California State University, Dominguez Hills
Asian Pacific Studies
This article views Vietnamese anticommunism as a historical institution designed to bolster the legitimacy of the Republic of Vietnam, and argues that political and violent aspects of South Vietnamese nation-building continue to shape and... more
This dissertation seeks to explain the discursive origin, development, and transformation of “Republican anticommunism,” and how and why this state-originated ideology continues to shape Vietnamese exile communities today. The... more
This chapter focuses on the process of anticommunist subject formation during the First Republican period by utilizing the unstudied Political Study Program (Chương Trình Học Tập Chính Trị) to explore the development and transformation of... more
This chapter critically reviews the historiography of the Vietnam War and the Republic of Vietnam and advances a perspective that reconceptualizes Vietnamese America as the political, cultural, and institutional legacy of Republican... more
Book Review Roundtable: After Saigon's Fall The impacts of the war in Vietnam did not end when Saigon fell. Our contributors review Amanda C. Demmer's “After Saigon’s Fall: Refugees and US-Vietnamese Relations, 1975-2000” and consider... more
is an ambitious work which seeks to comprehensively and systematically examine the cultural trauma and memory discourses of what the authors call the "American-Vietnamese War." 1 Building on the contemporary sociological works of Jeffery... more