This is absolutely not HTML related, but by sheer demand, I needed to add it somewhere. To add a “space” to the dock in OS X, open up and enter this. Enter it as many times as you want spaces. Error on too many, they are easy to remove.
defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}'
They won’t show up until you force restart the Dock with:
killall Dock
To remove them, just drag them up and out of the Dock like any other icon. To move them around, click and drag.
Chris, maybe it’s time to add another snippet section? Mac os snippets? :)
Or “Random Snippets”
Or HTML entities like <, >, +, −, %, ‰, or even ‱
Ex. :
Thank you so much for this! I’ve been waiting for this since I bought my mac earlier this year.
This is absolutely awesome! Simple and easy to use and get rid of them later if needed. Great! Thank you very much for sharing it.
You guys should check out the pref pane secrets. Has this little terminal command along with a ton other useful ones.
lol that was one of my first thoughts when I saw your intro video. Thanks for addressing it!
Seems like this might work only in 10.5 and above? Wasn’t able to get any spaces in 10.4.11.
I need to upgrade anyway.
If you’d like a similar effect in Windows 7, I just wrote an article on How-to Geek about it:
Thanks Chris for the inspiration … when I saw your dock in “Digging into WordPress” I knew I had to have that :)
I love this trick. I used to watch your screencasts and always wanted to know how you got those spaces. I actually found it several weeks ago on another site, but this is great to have as I tend to get carried away with customizing my dock.
Hey…thanks a bunch….love that tip…cheers
I can’t seem to get the spaces where I want them, any help please ?
Thanks so much !
Never mind doh
Dude. You have THE DOPEST avatar of all time. dios de los muertos octocat. SODOPE
Tks a lot!!! work fine!!!
Very Cool SIte – found it on smashing’s twitter. Thanks for the script here. an easy way to add spaces (and toggle between 2D/3D)
Super cool.
Ive always wanted to organize the dock so I can group the applications in it better.
You put this in the HTML category?
Thank you so much!! I have been looking for this all over, and found it here!
Thanks for posting this Chris
– From memory I think I was one of the naggers asking for this… cheers
Onyx application do that and even much more extremely useful maintenance
Thanks Chris
Always learning a lot form you and CSS-Tricks. Please Keep them Coming
Very nice. Thank you. No more scrolling backwards and forwards on the dock to find the application I need at any given time
I knew you would have something on this! Thank you!
Thanks sooooooooo much, ever since I started watching your screencasts I’ve been wondering how to do this!
I went away from the using dock and started using spotlight (cmd+spacebar) as an app launcher. Now that I’m used to it; that’s my preference…but then I saw this on your screencasts…
and thought “how do you do that”? Google…BAM! right back to CSS-tricks. It’s like crack. I can’t get away. But I’m ok with that ‘cuz now, my dock looks cool. :)
Noticed these in your screencasts! Nice addition :)
Oh thank you so much for this. I’ve been watching your screencasts for a while and have always wondered how to do this. You’re my official Friday hero :)
I never realized that you had already addressed this, and all this time watching your screen casts I would think “this is a great screen cast, but how did he get those spaces”. Guess I was a little lazy until you mentioned it at ConvergeFL the other day. Big thanks for this one :-)
I made a simple Automator Workflow. You may need to do a
chmod 744 Add\ Space\ to\ Dock.wflow
for it to work.Download
Thanks for this! Love it.
Awesome! thank you so much for the tip! Love it.
Thanks … very useful
Sweet! This is a must have snippet, glad you included it.
Very, very useful. Thanks :)
Thanks, you are the best.
I have been wondering how to do this forever! Thanks for the simple lesson. I thought there was some work-around to achieve this, like a transparent .png or something placed in the Dock (stupid thought, right?)
Thanks – saw this on Digging into WP and always wondered how it was done :)
Thanks Chris not the usual type of knowledge I get from css-tricks but really useful.
Thanks. It’s a really useful tip.
Excellent, it works well. I also saw this in a screencast and wondered how you got it, searched the internet and got back to your site with this article. Well done! I can now organize my dock!
This app is easy to install and use to add spaces to the dock
Any way to add divider lines (like the divider between applications on user folders) instead of spaces?
in order to add more than one .. i had to close and reopen the terminal window after each killdock
As long as we’re completely ‘off topic’, here’s a non-Terminal and slightly more artistic method; vertical and horizontal “apps”: link
how to remove this?
Thanks Chris
Took the inspiration and rearranged my dock (although I use Launchbar most of the time) to use it as a visual reminder of some of the apps I rarely use but should. Knew about the spaces but like a lot of things had slipped off the radar.
Thanks so much for this! Very useful!
can i do this on windows?
Absolutely useful tips.
Thanks a lot.
YOU TOLD US only half the story, spaces on APPLICATIONS side of Dock (LEFT).
How do we write a Script for RELATED FILES AND FOLDERS side of Dock (RIGHT)?
this is amazing my doc looks much neater.
I have made a simple on click app, called Space App, for adding spaces to your Mac’s Dock easely. You can find it here: