archaeological research (2006 and onwards) has revealed the stone foundation, of apsidal and rectangular buildings of different sub-phases of the Middle Helladic era. Inside these houses, apart from the abundant small finds, great quantities of pottery of a wide variety were found. Its study indicates not only local
production, but also trade relations with the North and the South.
Palaeogeographical research has shown the direct contact of the settlement with the sea. This was probably the main factor of growing trade relations with other regions. The results of the palaeoenvironmental studies concerning the exploitation of the surrounding natural environment indicate that intensive agricultural and breeding activities were practiced. The combined examination of all the above data suggests that the human environment/occupation and the cultural aspect of the community were significantly affected and shaped by the geological and environmental changes that occurred to the deltaic area of the Spercheios Valley.
Maria-Foteini Papakonstantinou, Tobias Krapf
The continuation of the excavations on the prehistoric mound of Agia Paraskevi, Lamia (site ‘Platania’) in 2012-2013 has enriched our knowledge on the residential architecture, urban planning and pottery production in the Spercheios valley during the first half of the Middle Bronze Age.
Three new buildings of domestic character were brought to light; one of them, which was the only one uncovered almost in its entirety, is an apsidal house (building 4). These buildings antedate the already published
houses of Agia Paraskevi that date to the MH II / Pefkakia 6 Middle phase. Specifically, buildings 4 and 5 are dated in the beginning of MH II and building 6 to the transition from EH III to MH I.
Two successive construction phases were identified in the masonry of buildings 4 and 5, with little chronological distance between them. Destruction layers of mudbrick, which contained large quantities of mostly
broken ceramics, as well as items of domestic use, were covering the interior of these two houses, as well as the interior of the earlier building 6.
Particularly notable is the assemblage from the apsidal house (building 4), mainly consisting of large storage vessels with sophisticated matt-painted decoration of regional style (known as Δ1β) in various shapes, which, until now, have only been known from fragments at other MH sites.
It is now safe to suggest that the settlement at Agia Paraskevi was an important production center of this pottery with a wide range of diffusion reaching up to the Pagasetic Gulf in the North and Phokis in the South.
Small drinking vessels of minyan and imported wares, which were found in contact with the storage vessels, allow the precise dating of the material to Pefkakia Phase 5.
Grigoris Ν. Tsokas, Alexandros Stambolidis, Georgios Varmegezis,
Panagiotis Ι. Tsourlos, Maria-Foteini Papakonstantinou, Nikoletta Koutsokera
The site of “Platania” (Municipality of Lamia) is situated southwest of the village Ayia Paraskevi, close to the old road Lamia-Stylida. In this location, where a prehistoric hill is found, archaeological investigation is taking place during the last years by the 14th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities. The investigation took place in the core of settlement, and revealed building installations of the Middle Helladic Period. At
the edge of the hill, more recent installations were discovered (up to the historical years), while older test excavation had already testified that the activity at the site went back to the Neolithic period.
The geophysical investigation took place during November and December 2010 by the application of the method of electric mapping. The aim was the detection of antiquities under soil, and as far as possible their depiction. In the present work the data recording procedure is described, as well as the treatment and interpretation
of the data. The results of geophysical prospection are described. Subsequently, suggestions for theexcavation program were proposed.
The distribution of resistance in the subsoil, revealed certain geoelectrical anomalies of linear form. In certain cases the abnormalities form closed geometrical shapes. These anomalies are attributed to possible existence of buried ancient architectural remains. Their density is consistent with the results of the up to date archaeological
research, suggesting the existence of a flourishing prehistoric settlement in the area.
In the southern part of the surveyed area, a pronounced anomaly is observed which has the shape of an equitable corner. Its plan is reminiscent of a defensive structure, even though the possibility of a modern construction or of ruined foundations of large buildings should be also taken into account.
Consecutive test excavation research proved that the plan portrayed by the geoelectrical mapping was caused by the stone-built foundation of lined buildings or an enclosure, whose nature remains still unknown and it will be further examined by the ongoing systematic archaeological research.
Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the area of the prehistoric settlement of Megali Vrysi close to the village of Agia Paraskevi in Central Greece, 5 km east of Lamia City, were investigated. The area is situated in the low flat alluvial plain on the outskirts of Sperchios Valley that is bordered NNW to ENE by a rocky, hilly ridge of the Othrys Mountain foothills, 5.5 km away from the present coastline. The Megali Vrysi site is considered to be an important Mediterranean prehistoric commercial centre. Reconstruction of the palaeoenvironmental changes of the broader area adds new information concerning the general palaeogeographical setting of the settlement. Multidisciplinary research involved a detailed geomorphological survey combined with stratigraphical, palaeontological, and geophysical studies. The penetrated strata differentiated into 4 units from top to bottom. The first represents the archaeological strata. The second consists of the freshwater marshy sediments, while the third is the transition layer between the second and the deeper fourth group of marine-lagoonal sediments. The Holocene stratigraphy data was combined with the 14 C-AMS dating results and showed a marine palaeoenvironment (w 5500 BC) gradually having shifted to a coastal-lagoonal one (w3500 BC) and finally changed to a freshwater marshy environment (w2500 BC). The comparison between ages and depths of the relative sea level points allowed the estimation of the sea level rise rate for the Agia Paraskevi area which is considerably lower than the one proposed for the Aegean Sea in the same time period. This considerable offset is attributed to the intensive tectonic uplift of the study area due to the tectonic deformation of the Sperchios Valley and this is probably why the prehistoric coastal settlement remained on the surface and unaffected from the sea transgression for more than 7000 yrs during Holocene.
Georgios Syrides, Eleni Aidona, Konstantinos Vouvalidis,
Maria-Photeini Papakonstantinou, Sophia Pechlivanidou, Nikoletta Koutsokera
The prehistoric settlement of Agia Paraskevi was founded during the Neolithic period on a headland extending into a shallow sheltered marine bay. A slow but continuous siltation, by the Sperchios River, affected the area diachronically. Until the Final Neolithic period the area was a shallow marine-lagoonal environment that was restricted and gradually turned into a freshwater marsh (Early Helladic period). Marshes extended along the whole area until the previous century. Today the remnants of the prehistoric settlement are situated on the northern margin of the low flat alluvial plain of the Sperchios River 2 km east of the city of Lamia and ~5 km away from the present coastline. In this study, the data, which derived from a detailed stratigraphical analysis of the anthropogenic and natural deposits, are compared with Magnetic Susceptibility measurements performed on 107 selected samples from
3 boreholes indicating different depositional paleoenvironments (terrestrial, marine, marshy). A Bartington MS2B meter at low (0.46 kHz) and high (4.6 kHz) frequency was used for the measurements. Selected cores are:
MAG-1 (8 m. depth) drilled in the centre of the prehistoric settlement, traced the thickness of the anthropogenic (archaeological) strata. High values of magnetic susceptibility are recorded in these sediments, indicating that the whole core is affected by human occupation. PAR-2 (7 m. depth) drilled eastwards of the settlement into the former marine bay, penetrated shallow marine fine-grained sediments, while upwards marshy sediments were found. Low values of magnetic susceptibility
are recorded suggestive of the natural source of these sediments.
MAG-2 (7 m. depth) drilled in the north edge of the settlement, investigated the interface between anthropogenic strata (upper part) and Holocene natural sediments (lower part). The variation of the magnetic susceptibility indicates the limits of the influence exerted by human occupation. Anthropogenic sediments can positively be distinguished from natural ones due to higher values of magnetic susceptibility, especially layers of destruction containing burnt material and charcoal. Two layers of destruction in MAG-1 (1.39-1.41 m., 1.88-1.92 m.) are clearly depicted, while in MAG-2 the transitional zone between anthropogenic and coastal marine sediments is situated at a depth of 4.30-4.50 m.
Grigoris N. Tsokas, Panagiotis I. Tsourlos, Georgios Vargemezis, Alexandros Stampolidis, Ilias FIlos, Maria Photini Papakonstantinou, Nikoletta Koutsokera
The geophysical survey that took place on a tumulus at Avlaki of Stylis is described in these pages and commented in comparison to the findings of the subsequent excavation. The survey aimed to image the interior of the tumulus and detect possible concealed tombs employing exclusively the method of Electrical Resistivity
Tomography (ERT). The method is capable of imaging the subsurface in the 3 dimensional context and has much greater depth penetration than the resistance mapping.
The particular tumulus has a cover made by a stone pile and had partially been excavated earlier by the 14th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities. Both these facts rendered rather difficult the geophysical readings and the relevant processing and interpretation.
The survey was designed to record the response of relative small structures at the depth of about 3-4 m. In fact, many anomalies were recorded at depths less than 2.70 m which were attributed to the possible presence of ancient structures. Also, a conductive formation is present almost everywhere underlaying the layer hosting the ancient structures. This formation corresponds to a sedimentary layer mainly consisted by clays and sands having sparse pebbles.
in the first fifteen years of the 21st century at the administrative boundaries of the current regional unit have enriched its archaeological map with new Mycenaean sites, signifcantly expanding our knowledge
of Mycenaean Fthiotida. Te present paper summarizes the results of these
activities and, taking into account previous research, attempts an overall assessment of their contribution to the revelation of the cultural identity of a rather poorly known area during the Lba and its place within the Mycenaean World.
Παρουσιάζονται οι εργασίες ανάπλασης - ανάδειξης του χώρου 2004-2007. Presentation of the project of remodelling and enhancement of the site 2004-2007
Σε αντίθεση με τα περιορισμένης κλίμακας αρχαιολογικά τεκμήρια προϊστορικών και κλασικών χρόνων, η Ευρυτανία διαθέτει ένα πλούσιο απόθεμα σε βυζαντινά και μεταβυζαντινά μνημεία. Οι ίδιοι γεωμορφολογικοί παράγοντες οι οποίοι κράτησαν στην αρχαιότητα το βόρειο τμήμα της Αιτωλίας (σημερινή Ευρυτανία) μακριά από τον πολιτισμό των πόλεων, ευνόησαν την οικονομική και πνευματική του ανάπτυξη στην περίοδο της Τουρκοκρατίας. χάρη στο καθεστώς αυτονομίας το οποίο παραχώρησαν οι Τούρκοι, οι οποίοι έκριναν ασύμφορο τον στρατιωτικό του έλεγχο λόγω του δύσβατου του εδάφους και του ανυπότακτου χαρακτήρα των κατοίκων, κατασκευάζονται ήδη από τα μέσα του 16ου αι. εντυπωσιακά τεχνικά έργα υποδομής, ενώ δεκάδες ναοί και μονές ιδρύονται ή ανακαινίζονται και διακοσμούνται. Η έντονη πολιτιστική δραστηριότητα κορυφώνεται με την ίδρυση τον 17ο αι. των φημισμένων Σχολών του Καρπενησίου και της Γούβας Βραγγιανών από τον Ευγένιο Γιαννούλη τον Αιτωλό, και της Φουρνά τον 18ο αι. από τον Διονύσιο, μετατρέποντας μια φαινομενικά απομονωμένη περιοχή σε πυρήνα πνευματικής αναγέννησης και καλλιτεχνικής δημιουργίας. Ο μνημειακός αυτός πλούτος συνιστά ένα πολύτιμο πολιτιστικό κεφάλαιο, το οποίο χρήζει προστασίας και προβολής. Σημαντική συμβολή σε αυτή την κατεύθυνση αποτελούν οι ενέργειες της 24 ης ΕΒΑ και συναρμόδιων φορέων, όπως η Περιφέρεια Στερεάς Ελλάδας, οι τοπικοί Δήμοι και η Ιερά Μητρόπολη Ευρυτανίας.
ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ. Η ανασκαφική έρευνα σε τμήμα του πρώην στρατοπέδου Τσαλτάκη στην οδό Κων/πόλεως στη Λαμία, με αφορμή εκσκαφικές εργασίες για την ανέγερση του Νέου Δικαστικού Μεγάρου, έφερε στο φως συστάδα ταφικών μνημείων. Είναι η πρώτη φορά που εντοπίζονται στην περιοχή αυτή αρχαιότητες, εφόσον μέχρι σήμερα παραμένει αδόμητη. Ανασκάφηκαν επτά κιβωτιόσχημοι τάφοι του συνήθους τύπου, ένας κεραμοσκεπής και μία ελεύθερη ταφή που χρονολογούνται στην ελληνιστική εποχή και ένας χτιστός μακεδονικού τύπου τάφος με χρήση από τους ελληνιστικούς έως τους ρωμαϊκούς χρόνους. Είναι ο δεύτερος τάφος αυτού του τύπου στη Λαμία, ο οποίος απαντά με μεγαλύτερη συχνότητα στο δυτικό τμήμα της κοιλάδας του Σπερχειού. Η αποκάλυψή του μας δίνει αφενός πρόσθετα στοιχεία για την ταφική αρχιτεκτονική στην πόλη της αρχαίας Λαμίας κατά τους ελληνιστικούς χρόνους, αφετέρου μας πληροφορεί, όπως και οι λοιπές ταφικές κατασκευές, για την πιθανή διεύρυνση προς Α του ορίου του ανατολικού–νοτιοανατολικού νεκροταφείου της πόλης. Στον ίδιο χώρο αποκαλύφθηκε ένα σπάνιο για την περιοχή επιτύμβιο ανάγλυφο κλασικών χρόνων με παράσταση αποχαιρετισμού πολεμιστή.
Σχετικό κείμενο με τίτλο Palaeogeographical reconstruction of the battle terrain in Ancient Thermopylae, Greece έχει δημοσιευτεί στο Geodinamica Acta 23/5-66 (2010) 241-253.
Σχετικό κείμενο με τίτλο Holocene paleoenvironmental changes in Agia Paraskevi prehistoric settlement, Lamia, Central Greece έχει δημοσιευτεί στο Quaternary International 216(1):64-74, April 2010.