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Law Center. I am grateful to Jessica Kendall for her excellent work as a research assistant and to the law schools of Catholic University and Hofstra University for their support for this work. 1. See Edward N. Wolff, How the Pie is... more
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The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Marilyn Taylor-Berry of the Center for Applied Legal Studies, whose skills as a word processor made possible the development and completion of this Article; Philip Schrag, Mary Procida,... more
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America today needs more from the legal profession. At a time when most of our nation enjoys an historic level of prosperity and comfort, we must devote special attention to those living on the edge, those lacking adequate food or... more
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In discussing the legislative implications of this work, the authors emphasized that "[t]his experiment shows the vital importance of state legislatures empowering police to make probable cause arrests in cases of domestic simple... more
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      CriminologyLawDomestic Violence
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Since the first decades of the twentieth century, educators have experimented periodically with the device of contracting with their students over questions of the content, pacing, and method of the students' learning experiences.'... more
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2. This offers a sharp contrast to the on-campus interviewing programs at many law schools, which offer the easiest access and greatest visibility to available jobs at large law firms. These programs are often perceived by students as... more
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      EthicsProfessional Responsibility
The reader should know through whatspectacles his adviser is viewing the problem. 1-William O. DouglasWashington Law Review (1965)Scholarship is the work-product of scholars. The word derives from the Latin schola, as in school. Hence,... more
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    • Washington College of Law
The problem of domestic violence has been the subject of increasing national concern. In response to that concern, states have enacted legislation providing protection to victims of domestic violence, encouraging improved police... more
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The field of dispute resolution appears to have quite different meanings and functions inside and outside law schools. Outside law schools, a great deal of the activity that falls under the rubric of ADR is mediation, often conducted in... more
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"I'm entitled to spend any of my money for whatever I want to spend it on." Harvey Myersonl "If the government can get [a good] result from people who don't work all night and who stay in inexpensive hotels, that's what the government... more
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2. Federal Judge Stanley Sporkin asked these questions about how the massive fraud that was committed by Lincoln Savings and Loan could have occurred, given the number of lawyers and accountants who were advising the bank. See discussion... more
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Most law professors take very seriously the obligation to conduct themselves as professional role models. Most would not think of' using their positions to secure sexual favors, to abuse students or staff, or of engaging in any other sort... more
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UUM 128, 328 (1992) (hereafter cited as MacCrate Report). 2 See generally Peter deL Swords & Frank K. Walwer, Cost Aspects of Clinical Education, in AssOcIATION OF AMERiCAN LAW SCHOOLS-AMERICAN BAR AssOcIATION COM-Mr[rEE ON GUIDELINES FOR... more
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Responsibility. 1. I have assigned fictitious names to each of the sources whose stories appear in this paper. I have not identified the law firms where they work or worked. Some participants in the Orlando program asked whether I had an... more
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    • Sociology
In the 1970s, Monroe Freedman did a great deal of work trying to curb the tendency of the lawyer disciplinary system to go after the wrong people. During this period, Freedman and some other public interest lawyers were charged with... more
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    • Sociology
Plagiarize, let no one else's work evade your eyes, Remember why the good Lord made your eyes, So don't shade your eyes, But plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize-Only be sure always to call it please "research."' I.
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I started teaching law school courses in Professional Responsibility in 1984. I taught my first ethics CLE program in 1985. Right from the beginning, I noticed that navigating the classroom in Professional Responsibility was a much... more
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    • Psychology
America today needs more from the legal profession. At a time when most of our nation enjoys an historic level of prosperity and comfort, we must devote special attention to those living on the edge, those lacking adequate food or... more
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    • Sociology