Cleveland State University
Most people agree that the key to business success is having the right people with the right skills in leadership positions. But what are the right skills? Technically competent people often make poor managers and leaders. Why? Because... more
"Background and Objectives The positive outcomes derived from participation in Alcoholics Anonymous-related helping (AAH) found among adults has spurred study of AAH among minors with addiction. AAH includes acts of good citizenship in... more
This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Undergraduate Research Posters at EngagedScholarship@CSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Undergraduate Research Posters 2014 by an authorized administrator of... more
several ethical considerations emerge when conducting research with memoryimpaired individuals, including the individuals' ability to comprehend and accurately respond to survey questions. However, little empirical research exists on how... more
Little is known about the illness experience from the perspective of individuals with dementia (IWDs), as most quantitative research has focused on IWDs' psychosocial issues from proxy reports. The primary aim of this study was to better... more
Putman, P. G. (2015). [Review of the book The Social Profit Handbook: The Essential Guide to Setting Goals, Assessing Outcomes, and Achieving Success for Mission-Driven Organizations, by D. Grant]. The Foundation Review. 7(1). DOI:... more
The pace of technological advancements available to adult educators is progressing faster than the research examining the efficacy of these tools. This study helps address this challenge by examining a disruptive technology, namely a... more
Book Review Giving Done Right: Effective Philanthropy and Making Every Dollar Count (2019) is grounded in the perspectives of author Phil Buchanan and his talented team at the Center for Effective Philanthropy, led by Buchanan since its... more
- by Paul Putman
Participating in a doctoral program can be a transforming experience shaping the learner’s identity. What learning spaces best facilitatesthis development? This roundtable presents findings of a study where a Community of Practice was... more
- by Paul Putman