2019 CSS Wishlist

Chris Coyier on

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What do you wish CSS could do natively that it canā€™t do now? First, letā€™s review the last time we did this in 2013.

  1. āŒ ā€œIā€™d like to be able to select an element based on if it contains another particular selectorā€
  2. āŒ ā€œIā€™d like to be able to select an element based on the content it containsā€
  3. āŒ ā€œIā€™d like multiple pseudo elementsā€
  4. āŒ ā€œIā€™d like to be able to animate/transition something to height: auto;ā€œ
  5. āŒ ā€œIā€™d like things from Sass, like @extend, @mixin, and nestingā€
  6. āŒ ā€œIā€™d like ::nth-letter, ::nth-word, etcā€
  7. āœ… ā€œIā€™d like all the major browsers to auto-updateā€

Ouch. Oh well. Iā€™m not sure how hotly requested all those actually are or how feasible it is to even implement them. Theyā€™re merely ideas that I thought we be useful in 2013, and as it turns out, I still do.

This time, instead of me making my own list, letā€™s have a gander around the internet at other people who have rounded up CSS desires.

TL;DR List

In observing several sources of conversation around things people desire in CSS, these seem like the most common asks:

  • Parent queries. As in, selecting an element any-which-way, then selecting the parent of that element. We have some proof itā€™s possible with :focus-within.
  • Container queries. Select a particular element when the element itself is under certain conditions.
  • Standardized styling of form elements.
  • Has/Contains Selectors.
  • Transitions to auto dimensions.
  • Fixed up handling of viewport units.

Notably, whatā€™s interesting to me is the lack of people asking for style scoping. It came up a little, but not a ton. It seems like such a big part of the CSS-in-JS conversation, so Iā€™m surprised to see so little mention of it in the context of general ā€œwhat does CSS need?ā€ conversations.

Jen Simmons asked whatā€™s on our lists

Notable replies from the thread:

  • Aspect ratios (itā€™s weirdly tricky in CSS, coming to HTML probably, and maybe weā€™ll get it natively in CSS with a property someday)
  • Exclusions
  • Regions
  • Subgrid (itā€™s coming!)
  • text-wrap: avoid-widows-and-orphans
  • Nesting
  • Outline with radius
  • Animated background gradients (without faking it by moving them or whatever else)
  • text-overflow:ellipsis over multiple lines / line clamping
  • 0-to-auto transitions
  • Parent selectors
  • Async @import
  • Math functions like sqrt(), sin() and cos()
  • font-min-size and font-max-size
  • Masonry

Tab Atkins wanted to know what parts of CSS give us the most trouble

Notable replies from the thread:

  • Tons and tons of requests for a standardized way to style form elements — not just for styling desire, but for accessibility to prevent trading standards for styling.
  • Being able to test browser support of more than just property/values with @supports
  • Improved handling of viewport units and their relationship to other browser UI
  • Improved handling of multi-column layout handling
  • Elastic scrolling

Tommy Hodgins did a CSS+JS advent calendar on Twitter that documents interesting possibilities

Tommyā€™s list:

  • Parent selector
  • Has selector
  • Closest selector
  • First in document (like how querySelector works)
  • Elder sibling selector
  • Previous sibling selector
  • Contains selector
  • Regex selector
  • Computed style selector
  • :nth-letter / :nth-word
  • Media pseudo selectors
  • Not-blank valid/invalid selector
  • Element queries
  • Attribute comparison selectors
  • Custom specificity
  • Visibility selectors
  • Overflow detection selector
  • User agent detection selector
  • Storage queries
  • Date queries
  • Protocol queries
  • Deep hover

We asked as well

Notable replies from the thread:

  • Container queries
  • Has selector
  • Regions
  • Color modification functions
  • Nesting
  • Shaders
  • Transition to auto dimensions / transition from display: none;
  • Previous sibling selector
  • font-size: fit;
  • Styling grid-template-areas
  • Animation between grid-template-areas
  • Types for custom properties
  • clip-path accepting paths
  • inline-styles: ignore;
  • Aspect ratios
  • Scoping
  • // single line comments
  • Corner shapes