Harmonics, flicker and imbalance have become serious concerns with the increasing use of nonlinea... more Harmonics, flicker and imbalance have become serious concerns with the increasing use of nonlinear loads in industries. Lightning strikes on transmission/distribution lines and several network faults can also cause transients, voltage sag/swell and interruption. Decrease in the cost of power electronic devices and improvement in the efficiency of both power converters and energy storage components have increased the applicability of new technological solutions such as Custom Power devices to mitigate the power quality disturbances. Static Transfer Switch (STS) is generally used to mitigate voltage sag/swell and interruption, Active Power Filter (APF) is generally used to eliminate current harmonics, flicker and imbalance, Dynamic Voltage Restore (DVR) is generally used to compensate voltage sag/swell and Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) performs the tasks of DVR and APF. In this paper, the basics of power quality, configuration and operation principles of custom power devices are presented.
WOS: 000348586200016Power quality (PQ) problems have become a serious concern of both power suppl... more WOS: 000348586200016Power quality (PQ) problems have become a serious concern of both power suppliers and end user customers with the deregulation of the electric power market. In the recent years, power electronics based compensation devices with advanced technology has been required due to the inadequate of conventional compensation devices to improve PQ in utility grid. This paper presents a comprehensive review of shunt compensating custom power devices (CPD) connected to distribution system mainly Distribution Synchronous Static Compensator (DSTATCOM) and Active Power Filter (APF). A broad overview on various control methods to compansate different PQ problems used in DSTATCOM and APF's and the main operation principles of these devices are provided. The practical applications and recent research advances on DSTATCOM and APF's are presented by reviewing nearly 120 papers
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Sep 1, 2015
Energy efficiency applications have great importance for facilities that utilize large amount of ... more Energy efficiency applications have great importance for facilities that utilize large amount of electrical and heat energy. Cogeneration (so called Combined Heat and Power; abbreviated as CHP) plants with gas engines are capable of generating both electrical and heat energy simultaneously using a single fuel input. In recent years, the realization of license exemption for facilities willing to produce electricity just for their energy demands by ensuring the condition of 80% total efficiency, low carbon emission of systems contain gas engines, rapid operation for synchronization and shortness of payback periods make cogeneration and trigeneration (so called Combined Cooling, Heat and Power; abbreviated as CCHP) plants more popular. This paper (i) briefly reviews cogeneration and trigeneration plants and their advantages, (ii) presents a novel methodology to determine the optimal capacity ratings for the plants by using the energy consumption profile, (iii) illustrates the calculation procedures including economic profit, thermal efficiency, and electricity generation of the selected system, and (iv) suggests the optimal capacity, plant placement and configuration for a medium-scale hospital. The energy savings potential at the university hospital is estimated as 19.66% and 19.52% with the use of natural gas based cogeneration and trigeneration plant, respectively. V
TEZ5652Thesis (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova University, Adana, 2005._Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurov... more TEZ5652Thesis (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova University, Adana, 2005._Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2005.Includes bibliography (p. 119-124).xiii, 126 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.The fast developments in power electronic technology have made it possible to mitigate voltage disturbances in power systems. Among the voltage disturbances challenging the industry, the voltage sags are considered the most important problem to the sensitive loads. Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is a series connected power electronic based device that can quickly mitigate the voltage sags in the system and restore the load voltage to the pre-fault value. DVR is recognized to be the best effective solution to overcome this problem. The primary advantage of the DVR is keeping the users always on-line with high quality constant voltage maintaining the continuity of production. A new method for the generation of reference voltage for a DVR is presented in this thesis. The proposed method provides super...
DSTATKOM, dağıtım sistemlerinde güç kalitesi problemlerini düzeltmek için kullanılan güç iyileşti... more DSTATKOM, dağıtım sistemlerinde güç kalitesi problemlerini düzeltmek için kullanılan güç iyileştirici cihazlardan biridir. DSTATKOM’ un performansı tamamıyla güç devresinin ve kontrolcü algoritmasının uygun seçimiyle ilgilidir. DSTATKOM’un güç devresi DA bara kapasitöründen, doğrultucudan ve pasif filtreden oluşur. DSTATKOM’un kontrol devresi referans sinyal çıkartımından, DA bara gerilim kontrolünden, AA gerilim kontrolünden ve anahtarlama sinyali üretiminden oluşur. Kompanze eden akım referans sinyalleri genellikle Anlık Simetrik Bileşen Teorisi (ASBT) ve dq teori tabanlı metot kullanarak ölçülen değerlerden üretilir. Gerilim kontrollü doğrultucuda (GKD) DA barayı sabit gerilimde tutmak içinDSTATCOM is one of the power conditioning devices that is used to mitigate power quality problems in distribution systems. The overall performance of the DSTATCOM is strictly related with the proper selection of power circuit configuration and controller algorithm. The power circuit of DSTATCOM...
This paper proposes to estimate the electrical characteristics and maximum power point of a photo... more This paper proposes to estimate the electrical characteristics and maximum power point of a photovoltaic (PV) panel under variable environmental conditions in banlurfa region (southeast of Turkey). Variable environment conditions cause to change of current, voltage and maximum power point (MPP) of PV panels. Under any environmental conditions there is a unique MPP for PV panels, to increase efficiency and reduce cost of energy systems, it is need to determine the maximum power point and electrical characteristics of PV panels. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is an improved structure that neurobiologically inspires brain functioning, to determine the effects of all parameters on system, ANN Cascade-forward backpropagation and feed-forward backpropagation algorithm have been used, the installed system performed in banlurfa region and the detailed performance tests have been performed in MATLAB simulation program. The proposed system is the first study by means of installing in ban...
Ozet Guc elektronigi elektrik enerjisinin denetimli, yari denetimli ve/veya denetimsiz bir sekild... more Ozet Guc elektronigi elektrik enerjisinin denetimli, yari denetimli ve/veya denetimsiz bir sekilde tetikleme (anahtarlama) elemanlari kullanilarak var olan girisinden istenen elektriksel cikis bicimine verimli bir sekilde donusturulmesi ve denetim edilmesiyle ilgili bir konudur. Guc elektronigi elemanlari kullanilarak kurulabilecek AC-AC, AC-DC, DC-DC ve DC-AC gibi devreler denetim ozegrilerine gore denetimli veya yari denetimli olabilir. Bu devreler icin gerekli olan denetim sinyalleri Mikro denetleyici, DSP, PLD, FPGA ve ASIC kullanilarak uretilebilir. Bu calismada guc elektronigi uygulamalarinda kullanilan ve denetim sinyalleri ureten Mikro denetleyici, DSP, PLD, FPGA ve ASIC ekonomiklik, hiz, enerji tuketimi, guvenilirlik, cok yonluluk, yazilim editorunun kolayligi ve kullanim kolayligi bakimindan ayrintili olarak karsilastirilmistir. Abstract Power electronics is a subject that deals with the efficient and controlled conversion of electrical energy using switching components su...
Electricity is the most common form of energy used in industry, commercial companies and houses. ... more Electricity is the most common form of energy used in industry, commercial companies and houses. More efficient use of electrical energy is required due to the rapid consumption of natural resources, increasing of the environment pollution and high energy prices. The subject of this study is about methods for increment of energy efficiency and it is aimed to make a contribution to the increment of energy saving. The methods for increasing energy efficiency are presented with numerical examples and calculations and also the required rec- ommendations are given.
This paper reviews the energy sector in Rwanda with an accent on Renewable Energy. In Rwanda, ene... more This paper reviews the energy sector in Rwanda with an accent on Renewable Energy. In Rwanda, energy sector plays a vital role in supporting socio-economic evolution and has a close connection to the growth of other economic sectors. The country has both renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Energy policies of the country give special attention to the use of modern, clean and energy efficient technologies. Most of Electricity in Rwanda comes from renewable sources: The total currently installed electricity capacity is 160 MW (March 2015), of which approximately more than 60% comes from hydrological resources along with other indigenous sources and less than 40% comes from diesel-powered generators. The current on-grid access to electricity is estimated at 23% of households and off-grid is 1.5%. Rwanda has envisaged increasing electric power supply by maximizing use of various indigenous energy resources and reach its ambitious target of 563 MW (domestic generation + imports) w...
Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2019
Electrical energy forecasting is crucial for efficient, reliable, and economic operations of hosp... more Electrical energy forecasting is crucial for efficient, reliable, and economic operations of hospitals due to serving 365 days a year, 24/7, and they require round-the-clock energy. An accurate prediction of energy consumption is particularly required for energy management, maintenance scheduling, and future renewable investment planning of large facilities. The main objective of this study is to forecast electrical energy demand by performing and comparing well-known techniques, which are frequently applied to short-term electrical energy forecasting problem in the literature, such as multiple linear regression as a statistical technique and artificial intelligence techniques including artificial neural networks containing multilayer perceptron neural networks and radial basis function networks, and support vector machines through a case study of a regional hospital in the medium-term horizon. In this study, a state-of-the-art literature review of medium-term electrical energy forecasting, data set information, fundamentals of statistical and artificial intelligence techniques, analyses for aforementioned methodologies, and the obtained results are described meticulously. Consequently, support vector machines model with a Gaussian kernel has the best validation performance, and the study revealed that seasonality has a dominant influence on forecasting performance. Hence heating, ventilation, and airconditioning systems cover the major part of electrical energy consumption of the regional hospital. Besides historical electrical energy consumption, outdoor mean temperature and calendar variables play a significant role in achieving accurate results. Furthermore, the study also unveiled that the number of patients is steady over the years with only small deviations and have no significant influence on medium-term electrical energy forecasting.
A dynamic voltage compensator (DVC) technique is presented for the minimizing of the capacitance ... more A dynamic voltage compensator (DVC) technique is presented for the minimizing of the capacitance value of the interleaved power factor corrected (PFC) boost converter for the battery charger in electric vehicles. This technique is based on eliminating the ripple on the capacitor by creating a voltage in the opposite direction as well as the amount of ripple on the capacitor. With the proposed method, the capacitance value is reduced by approximately five times. Reducing the size of the capacitor also provides the use of film-capacitors with a longer life. The other contribution of this study is designing a faster and more stable fully-digital control system, instead of the commonly used analogue controller of interleaved PFC boost converter. A 3.3 kW interleaved PFC boost converter is designed to verify the effect of the designed dynamic voltage compensator and digital controller.
Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 2015
DSTATCOM is one of the power conditioning devices that is used to mitigate power quality problems... more DSTATCOM is one of the power conditioning devices that is used to mitigate power quality problems in distribution systems. The overall performance of the DSTATCOM is strictly related with the proper selection of power circuit configuration and controller algorithm. The power circuit of DSTATCOM consists of dc link capacitor, inverter and passive filter. The control circuit of DSTATCOM consists of reference signal extraction, DC link voltage control, AC voltage control and switching signal generation. Compensating current reference signal is generally derived from the measured quantities by the use of the Instantaneous Symmetrical Component Theory (ISCT) and dq theory based method. A proportional-integral (PI) controller is generally used to maintain a constant voltage at the dc-link of a Voltage-Source Inverter (VSI). Furthermore, by connecting a delta connected inductor-capacitor-inductor (LCL) passive filter at inverter output, the high order harmonics generated by the DSTATCOM can be easily and effectively eliminated. This study presents the design procedures for power and control circuits of 300 kVA DSTATCOM in detail.
Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 2015
The increasing demand for energy and the depletion of existing fossil fuel based resources have f... more The increasing demand for energy and the depletion of existing fossil fuel based resources have forced the countries to realize the efficient use of energy, energy saving applications and searching alternative energy sources. Using the energy efficiently and performing energy saving studies have great importance for developing countries like ours that are dependent on other countries to meet their energy needs. Hospitals generally consume 6% of total energy in the buildings. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems are the significant part of electrical energy consumption at the hospitals. The airconditioning system is responsible for around 70% of total electricity consumption. Electric motors and lighting systems in a hospital represent approximately 19-21% of the total energy consumption. In this study, according to the detailed analysis on the lighting devices, electric motors and HVAC systems, the energy saving potentials and payback periods of these systems are estimated for a University Hospital.
In this paper, the methods used to control voltage source inverters, which have been intensively ... more In this paper, the methods used to control voltage source inverters, which have been intensively investigated in recent years, are compared. Although the most efficient result is obtained with the least number of switching elements in the inverter topologies, the method used in the switching is at least as effective as the topology. Besides, the selected switching method to control the inverter will play an effective role in suppressing harmonic components while producing the ideal output voltage. There are many derivatives of pulse width modulation techniques that are commonly used to control voltage source inverters. Some of widespread methods are sinusoidal pulse width modulation and space vector pulse width modulation techniques. These modulation techniques used for generating variable frequency and amplitude output voltage in voltage source inverters, have been simulated by using MATLAB/SIMULINK. In addition, the total harmonic distortions of the output voltages are compared. As a result of simulation studies, sinusoidal pulse width modulation has been found to have more total harmonic distortion in output voltages of voltage source inverters in the simulation. Space vector pulse width modulation has been shown to produce a more efficient output voltage with less total harmonic distortion.
Harmonics, flicker and imbalance have become serious concerns with the increasing use of nonlinea... more Harmonics, flicker and imbalance have become serious concerns with the increasing use of nonlinear loads in industries. Lightning strikes on transmission/distribution lines and several network faults can also cause transients, voltage sag/swell and interruption. Decrease in the cost of power electronic devices and improvement in the efficiency of both power converters and energy storage components have increased the applicability of new technological solutions such as Custom Power devices to mitigate the power quality disturbances. Static Transfer Switch (STS) is generally used to mitigate voltage sag/swell and interruption, Active Power Filter (APF) is generally used to eliminate current harmonics, flicker and imbalance, Dynamic Voltage Restore (DVR) is generally used to compensate voltage sag/swell and Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) performs the tasks of DVR and APF. In this paper, the basics of power quality, configuration and operation principles of custom power devices are presented.
WOS: 000348586200016Power quality (PQ) problems have become a serious concern of both power suppl... more WOS: 000348586200016Power quality (PQ) problems have become a serious concern of both power suppliers and end user customers with the deregulation of the electric power market. In the recent years, power electronics based compensation devices with advanced technology has been required due to the inadequate of conventional compensation devices to improve PQ in utility grid. This paper presents a comprehensive review of shunt compensating custom power devices (CPD) connected to distribution system mainly Distribution Synchronous Static Compensator (DSTATCOM) and Active Power Filter (APF). A broad overview on various control methods to compansate different PQ problems used in DSTATCOM and APF's and the main operation principles of these devices are provided. The practical applications and recent research advances on DSTATCOM and APF's are presented by reviewing nearly 120 papers
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Sep 1, 2015
Energy efficiency applications have great importance for facilities that utilize large amount of ... more Energy efficiency applications have great importance for facilities that utilize large amount of electrical and heat energy. Cogeneration (so called Combined Heat and Power; abbreviated as CHP) plants with gas engines are capable of generating both electrical and heat energy simultaneously using a single fuel input. In recent years, the realization of license exemption for facilities willing to produce electricity just for their energy demands by ensuring the condition of 80% total efficiency, low carbon emission of systems contain gas engines, rapid operation for synchronization and shortness of payback periods make cogeneration and trigeneration (so called Combined Cooling, Heat and Power; abbreviated as CCHP) plants more popular. This paper (i) briefly reviews cogeneration and trigeneration plants and their advantages, (ii) presents a novel methodology to determine the optimal capacity ratings for the plants by using the energy consumption profile, (iii) illustrates the calculation procedures including economic profit, thermal efficiency, and electricity generation of the selected system, and (iv) suggests the optimal capacity, plant placement and configuration for a medium-scale hospital. The energy savings potential at the university hospital is estimated as 19.66% and 19.52% with the use of natural gas based cogeneration and trigeneration plant, respectively. V
TEZ5652Thesis (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova University, Adana, 2005._Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurov... more TEZ5652Thesis (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova University, Adana, 2005._Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2005.Includes bibliography (p. 119-124).xiii, 126 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.The fast developments in power electronic technology have made it possible to mitigate voltage disturbances in power systems. Among the voltage disturbances challenging the industry, the voltage sags are considered the most important problem to the sensitive loads. Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is a series connected power electronic based device that can quickly mitigate the voltage sags in the system and restore the load voltage to the pre-fault value. DVR is recognized to be the best effective solution to overcome this problem. The primary advantage of the DVR is keeping the users always on-line with high quality constant voltage maintaining the continuity of production. A new method for the generation of reference voltage for a DVR is presented in this thesis. The proposed method provides super...
DSTATKOM, dağıtım sistemlerinde güç kalitesi problemlerini düzeltmek için kullanılan güç iyileşti... more DSTATKOM, dağıtım sistemlerinde güç kalitesi problemlerini düzeltmek için kullanılan güç iyileştirici cihazlardan biridir. DSTATKOM’ un performansı tamamıyla güç devresinin ve kontrolcü algoritmasının uygun seçimiyle ilgilidir. DSTATKOM’un güç devresi DA bara kapasitöründen, doğrultucudan ve pasif filtreden oluşur. DSTATKOM’un kontrol devresi referans sinyal çıkartımından, DA bara gerilim kontrolünden, AA gerilim kontrolünden ve anahtarlama sinyali üretiminden oluşur. Kompanze eden akım referans sinyalleri genellikle Anlık Simetrik Bileşen Teorisi (ASBT) ve dq teori tabanlı metot kullanarak ölçülen değerlerden üretilir. Gerilim kontrollü doğrultucuda (GKD) DA barayı sabit gerilimde tutmak içinDSTATCOM is one of the power conditioning devices that is used to mitigate power quality problems in distribution systems. The overall performance of the DSTATCOM is strictly related with the proper selection of power circuit configuration and controller algorithm. The power circuit of DSTATCOM...
This paper proposes to estimate the electrical characteristics and maximum power point of a photo... more This paper proposes to estimate the electrical characteristics and maximum power point of a photovoltaic (PV) panel under variable environmental conditions in banlurfa region (southeast of Turkey). Variable environment conditions cause to change of current, voltage and maximum power point (MPP) of PV panels. Under any environmental conditions there is a unique MPP for PV panels, to increase efficiency and reduce cost of energy systems, it is need to determine the maximum power point and electrical characteristics of PV panels. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is an improved structure that neurobiologically inspires brain functioning, to determine the effects of all parameters on system, ANN Cascade-forward backpropagation and feed-forward backpropagation algorithm have been used, the installed system performed in banlurfa region and the detailed performance tests have been performed in MATLAB simulation program. The proposed system is the first study by means of installing in ban...
Ozet Guc elektronigi elektrik enerjisinin denetimli, yari denetimli ve/veya denetimsiz bir sekild... more Ozet Guc elektronigi elektrik enerjisinin denetimli, yari denetimli ve/veya denetimsiz bir sekilde tetikleme (anahtarlama) elemanlari kullanilarak var olan girisinden istenen elektriksel cikis bicimine verimli bir sekilde donusturulmesi ve denetim edilmesiyle ilgili bir konudur. Guc elektronigi elemanlari kullanilarak kurulabilecek AC-AC, AC-DC, DC-DC ve DC-AC gibi devreler denetim ozegrilerine gore denetimli veya yari denetimli olabilir. Bu devreler icin gerekli olan denetim sinyalleri Mikro denetleyici, DSP, PLD, FPGA ve ASIC kullanilarak uretilebilir. Bu calismada guc elektronigi uygulamalarinda kullanilan ve denetim sinyalleri ureten Mikro denetleyici, DSP, PLD, FPGA ve ASIC ekonomiklik, hiz, enerji tuketimi, guvenilirlik, cok yonluluk, yazilim editorunun kolayligi ve kullanim kolayligi bakimindan ayrintili olarak karsilastirilmistir. Abstract Power electronics is a subject that deals with the efficient and controlled conversion of electrical energy using switching components su...
Electricity is the most common form of energy used in industry, commercial companies and houses. ... more Electricity is the most common form of energy used in industry, commercial companies and houses. More efficient use of electrical energy is required due to the rapid consumption of natural resources, increasing of the environment pollution and high energy prices. The subject of this study is about methods for increment of energy efficiency and it is aimed to make a contribution to the increment of energy saving. The methods for increasing energy efficiency are presented with numerical examples and calculations and also the required rec- ommendations are given.
This paper reviews the energy sector in Rwanda with an accent on Renewable Energy. In Rwanda, ene... more This paper reviews the energy sector in Rwanda with an accent on Renewable Energy. In Rwanda, energy sector plays a vital role in supporting socio-economic evolution and has a close connection to the growth of other economic sectors. The country has both renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Energy policies of the country give special attention to the use of modern, clean and energy efficient technologies. Most of Electricity in Rwanda comes from renewable sources: The total currently installed electricity capacity is 160 MW (March 2015), of which approximately more than 60% comes from hydrological resources along with other indigenous sources and less than 40% comes from diesel-powered generators. The current on-grid access to electricity is estimated at 23% of households and off-grid is 1.5%. Rwanda has envisaged increasing electric power supply by maximizing use of various indigenous energy resources and reach its ambitious target of 563 MW (domestic generation + imports) w...
Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2019
Electrical energy forecasting is crucial for efficient, reliable, and economic operations of hosp... more Electrical energy forecasting is crucial for efficient, reliable, and economic operations of hospitals due to serving 365 days a year, 24/7, and they require round-the-clock energy. An accurate prediction of energy consumption is particularly required for energy management, maintenance scheduling, and future renewable investment planning of large facilities. The main objective of this study is to forecast electrical energy demand by performing and comparing well-known techniques, which are frequently applied to short-term electrical energy forecasting problem in the literature, such as multiple linear regression as a statistical technique and artificial intelligence techniques including artificial neural networks containing multilayer perceptron neural networks and radial basis function networks, and support vector machines through a case study of a regional hospital in the medium-term horizon. In this study, a state-of-the-art literature review of medium-term electrical energy forecasting, data set information, fundamentals of statistical and artificial intelligence techniques, analyses for aforementioned methodologies, and the obtained results are described meticulously. Consequently, support vector machines model with a Gaussian kernel has the best validation performance, and the study revealed that seasonality has a dominant influence on forecasting performance. Hence heating, ventilation, and airconditioning systems cover the major part of electrical energy consumption of the regional hospital. Besides historical electrical energy consumption, outdoor mean temperature and calendar variables play a significant role in achieving accurate results. Furthermore, the study also unveiled that the number of patients is steady over the years with only small deviations and have no significant influence on medium-term electrical energy forecasting.
A dynamic voltage compensator (DVC) technique is presented for the minimizing of the capacitance ... more A dynamic voltage compensator (DVC) technique is presented for the minimizing of the capacitance value of the interleaved power factor corrected (PFC) boost converter for the battery charger in electric vehicles. This technique is based on eliminating the ripple on the capacitor by creating a voltage in the opposite direction as well as the amount of ripple on the capacitor. With the proposed method, the capacitance value is reduced by approximately five times. Reducing the size of the capacitor also provides the use of film-capacitors with a longer life. The other contribution of this study is designing a faster and more stable fully-digital control system, instead of the commonly used analogue controller of interleaved PFC boost converter. A 3.3 kW interleaved PFC boost converter is designed to verify the effect of the designed dynamic voltage compensator and digital controller.
Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 2015
DSTATCOM is one of the power conditioning devices that is used to mitigate power quality problems... more DSTATCOM is one of the power conditioning devices that is used to mitigate power quality problems in distribution systems. The overall performance of the DSTATCOM is strictly related with the proper selection of power circuit configuration and controller algorithm. The power circuit of DSTATCOM consists of dc link capacitor, inverter and passive filter. The control circuit of DSTATCOM consists of reference signal extraction, DC link voltage control, AC voltage control and switching signal generation. Compensating current reference signal is generally derived from the measured quantities by the use of the Instantaneous Symmetrical Component Theory (ISCT) and dq theory based method. A proportional-integral (PI) controller is generally used to maintain a constant voltage at the dc-link of a Voltage-Source Inverter (VSI). Furthermore, by connecting a delta connected inductor-capacitor-inductor (LCL) passive filter at inverter output, the high order harmonics generated by the DSTATCOM can be easily and effectively eliminated. This study presents the design procedures for power and control circuits of 300 kVA DSTATCOM in detail.
Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 2015
The increasing demand for energy and the depletion of existing fossil fuel based resources have f... more The increasing demand for energy and the depletion of existing fossil fuel based resources have forced the countries to realize the efficient use of energy, energy saving applications and searching alternative energy sources. Using the energy efficiently and performing energy saving studies have great importance for developing countries like ours that are dependent on other countries to meet their energy needs. Hospitals generally consume 6% of total energy in the buildings. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems are the significant part of electrical energy consumption at the hospitals. The airconditioning system is responsible for around 70% of total electricity consumption. Electric motors and lighting systems in a hospital represent approximately 19-21% of the total energy consumption. In this study, according to the detailed analysis on the lighting devices, electric motors and HVAC systems, the energy saving potentials and payback periods of these systems are estimated for a University Hospital.
In this paper, the methods used to control voltage source inverters, which have been intensively ... more In this paper, the methods used to control voltage source inverters, which have been intensively investigated in recent years, are compared. Although the most efficient result is obtained with the least number of switching elements in the inverter topologies, the method used in the switching is at least as effective as the topology. Besides, the selected switching method to control the inverter will play an effective role in suppressing harmonic components while producing the ideal output voltage. There are many derivatives of pulse width modulation techniques that are commonly used to control voltage source inverters. Some of widespread methods are sinusoidal pulse width modulation and space vector pulse width modulation techniques. These modulation techniques used for generating variable frequency and amplitude output voltage in voltage source inverters, have been simulated by using MATLAB/SIMULINK. In addition, the total harmonic distortions of the output voltages are compared. As a result of simulation studies, sinusoidal pulse width modulation has been found to have more total harmonic distortion in output voltages of voltage source inverters in the simulation. Space vector pulse width modulation has been shown to produce a more efficient output voltage with less total harmonic distortion.
Papers by ahmet teke