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What are educators‟ motivations for using virtual worlds with their students? Are they using them to support the teaching of professions and if this is the case, do they introduce virtual worlds into the curriculum to develop and/or... more
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      CommunicationEducationLiteratureSecond Life
This article describes the research design of, and reports selected findings from, a scoping study aimed at examining current and planned applications of 3D immersive virtual worlds at higher education institutions across Australia and... more
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      CommunicationEducationLiteratureSecond Life
Creating a productive and satisfying learning experience involves actively engaging students and having them take re- sponsibility for their own learning. However, the anxiety students bring into the classroom, along with their... more
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Podcasting allows audio content from one or more user-selected feeds or channels to be automatically downloaded to one's computer as it becomes available, then later transferred to a portable player for consumption at a convenient time... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEducational TechnologyPerspective TakingKnowledge building
Much has been written about the new millennium students entering our colleges and universities, and their demands for engagement, personal creativity, connectivity, as well as control over their time, space, and social habits, often... more
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      Web 2.0Educational TechnologyE-learningSocial Software
The authors have been involved in a year long project in which a group of second year undergraduate students is placed in charge of producing a series of educational podcasts targeted towards other students undertaking a number of... more
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    • Mobile Learning
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    • Educational Technology
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      Web 2.0WikisInstructional DesignEducational Technology
The authors are involved in an ongoing project in which a group of second year volunteer students are placed in charge of producing a series of short, talkback radio-style educational podcasts for the students enrolled in a first year... more
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      Information TechnologyTeaching and LearningComputer Science Educationfocus group interview
Creating a productive and satisfying learning experience involves actively engaging students and having them take responsibility for their own learning. However, the anxiety students bring into the classroom, along with their... more
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Während Web 2.0 sich hoher Aufmerksamkeit als Werkzeug, das Lernen zu unterstützen erfreut, bleibt Really Simple Syndication der "arme Vetter" dieser Techniken. Der "Angebotscharakter" von RSS und Inhaltssyndication kann verwendet werden,... more
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      Teaching and LearningSocial NetworksElectronic publishingReally Simple Syndication
A group of volunteer students who had previously completed a first year undergraduate information technology subject were tasked with producing audio supplementary material for new students undertaking the subject, to be disseminated... more
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Information Superhighway is a technical subject on Internet technologies and web authoring whose content is geared primarily towards undergraduate students majoring in information technology, but is a undertaken by Bachelor of Education... more
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      Information TechnologyTeacher EducationPedagogical Content KnowledgeInitial teacher education
E-learning and blended approaches facilitate timely communication between students' peers, community and instructors, and provide resources to allow for independent learning. The use of podcasting technology holds particular promise for... more
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With mobile technologies, you can run, you can hide, but you have no excuse to stop working -and learning. The worldwide connectivity of telecommunications networks and the internet, as well as the widespread uptake of portable electronic... more
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    • Mobile Learning
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologySocial NetworksElectronic publishing
Modern information technology and computer science curricula employ a variety of graphical tools and development environments to facilitate student learning of introductory programming concepts and techniques. While the provision of... more
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Recent educational research attests to an increasing awareness of the need to encourage learner control over the entire learning process. Web 2.0 and social software tools are capable of supporting informal conversation, dialogue and... more
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This paper reports initial findings of a major scoping study that is being undertaken to examine current and planned applications of 3D immersive virtual worlds at higher education institutions across Australia and New Zealand. This... more
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      CommunicationEducationLiteratureSecond Life