Papers by Ketty Herrera-Mendoza
Corporación universidad de la costa eBooks, 2021
La cartilla forma parte de la caja de herramientas dirigida a los maestros(as) del Programa Cicló... more La cartilla forma parte de la caja de herramientas dirigida a los maestros(as) del Programa Ciclón, presentando la Investigación como Estrategia Pedagógica (IEP) para la comprensión critica del contexto, desde las experiencias de la comunidad académica en la autoformación, formación de saber y conocimiento; y apropiación para sensibilizar a los maestros(as), acompañantes investigadores e investigadores y líderes de las redes temáticas institucionales del proyecto “Fortalecimiento de la cultura ciudadana y democrática en CT+I a través de la IEP apoyada en TIC en el Dpto. del Magdalena”

Corporación universidad de la costa eBooks, 2021
Introducción CAPÍTULO 1 La Crisis Ecológica: De lo inimaginable a lo evidente La energía eléctric... more Introducción CAPÍTULO 1 La Crisis Ecológica: De lo inimaginable a lo evidente La energía eléctrica y el agua en su relación con la problemática medioambiental Energía Eléctrica, Cambio Climático La problemática global del agua El agua es energía A partir de la crisis… CAPÍTULO 2 Explicación Conductual de los Problemas Medioambientales Definición del concepto Actitud Características de las Actitudes Componentes de las Actitudes Funciones de las Actitudes Actitudes y formación de comportamientos Conducta proambiental Modelos de conducta proambiental Modelos psicológicos de conducta proambiental Modelos procesales de comportamiento proambiental Modelo adaptativo del ambiente y la conducta CAPÍTULO 3 Conducta Proambiental: Emoción o Racionalidad Comportamientos proambientales Conducta de reducción de consumo CAPÍTULO 4 Aproximaciones prácticas desde la Psicología para comprender las Actitudes Proambientales Caracterización de la muestra Prácticas de consumo de agua y energía eléctrica Creencias frente al consumo de agua y energía eléctrica Sentimientos frente al consumo de agua y energía eléctrica CAPÍTULO 5
Cultura, educación, sociedad (Barranquilla), 2021

La sustentación del proyecto de tesis doctoral es una situación que genera estrés con múltiples m... more La sustentación del proyecto de tesis doctoral es una situación que genera estrés con múltiples manifestaciones físicas y comportamentales. En este artículo se analizó la respuesta autonómica de estrés en estudiantes de doctorado en una defensa de su proyecto de tesis doctoral. El estudio conto con una muestra de 16 estudiantes de doctorado, a quienes se les analizó la variabilidad de la Frecuencia Cardiaca en estado basal y en la defensa de su proyecto para evaluar su respuesta autonómica de estrés. Se evidencio que los estudiantes presentaron un aumento en la modulación autonómica simpática en la exposición a la defensa de su proyecto de tesis doctorado, debido a la disminución de los valores de Porcentaje de diferencias entre R-R adyacentes normales intervalos mayores de 50 ms (PNN50) = 15.2±13.7 y la dispersión longitudinal de los puntos, respectivamente, obtenidos a partir del gráfico de Poincaré (SD1) = 34.0±22.2 y SD2= 77.1±42.8 durante la defensa de su proyecto de tesis. Po...
La presente investigacion, tuvo como objetivo determinar la relacion entre las actitudes y conduc... more La presente investigacion, tuvo como objetivo determinar la relacion entre las actitudes y conducta pro-ecologica de jovenesuniversitarios, como base para el diseno de un programa deintervencion en gestion y cultura ambiental. Para lograr tal fin, sesiguio una metodologia cuantitativa, de tipo correlacional;seleccionando una muestra de 105 sujetos. Los resultadosobtenidos permiten establecer que existe una correlacion significativa entre las actitudes y la conducta proecologica(que corresponde a .749), lo que confirma la hipotesis planteada.

Background: Pseudocirrhosis is an imaging finding of malignancies with liver metastasis with or w... more Background: Pseudocirrhosis is an imaging finding of malignancies with liver metastasis with or without clinical liver cirrhosis–related complications such as portal hypertension (pHTN). This study compared the outcomes of metastatic breast cancer in patients with imaging-diagnosed pseudocirrhosis with or without pHTN. Methods: The medical records from patients with metastatic breast cancer and pseudocirrhosis between 2005 and 2017 were retrospectively analyzed. Clinical pHTN was defined based on endoscopic evidence of esophageal or gastric varices. Results: Among 106 patients with pseudocirrhosis, 33 (31%) had de novo stage IV disease, and 66 (62%) had hormone receptor (HR)–positive and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)–negative breast cancer. In total, 81 (76%) had initial metastases in both hepatic lobes, 91 (86%) had 4 or more liver metastases, and 32 (30%) had pHTN. The median overall survival (OS) was 5 and 13 months in patients with and without pHTN, respectivel...

Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2020
The environmental crisis involves several responsible parties, and industries are one of them. Th... more The environmental crisis involves several responsible parties, and industries are one of them. Therefore, it is important to interrelate the environment and economy to generate an environmental commitment by industries. Green accounting arises with the aims of providing quantitative and qualitative information on the company's environmental aspects. This paper describes the current state of green accounting in the leading mining companies in Colombia according to the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Colombia. Findings show that 80% of the selected mining companies integrate green accounting in their management system. However, the underlying procedures are not always put into practice. Therefore, accounting studies must lead to the development of an environmental accounting model and the implementation of mandatory regulations for green accounting.

Información tecnológica, 2020
El objetivo de este estudio es dar a conocer el rango de potencia relacionado con la dosificación... more El objetivo de este estudio es dar a conocer el rango de potencia relacionado con la dosificación del ISRS (inhibición selectiva de la recaptación de serotonina) fluoxetina y su mecanismo de acción como agente capaz de inducir efecto analgésico y ansiolítico en ratón hembra cepa CD-1 (25-39 kg). Los datos obtenidos mostraron que las dosis antidepresivas 16, 32, 64 mg/kg (i.p.) presentan efecto analgésico y una respuesta ansiolítica, sin resultado significativo en el modelo de memoria espacial, pero con una disminución en la actividad realizada en la memoria de trabajo para la dosis de 64 mg/kg (i.p.). Esto evidencia que fluoxetina puede orientar mayor eficacia a dosis con efecto antidepresivo e indica un efecto analgésico y ansiolítico sin producir cambio en la actividad motora del ratón. La dosis máxima investigada provocó variación en su actividad motora lo cual permite concluir que ISRS "fluoxetina" tiene un posible efecto sedativo.
Interdisciplinaria: Revista de Psicología y Ciencias Afines, 2019
Paradojas del comportamiento proambiental de los estudiantes universitarios en diferentes discipl... more Paradojas del comportamiento proambiental de los estudiantes universitarios en diferentes disciplinas académicas 1 Paradoxes of the environmental behavior of university students in different academic disciplines
Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 2019
The simulation scenarios are increasingly being used to assess professional competences in health... more The simulation scenarios are increasingly being used to assess professional competences in health sciences at university level. The objective of this study was to explore the effect of differences in the stress psychophysiological response of Psychology degree students from Spain and Colombia undergoing to clinical practice. Multiple psychophysiological measures were obtained in a sample of 25 Colombian and Spanish Psychology students undergoing to simulation scenario. Differences in the initial level of stress and habituation process as reported by self-reported and psychophysiological measurements as discussed. Differences in stress-related psychological traits are also analyzed and further discussed.

Physiology & Behavior, 2019
The study of facial emotional expressions not only gives information about communicative and adap... more The study of facial emotional expressions not only gives information about communicative and adaptive processes, but also provides valuable knowledge about some aspects of human behaviour, such as emotions and intentions. Taking into account the proved evidence that deficits in processing emotional information shows difficulties in executive functions and social behavior, the present work aims to compare the perceptual and dimensional similarities between the emotions transmitted by the faces (facial emotions) and those typically associated with two particular emotional contexts (offenders and non-offenders). To evaluate the contextual influence on emotional face categorization, the emotional recognition in 69 male young (35 offenders (17.22 ± 1.5 years) and 34 non-offenders (16.90 ± 1.56 years) from Barranquilla (Colombia) was analyzed. Experimental results displayed significant differences among the two groups, mainly focused in the recognition of anger and disgust faces. In this sense, the analysis of abovementioned data may lead to the development of more specific and cost-effective therapeutic treatments for offender population.

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
Cleaner Production"(CP) is about less and more efficient energy and materials use and the substit... more Cleaner Production"(CP) is about less and more efficient energy and materials use and the substitution of more harmful products (for the environment and health) by less dangerous ones. CP was the reply of the industry to the call for sustainable development as launched by the WCED (1987) and further elaborated in Rio's Agenda 21 (UN, 1992). During the past 25 years, the concept was put in practice. During this period it changed in scope, methods, and application area. This provided a deeper socio-economic impact to an idea that was originally launched to awaken industry on its environmental responsibilities. This paper provides a review of essentials that contributed to the fundamental changes in CP during the most recent quarter of a century. It takes off with a review of CP definitions illustrating the changes of the content. Changes in scope are exemplified with the increasing importance of "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR). This includes that post-modern companies have not only responsibilities on their economic performance and the environment, but should also act on issues including human rights and resources, business ethics, and community involvement. The links between CP and green and circular economy are indicated. The CP approach is increasingly applied outside the industry. CP for sustainable tourism is discussed in more detail but is only an example of the wider application in e.g. agriculture or health services.

Journal of medical systems, Jan 24, 2018
Caffeine is one of the ergogenic substances most used by warfighters in current operation areas, ... more Caffeine is one of the ergogenic substances most used by warfighters in current operation areas, but the effect on the organic response and operational performed is already poor knowledge. This research aimed to study the acute effect of 400 mg of caffeine monohydrate on the psycho-physiological response and rifle marksmanship of warfighters during a close quarter combat simulation. We analysed parameter of heart rate, blood lactate, cortical arousal, state anxiety and marksmanship of 20 Spanish Army veteran warfighters before and after a close quarter combat simulation in a double-blind procedure, also a correlation analysis was conducted between all the study variables. Marksmanship of warfighters did not improve with the caffeine ingestion, but it produced an increase in blood lactate concentration (caffeine: 1.9 ± 0.5 vs. 9.2 ± 1.1 mmol.l; placebo: 1.8 ± 0.7 vs. 6.9 ± 2.2 mmol.l), cortical arousal (% of change: caffeine: 2.51; placebo: -1.96) and heart rate (caffeine: 80.0 ± 7.2...

High altitude medicine & biology, Dec 1, 2017
Clemente-Suárez, Vicente Javier, José Juan Robles-Pérez, Ketty Herrera-Mendoza, Beliña Herrera-Ta... more Clemente-Suárez, Vicente Javier, José Juan Robles-Pérez, Ketty Herrera-Mendoza, Beliña Herrera-Tapias, and Jesús Fernández-Lucas. Psychophysiological response and fine motor skills in high-altitude parachute jumps. High Alt Med Biol 18:392-399, 2017.-We analyzed the psychophysiological response and specific fine motor skill of an experienced jumper in HALO (high altitude low opening) and HAHO (high altitude high opening) parachute jumps. Eight HALO and eight HAHO jumpers were analyzed. They jumped at 5500 m, HALO jumpers opened the parachute at 500 m and HAHO jumpers at 4300 m of altitude. Before and after the jumps, parameters of muscle strength, cortical arousal, blood creatine kinase (CK) and glucose, blood oxygen saturation, rate of perceived exertion (RPE), and specific fine motor skills of an experienced jumper were assessed; during the jump, heart rate (HR), HR variability, and speed were evaluated. HALO and HAHO jumps produced a significant increase in CK, lactate, and RPE, ...

Journal of technology management & innovation, 2017
This study aimed to investigate the influence of visual symbols on the perception and evaluation ... more This study aimed to investigate the influence of visual symbols on the perception and evaluation of two fictitious products as well as the effect of demographic characteristics (nationality) on consumers' evaluations. A sample of 373 participants was split into two groups and two experimental conditions (products with Swiss symbols and products without Swiss symbols). One group of participants rated the packaging without a Swiss flag and the other one rated the same packaging with a Swiss flag. A semantic differential scale and the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) were used to assess attitudes toward the products. Results confirm that there are differences between the two independent groups and that nationality has an effect on product perception and evaluation. Visual symbols such as a country flag can lead to a better product perception and evaluation. Finally, implications for research are discussed.

Revista Encuentros, 2016
Los teléfonos celulares son hoy en día más que un medio de comunicación, incluyen una serie de a... more Los teléfonos celulares son hoy en día más que un medio de comunicación, incluyen una serie de aplicaciones que se configuran como centro de entretenimiento personalizado, atractivo para todos. Sin embargo, las formas de consumo de telefonía celular en los jóvenes, han generado una ruptura con los mecanismos de interacción y socialización tradicionales, que han conducido a la configuración de una nueva cultura juvenil, incluyendo nuevos movimientos tecnológicos formas móviles de expresión. (Estupiñan, J & Chaparro, D. 2009). El desarrollo de la presente investigación, tuvo como objetivo principal describir los motivos que conducen a los jóvenes universitarios al uso de teléfonos celulares. Con base en la teoría de la motivación de Hoyer, & Macinnis. (2010), se siguió una metodología de tipo cuantitativa, donde se analizaron las dimensiones “Relevancia personal”, “Riesgo percibido” e “incongruencia con las actitudes” en cuanto al uso de teléfonos móviles. Se seleccionó una mu...

European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences, 2016
The main purpose of this research paper is to analyze the relationship between the pro-environmen... more The main purpose of this research paper is to analyze the relationship between the pro-environmental attitudes and sustainable consumption of public services of water and electrical energy in 418 households of middle class in Barranquilla, Colombia. This sample has been calculated with 95% confidence and a 4.78% of sampling error. For this purpose a Likert Scale was designed to evaluate the components of practices, beliefs and feelings that people have against environmental conservation and sustainable use of water utilities and electrical energy. The results allow to identify that there are significant differences within the practices, beliefs and feelings related to proenvironmental behavior and consumption of public services of water and electrical energy, as well as direct and inverse statistically significant relationships were observed between the three levels attitudinal evaluation. These results are the basis for formulating policies to promote pro-environmental behavior oriented with the responsible and sustainable public services of water and electrical energy use. The responsible consumption of non-renewable resources must begin to intervene from the vital space, on the basis of the dynamics in the home with the assessment and development of pro-environmental practices of sustainable consumption of the household public services of water and electrical energy.
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamental analizar los antecedentes ecológicos de la co... more El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamental analizar los antecedentes ecológicos de la conducta proambiental, a partir de aproximaciones científicas orientadas hacia la construcción de teorías y modelos seleccionados con base a los siguientes criterios: Selección de fuentes bibliográficas referidas a la ecología y su relación con los comportamientos proambientales (modelos explicativos, instrumentos, metodologías de evaluación y hallazgos de investigación basados en el paradigma de la complejidad y el enfoque dinámico) y hallazgos de investigación basados en el paradigma de la complejidad y el enfoque dinámico). Se presentan elementos para la comprensión y el abordaje de la problemática medioambiental, desde los aportes de las distintas disciplinas científicas como la economía, psicología ambiental, psicología del consumidor y ecología.
Papers by Ketty Herrera-Mendoza