Code to move the cursor to the end of the current text within in the input, rather than the default (highlighting the text).
Plugin format
jQuery.fn.putCursorAtEnd = function() {
return this.each(function() {
// Cache references
var $el = $(this),
el = this;
// Only focus if input isn't already
if (!$":focus")) {
// If this function exists... (IE 9+)
if (el.setSelectionRange) {
// Double the length because Opera is inconsistent about whether a carriage return is one character or two.
var len = $el.val().length * 2;
// Timeout seems to be required for Blink
setTimeout(function() {
el.setSelectionRange(len, len);
}, 1);
} else {
// As a fallback, replace the contents with itself
// Doesn't work in Chrome, but Chrome supports setSelectionRange
// Scroll to the bottom, in case we're in a tall textarea
// (Necessary for Firefox and Chrome)
this.scrollTop = 999999;
var searchInput = $("#search");
.putCursorAtEnd() // should be chainable
.on("focus", function() { // could be on any event
See the Pen Move Cursor To End of Textarea or Input by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.
I think I’m missing something since it’s behaving exactly like any other input. What’s happening?
Nothing happens for me, either, on FF 30.0
Useful for when you have an input or textarea with pre-populated content you wish to preserve. Calling focus will select the existing content, using this plugin will put the cursor at the end, allowing the user to begin typing right away while preserving the content.
Did you test this on mobile web app made with cordova?
Thank you for this great snippet!
I had some trouble with appended input elements that could contain a value, since
selects any pre-determined value. This snippet saved me from a lot of extra work.Would it be an idea to cache
?Also: Why call it cursor, when what we’re really manipulating is the caret?
This seems not to work on FF. (I have FF27)
Is it possible using CSS only?
I’m struggling to implement this behavior on focus of a
. Has anyone gotten that to work?Those having trouble with this code might check what other events are bubbling through the DOM. For example, if you trying to fire the code in the example from an up-arrow keypress, the code will run properly [and move the cursor to the end of the input field], but then the up arrow keypress will bubble up to the browser [which directs it to move the cursor to the start of the input field].
Test if this is your problem by calling preventDefault() inside the event where you trigger the example code.
Otherwise, as you can see from the example CodePen, this code works on Chrome/Firefox/Safari/IE ‘s most widely used versions (as of May 2015).
Not working on FF 40
Work with FF 41.0.2, Chrome 46.0.2490.71 m
Works with Tizen Wearable. Thank you!
I thinks this link has pretty short and sweet answer (I have tried)
I am eager to know what does above solution lacks.
This only works if you ref the JS code after the html’s input tag
//Place cursor at end of Input and focus it.
var val = $(‘input’).val();
input.removeAttr(‘value’).attr(‘value’, val).focus();
Place this code in a script tag before closing your body tag. Its tested working code which we are using on our site. [JQUERY REQUIRED]
I think all the code can be replaced with
Fails on Chrome 79.0.3945.79
Does not work on Chrome and Edge if the text overflows.
It saved my time today. I was struggling to set text cursor position in android chrome browser for the last couple of hours.
Thank you