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The beginnings of modern Science can be found from the examination of two roughly contemporary “Closet Tragedies” – dramas designed to be read as much as staged: (A) The anonymous “Hymn to Wisdom” appears in the middle of the Book of... more
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      History of ScienceAncient Near EastBook of JobWisdom Literature
What is this "Theology" of which you speak?
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      Ancient Near EastSacred ScriptureArcheology
Understanding What.
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      PoeticsAncient PhilosophyAncient Near EastWisdom Literature
How two Exiled Jews saved Judaism and its cultural traditions. Converting the Temple of stone to scrolls.
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      Second Temple JudaismAncient ReligionAncient Near East
Unitarian Universalism has roots in Judaism.
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      Ancient HistoryUnitarian Universalist HistoryYehud in the 6th and 5th centuriesUnitarian Universalist Studies
Isaiah as a Unitarian Universalist prophet.
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      Second Temple JudaismAncient ReligionUnitarian Universalist History
Oneiric divination and surviving conquest; seeing the "wheels within wheels".
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      Ancient ReligionMagic and Divination in the Ancient WorldProphets of the Hebrew Bible/"Old Testament"Yehud in the 6th and 5th centuries
She adored him. This is a love story.
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Through the lens of the Bahai Faith, we question triangulations of Religion, which made a very recent appearance, with and well after,  Science and Art. We dance and sing, and ask questions.
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      Process TheologyRumiProcess Theology, Post-Structuralism and ReligionBaha'u'llah
It is true that some – perhaps all -- theologians “wrestle with the spirit”. Martin Luther uses this physical forensic term to describe his spiritual struggles. From ancient times, the Patriarch Jacob, is described as having a... more
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      SpiritualityOrthodox TheologyVisions And DreamsChristian Spirituality
In Medieval Europe, the central authority of the Pope as the head of the Church was widely-appreciated across Europe. In 1378, the Papacy itself was vacated by death, always an embarrassing nonsequitur, and was filled by first two and... more
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      Unitarian Universalist HistoryUnitarian TheologyIce Age Cave Art
What appears to be part of a simple ancestor narrative in Genesis, the Abraham/Sarah cycle (11:27 through 25:11) may be a programmatically dramatic and even idealized test of the character and role of G-d. Exegetical study of the portion... more
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    • Spirituality in Theodicy