They still look out of order in hex too though. It might be interesting to sort by hue, but then where would you put the grays, and how would you deal with different saturation levels of the same hue?
The problem with trying to sort colors in any kind of list is that lists are 2D, and colorspace is 3D (not including the transparency channel), so no single list is sufficient.
@Raxin, sorting “by hex” isn’t done right on that page from any viewpoint, they ordered the colors by converting hex as if it was one value, while in fact the hex is three values (red, green, blue). In other words, they made a mistake to treat something like “#bada55” as one hexadecimal number, while in fact that is “ba” value of red, “da” value of green, and “55” value of blue.
And I know it how? I was playing around with sorting the colors myself and ran into the same mistake at first attempt, and that was the same ordering as on that page. Here’s my playground: feel free to look at the source.
Nice job, i like how every single one of those colors are vibrant and actually look really good. I feel the urge to use ‘BurlyWood’ for a background or something now.
I created a Sublime Text 2 Reg Replace pattern that finds all of the named css colors and replaces them with the hex value. This needs the Reg Replace plugin installed in order for it to work.
Random question. Does anyone know the story of why fuchsia/magenta and aqua/cyan are repeats of the same color (#FF00FF and #00FFFF respectively). So in reality there are only 138 colors?
It’s not important, but I have always wondered how that came to pass…
Same reason gray/grey (and variants thereof, e.g. darkslategr[a|e]y) are equivalent names; different people use different spellings or names to refer to the same color. In particular, “fuchsia” and “aqua” were among the 16 color names defined in HTML 3.0, which in turn came from the standard names referenced in the MS Windows default VGA 4-bit color palette; however, the additive color model (RGB) has long termed the combination of maximum red and blue light as “magenta”, and the combination of maximum green and blue light as “cyan”, which are more broadly known as technical terms for those specific definitions, so “fuchsia” and “aqua” continue to be supported basically for legacy purposes dating back to HTML 3 and early Windows.
The wrong values are listed for two of the colors.
MediumPurple is listed as #9370D8. This should be #9370DB.
PaleVioletRed is listed as #D87093. This should be #DB7093.
In both cases someone had entered the letter B as the digit 8 when constructing the list on this page. The August 2, 2013 post by Dennis Dewey also has the wrong color values.
The page should mention that the color names are case insensitive. ‘YellowGreen’ and ‘yellowgreen’ are the same.
While it has no affect on the displayed color the following color names are single English words and should not be CamelCased as two words in the list: Aquamarine, Goldenrod (used as part of several color names), Honeydew, and Seashell.
wooow .. really nice job
Would be nice if it was possible to arrange it by hex value, in case you know approximately what color you want but not the exact one.
Here’s a list sorted by hex:
They still look out of order in hex too though. It might be interesting to sort by hue, but then where would you put the grays, and how would you deal with different saturation levels of the same hue?
The problem with trying to sort colors in any kind of list is that lists are 2D, and colorspace is 3D (not including the transparency channel), so no single list is sufficient.
I meant lists are 1D.
@Raxin, sorting “by hex” isn’t done right on that page from any viewpoint, they ordered the colors by converting hex as if it was one value, while in fact the hex is three values (red, green, blue). In other words, they made a mistake to treat something like “#bada55” as one hexadecimal number, while in fact that is “ba” value of red, “da” value of green, and “55” value of blue.
And I know it how? I was playing around with sorting the colors myself and ran into the same mistake at first attempt, and that was the same ordering as on that page. Here’s my playground: feel free to look at the source.
Nice job, i like how every single one of those colors are vibrant and actually look really good. I feel the urge to use ‘BurlyWood’ for a background or something now.
w3schools has a similar table
this is the one I ran across first
Great job Chris, thanks for the list!
This is really useful – thanks a lot – in my bookmarks!
Nice! It would be cool to add the hsla there as well…
I created a Sublime Text 2 Reg Replace pattern that finds all of the named css colors and replaces them with the hex value. This needs the Reg Replace plugin installed in order for it to work.
I managed all css colors with their name and made a single file to use any of CSS color easily for text and background. Have a look at it here ->
Random question. Does anyone know the story of why fuchsia/magenta and aqua/cyan are repeats of the same color (#FF00FF and #00FFFF respectively). So in reality there are only 138 colors?
It’s not important, but I have always wondered how that came to pass…
Same reason gray/grey (and variants thereof, e.g. darkslategr[a|e]y) are equivalent names; different people use different spellings or names to refer to the same color. In particular, “fuchsia” and “aqua” were among the 16 color names defined in HTML 3.0, which in turn came from the standard names referenced in the MS Windows default VGA 4-bit color palette; however, the additive color model (RGB) has long termed the combination of maximum red and blue light as “magenta”, and the combination of maximum green and blue light as “cyan”, which are more broadly known as technical terms for those specific definitions, so “fuchsia” and “aqua” continue to be supported basically for legacy purposes dating back to HTML 3 and early Windows.
Thanks this just helped me in my project on GitHub i call weblooks.css you can fork my work via this link
I use Boxing.css to group style strings for ‘color-names’, ‘color-background’ and ‘color-foreground’. CSS3 boxed style is always helpful, so great starter from Shaz at IO. But there’s more, each with its own flair. Mozilla as always goes all the way (RGBdec, RGB%, HSL, HEX, SHORT, and mountains of explanation).
Resources: – I’ve recently developed this color conversion site to help developers, designers or anyone who is interested in color conversion. It is free and fun to use :)
Why don’t these appear as expected:
How can a darker-gray to so much lighter than gray?
This reads like Patrick Bateman’s lunch.
This list is missing “rebeccapurple”:
The wrong values are listed for two of the colors.
MediumPurple is listed as #9370D8. This should be #9370DB.
PaleVioletRed is listed as #D87093. This should be #DB7093.
In both cases someone had entered the letter B as the digit 8 when constructing the list on this page. The August 2, 2013 post by Dennis Dewey also has the wrong color values.
I’ll second adding RebeccaPurple to the list. While it’s not an official CSS3 color it has been a part of the official CSS4 specification since June 2014 and has been supported by all of the major web browsers since 2014.
CSS3 list
CSS4 list has RebeccaPurple
The page should mention that the color names are case insensitive. ‘YellowGreen’ and ‘yellowgreen’ are the same.
While it has no affect on the displayed color the following color names are single English words and should not be CamelCased as two words in the list: Aquamarine, Goldenrod (used as part of several color names), Honeydew, and Seashell.
Can this be organized on a color wheel for reference? The geometry is hard to remember if I’m scrolling down endlessly.