Conference Presentations by kazi Mahfuzur Rahman

Transportation makes the way of moving from one place to another between the cities and towns. It... more Transportation makes the way of moving from one place to another between the cities and towns. It is called the organ of circulation of a city. The flow of the vehicles assumes the standard and importance of a road. Muradpur-Dewanhat road is the only Major and important road of Chittagong city which encompasses a huge number of vehicles every day. In this road some important intersections are Muradpur, Dui no. Gate, GEC and Dewanhat. This road links the city with Dhaka Chittagong Highway, Patenga sea beach, airport and many other important places. The traffic system of the city is dependent greatly on the performance of this road. Calculating level of service is the best way to understand the performance of a road. This study is mainly focused on the calculation of level of service of the road from through different types of survey like volume, speed and capacity. Again the performance of a road is greatly dependent on the geometric design of the intersections within that road. In this study an attempt to measure geometric design of the major intersections of the road is also taken. The analysis of the study reflects the actual condition of the Muradpur-Dewanhat link road. Improve the performance of this road some recommendations and proposals has been included which will help further decision making process in Chittagong city.

Solid waste management becomes a great problem now-a-days. Rapidly growing population is responsi... more Solid waste management becomes a great problem now-a-days. Rapidly growing population is responsible for producing large amount of solid wastes. To develop an efficient solid waste management system the existing scenario of solid waste of a city should be known which enables to find out the problems happening regarding mismanagement of solid waste within the city. Cox’s Bazar is a well-known tourist spot both in home & abroad. As a tourist spot different types of solid wastes produced everyday by the people living in the city as well as the people coming to visit it. Low collection coverage, unavailable transport services, and lack of suitable treatment, recycling and disposal facilities are responsible for unsatisfactory waste management, leading to water, land and air pollution, and for putting people and the environment at risk. In such a circumstance this study has intended to unfold the institutional dimensions of solid waste management including the types & amount of wastes produced in this city and to identify solid waste management problems. A field survey has conducted to identify the current scenario of solid waste management system in Cox’s Bazar. It helps to identify the problems regarding solid waste management system which helps in this study to give some recommendations to improve the solid waste management system of Cox’s Bazar.

This paper aims to assess the earthquake vulnerability of Matijhorna Slum in Chittagong City. Lik... more This paper aims to assess the earthquake vulnerability of Matijhorna Slum in Chittagong City. Like any other slum, it is a densely populated area with high room density. Chittagong is a hilly region & sometimes earthquake has occurred here though their intensity is not very high. If a large earthquake occurs it will bring immeasurable sufferings especially to the study area as it is vulnerable for landslide occurrence also. The area is not well developed & most of the people are poor to build their living structures strong enough which may resist earthquake occurrence. The vulnerability is assessed using participatory approach as it is the best way to make realize the community how vulnerable they are. Different types of risk factors such as Ground Factor, Secondary Hazards, Demographic Factor, Emergency Preparedness and Structural Factors are considered. Different types of PRA tools and modified PRA tools are used in the study to assess the vulnerability of Earthquake.
In urban area huge amount of poor people leads unsatisfied life. They are deprived from their bas... more In urban area huge amount of poor people leads unsatisfied life. They are deprived from their basic needs and other facilities. Urban poor is one of the major problem in developing countries. So Urban Partnership for Poverty Reduction (UPPR) Project is run to reduce the urban poor. This paper has examined the impact of Urban Partnership for Poverty Reduction (UPPR) Project which is executed by Local Government Engineering Department (LGED). How this project is run and how much the poor people is benefited from this project is necessary to identify. To examine the impact of this project some project area is surveyed and get comparison between their present and past condition. The data was collected by field survey and the findings show the change of their socio-economic condition and livelihood pattern.

Urban solid waste management is a serious environmental issue confronting the cities in developin... more Urban solid waste management is a serious environmental issue confronting the cities in developing countries like Bangladesh. Apathy towards the problem, inadequacy of field level information and data, and resource constraints may be blamed for the dismal situation of solid waste management often visible in our cities. The most common problems associated with the absence of sustainable solid waste management practice include diseases transmission, odour nuisance, atmospheric and water pollution, visual blight, fire hazards and economic losses. In the three major cities of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Chittagong & Khulna, per capita production of solid waste is around 0.4kg /capita / day, but only a fraction of this waste is carried to the final disposal site. A recent study on Municipal Solid Waste Management, funded by Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF), found that waste generated in Chittagong was 0.352kg/cap/day. Considering per capita generation of solid waste as 0.352kg to 0.4kg per capita per day, for a population of 25, 92,459 distributed within the 41 wards of the city (BBS 2011), total solid waste generated in Chittagong will be around 913 tons to 1037 tons per day in 2012.
Currently, Chittagong City Corporation has only two dumping yards: one at Ananda Bazar, Halishahar at the mid western part of the city and the other at Arefin Nagar, Pahartali at the northern tip of the city. None of these sites are sanitary landfill. Considering the city area of 168 sq.kms, only two dumping sites are not sufficient to cater to the requirement of the city. Long distances between the collection points and the disposal site are responsible for inefficient utilization of the CCC trucks and the resulting increase in the haulage time that eventually increases the costs of collection and disposal.
This paper aims to identify a number of appropriate landfill sites within the city for cost effective, efficient and safe disposal of solid wastes. An appropriate landfill site must satisfy environmental safety criteria and attributes that will enable the wastes to be isolated so that there is no risk to people and the environment. The criteria utilized for identifying appropriate landfill locations include natural physical characteristics as well as socioeconomic, ecological, engineering and land-use parameters. This study utilized Geographic Information System (GIS) and Multi-Criteria Decision Method (MCDM) for the identification and selection of appropriate landfill sites within the city of Chittagong. Thirteen sites were identified initially. Out of these sites four were found to be most appropriate and suitable for use as landfill. The sites thus identified, if utilized by CCC, are expected to bring a major change, in terms of cost effectiveness, efficiency and safety, in the current scenario of solid waste management in the city.

Trip generation is the first step in the conventional transportation forecasting process. Trip ge... more Trip generation is the first step in the conventional transportation forecasting process. Trip generation rates can influence the magnitude of the roadway improvements that are constructed like the amount of land that is required to be dedicated for road’s right-of-way, and calculation of long term maintenance costs of the roadway network. Therefore, an accurate estimate of vehicle trip generation is required to construct the necessary roadway infrastructure without overbuilding it. Mohora to Kaptai road is an important and a busy road in Chittagong
because some important commercial buildings, power plants, industries and institutions are situated along this road. The goal of this paper is to determine trip generation of adjacent commercial land uses of Kaptai Road. To fulfill the goal, our objectives are to identify the number of trips generation by the adjacent commercial land uses and to relate trip generation with respect to land use and socio-economic characteristics of Kaptai road. This study utilizes Geographic Information System (GIS), Questionnaire Survey, Personal Interview and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis for the trip generation analysis and calculation. Trip generation surveys have completed at a total of 10 commercial sites, covering five different shopping centers and five different banks at different important intersection point. The findings have clarified the existing land uses, trip generation situation with multiple linear regression model and trip rates of commercial land uses.

Chittagong is lack of planning orders which gradually makes this beautiful city so much hazy, inc... more Chittagong is lack of planning orders which gradually makes this beautiful city so much hazy, inconvenient and intolerable. On that note Cooperative Housing Society Ltd. built the Khulshi Housing area in 1983. The Planned Khulshi Housing is a milestone of road to the planning friendly Chittagong city. The present condition, the transformation of the past, the rule violation, and land use etc. features are vibrant. Every project has some problems and failures after implementation. The study area is not properly established by the master plan of 1960. Some plots were appointed for slum dwellers but these plots are now confiscated by the higher class people. Most of the plots are used as the residential purposes but there is no health and educational use in this study area. There are some negative sides. But the overall condition of the area is very good and environmentally sound. So the study area is successful as a residential area.

Khulna Division with an area of 21643.30 sq km is bounded by Rajshahi division on the north, Bay ... more Khulna Division with an area of 21643.30 sq km is bounded by Rajshahi division on the north, Bay of Bengal on the south, Dhaka and Barisal divisions on the east, West Bengal on the west. The Sundarbans is located in this division covering parts of Satkhira, Bagerhat and Khulna districts. Main occupation is agriculture 39.43%. For agricultural regionalization, some indicators related to agriculture development are selected based on data availability in secondary sources. Two techniques are used to attempt Agricultural Regionalization of Khulna. One is Proportional standardized mean method. It is a simple technique for preparation of composite index. Another is 0-1 transformation value technique. The result shows that there is only one highly agricultural developed district, Jessore. Considering on the less developed regions are Narail, Meherpur, Magura. And moderate developed regions are Chuadanga, Khulna, Bagerhat and lastly developed regions are Kushtia, Jhenaidah, Satkhira which are falling in these classes of both techniques.
Drafts by kazi Mahfuzur Rahman
Conference Presentations by kazi Mahfuzur Rahman
Currently, Chittagong City Corporation has only two dumping yards: one at Ananda Bazar, Halishahar at the mid western part of the city and the other at Arefin Nagar, Pahartali at the northern tip of the city. None of these sites are sanitary landfill. Considering the city area of 168 sq.kms, only two dumping sites are not sufficient to cater to the requirement of the city. Long distances between the collection points and the disposal site are responsible for inefficient utilization of the CCC trucks and the resulting increase in the haulage time that eventually increases the costs of collection and disposal.
This paper aims to identify a number of appropriate landfill sites within the city for cost effective, efficient and safe disposal of solid wastes. An appropriate landfill site must satisfy environmental safety criteria and attributes that will enable the wastes to be isolated so that there is no risk to people and the environment. The criteria utilized for identifying appropriate landfill locations include natural physical characteristics as well as socioeconomic, ecological, engineering and land-use parameters. This study utilized Geographic Information System (GIS) and Multi-Criteria Decision Method (MCDM) for the identification and selection of appropriate landfill sites within the city of Chittagong. Thirteen sites were identified initially. Out of these sites four were found to be most appropriate and suitable for use as landfill. The sites thus identified, if utilized by CCC, are expected to bring a major change, in terms of cost effectiveness, efficiency and safety, in the current scenario of solid waste management in the city.
because some important commercial buildings, power plants, industries and institutions are situated along this road. The goal of this paper is to determine trip generation of adjacent commercial land uses of Kaptai Road. To fulfill the goal, our objectives are to identify the number of trips generation by the adjacent commercial land uses and to relate trip generation with respect to land use and socio-economic characteristics of Kaptai road. This study utilizes Geographic Information System (GIS), Questionnaire Survey, Personal Interview and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis for the trip generation analysis and calculation. Trip generation surveys have completed at a total of 10 commercial sites, covering five different shopping centers and five different banks at different important intersection point. The findings have clarified the existing land uses, trip generation situation with multiple linear regression model and trip rates of commercial land uses.
Drafts by kazi Mahfuzur Rahman
Currently, Chittagong City Corporation has only two dumping yards: one at Ananda Bazar, Halishahar at the mid western part of the city and the other at Arefin Nagar, Pahartali at the northern tip of the city. None of these sites are sanitary landfill. Considering the city area of 168 sq.kms, only two dumping sites are not sufficient to cater to the requirement of the city. Long distances between the collection points and the disposal site are responsible for inefficient utilization of the CCC trucks and the resulting increase in the haulage time that eventually increases the costs of collection and disposal.
This paper aims to identify a number of appropriate landfill sites within the city for cost effective, efficient and safe disposal of solid wastes. An appropriate landfill site must satisfy environmental safety criteria and attributes that will enable the wastes to be isolated so that there is no risk to people and the environment. The criteria utilized for identifying appropriate landfill locations include natural physical characteristics as well as socioeconomic, ecological, engineering and land-use parameters. This study utilized Geographic Information System (GIS) and Multi-Criteria Decision Method (MCDM) for the identification and selection of appropriate landfill sites within the city of Chittagong. Thirteen sites were identified initially. Out of these sites four were found to be most appropriate and suitable for use as landfill. The sites thus identified, if utilized by CCC, are expected to bring a major change, in terms of cost effectiveness, efficiency and safety, in the current scenario of solid waste management in the city.
because some important commercial buildings, power plants, industries and institutions are situated along this road. The goal of this paper is to determine trip generation of adjacent commercial land uses of Kaptai Road. To fulfill the goal, our objectives are to identify the number of trips generation by the adjacent commercial land uses and to relate trip generation with respect to land use and socio-economic characteristics of Kaptai road. This study utilizes Geographic Information System (GIS), Questionnaire Survey, Personal Interview and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis for the trip generation analysis and calculation. Trip generation surveys have completed at a total of 10 commercial sites, covering five different shopping centers and five different banks at different important intersection point. The findings have clarified the existing land uses, trip generation situation with multiple linear regression model and trip rates of commercial land uses.