Papers by Δάφνη Χρονάκη

Ο ναός του Αγίου Γεωργίου του Βραχασώτη, καθολικό της ομώνυμης μονής που βρίσκεται νοτιοδυτικά το... more Ο ναός του Αγίου Γεωργίου του Βραχασώτη, καθολικό της ομώνυμης μονής που βρίσκεται νοτιοδυτικά του Βραχασίου, στο νομό Λασιθίου, κατασκευάστηκε σε τρεις κύριες φάσεις: την 1η εντός του 15ου αι. (βόρειο κλίτος, τοιχογραφημένο), τη 2η το 1558 (κωδωνοστάσιο) και την 3η το 1592 (νότιο κλίτος). Υπήρξε σημαντική μονή, με πλούσια δραστηριότητα και επιφανείς ηγουμένους. Η αρχαιολογική τεκμηρίωση και οι κατασκευαστικές φάσεις με βάση τα πρόσφατα ευρήματα παρουσιάζονται αναλυτικά στον ίδιο τόμο Πρακτικών από την Γεωργία Μοσχόβη (ΑΕΚ 4 (2016) [2020], τ. Α΄).
Στην παρούσα ανακοίνωση γίνεται αναφορά στις επεμβάσεις των τελευταίων δύο αιώνων και στα πρόσφατα προβλήματα, που οδήγησαν στο σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση της τελευταίας φάσης εργασιών. Αναλύονται οι δομικές βλάβες, τα αίτια των αστοχιών, οι στερεωτικές και αναστηλωτικές επιλογές και παρουσιάζεται συνοπτικά η υλοποίηση των εργασιών.
The church of Aghios Georgios Vrachassotis, near Vrachassi, Lassithi, consists of a northern vaulted aisle with fresco paintings (15th c.), an imposing bell tower (1558) and a southern vaulted aisle (1592). Archaeological documentation and construction phases are described by Georgia Moschovi in the same volume. The church has suffered heavy damages in spite of the 1974 consolidation works. In this paper, interventions of the past two centuries as well as the recent problems are described. Consolidation methods have been chosen through the analysis of structural problems and causes of damages. The implementation of works is briefly reported.

Θησαυρίσματα τ.27 (1997), 231-273, 1997
Αντικείμενο της μελέτης είναι οι μοναστηριακές μονάδες στο βόρειο τμήμα της σημερινής επαρχίας Με... more Αντικείμενο της μελέτης είναι οι μοναστηριακές μονάδες στο βόρειο τμήμα της σημερινής επαρχίας Μεραμπέλλου, στο νομό Λασιθίου, που εξακολουθεί να αποτελεί μια ενιαία γεωγραφική ενότητα με το όνομα Επάνω Μεραμπέλλο. Στην περιοχή αυτή παρουσιάζεται μια αξιοσημείωτη συγκέντρωση μοναστηριακών μονάδων, μικρής κλίμακας ως επί το πλείστον. Οι περισσότερες χρονολογούνται μετά τα μέσα του 16ου αιώνα.
Οι πληροφορίες προέρχονται το Κρατικό Αρχείο της Βενετίας, κυρίως από τους νοταρίους της περιοχής : Πέτρο Πατσιδιώτη (1546-1554), με έδρα το Καινούργιο Χωριό των Καρών, παπά Γιάννη Κατζαρά (1607-1635), με έδρα το Καστέλλι Φουρνής, και Θεοδόσιο Αμπράμο (1644-1646), με έδρα την Φουρνή. Επίσης προέρχονται από άλλους νοταρίους του Χάνδακα, από την Απογραφή των ορθόδοξων μονών και εκκλησιών της Κρήτης του 1635 και από παλαιότερο δημοσιευμένο αρχειακό υλικό. Η επιτόπια έρευνα απέδωσε την ταύτιση των μνημείων.
Routes of Faith in the Medieval Mediterranean, Proceedings of an International Symposium, Thessalonike 7-10/ 11/2007, 2008
The 2nd step on the way or restoration of the church of St. Peter
The study of the anti-seismic e... more The 2nd step on the way or restoration of the church of St. Peter
The study of the anti-seismic enforcement of the building to be avoided any collapse after the restoration as it happened at the Cathedral of Venzone in Italy, or before any restoration at the church of St. Dominicus in Rieti. Italy
![Research paper thumbnail of The church of St. Peter of Dominicans in Heraklion, Crete, (1248-1253), ( in Greek.),[2004].](
Πεπραγμένα Θ΄ Διεθνοῦς Κρητολογικοῦ Συνεδρίου, Ἐλούντα 2001, Δ.Χρονάκη, Δ.Καλομοιράκης, 2004
Ὁ Ναός τοῦ ἁγίου Πέτρου τῶν Δομηνικανῶν στὸ Ἡράκλειο.
The church of St. Peter of Dominicans at H... more Ὁ Ναός τοῦ ἁγίου Πέτρου τῶν Δομηνικανῶν στὸ Ἡράκλειο.
The church of St. Peter of Dominicans at Heraklion of Crete, 1248-1253
St.Peters church was built around 1248-1253. During the rest of the Venetian domination of Crete (1253-1669) it was one of the three big monumental churches of the city of Candia, and from them the only one existing till our days. At 1669, two years after the Ottoman occupation of Crete the building became a mosque, active till the beginning of 20th century.
The paper gives the analysis of the different buildings architectural changes from 1253 till 1972 when the first efforts of the restoration of the church took place. The related evidences came after the archeological investigation of 1991-1995 made by the authors of the paper as part of their responsibility in 13th Ephoreia of Byzantine and post Byzantine Antiquates at Crete of Greek Ministry of Culture. The result of the survey gave in design the five main historical transformations of the building , as the basis of the restoration proposal of the Monument

From 2002 to 2008 a broad restoration program has been carried out
by the 13th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities, with special concern to middle Byzantine churches. This paper refers to geometrical features and façade elements, studied throughout research and restoration work, done on middle Byzantine monuments of the Lassithi Prefecture.
Regarding the domes, characteristic element of middle Byzantine churches, four types can be distinguished for the preserved monuments of the region. Blind arches, with single or double recession, consist a main feature of the exteriors. Their use appears in later examples as well. Brickwork is also abundant, forming a rich façade decoration, especially in the two bath buildings, later transformed into churches. Decorative brickwork, gradually degenerating, has survived as well in later constructions up to 14th century. Remains of external lime mortar plaster verify that rubble surfaces were covered with plaster, engraved to imitate ashlar masonry.
"Ο νομός Λασιθίου κατά τη βυζαντινή περίοδο" αποτελεί κεφάλαιο του συλλογικού έργου "Ο νομός Λασι... more "Ο νομός Λασιθίου κατά τη βυζαντινή περίοδο" αποτελεί κεφάλαιο του συλλογικού έργου "Ο νομός Λασιθίου και η ιστορία του", τ. Α΄-Β΄, που εκδόθηκε από την Εταιρεία Γραμμάτων και Τεχνών Ανατολικής Κρήτης το 2016. Οι περιορισμοί της έκδοσης επέβαλαν τον αποκλεισμό του χαρτογραφικού υλικού, τη δημοσίευση ασπρόμαυρων εικόνων, τις βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές μόνο σε σύνολο χωρίς παραπομπές κ.ά. Ως εκ τούτου το κείμενο μπορεί να θεωρηθεί ως η πρώτη γραφή της μελέτης, που πρόκειται να δημοσιευτεί επεξεργασμένη και εμπλουτισμένη με τα στοιχεία που έχουν αποκλειστεί.

Η ανακοίνωση παρουσιάζει τις εργασίες αποκατάστασης στο ναό της Παναγίας στο Χουμεριάκο, σταυροει... more Η ανακοίνωση παρουσιάζει τις εργασίες αποκατάστασης στο ναό της Παναγίας στο Χουμεριάκο, σταυροειδούς εγγεγραμμένου τρουλλαίου ναού, με προσθήκη νάρθηκα στη δυτική του πλευρά, που εμφάνιζε σοβαρότατα δομικά προβλήματα και αλλοιώσεις. Η μακρόχρονη πορεία των εργασιών στερέωσης και αποκατάστασης ξεκίνησε από το 2000, συνέχισε το 2003-2004 με διερευνήσεις και εκπόνηση μελέτης αποκατάστασης, υλοποιήθηκε ως προς τη βασική στερέωση το 2007-2008, και ολοκληρώθηκε το 2011-2012. Τα αρχιτεκτονικά στοιχεία που αποκαλύφθηκαν φώτισαν την αρχική δομή και μορφή του ναού.
This paper describes the restoration works carried out at Panagia Koumpelina church at Choumeriako, Merabello, Lassithi, a cross-inscribed domed middle byzantine church with a 16th c. narthex. The long term restoration campaign started since 2000, continued on 2003-2004, with research works and the elaboration of the restoration project, and proceeded on 2007-2008 with structural restoration and roof tiling. A full restoration procedure has been implemented during 2011-2013. Architectural features revealed during the works offered important information about the original building.

The residence of the Venetian noble family of De Mezzo dominates the village of Etia, in Siteia d... more The residence of the Venetian noble family of De Mezzo dominates the village of Etia, in Siteia district and is an eminent example of secular architecture in Crete. This paper presents: a) a brief historical report and architectural description, as well as reference to new historical evidence, b) restoration interventions until 2008, c) recent restoration works in 2007-2008, with funding from the 3rd Community Support Framework “Crete Regional Action Plan”. The first building phase can be dated in the late 15th century, while the
villa’s present shape, with its opulent Renaissance features, dates to the early 17th century. Recent archival research, combined with compared architectural study, can date the construction of the villa’s final form between 1620 and 1635.
Restoration works have begun since its acquisition by the Greek state, in 1959, and continued extensively in 1973-1977. Later, works have been executed by Siteia Development Organisation (1995-2001), which also contributed to the restoration study in 2006-2007.
The last restoration project was carried out by the 13th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities and included: a) consolidation works upon the vaults, the remnants on the terrace and the terrace itself, b) rehabilitation of the internal spaces, c) restoration of the fountain in the yard, d) restoration and reassessment of the yard. The total cost amounted in 318.289,79 €.

Πεπραγμένα Ι΄ Διεθνούς Κρητολογικού Συνεδρίου, Χανιά 2010, σελ. 149-173 και 500-501, 2010
Η απογραφή των ορθόδοξων εκκλησιαστικών μνημείων του Διαμερίσματος Σητείας έγινε στην πόλη της Ση... more Η απογραφή των ορθόδοξων εκκλησιαστικών μνημείων του Διαμερίσματος Σητείας έγινε στην πόλη της Σητείας, από τις 21 Απριλίου μέχρι τις 20 Μαΐου 1637. Αφορά στις καστελλανίες της Σητείας και της Ιεράπετρας, που συναποτελούσαν το διαμέρισμα της Σητείας (territorio di Settia). Οι πληροφορίες που παρέχουν αφορούν τον οικισμό, τη θέση, το όνομα του ναού, τους ιδιοκτήτες και άλλα σχετιζόμενα πρόσωπα, καθώς και τα εισοδήματα, που αποτελούσαν βασικό αντικείμενο της απογραφής. Η επιτόπια έρευνα είχε στόχο τον εντοπισμό των ναών, τον έλεγχο της ταύτισης τους, της κατάστασης στην οποία σώζονται, της ύπαρξης τοιχογραφικού διακόσμου, τη χρονολόγηση.
Il "Catastico delle chiese greche, et entrade loro certe ed incerte – Settia", conservato nell'Archivio di Stato di Venezia, fa parte dell'inventario di chiese e monasteri grechi redatto per tutti i quattro territorii del Regno di Candia tra 1635-1637. Le informazioni contenute nel Catastico per il territorio di Settia vengono catalogate secondo la citta o villagio, la localita, il nome, il proprietario e le introite. Le informazioni sono verificate, alquanto possibile, per quanto riguarda l'identificazione, la situazione presente, la decorazione ad affresco e la datazione.
Drafts by Δάφνη Χρονάκη
Mendicant orders are present in Crete since the first decades of the Venetian occupation of the i... more Mendicant orders are present in Crete since the first decades of the Venetian occupation of the island (1204-1211), to support and enhance the Latin Church. Abbeys and churches have been founded within the towns as well as in rural areas. Rules about the construction of mendicant churches and abbeys had been enacted soon after the establishment of the orders, coherent to their ideological and religious frame. Adherence to the rules was strict during the first period of building activity. This paper examines the concept of urban planning for some early mendicant installations in Crete, especially in the three main cities, Candia, Rettimo and Canea, considering the directions about the installation sites. The practice of tracing in the construction and the use of modules and proportions in the projects of mendicant abbey churches in Cretan cities are also examined.
Conference Presentations by Δάφνη Χρονάκη
Όρος Οξά, μια άγνωστη οχυρωμένη θέση στην Ανατολική Κρήτη, 38ο Συμπόσιο της Χριστιανικής-Αρχαιολο... more Όρος Οξά, μια άγνωστη οχυρωμένη θέση στην Ανατολική Κρήτη, 38ο Συμπόσιο της Χριστιανικής-Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας, Αθήνα 11-13 Μαΐου 2018
Papers by Δάφνη Χρονάκη
Στην παρούσα ανακοίνωση γίνεται αναφορά στις επεμβάσεις των τελευταίων δύο αιώνων και στα πρόσφατα προβλήματα, που οδήγησαν στο σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση της τελευταίας φάσης εργασιών. Αναλύονται οι δομικές βλάβες, τα αίτια των αστοχιών, οι στερεωτικές και αναστηλωτικές επιλογές και παρουσιάζεται συνοπτικά η υλοποίηση των εργασιών.
The church of Aghios Georgios Vrachassotis, near Vrachassi, Lassithi, consists of a northern vaulted aisle with fresco paintings (15th c.), an imposing bell tower (1558) and a southern vaulted aisle (1592). Archaeological documentation and construction phases are described by Georgia Moschovi in the same volume. The church has suffered heavy damages in spite of the 1974 consolidation works. In this paper, interventions of the past two centuries as well as the recent problems are described. Consolidation methods have been chosen through the analysis of structural problems and causes of damages. The implementation of works is briefly reported.
Οι πληροφορίες προέρχονται το Κρατικό Αρχείο της Βενετίας, κυρίως από τους νοταρίους της περιοχής : Πέτρο Πατσιδιώτη (1546-1554), με έδρα το Καινούργιο Χωριό των Καρών, παπά Γιάννη Κατζαρά (1607-1635), με έδρα το Καστέλλι Φουρνής, και Θεοδόσιο Αμπράμο (1644-1646), με έδρα την Φουρνή. Επίσης προέρχονται από άλλους νοταρίους του Χάνδακα, από την Απογραφή των ορθόδοξων μονών και εκκλησιών της Κρήτης του 1635 και από παλαιότερο δημοσιευμένο αρχειακό υλικό. Η επιτόπια έρευνα απέδωσε την ταύτιση των μνημείων.
The study of the anti-seismic enforcement of the building to be avoided any collapse after the restoration as it happened at the Cathedral of Venzone in Italy, or before any restoration at the church of St. Dominicus in Rieti. Italy
The church of St. Peter of Dominicans at Heraklion of Crete, 1248-1253
St.Peters church was built around 1248-1253. During the rest of the Venetian domination of Crete (1253-1669) it was one of the three big monumental churches of the city of Candia, and from them the only one existing till our days. At 1669, two years after the Ottoman occupation of Crete the building became a mosque, active till the beginning of 20th century.
The paper gives the analysis of the different buildings architectural changes from 1253 till 1972 when the first efforts of the restoration of the church took place. The related evidences came after the archeological investigation of 1991-1995 made by the authors of the paper as part of their responsibility in 13th Ephoreia of Byzantine and post Byzantine Antiquates at Crete of Greek Ministry of Culture. The result of the survey gave in design the five main historical transformations of the building , as the basis of the restoration proposal of the Monument
From 2002 to 2008 a broad restoration program has been carried out
by the 13th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities, with special concern to middle Byzantine churches. This paper refers to geometrical features and façade elements, studied throughout research and restoration work, done on middle Byzantine monuments of the Lassithi Prefecture.
Regarding the domes, characteristic element of middle Byzantine churches, four types can be distinguished for the preserved monuments of the region. Blind arches, with single or double recession, consist a main feature of the exteriors. Their use appears in later examples as well. Brickwork is also abundant, forming a rich façade decoration, especially in the two bath buildings, later transformed into churches. Decorative brickwork, gradually degenerating, has survived as well in later constructions up to 14th century. Remains of external lime mortar plaster verify that rubble surfaces were covered with plaster, engraved to imitate ashlar masonry.
This paper describes the restoration works carried out at Panagia Koumpelina church at Choumeriako, Merabello, Lassithi, a cross-inscribed domed middle byzantine church with a 16th c. narthex. The long term restoration campaign started since 2000, continued on 2003-2004, with research works and the elaboration of the restoration project, and proceeded on 2007-2008 with structural restoration and roof tiling. A full restoration procedure has been implemented during 2011-2013. Architectural features revealed during the works offered important information about the original building.
villa’s present shape, with its opulent Renaissance features, dates to the early 17th century. Recent archival research, combined with compared architectural study, can date the construction of the villa’s final form between 1620 and 1635.
Restoration works have begun since its acquisition by the Greek state, in 1959, and continued extensively in 1973-1977. Later, works have been executed by Siteia Development Organisation (1995-2001), which also contributed to the restoration study in 2006-2007.
The last restoration project was carried out by the 13th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities and included: a) consolidation works upon the vaults, the remnants on the terrace and the terrace itself, b) rehabilitation of the internal spaces, c) restoration of the fountain in the yard, d) restoration and reassessment of the yard. The total cost amounted in 318.289,79 €.
Il "Catastico delle chiese greche, et entrade loro certe ed incerte – Settia", conservato nell'Archivio di Stato di Venezia, fa parte dell'inventario di chiese e monasteri grechi redatto per tutti i quattro territorii del Regno di Candia tra 1635-1637. Le informazioni contenute nel Catastico per il territorio di Settia vengono catalogate secondo la citta o villagio, la localita, il nome, il proprietario e le introite. Le informazioni sono verificate, alquanto possibile, per quanto riguarda l'identificazione, la situazione presente, la decorazione ad affresco e la datazione.
Drafts by Δάφνη Χρονάκη
Conference Presentations by Δάφνη Χρονάκη
Στην παρούσα ανακοίνωση γίνεται αναφορά στις επεμβάσεις των τελευταίων δύο αιώνων και στα πρόσφατα προβλήματα, που οδήγησαν στο σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση της τελευταίας φάσης εργασιών. Αναλύονται οι δομικές βλάβες, τα αίτια των αστοχιών, οι στερεωτικές και αναστηλωτικές επιλογές και παρουσιάζεται συνοπτικά η υλοποίηση των εργασιών.
The church of Aghios Georgios Vrachassotis, near Vrachassi, Lassithi, consists of a northern vaulted aisle with fresco paintings (15th c.), an imposing bell tower (1558) and a southern vaulted aisle (1592). Archaeological documentation and construction phases are described by Georgia Moschovi in the same volume. The church has suffered heavy damages in spite of the 1974 consolidation works. In this paper, interventions of the past two centuries as well as the recent problems are described. Consolidation methods have been chosen through the analysis of structural problems and causes of damages. The implementation of works is briefly reported.
Οι πληροφορίες προέρχονται το Κρατικό Αρχείο της Βενετίας, κυρίως από τους νοταρίους της περιοχής : Πέτρο Πατσιδιώτη (1546-1554), με έδρα το Καινούργιο Χωριό των Καρών, παπά Γιάννη Κατζαρά (1607-1635), με έδρα το Καστέλλι Φουρνής, και Θεοδόσιο Αμπράμο (1644-1646), με έδρα την Φουρνή. Επίσης προέρχονται από άλλους νοταρίους του Χάνδακα, από την Απογραφή των ορθόδοξων μονών και εκκλησιών της Κρήτης του 1635 και από παλαιότερο δημοσιευμένο αρχειακό υλικό. Η επιτόπια έρευνα απέδωσε την ταύτιση των μνημείων.
The study of the anti-seismic enforcement of the building to be avoided any collapse after the restoration as it happened at the Cathedral of Venzone in Italy, or before any restoration at the church of St. Dominicus in Rieti. Italy
The church of St. Peter of Dominicans at Heraklion of Crete, 1248-1253
St.Peters church was built around 1248-1253. During the rest of the Venetian domination of Crete (1253-1669) it was one of the three big monumental churches of the city of Candia, and from them the only one existing till our days. At 1669, two years after the Ottoman occupation of Crete the building became a mosque, active till the beginning of 20th century.
The paper gives the analysis of the different buildings architectural changes from 1253 till 1972 when the first efforts of the restoration of the church took place. The related evidences came after the archeological investigation of 1991-1995 made by the authors of the paper as part of their responsibility in 13th Ephoreia of Byzantine and post Byzantine Antiquates at Crete of Greek Ministry of Culture. The result of the survey gave in design the five main historical transformations of the building , as the basis of the restoration proposal of the Monument
From 2002 to 2008 a broad restoration program has been carried out
by the 13th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities, with special concern to middle Byzantine churches. This paper refers to geometrical features and façade elements, studied throughout research and restoration work, done on middle Byzantine monuments of the Lassithi Prefecture.
Regarding the domes, characteristic element of middle Byzantine churches, four types can be distinguished for the preserved monuments of the region. Blind arches, with single or double recession, consist a main feature of the exteriors. Their use appears in later examples as well. Brickwork is also abundant, forming a rich façade decoration, especially in the two bath buildings, later transformed into churches. Decorative brickwork, gradually degenerating, has survived as well in later constructions up to 14th century. Remains of external lime mortar plaster verify that rubble surfaces were covered with plaster, engraved to imitate ashlar masonry.
This paper describes the restoration works carried out at Panagia Koumpelina church at Choumeriako, Merabello, Lassithi, a cross-inscribed domed middle byzantine church with a 16th c. narthex. The long term restoration campaign started since 2000, continued on 2003-2004, with research works and the elaboration of the restoration project, and proceeded on 2007-2008 with structural restoration and roof tiling. A full restoration procedure has been implemented during 2011-2013. Architectural features revealed during the works offered important information about the original building.
villa’s present shape, with its opulent Renaissance features, dates to the early 17th century. Recent archival research, combined with compared architectural study, can date the construction of the villa’s final form between 1620 and 1635.
Restoration works have begun since its acquisition by the Greek state, in 1959, and continued extensively in 1973-1977. Later, works have been executed by Siteia Development Organisation (1995-2001), which also contributed to the restoration study in 2006-2007.
The last restoration project was carried out by the 13th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities and included: a) consolidation works upon the vaults, the remnants on the terrace and the terrace itself, b) rehabilitation of the internal spaces, c) restoration of the fountain in the yard, d) restoration and reassessment of the yard. The total cost amounted in 318.289,79 €.
Il "Catastico delle chiese greche, et entrade loro certe ed incerte – Settia", conservato nell'Archivio di Stato di Venezia, fa parte dell'inventario di chiese e monasteri grechi redatto per tutti i quattro territorii del Regno di Candia tra 1635-1637. Le informazioni contenute nel Catastico per il territorio di Settia vengono catalogate secondo la citta o villagio, la localita, il nome, il proprietario e le introite. Le informazioni sono verificate, alquanto possibile, per quanto riguarda l'identificazione, la situazione presente, la decorazione ad affresco e la datazione.