Papers by Anastasia Tzigounaki
1. Τζιγκουνάκη Αναστασία, Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο της ΚΕ' ΕΠΚΑ και της 28ης ΕΒΑ κατά τη χρονική περί... more 1. Τζιγκουνάκη Αναστασία, Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο της ΚΕ' ΕΠΚΑ και της 28ης ΕΒΑ κατά τη χρονική περίοδο 2012-2014, καθώς και της ΕΦΑΡΕΘ κατά τη χρονική περίοδο 2014-2019
2. Τζιγκουνάκη Αναστασία, Γιαπιτσόγλου Κώστας, Κοντογιάννη Βίκυ, Το Ερευνητικό Ευρωπαϊκό Πρόγραμμα STORM/HORIZON 2020 για την Κλιματική Αλλαγή και τις επιπτώσεις στα Μνημεία.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2016
International audienc

After a project brief description (common to other deliverables), dedicated to people who are rea... more After a project brief description (common to other deliverables), dedicated to people who are reading this document separated from all the other project deliverables, the following parts start with principles identification in chapter 2. An overall definition of the surrounding context is provided through the PESTLE analysis carried on at European level as well at each pilot country level. A summarising view is provided to evidence key factors that could condition STORM viability. In the following chapter the SWOT analysis is provided considering the project as a whole; detailed analysis will be provided in D11.2 related to each PUDFs. In chapter 5 a method to monitor viability during the project life is provided and it will be in place starting from M13. A key factor for STORM viability beyond the project life is to have a clear fund raising mechanism that could guarantee a future to the project; this point in its main schemas is described in chapter 6. Chapter 7 addresses stakehol...

The aim of this document is to give a initial view of the innovation strategy the project is adop... more The aim of this document is to give a initial view of the innovation strategy the project is adopting. The strategy itself will be updated during the project according both to viability evolution (see D11.1), and in relation to outcomes experimented in the pilots. We consider that relationships between project objectives, stakeholders and project activities are the core pillar of STORM innovation strategy. For this reason, we created a relationship map that is providing updated view of dynamic evolution in the innovation strategy. The document is structured into four sections: the first one is to introduce the concept of relationship map, the second analyses the expected outputs also in terms of early outcomes and their potential introducing the approach of a three ways exploitation: Sustainability, Research and Business. Those ways are expected to need specific actions to achieve their goals. In the following section the concept of Mission Oriented Innovation model is addressed and...

EFARETH participated in the information day for the International Day for Disaster Reduction that... more EFARETH participated in the information day for the International Day for Disaster Reduction that was organised by the Anogeia Centre for Environmental Education and the Psiloreitis Geopark, in cooperation with the Natural History Museum of Crete and the schools of Anogeia. The information day took place in the elementary school of Anogeia on 13/10/2017 and its title was: "Discussing Natural Risks with the students on the occasion of the International Day for Disaster Reduction". The information day aimed to enlighten and heighten the awareness of both educators and students on matters relating to natural disasters. It also intended to inform them on ways of protection and good practices of mitigation. Dr.Evgenia Zouzoula (from the EFARETH STORM team) presented the topic "Προστατεύοντας τα μνημεία από φυσικές καταστροφές: το πρόγραμμα STORM" ("Protecting monuments from natural disasters: the STORM project") to the educators and students of the Anogeia H...

12th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, 2021
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) consists of an elaborated technique, assisting the assessment ... more Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) consists of an elaborated technique, assisting the assessment of existing structures through the detection of active or sudden damages, as well as the diagnosis of possible causes for them. Within the STORM-project [1], the SHM strategy selected for the assessment of the Venetian fortress of Fortezza in Rethymno, Greece was the continuous crack monitoring of four different existing cracks of the structure, due to their relatively large width, located at the Bastion of St. Paul's, Prophet Elias' and St. Luke's as well as the Episcopal mansion. Besides the crack displacement measurements, several other environmental quantities were monitored at the weather stations, which are known to have a strong influence on the crack width. Considering the fact that most weather fluctuations have reversible effects on structural integrity, it is of great importance to recognize the environmental and operational variation of the structure, and subsequently identify any separate structural change caused by damage [2], [3]. This was achieved by employing a statistical ARX model (Auto-Regressive model with eXogenous input) [4], calibrated for each case after several months. Once this process was completed it was possible to detect possible active damage on the examined structures and estimate possible causes for them. The successful application of the methodology at the four monitored cracks provided important information about their state of damage, possible causes and early warnings in case of hazard. Over the evaluated period, it appears that the bastion of Prophet Elias is in stable condition, while the bastion of St. Luke and St. Paul are vulnerable to heavy precipitation. Moreover, the Episcopal mansion showed a destabilization response during the rainfall period, which is possible to result in the activation of an overturning mechanism.

International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2019
In the Mediterranean region, stone and clay have long been the basic materials for buildings, cra... more In the Mediterranean region, stone and clay have long been the basic materials for buildings, crafts, and manufacturing. Wood plays a secondary, frequently hidden, role but is almost always present. Commonly considered a 'less important' building component, wood has been one of the first materials replaced and frequently discarded during restoration works. In this study, we apply dendrochronological techniques to timbers from Preveli Monastery on the island of Crete in the south Aegean (Greece). Samples were mainly collected from piles of building components discarded during renovations, as well as from standing features like ceiling beams and floorboards. A total of 74 samples from 59 different elements were collected and measured. Four different tree species were identified but by far the majority are fir (Abies sp.) and cypress (Cupressus sempervirens). Tree-ring correlations indicate that the fir timbers are Abies alba from the Alps. Cypress timbers were difficult to date because most samples had multiple false rings. Nevertheless, we were able to date about one-fifth of our cypress samples through comparison with a local cypress chronology. Our findings show that both local and imported timber were used for the Monastery's restorations during the 18th and 19th centuries AD.

Geomorphology, 2019
The Late Bronze Age (LBA) tsunami and the A.D. 365 tsunami are supposed to have affected the nort... more The Late Bronze Age (LBA) tsunami and the A.D. 365 tsunami are supposed to have affected the northern coasts of Crete. However, near-coast sedimentary archives have been rarely investigated in this area, and sedimentary archives including palaeotsunami fingerprints are still unknown. The main objective of our research was to search for appropriate tsunami sediment traps in order to gain detailed insights into the Holocene palaeotsunami history of northern Crete. We found an excellent fine sediment archive near Pirgos, located to the west of Rethymnon. Based on a multi-electrode geoelectrical survey and an 11-m-deep sediment core, we analysed the eventgeochronostratigraphical record by means of sedimentological, geochemical, geochronological, geomorphological, and microfossil investigations. The Pirgos record revealed a thick unit of homogeneous mud of a lagoonal environment starting~6000 years ago. The lagoon was affected by five high-energy events, leaving layers of allochthonous sand. Microfossil analyses of these layers revealed a mixed foraminiferal assemblage including species from brackish habitats but also displaced and transported species from open marine and deep-water environments. Considering sedimentary characteristics, the local wave climate of the Cretan Sea, and the overall geomorphological setting, we interpret these layers as related to extreme wave events (EWE). Based on a local radiocarbon age-depth-model, we identified one EWE layer as a reliable candidate for the LBA Santorini tsunami. Another EWE layer is most probably associated with the A.D. 365 tsunami. This EWE ended abruptly the lagoonal conditions at Pirgos because of to the 1.64 m coseismic uplift at the site. The Pirgos lagoon existed between the first half of the 6th mill. B.C. and (at least) the end of the 2nd mill. B.C. We found that the area around Pirgos has continuously subsided over 3000 or so years, reflecting constant tectonogeomorphological conditions dominated by the nearby subduction zone between the Aegean and African plates.

Quaternary International, 2017
Abstract The southwestern coast of Crete, one of the most seismically active regions in Europe, e... more Abstract The southwestern coast of Crete, one of the most seismically active regions in Europe, experienced co-seismic crust uplift by 9 m during the Ms = 8.3 mega-earthquake that struck the eastern Mediterranean world on 21 July AD 365. An associated tsunami event caused thousands of fatalities and destroyed many coastal settlements and infrastructure between the Levante in the east and the Adriatic Sea in the northwest. So far, coastal sedimentary archives in southwestern Crete including distinct palaeotsunami fingerprints are rarely investigated. Therefore, a multi-proxy study including sedimentological, geochemical, geochronological, and microfaunal methods was conducted in order to detect onshore coastal sedimentary archives that functioned as fine sediment traps and document palaeotsunami imprint. We found adequate archives at the Sougia and Palaiochora coastal plains that were used to reconstruct the palaeogeographical evolution and the palaeoseismological history of SW Crete during the late Holocene. Our studies revealed distinct geomorphological, sedimentological, geochemical, and microfaunal traces of high-energy impact from the marine side related to seismic events. At the Sougia coastal plain a sheet of fine sand with a neat microfossil and geochemical fingerprint was found sandwiched between underlying pre-tsunami muds and overlying post-tsunami colluvial silt. In the Palaiochora coastal plain, tsunami overflow of a flat Neogene bedrock platform led to the accumulation of sand-dominated deposits that were subsequently covered by colluvial material from the adjacent hillslopes. Based on radiocarbon and luminescence dating approaches, it is shown that the AD 365 tsunami event is the best-fit candidate for the tsunami-related sediments deposited at both, Sougia and Palaiochora. This study, for the first time, presents multi-proxy evidence of the AD 365 tsunami imprint on fine-sedimentary archives along the western and southwestern coast of Crete.

EFARETH participated in the information day for the International Day for Disaster Reduction that... more EFARETH participated in the information day for the International Day for Disaster Reduction that was organised by the Anogeia Centre for Environmental Education and the Psiloreitis Geopark, in cooperation with the Natural History Museum of Crete and the schools of Anogeia. The information day took place in the elementary school of Anogeia on 13/10/2017 and its title was: "Discussing Natural Risks with the students on the occasion of the International Day for Disaster Reduction". The information day aimed to enlighten and heighten the awareness of both educators and students on matters relating to natural disasters. It also intended to inform them on ways of protection and good practices of mitigation. Dr.Evgenia Zouzoula (from the EFARETH STORM team) presented the topic "Προστατεύοντας τα μνημεία από φυσικές καταστροφές: το πρόγραμμα STORM" ("Protecting monuments from natural disasters: the STORM project") to the educators and students of the Anogeia H...

International Journal of Disaster Risk Science
Within the framework of disaster risk management, this article proposes an interdisciplinary meth... more Within the framework of disaster risk management, this article proposes an interdisciplinary method for the analysis of multiple natural hazards, including climate change’s influences, in the context of cultural heritage. A taxonomy of natural hazards applicable to cultural heritage was developed based on the existing theoretical and conceptual frameworks. Sudden-onset hazards, such as earthquakes and floods, and slow-onset hazards, such as wetting–drying cycles and biological contamination, were incorporated into the hazard assessment procedure. Future alteration of conditions due to climate change, such as change in heat waves’ duration, was also taken into account. The proposed hazard assessment framework was applied to the case of the Historic Centre of Rethymno, a city on the northern coast of the island of Crete in Greece, to identify, analyze, and prioritize the hazards that have the potential to cause damage to the center’s historic structures. The assessment procedure inclu...
Le systeme administratif a l'epoque des premiers palais en Crete (2000-1700 av. J.-C. environ... more Le systeme administratif a l'epoque des premiers palais en Crete (2000-1700 av. J.-C. environ) a utilise plusieurs formes de controle, parmi lesquelles le « scellage » des objets avec des scelles d'argile estampilles par des empreintes de sceaux, et l'archivage des scelles pour un eventuel controle des operations effectuees. L'etude des scelles estampilles avec des empreintes de sceau differentes, en relation avec l'etude des sceaux prismatiques, nous permet plusieurs conclusions en ce qui concerne leur utilisation dans le cadre du systeme administratif.

International Journal of Architectural Heritage
ABSTRACT In the Mediterranean region, stone and clay have long been the basic materials for build... more ABSTRACT In the Mediterranean region, stone and clay have long been the basic materials for buildings, crafts, and manufacturing. Wood plays a secondary, frequently hidden, role but is almost always present. Commonly considered a ‘less important’ building component, wood has been one of the first materials replaced and frequently discarded during restoration works. In this study, we apply dendrochronological techniques to timbers from Preveli Monastery on the island of Crete in the south Aegean (Greece). Samples were mainly collected from piles of building components discarded during renovations, as well as from standing features like ceiling beams and floorboards. A total of 74 samples from 59 different elements were collected and measured. Four different tree species were identified but by far the majority are fir (Abies sp.) and cypress (Cupressus sempervirens). Tree-ring correlations indicate that the fir timbers are Abies alba from the Alps. Cypress timbers were difficult to date because most samples had multiple false rings. Nevertheless, we were able to date about one-fifth of our cypress samples through comparison with a local cypress chronology. Our findings show that both local and imported timber were used for the Monastery’s restorations during the 18th and 19th centuries AD.

Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issues
Recent tsunami events have shown that tsunamis may propagate far inland by entering rivers mouths... more Recent tsunami events have shown that tsunamis may propagate far inland by entering rivers mouths and may cause massive damage along the river banks. However, so far, only a few studies have been conducted such a search for studying tsunami signals in incised valley systems along the Mediterranean coasts although the tsunami hazard is high. The island of Crete is known to have been affected several times by strong tsunamis, e. g., by the AD 365 and the Late Bronze Age (LBA) Santorini tsunamis. The narrow Geropotamos River valley, distinctly incised into local bedrock and located at the northern coast of Crete and fully exposed to the Cretan Sea, was selected as a promising natural setting to search for palaeotsunami signatures in fluvial sedimentary archives. Based on a multi-electrode geoelectrical survey and a set of sediment cores, we investigated the event-geochronostratigraphic record of both the Geropotamos River mouth area and the river valley ca. 1 km upstream by means of se...

PASIPHAE volume XVI, pages 233-283 (51), 2022
The MM III-LM I site of Kalo Chorafi, Mylopotamos, is located in the north coast of Crete, east o... more The MM III-LM I site of Kalo Chorafi, Mylopotamos, is located in the north coast of Crete, east of Bali and west of Sisses. In 2012, a rescue excavation was conducted, since illicit activity had been detected in
the area, which disturbed the archaeological site and its landscape. A systematic excavation by the Ephorate of Antiquities of Rethymno has been conducted since 2013, under the direction of Anastasia Tzigounaki.
The systematic research on the promontory of Kalo Chorafi has brought to light, on the top of a hill, a large and rather complex building. So far 16 rooms have been revealed during the 2014-2020 excavation periods. Architecture consists of well-defined walls, in some cases preserved in more than 1 m high, forming rooms of square or rectangular ground plan, and corridors. In some rooms wall paintings were found, while there is an indication that some fell from an upper storey. Two massive walls with krepis define the building complex on the southwest and the northwest. The presence of pumice in several rooms of the building is attested. Two phases of use of the building are revealed in some rooms.
The pottery assemblage dates the occupation of the site back to the MM IIIA-LM IA period. It largely consists of many hundreds of conical cups, jugs, fruitstands, medium sized jars, lamps, incense burners, fire-boxes, rhyta and bowls and a small number of amphorae and storage vessels, such as pithoi or tripod vases. Prominent in the pottery assemblage are miniature vases, cups and jugs. Finally, the presence of signs of scripts such as Linear A and Cypro-Minoan, seal, seal impressions on vases and a nodulus, as well as metal finds such as gold leaves, signal the range of contacts of this Minoan installation, linking the settlement and the building complex with overseas routes and the palatial system of Crete.
On top of the ruins of the MM III-LM I complex, a building with different orientation was constructed during the LM III period, with finds which have a cult character.
Recent discoveries and research results ΥΠΟΥρΓΕιΟ ΠΟΛιτιΣΜΟΥ και αΘΛΗτιΣΜΟΥ ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ ΑΡΧΑ... more Recent discoveries and research results ΥΠΟΥρΓΕιΟ ΠΟΛιτιΣΜΟΥ και αΘΛΗτιΣΜΟΥ ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΤΗΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΛΗΡΟΝΟΜΙΑΣ ΕΦΟΡΕΙΑ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΤΗΤΩΝ ΦΘΙΩΤΙΔΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΥΡΥΤΑΝΙΑΣ MinisTrY oF cULTUre and sPorTs GENERAL DIRECTΟRΑΤΕ OF ANTIQUITIES AND CULTURAL HERITAGE EPHORATE OF ANTIQUITIES OF FTHIOTIDA AND EVRYTANIA Π ρ α κ τ ι κ a P r o c e e d i n g s Επιμέλεια Ε ΦΗ ΚΑ ΡΑ Ν Τ Ζ Α Λ Η E d ite d by E F I KA R A N T Z A L I υπουρ γει ο π ολ ι τι σμ ο υ κ Α ι Α θ λ ητ ι σ μ ου ΑθηνΑ / athens 2021
![Research paper thumbnail of Η μινωική εγκατάσταση στο Καλό Χωράφι Μυλοποτάμου Αναστασία Τζιγκουνάκη, AEK 4(2016) [2020] Vol B pp 603-614 Tzigounaki (1)](
AEK 4 (P. Karanastasi, A. Tzigounaki, C. Tsigonaki, eds)), 2020
The systematic excavation of the Minoan sett lement at “Kalo Chorafi”, Mylopotamos
Anastasia Tzig... more The systematic excavation of the Minoan sett lement at “Kalo Chorafi”, Mylopotamos
Anastasia Tzigounaki
The paper gives a brief overview of the archaeological work of the systematic excavation at “Kalo Chorafi”, Mylopotamos for the years 2014-2016. The extensive Minoan settlement in the bay of Kalo Chorafi is
located on the north coast of central Crete, between Bali and Sisses. It
has been under excavation since 2014 under the direction of the author.
Kalo Chorafi is one of a series of Minoan coastal settlements in the wider area of the north coast, such as Panagia in Charakas and Katevati to its west and Pera Galenoi and Agia Pelagia to its east. According to the preliminary study of the excavation data, a building complex dates to the MM ΙΙΙ – LM I period. Additionally, remains of at least two walls appear to date to LM III on the basis of a few but characteristic movable finds, mainly of ritual character.
![Research paper thumbnail of The AD 365 tsunami imprint on the coasts of southwestern Crete – The Sougia ca se study Andreas Vött, Vera Werner, Kalliopi Baika, Peter Fischer, Anastasia Tzigounaki, Aggeliki Tsigkou, Klaus Reicherter, Ioannis Papanikolaou, Kurt Emde & Lea Obrocki , AEK 4(2016) [2020] Vol B pp 779-787](
(AEK 4 (P. Karanastasi, A. Tzigounaki. C. Tsigonaki eds))), 2020
Το γεωλογικό αποτύπωμα από το τσουνάμι του 365 μ.Χ. στις ακτές της ΝΔ Κρήτ ης - Η περίπτωση της Σ... more Το γεωλογικό αποτύπωμα από το τσουνάμι του 365 μ.Χ. στις ακτές της ΝΔ Κρήτ ης - Η περίπτωση της Σούγιας
Andreas Vött, Vera Werner, Καλλιόπη Μπάϊκα, Peter Fischer,
Αναστασία Τζιγκουνακη, Αγγελική Τσίγκου, Klaus Reicherter,
Ιωάννης Παπανικολάου, Kurt Emde & Lea Obrocki
Η νοτιοδυτική ακτή της Κρήτης, μια από τις πιο σεισμικά ενεργές περιοχές της Ευρώπης, έχει θεωρητικά ανυψωθεί έως και 9 μέτρα κατά τη διάρκεια του μεγάλου σεισμού που έπληξε τον ανατολικό μεσογειακό κόσμο στις 21 Ιουλίου 365 μ.Χ. Ο σεισμός αυτός, που προκάλεσε ισχυρό τσουνάμι, είναι γνωστό ότι κατέστρεψε πολλούς παράκτιους οικισμούς της Μεσογείου, από τη συροπαλαιστινιακή ακτή ανατολικά ως και την Αδριατική βορειοδυτικά. Εξαιτίας της τεκτονικής ανύψωσης, ολόκληρη η νοτιοδυτική ακτή της
Κρήτης γνώρισε έντονη διάβρωση, έτσι ώστε οι ιζηματογενείς καταγραφές από το παλαιοτσουνάμι ήταν άγνωστες έως σήμερα στην παράλια γεωλογική στρωματογραφία στη ΝΔ Κρήτη.
Στη Σούγια, στην υποτιθέμενη αρχαία λιμενική λεκάνη του λιμανιού,
πραγματοποιήθηκε πολυ-διεπιστημονική έρευνα πεδίου, που περιέλαβε ηλεκτρομαγνητικές επιφανειακές διασκοπήσεις (ERTs), πυρηνοληψίες με δονητικό δειγματολήπτη, καθώς και μαγνητικές επιφανειακές διασκοπήσεις (GPR). Οι ιζηματολογικές, γεωχημικές, γεωχρονολογικές και παλαιοπεριβαλλοντολογικές αναλύσεις, καθώς και οι χρονολογήσεις μέσω 14C-AMS κατέδειξαν για πρώτη φορά την ύπαρξη ιζηματογενών αποθέσεων που σχετίζονται με το τσουνάμι του 365 μ.Χ. Επίσης, καταγράφηκε με DGPS ανύψωση της παράκτιας θέσης της τάξεως των 6,83 μ. Τέλος, δεν παρατηρήθηκαν χαρακτηριστικά μικροαπολιθώματα στη γεωλογική στρωματογραφία που να καταδεικνύουν την ύπαρξη λιμενικής λεκάνης στη ζώνη έρευνας.
Papers by Anastasia Tzigounaki
2. Τζιγκουνάκη Αναστασία, Γιαπιτσόγλου Κώστας, Κοντογιάννη Βίκυ, Το Ερευνητικό Ευρωπαϊκό Πρόγραμμα STORM/HORIZON 2020 για την Κλιματική Αλλαγή και τις επιπτώσεις στα Μνημεία.
the area, which disturbed the archaeological site and its landscape. A systematic excavation by the Ephorate of Antiquities of Rethymno has been conducted since 2013, under the direction of Anastasia Tzigounaki.
The systematic research on the promontory of Kalo Chorafi has brought to light, on the top of a hill, a large and rather complex building. So far 16 rooms have been revealed during the 2014-2020 excavation periods. Architecture consists of well-defined walls, in some cases preserved in more than 1 m high, forming rooms of square or rectangular ground plan, and corridors. In some rooms wall paintings were found, while there is an indication that some fell from an upper storey. Two massive walls with krepis define the building complex on the southwest and the northwest. The presence of pumice in several rooms of the building is attested. Two phases of use of the building are revealed in some rooms.
The pottery assemblage dates the occupation of the site back to the MM IIIA-LM IA period. It largely consists of many hundreds of conical cups, jugs, fruitstands, medium sized jars, lamps, incense burners, fire-boxes, rhyta and bowls and a small number of amphorae and storage vessels, such as pithoi or tripod vases. Prominent in the pottery assemblage are miniature vases, cups and jugs. Finally, the presence of signs of scripts such as Linear A and Cypro-Minoan, seal, seal impressions on vases and a nodulus, as well as metal finds such as gold leaves, signal the range of contacts of this Minoan installation, linking the settlement and the building complex with overseas routes and the palatial system of Crete.
On top of the ruins of the MM III-LM I complex, a building with different orientation was constructed during the LM III period, with finds which have a cult character.
Anastasia Tzigounaki
The paper gives a brief overview of the archaeological work of the systematic excavation at “Kalo Chorafi”, Mylopotamos for the years 2014-2016. The extensive Minoan settlement in the bay of Kalo Chorafi is
located on the north coast of central Crete, between Bali and Sisses. It
has been under excavation since 2014 under the direction of the author.
Kalo Chorafi is one of a series of Minoan coastal settlements in the wider area of the north coast, such as Panagia in Charakas and Katevati to its west and Pera Galenoi and Agia Pelagia to its east. According to the preliminary study of the excavation data, a building complex dates to the MM ΙΙΙ – LM I period. Additionally, remains of at least two walls appear to date to LM III on the basis of a few but characteristic movable finds, mainly of ritual character.
Andreas Vött, Vera Werner, Καλλιόπη Μπάϊκα, Peter Fischer,
Αναστασία Τζιγκουνακη, Αγγελική Τσίγκου, Klaus Reicherter,
Ιωάννης Παπανικολάου, Kurt Emde & Lea Obrocki
Η νοτιοδυτική ακτή της Κρήτης, μια από τις πιο σεισμικά ενεργές περιοχές της Ευρώπης, έχει θεωρητικά ανυψωθεί έως και 9 μέτρα κατά τη διάρκεια του μεγάλου σεισμού που έπληξε τον ανατολικό μεσογειακό κόσμο στις 21 Ιουλίου 365 μ.Χ. Ο σεισμός αυτός, που προκάλεσε ισχυρό τσουνάμι, είναι γνωστό ότι κατέστρεψε πολλούς παράκτιους οικισμούς της Μεσογείου, από τη συροπαλαιστινιακή ακτή ανατολικά ως και την Αδριατική βορειοδυτικά. Εξαιτίας της τεκτονικής ανύψωσης, ολόκληρη η νοτιοδυτική ακτή της
Κρήτης γνώρισε έντονη διάβρωση, έτσι ώστε οι ιζηματογενείς καταγραφές από το παλαιοτσουνάμι ήταν άγνωστες έως σήμερα στην παράλια γεωλογική στρωματογραφία στη ΝΔ Κρήτη.
Στη Σούγια, στην υποτιθέμενη αρχαία λιμενική λεκάνη του λιμανιού,
πραγματοποιήθηκε πολυ-διεπιστημονική έρευνα πεδίου, που περιέλαβε ηλεκτρομαγνητικές επιφανειακές διασκοπήσεις (ERTs), πυρηνοληψίες με δονητικό δειγματολήπτη, καθώς και μαγνητικές επιφανειακές διασκοπήσεις (GPR). Οι ιζηματολογικές, γεωχημικές, γεωχρονολογικές και παλαιοπεριβαλλοντολογικές αναλύσεις, καθώς και οι χρονολογήσεις μέσω 14C-AMS κατέδειξαν για πρώτη φορά την ύπαρξη ιζηματογενών αποθέσεων που σχετίζονται με το τσουνάμι του 365 μ.Χ. Επίσης, καταγράφηκε με DGPS ανύψωση της παράκτιας θέσης της τάξεως των 6,83 μ. Τέλος, δεν παρατηρήθηκαν χαρακτηριστικά μικροαπολιθώματα στη γεωλογική στρωματογραφία που να καταδεικνύουν την ύπαρξη λιμενικής λεκάνης στη ζώνη έρευνας.
2. Τζιγκουνάκη Αναστασία, Γιαπιτσόγλου Κώστας, Κοντογιάννη Βίκυ, Το Ερευνητικό Ευρωπαϊκό Πρόγραμμα STORM/HORIZON 2020 για την Κλιματική Αλλαγή και τις επιπτώσεις στα Μνημεία.
the area, which disturbed the archaeological site and its landscape. A systematic excavation by the Ephorate of Antiquities of Rethymno has been conducted since 2013, under the direction of Anastasia Tzigounaki.
The systematic research on the promontory of Kalo Chorafi has brought to light, on the top of a hill, a large and rather complex building. So far 16 rooms have been revealed during the 2014-2020 excavation periods. Architecture consists of well-defined walls, in some cases preserved in more than 1 m high, forming rooms of square or rectangular ground plan, and corridors. In some rooms wall paintings were found, while there is an indication that some fell from an upper storey. Two massive walls with krepis define the building complex on the southwest and the northwest. The presence of pumice in several rooms of the building is attested. Two phases of use of the building are revealed in some rooms.
The pottery assemblage dates the occupation of the site back to the MM IIIA-LM IA period. It largely consists of many hundreds of conical cups, jugs, fruitstands, medium sized jars, lamps, incense burners, fire-boxes, rhyta and bowls and a small number of amphorae and storage vessels, such as pithoi or tripod vases. Prominent in the pottery assemblage are miniature vases, cups and jugs. Finally, the presence of signs of scripts such as Linear A and Cypro-Minoan, seal, seal impressions on vases and a nodulus, as well as metal finds such as gold leaves, signal the range of contacts of this Minoan installation, linking the settlement and the building complex with overseas routes and the palatial system of Crete.
On top of the ruins of the MM III-LM I complex, a building with different orientation was constructed during the LM III period, with finds which have a cult character.
Anastasia Tzigounaki
The paper gives a brief overview of the archaeological work of the systematic excavation at “Kalo Chorafi”, Mylopotamos for the years 2014-2016. The extensive Minoan settlement in the bay of Kalo Chorafi is
located on the north coast of central Crete, between Bali and Sisses. It
has been under excavation since 2014 under the direction of the author.
Kalo Chorafi is one of a series of Minoan coastal settlements in the wider area of the north coast, such as Panagia in Charakas and Katevati to its west and Pera Galenoi and Agia Pelagia to its east. According to the preliminary study of the excavation data, a building complex dates to the MM ΙΙΙ – LM I period. Additionally, remains of at least two walls appear to date to LM III on the basis of a few but characteristic movable finds, mainly of ritual character.
Andreas Vött, Vera Werner, Καλλιόπη Μπάϊκα, Peter Fischer,
Αναστασία Τζιγκουνακη, Αγγελική Τσίγκου, Klaus Reicherter,
Ιωάννης Παπανικολάου, Kurt Emde & Lea Obrocki
Η νοτιοδυτική ακτή της Κρήτης, μια από τις πιο σεισμικά ενεργές περιοχές της Ευρώπης, έχει θεωρητικά ανυψωθεί έως και 9 μέτρα κατά τη διάρκεια του μεγάλου σεισμού που έπληξε τον ανατολικό μεσογειακό κόσμο στις 21 Ιουλίου 365 μ.Χ. Ο σεισμός αυτός, που προκάλεσε ισχυρό τσουνάμι, είναι γνωστό ότι κατέστρεψε πολλούς παράκτιους οικισμούς της Μεσογείου, από τη συροπαλαιστινιακή ακτή ανατολικά ως και την Αδριατική βορειοδυτικά. Εξαιτίας της τεκτονικής ανύψωσης, ολόκληρη η νοτιοδυτική ακτή της
Κρήτης γνώρισε έντονη διάβρωση, έτσι ώστε οι ιζηματογενείς καταγραφές από το παλαιοτσουνάμι ήταν άγνωστες έως σήμερα στην παράλια γεωλογική στρωματογραφία στη ΝΔ Κρήτη.
Στη Σούγια, στην υποτιθέμενη αρχαία λιμενική λεκάνη του λιμανιού,
πραγματοποιήθηκε πολυ-διεπιστημονική έρευνα πεδίου, που περιέλαβε ηλεκτρομαγνητικές επιφανειακές διασκοπήσεις (ERTs), πυρηνοληψίες με δονητικό δειγματολήπτη, καθώς και μαγνητικές επιφανειακές διασκοπήσεις (GPR). Οι ιζηματολογικές, γεωχημικές, γεωχρονολογικές και παλαιοπεριβαλλοντολογικές αναλύσεις, καθώς και οι χρονολογήσεις μέσω 14C-AMS κατέδειξαν για πρώτη φορά την ύπαρξη ιζηματογενών αποθέσεων που σχετίζονται με το τσουνάμι του 365 μ.Χ. Επίσης, καταγράφηκε με DGPS ανύψωση της παράκτιας θέσης της τάξεως των 6,83 μ. Τέλος, δεν παρατηρήθηκαν χαρακτηριστικά μικροαπολιθώματα στη γεωλογική στρωματογραφία που να καταδεικνύουν την ύπαρξη λιμενικής λεκάνης στη ζώνη έρευνας.