There is a native API for animation in JavaScript known as the Web Animations API. We’ll call it WAAPI in this post. MDN has good documentation on it, and Dan Wilson has a great article series.
In this article, we’ll compare WAAPI and animations done in CSS.
A note on browser support
WAAPI has a comprehensive and robust polyfill, making it usable in production today, even while browser support is limited.
As ever, you can check Can I Use for browser support data. However, that doesn’t provide very good info on support of all the sub features of WAAPI. Here’s a checker for that:
See the Pen WAAPI Browser Support Test by Dan Wilson (@danwilson) on CodePen.
To experiment with all features without a polyfill, use Firefox Nightly.
The basics of WAAPI
If you’ve ever used jQuery’s .animate()
, the basic syntax of WAAPI should look pretty familiar.
var element = document.querySelector('.animate-me');
element.animate(keyframes, 1000);
The animate
method accepts two parameters: keyframes and duration. In contrast to jQuery, not only does it have the benefit of being built into the browser, it’s also more performant.
The first argument, the keyframes, should be an array of objects. Each object is a keyframe in our animation. Here’s a simple example:
var keyframes = [
{ opacity: 0 },
{ opacity: 1 }
The second argument, the duration, is how long we want the animation to last . In the example above it is 1000 milliseconds. Let’s look at a more exciting example.
Recreating an animista CSS animation with WAAPI
Here’s some CSS code I yanked from the awesome animista for something calling itself the “slide-in-blurred-top” entrance animation. It looks pretty sweet.

Here’s those keyframes in CSS:
0% {
transform: translateY(-1000px) scaleY(2.5) scaleX(.2);
transform-origin: 50% 0;
filter: blur(40px);
opacity: 0;
100% {
transform: translateY(0) scaleY(1) scaleX(1);
transform-origin: 50% 50%;
filter: blur(0);
opacity: 1;
Here’s the same code in WAAPI:
var keyframes = [
transform: 'translateY(-1000px) scaleY(2.5) scaleX(.2)',
transformOrigin: '50% 0', filter: 'blur(40px)', opacity: 0
transform: 'translateY(0) scaleY(1) scaleX(1)',
transformOrigin: '50% 50%',
filter: 'blur(0)',
opacity: 1
We’ve already seen how easy it is to apply the keyframes to whichever element we want to animate:
element.animate(keyframes, 700);
To keep the example simple, I’ve only specified the duration. However, we can use this second parameter to pass in far more options. At the very least, we should also specify an easing. Here’s the full list of available options with some example values:
var options = {
iterations: Infinity,
iterationStart: 0,
delay: 0,
endDelay: 0,
direction: 'alternate',
duration: 700,
fill: 'forwards',
easing: 'ease-out',
element.animate(keyframes, options);
With these options, our animation will start at the beginning with no delay and loop forever alternating between playing forwards and in reverse.
See the Pen motion blur waapi circle by CSS GRID (@cssgrid) on CodePen.
Annoyingly, for those of us familiar with CSS animations, some of the terminologies varies from what we’re used to. Although on the plus side, things are a lot quicker to type!
- It’s
rather thananimation-timing-function
- Rather than
. If we want the animation to repeat forever it’sInfinity
rather than infinite. Somewhat confusingly, Infinity isn’t in quotes.Infinity
is a JavaScript keyword, whereas the other values are strings. - We use milliseconds instead of seconds, which should be familiar to anyone who’s written much JavaScript before. (You can use milliseconds in CSS animations as well, but few people do.)
Let’s take a closer look at one of the options: iterationStart
I was stumped when I first came across iterationStart
. Why would you want to start on a specified iteration rather than just decreasing the number of iterations? This option is mostly useful when you use a decimal number. For example, you could set it to .5
, and the animation would start half way through. It takes two halves to make a whole, so if your iteration count is set to one and your iterationStart is set to .5
, the animation will play from halfway through until the end of the animation, then start at the beginning of the animation and end in the middle!
It is worth noting that you can also set the total number of iterations to less than one. For example:
var option = {
iterations: .5,
iterationStart: .5
This would play the animation from the middle until the end.
endDelay: endDelay is useful if you want to string multiple animations after each other, but want there to be a gap between the end of one animation and the start of any subsequent ones. Here’s a useful video to explain from Patrick Brosset.
Easing is one of the most important elements in any animation. WAAPI offers us two different ways to set easing — within our keyframes array or within our options object.
In CSS, if you applied animation-timing-function: ease-in-out
you might assume that the start of your animation would ease in, and the end of your animation would ease out. In fact, the easing applies between keyframes, not over the entire animation. This can give fine-grained control over the feel of an animation. WAAPI also offers this ability.
var keyframes = [
{ opacity: 0, easing: 'ease-in' },
{ opacity: 0.5, easing: 'ease-out' },
{ opacity: 1 }
It’s worth noting that in both CSS and WAAPI, you shouldn’t pass in an easing value for the last frame, as this will have no effect. This is a mistake a lot of people make.
Sometimes it’s a lot more intuitive to add easing over an entire animation. This is not possible with CSS, but can now be achieved with WAAPI.
var options = {
duration: 1000,
easing: 'ease-in-out',
You can see the difference between these two kinds of easing in this Pen:
See the Pen Same animation, different easing by CSS GRID (@cssgrid) on CodePen.
Ease vs Linear
It’s worth noting another difference between CSS animation and WAAPI: the default of CSS is ease
, while the default of WAAPI is linear
. Ease is actually a version of ease-in-out
and is a pretty nice option if you’re feeling lazy. Meanwhile, linear is deadly dull and lifeless — a consistent speed that looks mechanical and unnatural. It was probably chosen as the default as it is the most neutral option. However, it makes it even more important to apply an easing when working with WAAPI than when working with CSS, lest your animation look tedious and robotic.
WAAPI provides the same performance improvements as CSS animations, although that doesn’t mean a smooth animation is inevitable.
I had hoped that the performance optimizations of this API would mean we could escape the use of will-change
and the totally hacky translateZ
— and eventually, it might. However, at least in the current browser implementations, these properties can still be helpful and necessary in dealing with jank issues.
However, at least if you have a delay on your animation, you don’t need to worry about using will-change
. The primary author of the web animations spec had some interesting advice over on the Animation for Work Slack community, which hopefully he won’t mind me repeating here:
If you have a positive delay, you don’t need
since the browser will layerize at the start of the delay and when the animation starts it will be ready to go.
WAAPI Versus CSS Animations?
WAAPI gives us a syntax to do in JavaScript what we could already achieve in a stylesheet. Yet, they shouldn’t be seen as rivals. If we decide to stick to CSS for our animations and transitions, we can interact with those animations with WAAPI.
Animation Object
The .animate()
method doesn’t just animate our element, it also returns something.
var myAnimation = element.animate(keyframes, options);

If we take a look at the return value in the console, we’ll see its an animation object. This offers us all sorts of functionality, some of which is pretty self-explanatory, like myAnimation.pause()
. We could already achieve a similar result with CSS animations by changing the animation-play-state
property, but the WAAPI syntax is somewhat terser than = "paused"
. We also have the power to easily reverse our animation with myAnimation.reverse()
, which again, is only a slight improvement over changing the animation-direction
CSS property with our script.
However, up until now, manipulating @keyframe
s with JavaScript hasn’t been the easiest thing in the world. Even something as simple as restarting an animation takes a bit of know-how, as Chris Coyier has previously written about. Using WAAPI we can simply use
to replay the animation from the beginning if it had previously completed, or to play it from mid-iteration if we had paused it.
We can even change the speed of an animation with complete ease.
myAnimation.playbackRate = 2; // speed it up
myAnimation.playbackRate = .4; // use a number less than one to slow it down
This method will return an array of any animation objects for any animations we’ve defined with WAAPI, as well as for any CSS transitions or animations.
element.getAnimations() // returns any animations or transitions applied to our element using CSS or WAAPI
If you feel comfortable and content using CSS for defining and applying your animations, getAnimations()
allows you to use the API in conjunction with @keyframe
s. It’s possible to continue to use CSS for the bulk of your animation work and still get the benefit of the API when you need it. Let’s see how easy that is.
Even if a DOM element only has one animation applied to it, getAnimations()
will always return an array. Let’s grab that single animation object to work with.
var h2 = document.querySelector("h2");
var myCSSAnimation = h2.getAnimations()[0];
Now we can use the web animation API on our CSS animation :)
myCSSAnimation.playbackRate = 4;
Promises and Events
We already have a variety of events triggered by CSS that we can utilise in our JavaScript code : animationstart
, animationend
, animationiteration
and transitionend
. I often need to listen for the end of an animation or transition in order to then remove the element it was applied to from the DOM.
The equivalent of using animationend
or transitionend
for such a purpose in WAAPI would again make use of the animation object:
myAnimation.onfinish = function() {
WAAPI offers us the choice of working with both events and promises. The .finished
property of our animation object will return a promise that will resolve at the end of the animation. Here’s what the example above would look like using a promise:
myAnimation.finished.then(() =>
Let’s look at a slightly more involved example yanked from the Mozilla Developer Network. Promise.all expects an array of promises and will only run our callback function once all of those promises have resolved. As we’ve already seen, element.getAnimations()
returns an array of animation objects. We can map over all the animation objects in the array calling .finished
on each of them, giving us the needed array of promises.
In this example, it’s only after all the animations on the page have finished that our function will run.
Promise.all(document.getAnimations().map(animation =>
animation.finished)).then(function() {
// do something cool
The Future
The features mentioned in this article are just the beginning. The current spec and implementation look to be the start of something great.
This is awesome. Declarative transitions are a perfect fit for CSS, but animations have always felt awkward because of their imperative nature (for example, removing and re-adding a class to trigger them again). Transitions are implicit, animations are imperative. I’m uneasy about the not-quite-CSS syntax for defining keyframe attributes, but glad to see that we’re able to define the keyframes in the natural context of CSS and then trigger and respond to them imperatively in JavaScript. That seems like the best of both worlds.
The only problem I have with the javascript API is – when I want to use it instead of the transition – I still need to manually set all the css properties after the animation finishes, as it animates and then reverts to state 0.
property in the timing options object will help there if you set it toforwards
:Great article…Quick question…Is there a way to set percentages on the keyframes like with CSS keyframes? In the example you gave you had only two keyframes…one for 0% and one for 100% …What if you had three keyframes and wanted them to run at 10%, 70% and 100% as an example…is there a way to set that with WAAPI?
You can with the
By default all keyframes are equally spaced. As TLGregg said, use offsets
nice article on css animation
Any chance we’ll be able to scrub through the animation one day?
I’m 91% sure you can scrub animations done in the WAAPI in DevTools (Firefox or Chrome).
Oh yeah, I’m about 92% certain about that in devtools but I was more considering the ability to write it in our code so that we can use it to maybe tie an animation’s progress to our scroll position a la parallax :D
Yes, Chris is correct. The animation dev tools’ timeline feature works for WAAPI animations too. Very helpful.
Hi Chris. The currentTime property might help you out with that.
You’d have to link it to the scroll position yourself somehow.
It looks like easy scroll-linked animations will be implemented eventually
Check out this really nice example by Dan Wilson
I think that’s exactly what I was looking for, thanks Oliver. I built a React component that handles parallax that I’d like to give this a go on :)