Rukiye Akdoğan
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Papers by Rukiye Akdoğan
This study is a sequel of the papers, "On Similar Words in Hittite and “Compilation Dictionary from Folk Dialect in Turkey"” and "On Similar Words in Hittite and "Compilation Dictionary from Folk Dialect in Turkey II"; therefore, the wording "III" has been added to this paper, and a new series of similar words were introduced. The "mouth" word in the Contemporary Turkish Dictionary is describes as "a spoken language that can show differences in sound, shape, syntax and meaning within the same language and is specific to certain settlements or classes". By this paper, the number of similar words between Hittite and the ones in Compilation Dictionary has reached 155 so far, and we continue to find more similar words. The words in languages recorded on cuneiform tablets have been spoken and will continue to be spoken among the people for about 3670 years. In this paper, some words which are similar with the ones in Sumerian, Akkadian, Luwian, Hattic and Divanü Lûgat-it Türk will be treated as well.
Pallacı language, one of the secret languages of Anatolia, is the name given to the language spoken among the coppersmiths of Muğla and its surroundings. The existence of these secret languages has been known since the late 19th century and has been studied since the beginning of the 20th century. The word Pallacı means "tinsmith" and is the name given to the coppersmiths in the villages of Bellibol, Genize, Genek and Kavaklıdere in Muğla. Pallacı language is also known as "Meekçi/Mêkçi Naslığı". In this article, some similar words between Pallacı language and Hittite are presented; e.g. palahna- a copper tool in Hittite, palle- a copper pot in Pallacı; uwa- to come, to reach in Hittite, ovan- to come, to go in Pallacı.
Merhemli rahibin başlıca görevlerinden biri, kutsama (arındırma) idi: iškaruh-kabını, prensi, kralı, kurbanlık hayvanları, çeşitli nesneler ile kralın ellerini ve tanrı heykellerini yıkar (kutsar),tapınağı silip süpürür (su serper). Diğer başlıca görevi de ilahi okuma (ezberden okuma) idi. Makalede, Hitit mitlerini sözlü olarak aktaran ve dinî kimlikleri bulunan LÚGUDU12-rahibi ile Türk sözlü geleneğini icra eden destancıların arasındaki benzerliğe de yer verilmiştir. Hitit krallarının güçlerini artırmak ve ritüel anlamda temizlenmek için tahta çıkma seremonisi olarak yağlanması ile kutsal kitaplardaki benzer durumlara da değinilmiştir. Ayrıca merhemli rahibin görevleri arasında bulunan kutsama (arındırma), günümüzdeki mesh etmeye (mesih, christus= meshedilmiş) kadar gelen bir sürecin de göstergesidir.
This study is a sequel of the papers, "On Similar Words in Hittite and “Compilation Dictionary from Folk Dialect in Turkey"” and "On Similar Words in Hittite and "Compilation Dictionary from Folk Dialect in Turkey II"; therefore, the wording "III" has been added to this paper, and a new series of similar words were introduced. The "mouth" word in the Contemporary Turkish Dictionary is describes as "a spoken language that can show differences in sound, shape, syntax and meaning within the same language and is specific to certain settlements or classes". By this paper, the number of similar words between Hittite and the ones in Compilation Dictionary has reached 155 so far, and we continue to find more similar words. The words in languages recorded on cuneiform tablets have been spoken and will continue to be spoken among the people for about 3670 years. In this paper, some words which are similar with the ones in Sumerian, Akkadian, Luwian, Hattic and Divanü Lûgat-it Türk will be treated as well.
Pallacı language, one of the secret languages of Anatolia, is the name given to the language spoken among the coppersmiths of Muğla and its surroundings. The existence of these secret languages has been known since the late 19th century and has been studied since the beginning of the 20th century. The word Pallacı means "tinsmith" and is the name given to the coppersmiths in the villages of Bellibol, Genize, Genek and Kavaklıdere in Muğla. Pallacı language is also known as "Meekçi/Mêkçi Naslığı". In this article, some similar words between Pallacı language and Hittite are presented; e.g. palahna- a copper tool in Hittite, palle- a copper pot in Pallacı; uwa- to come, to reach in Hittite, ovan- to come, to go in Pallacı.
Merhemli rahibin başlıca görevlerinden biri, kutsama (arındırma) idi: iškaruh-kabını, prensi, kralı, kurbanlık hayvanları, çeşitli nesneler ile kralın ellerini ve tanrı heykellerini yıkar (kutsar),tapınağı silip süpürür (su serper). Diğer başlıca görevi de ilahi okuma (ezberden okuma) idi. Makalede, Hitit mitlerini sözlü olarak aktaran ve dinî kimlikleri bulunan LÚGUDU12-rahibi ile Türk sözlü geleneğini icra eden destancıların arasındaki benzerliğe de yer verilmiştir. Hitit krallarının güçlerini artırmak ve ritüel anlamda temizlenmek için tahta çıkma seremonisi olarak yağlanması ile kutsal kitaplardaki benzer durumlara da değinilmiştir. Ayrıca merhemli rahibin görevleri arasında bulunan kutsama (arındırma), günümüzdeki mesh etmeye (mesih, christus= meshedilmiş) kadar gelen bir sürecin de göstergesidir.