Papers by Müge Külahlıoğlu

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Aug 15, 2023
One of the most significant challenges in urban areas, where the process of rapid urban expansion... more One of the most significant challenges in urban areas, where the process of rapid urban expansion takes place, is the loss of agricultural lands and natural habitats. The conversion of these areas into residential and commercial zones leads to a decline in urban biodiversity and the progressive loss of vital habitat areas. Analyzing habitat connectivity and conducting landscape measurements provide valuable insights for the development of land use and management strategies, enhancing our understanding of the spatial structure of the landscape, and directing conservation efforts. Incorporating measures such as green corridors and landscape connection networks into urban planning management becomes crucial in order to mitigate the adverse effects of habitat fragmentation and enhance ecosystem resilience within cities. Remote sensing techniques offer opportunities to create habitat connectivity models that enable the quantitative and qualitative identification of fragmented habitat patches. These models serve as tools to evaluate the effectiveness of conservation measures and monitor the potential impacts of future land use changes on habitat networks. Within this context, an optimized approach to habitat connectivity is presented, aiming to contribute to landscape planning and ecological-based studies in a city with undergoing rapid urbanization like Adana. By identifying degraded areas and introducing new habitat patches, a significant improvement in the connectivity of the habitat network has been observed. The findings indicated that the addition of new habitat patches to degraded areas can substantially enhance the city's overall habitat connectivity.

Kentsel ekolojik ağ yapısının bağlantılılık analizleri kapsamında incelenmesi ve ekolojik altyapı... more Kentsel ekolojik ağ yapısının bağlantılılık analizleri kapsamında incelenmesi ve ekolojik altyapının somut olarak ortaya konulması yapılacak planlama çalışmalarında önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Kent ve çevresinde sürdürülebilir gelişimin desteklenmesi ve iklim değişikliğine karşı direncin sağlanması açısından habitat bağlantılılığının değerlendirilmesi peyzajın ekolojik akışındaki sürekliliği sağlamak açısından önemlidir. Adana ili ve çevresinde artan kentleşme eğilimi ile kendini gösteren Arazi Örtüsü/Arazi Kullanım (AÖAK) değişiklikleri sonucu peyzaj deseninde birtakım değişiklikler meydana gelmiştir. Bu kapsamda habitat bağlantılılığın somut bir şekilde ele alınması, güncel veya potansiyel habitat parçalanmalarının izlenmesi için çizge teorisi temelli peyzaj metrikleri analizi yaklaşımı ile Adana ili ve çevresi örneğinde yapılan bir çalışma sunulmuştur. Çalışmanın ana materyalini oluşturan Arazi Örtüsü/Arazi Kullanım (AÖAK) haritası 2022 yılına ait Sentinel 2A görüntüsü kullanılarak Google Earth Engine (GEE)'de Obje Tabanlı Sınıflama yöntemi ile elde edilmiştir. Akarsular, Ormanlık Alanlar ve Kentsel yeşil alanlar kapsamında peyzaj bağlantılılığı GRAPHAB 2.8 yazılımı ile CC (Connectivity correlation), F (Flux), IIC (Integral index of connectivity) ve PC (Probability of connectivity) gibi ilgili indekslerle analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan bu çalışma ile habitat bağlantılılığının arttırılması ile kent ekosisteminin yapısını güçlendirecek daha ayrıntılı çalışmalara altlık hazırlamak amaçlanmıştır.

İnönü üniversitesi sanat ve tasarım dergisi, Jun 30, 2018
Bu çalışmada, Gaziantep kentinin fiziksel çevre yapısının peyzaj özellikleri yardımıyla incelenme... more Bu çalışmada, Gaziantep kentinin fiziksel çevre yapısının peyzaj özellikleri yardımıyla incelenmesi ve kentsel peyzaj planlama önerileri geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Coğrafi bilgi sistemleri ortamında yüksek çözünürlüklü uydu görüntüsü ve uygulama imar planından yararlanılarak gerçekleştirilen çalışmada, alan kullanım bilgisi yardımıyla Gaziantep'in kentsel ve kırsal peyzaj özellikleri ortaya konmuştur. Kentin açık ve yeşil alanları da ayrıca toplam yüzölçümleri ve kişi başına oranları bakımından incelenmiş, böylece kentsel peyzaj planlama önerileri geliştirilmesinde zengin bakış açıları elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar, araştırma alanında kentsel peyzaj özelliklerinin baskın karakter taşıdığını göstermiştir. Kırsal ve kentsel peyzaj özellikleri arasında denge sağlanabilmesi için, açık ve yeşil alanlardan yararlanılması gerektiği belirlenmiştir.

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Due to the multidisciplinary nature of landscape research, there are different systems and method... more Due to the multidisciplinary nature of landscape research, there are different systems and methods for landscape identification and classification. The methodology of the study is based on landscape characterization, which is based on the pre-selection of geoecological and land-use related features of the landscape. For this purpose, landscape character types were identified using climate classes, land use/land cover (LULC), soil and morphological structure. In obtaining the LULC data, which is one of the major inputs of the study, 36-band images were created covering four seasons by producing NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index); LAI (Leaf Area Index); MSAVI2 (Modified Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index); fCOVER (fraction of Cover); indices, which are important in determining LULC, together with the basebands in the remotely sensed Sentinel 2 satellite data. LAI is used to determine the amount of leaves per unit area; NDVI is used to determine the green areas in the area; fCOVER is used to determine the ratio of the study area to the area covered by vegetation, MSAVI2 is used to determine the amount of vegetation cover in the study area by using the soil reflectance correction factor (L). The phenological structure of the species was statistically determined with the indices derived from satellite images, and the bioclimatic condition and landscape character type were associated with the species.

İnönü Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, 2018
Çocuk oyun alanları, çocukların hem sosyal, fiziksel ve zihinsel olarak gelişimine katkı sağlayan... more Çocuk oyun alanları, çocukların hem sosyal, fiziksel ve zihinsel olarak gelişimine katkı sağlayan hem de doğa ile ilişki kurabildikleri alanlardır. Ancak gelişen teknolojik olanaklar, hızlı ve düzensiz bir şekilde büyüyen kentler ile birlikte çocuk oyun alanları kullanıcıların taleplerine cevap veremez hale gelmiştir. Bu bağlamda çocuk oyun alanlarının tasarım ve planlamasında kullanıcı isteklerinin dikkate alınması önem taşımaktadır. Bu noktadan hareketle çalışmada Kahramanmaraş kenti çocuk oyun alanları örneğinde kullanıcı görüş ve isteklerini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın amacına uygun olarak 4 ana başlıkta toplam 33 adet sorudan oluşan anket formları hazırlanmıştır. Anket formları Kahramanmaraş kenti Onikişubat ve Arslanbey kent parkları, Kılavuzlu mesire alanı içerinde yer alan çocuk oyun alanlarında toplam 150 kişiye yüz yüze metodu ile uygulanmıştır. Anket formlarının analizi SPSS programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda kullanıcıların mevcut çocuk oyun alanları hakkındaki görüşleri ve talepleri belirlenmiştir.
Conference Presentations by Müge Külahlıoğlu

Due to the industrial revolution, intensive migrations took place in the cities of the world. The... more Due to the industrial revolution, intensive migrations took place in the cities of the world. The service level of public
spaces in crowded cities has important effects such as affecting the quality of life and health of users. For this reason, the
level of service of streets and streets in urban areas should be analyzed and improved with appropriate interventions.
Increasing use of population and motor vehicles in Istanbul causes decrease of service level. The research area in this study
streets have been identified and assessments have been made in line with the service level standards used in the world. For
this purpose, the intensities of vehicles and pedestrians at different points on weekdays and at weekends are set out by
For the study area, analyzes were performed in the direction of Levels of service for walkways and sidewalks criteria and
Closeness Analysis was performed. The building types, floor heights and floor uses have been studied on the maps and tried
to show the effects of these on the service level of the public areas. As a result of the study, it has been determined that the
study area has class B service level for buoys. Although this level of service is quite good, many problems have been
identified for this sub-base station and suggestions for improvement have been developed.
In cities increasingly crowded, the necessity of developing methodology for public spaces and planning in this direction is
universal and the study will contribute to increase the service levels of public spaces in this context.
Papers by Müge Külahlıoğlu
Conference Presentations by Müge Külahlıoğlu
spaces in crowded cities has important effects such as affecting the quality of life and health of users. For this reason, the
level of service of streets and streets in urban areas should be analyzed and improved with appropriate interventions.
Increasing use of population and motor vehicles in Istanbul causes decrease of service level. The research area in this study
streets have been identified and assessments have been made in line with the service level standards used in the world. For
this purpose, the intensities of vehicles and pedestrians at different points on weekdays and at weekends are set out by
For the study area, analyzes were performed in the direction of Levels of service for walkways and sidewalks criteria and
Closeness Analysis was performed. The building types, floor heights and floor uses have been studied on the maps and tried
to show the effects of these on the service level of the public areas. As a result of the study, it has been determined that the
study area has class B service level for buoys. Although this level of service is quite good, many problems have been
identified for this sub-base station and suggestions for improvement have been developed.
In cities increasingly crowded, the necessity of developing methodology for public spaces and planning in this direction is
universal and the study will contribute to increase the service levels of public spaces in this context.
spaces in crowded cities has important effects such as affecting the quality of life and health of users. For this reason, the
level of service of streets and streets in urban areas should be analyzed and improved with appropriate interventions.
Increasing use of population and motor vehicles in Istanbul causes decrease of service level. The research area in this study
streets have been identified and assessments have been made in line with the service level standards used in the world. For
this purpose, the intensities of vehicles and pedestrians at different points on weekdays and at weekends are set out by
For the study area, analyzes were performed in the direction of Levels of service for walkways and sidewalks criteria and
Closeness Analysis was performed. The building types, floor heights and floor uses have been studied on the maps and tried
to show the effects of these on the service level of the public areas. As a result of the study, it has been determined that the
study area has class B service level for buoys. Although this level of service is quite good, many problems have been
identified for this sub-base station and suggestions for improvement have been developed.
In cities increasingly crowded, the necessity of developing methodology for public spaces and planning in this direction is
universal and the study will contribute to increase the service levels of public spaces in this context.