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The CSS @layer
at-rule enables CSS authors to work within CSS Cascade Layers as a way of controlling how the CSS Cascade evaluates the order of styles. We define a layer and wrap it around the rulesets we want to be evaluated in a specific order. The result is that we have a powerful way to prevent style clashes with your styles, a framework’s styles, or third-party styles.
/* Defines a cascade layer */
@layer reset {
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
/* Sets order of cascade */
@layer reset, typography, components, utilities;
/* Imports to a cascade layer */
@import url('reset.css') layer(reset);
In this brief example, we see (1) how layers are defined, how to organize layers from most specific to least specific, and how to @import
a stylesheet and register it as a cascade layer in one fell swoop.
Basic usage
The @layer
at-rule registers cascade layers and establishes the order for them to be evaluated by the CSS Cascade. We start by registering a layer:
@layer {
.element { /* ... */ }
That’s it! We just registered a layer. It’s an unnamed layer, but a layer nonetheless. This is known as an anonymous layer. Anonymous layers are evaluated in the order they are declared, following the default cascade order, from top to bottom where the styles declared toward the bottom are more specific than those declared at the top.
/* Anonymous layer 1 */
@layer {
body {
background: blue;
/* Anonymous layer 2 */
@layer {
body {
background: green; /* wins! */
Cascade layers are more useful as named layers, which is a unique name provided directly after @layer
@layer cool {
/* etc. */
@layer beanz {
/* etc. */
By default, named layers follow the default cascade order — top to bottom — just like anonymous layers. The difference is that we can also use @layer
to organize the layers in the exact order we want the CSS Cascade to evaluate them:
@layer cool, beanz;
@layer cool {
/* etc. */
@layer beanz {
/* etc. */
If we hadn’t done that, then the CSS Cascade would have evaluated the cool
layer before the beanz
layer, making the styles in the beanz
layer more specific than the cool
layer, per default order. But since we changed the order, beanz
is now evaluated first and cool
becomes the more specific layer.
And, yes, the order we write the layers is super important. The order goes from least specific to most specific, from left to right.
/* beanz is more specific */
@layer cool, beanz;
/* cool is more specific */
@layer beanz, cool;
A more advanced example
Let’s work with three layers instead of two to get an even clearer picture of how @layer
influences the CSS Cascade.
@layer lowest-layer {
body { background: red }
@layer middle-layer {
body { background: green }
@layer highest-layer {
body { background: blue }
If we stop here, then the styles are read in the order they are declared, as per standard CSS behavior. It’s like we declared the following order, but didn’t have to since it’s the default behavior:
/* Cascade layer order declaration */
@layer lowest-layer, middle-layer, highest-layer;
Cascade layers should be ordered before defining the actual layers; otherwise, the standard cascade order in takes effect.
Again, named layers take advantage of the @layer
at-rule feature that allows us to declare the cascade order we want them. The cascade order is declared by providing a comma-separated list of layer names from lowest to highest precedence order.
/* Don't do this! */
@layer lowest-layer {
body { background: red }
@layer middle-layer {
body { background: green }
@layer highest-layer {
body { background: blue }
/* This should go before the registered layers */
@layer highest-layer, lowest-layer, middle-layer;
But if we register the layers first, the order we declare is applied.
Nesting named layers
Named layers can be nested where one @layer
is inside another @layer
@layer top-layer {
@layer nested {
/* rules */
But get this: we can do the same thing using “dot” notation:
@layer top-layer.nested {
/* rules */
It’s a lot like a compound selector in CSS! Nested cascade layers work exactly rthe same as non-nested layers, and even have their own order which can be declared within the top layer.
@layer top-layer {
/* Declares nested cascade layer order */
@layer nested-lowest, nested-highest;
/* Nested layers can then be defined in any order */
@layer nested-highest {
/* rules */
@layer nested-lowest {
/* rules */
By default, styles not included within a cascade layer are considered part of the implicit outer layer. As this is the layer generally inhabited by custom styles and user-agent styling, the implicit outer layer has a higher order of precedence than styles defined within a cascade layer.
@layer typography {
body {
font-size: 18px;
/* Outer layer, highest precedence */
body {
font-size: 24px;
Avoiding style conflicts
Hopefully, you’ve seen up to this point how the @layer
at-rule is a good strategy for managing cascade behavior. A common problem crops up when working with CSS frameworks that you may have experienced: the framework’s styles are more specific than yours. Sometimes you have control over what order separate stylesheets are loaded, but you might not and find yourself in a situation where you need to override the framework’s styles but have little recourse other than using the !important
/* In a separate stylesheet */
.some-style {
color: red;
/* In the current stylesheet */
.some-style {
color: blue !important;
No one likes using !important
. It’s a bad look in most cases because it is more of a nuclear option that completely borks the cascade, forcing one style to be more specific than another, no matter order or specificity. Even worse, what happens when you need to override an !important
style? Things get messy real fast when we decide to ditch the cascade.
You might have experienced this when working with a CSS framework, like Bootstrap. I’m not picking on Bootstrap or anything — style conflicts can happen with any framework if we’re not careful. But with @layer
, we can prevent them wholesale simply by making Bootstrap’s styles come before your styles in the cascade order.
/* Import a CSS reset into a reset layer */
@import url('./bootstrap.css') layer(bootstrap);
/* Declares Bootstrap as the lowest order of the cascade */
@layer bootstrap, my-styles;
@layer my-styles {
/* ... */
You’re good to go — no more need to !important
your way out of conflicts!
Great for reset styles
Along with providing more control over the cascade order, cascade layers have a few other excellent benefits.
External stylesheets, such as CSS resets, frameworks, or other third-party styles, can be applied directly to a cascade layer by including the layer within the import statement. Now, imported styles are placed in a lower cascade order to prevent clashing with the author’s custom styles.
/* Import a CSS reset into a reset layer */
@import url('./reset.css') layer(reset);
/* Declares the reset as the lowest order of the cascade */
@layer reset, custom-styles;
Great for design systems
CSS Cascade Layers are helpful with code organization as well, as CSS rules may be more meaningfully grouped together.
/* Importing a CSS reset into the reset cascade layer */
@import url('reset.css') layer(reset);
/* Declaring the cascade order */
@layer reset, globals, typography, components, utilities;
/* CSS styles organized into meaningful groups as cascade layers */
@layer globals {
/* ... */
@layer typography {
/* ... */
@layer components {
/* ... */
@layer utilities {
/* ... */
Meaningfully named cascade layers play a part in debugging CSS as well, as browser developer tools in all major browsers display the cascade layer in which CSS rules are being declared.

The @layer
at-rule is defined in the CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 5 specification and is a W3C Candidate Recommendation.
Browser support
CSS tricks!
Cascade Layers Guide
Cascade Layers
Methods to Organize CSS
An Interview With Elad Shechter on “The New CSS Reset”
Don’t Fight the Cascade, Control It!
Using CSS Cascade Layers to Manage Custom Styles in a Tailwind Project
299: Toe-Dipping Into Cascade Layers
Further reading
- CSS Cascade Layers Explainer (Miriam Suzanne)
- Getting Started With CSS Cascade Layers (Stephanie Eckles)
- Hello, CSS Cascade Layers (Ahmad Shadeed)