Module 0Fundamentals
This module fills in any gaps you may have, and ensures we're all working from the same solid foundation.
- How browsers consume CSS
- Syntax and terminology
- Basics of colors, units, typography
CSS can be fun. I promise.
For a lot of front-end developers, CSS is the most frustrating part of their work.
When you make a mistake in TypeScript, you get a helpful tooltip telling you exactly what you did wrong. In CSS, by contrast, you're left in the dark, without any clues about why you're not getting the result you expected.
These constant bewildering surprises take us out of flow state, and shake our confidence. No wonder so many of us don't enjoy writing CSS!
Despite all appearances, though, CSS is actually a deeply consistent and robust language. It feels unpredictable because there are complex systems involved, systems that are totally invisible to us.
CSS is an implicit language.
It doesn't matter how many years you spend practicing CSS—if you don't learn how its underlying systems work, your mental model will always be incomplete.
Think about how most of us learn CSS: we learn how individual properties work, instead of focusing on how layout algorithms use those properties as inputs. We learn “cool tricks” for specific situations, instead of concepts that can be applied broadly to any situation.
It's like trying to solve a puzzle when you're missing pieces. Except it's even worse, since we blame ourselves!
Nobody is born with CSS skills.
We assume that we're missing some sort of “CSS gene”, that we're just not good at this stuff. And it's the most unfair self-criticism in the world. If you learn the rules of CSS, you can be good at it too!
Becoming proficient with CSS is game-changing. All of a sudden, the most frustrating part of your job becomes fun! As JS developers, we spend so much energy trying to avoid writing CSS, when we could be embracing it, and using it to build world-class user interfaces.
So how do you learn the rules of CSS? Well, you can spend countless hours spelunking through MDN documentation and CSSWG specifications, and then spend a few years practicing. That's what I did. It was undeniably effective—the end result is incredibly worthwhile—but the journey was long and arduous.
I want to help expedite that process for you. Over the past year, I've been packaging up all that knowledge and experience into a comprehensive self-paced online course.
I call it…
As a educator myself who's made it my life's work to effectively help people learn and retain what they're learning, I'm extremely impressed by Josh's approach to teaching. It's abundantly clear that Josh knows what he's doing. Students will come away from this course with the skills they need to be more productive at CSS, paying back their investment many times over.
I had seriously high expectations for Josh’s CSS course. And honestly? It's exceeded them.
Even the first module is providing clarity on concepts I've used for years but never learned in detail. Mental models are essential, and I may finally have one for CSS.
Want to pick up both of my interactive online courses, at an unbeatable price? Introducing the Joy for JavaScript Developers bundle!
It includes both The Joy of React and CSS for JavaScript Developers. By purchasing them in this bundle, you’ll save a bit of cash!
Learn MoreJoin hundreds of organizations who have invested in their team’s React skills with Team Licenses. Receive up to a 20% discount!
Order Team LicensesWhat I love about the way Josh teaches is that he’ll do whatever it takes to make sure a concept is clearly understood and that you’re building an accurate and helpful mental model. Josh will literally invent new tools from scratch if it will help a concept stick, even if it’s 10x more work for him.
When I’m learning something from Josh, I know it’s being taught the best way it possibly could be. There’s no person I’d trust more to really install CSS into my brain.
Believe it or not, the very first non-trivial web application I built was an online education platform! My friend worked as a tutor, and he wanted a way to assign math problems to his students. I built it with PHP, MySQL, and jQuery. It was a dog's breakfast, but it worked.
I abandoned that project when I discovered Khan Academy, a world-renowned non-profit on a mission to provide a free, world-class education online. Years later, I would join as a software engineer, to help build that platform! I got to work alongside some of the smartest pedagogical minds in the world, and I learned a whole lot about how to create effective educational content.
I've spent the last couple years working in senior engineering roles at organizations like DigitalOcean and Gatsby Inc. (acq. Netlify) , building tools to help developers get their ideas off the ground.
For the past few years, I've also taught part-time for Journey Education, developing curriculum and leading web-development courses at Concordia University.
It's been almost a decade since I built my first educational platform. I've learned a lot about education since then, and it's high time I do something with that knowledge and experience.
CSS for JavaScript Developers is the culmination of my career, and I genuinely believe it'll be profoundly useful. I'm so excited to help you on your journey with CSS!
This is a complete exploration of all the CSS knowledge that modern frontend devs need to know, over a decade worth of knowledge packed in here with the same care and delight that Josh is famous for on his blog.
Josh’s blog is pure gold if you want to learn CSS. This course has all the polish you’d expect from Josh, plus the structure to make sure you're getting the complete picture.
This curriculum teaches everything you need to know to build modern, polished web experiences. It's a no-fluff distillation of the skills I've learned over 15 years.
This module fills in any gaps you may have, and ensures we're all working from the same solid foundation.
We pop the hood and see how the browser renders items in flow layout
We continue our exploration of the browser's layout modes by examining positioned layout.
How does CSS fit into modern JS webapps? In this module, we learn how to take advantage of the JavaScript ecosystem.
Flexbox brought an incredibly powerful layout algorithm to the web. We learn how to make the most of it.
CSS has become a really dynamic language! We'll see how to use modern CSS features to build resilient layouts.
The most important part of any webapp is the content! We'll learn how to wrangle text and media.
CSS Grid is a revolutionary layout system for the web. We'll see how to use it responsibly, to create next-level user interfaces.
Animation is a vital part of all web applications. We'll learn how to build beautiful, lush animations.
In this jumbo-sized module, we'll cover a bunch of tips and tricks to create standout experiences on the web.
This module fills in any gaps you may have, and ensures we're all working from the same solid foundation.
We pop the hood and see how the browser renders items in flow layout
We continue our exploration of the browser's layout modes by examining positioned layout.
How does CSS fit into modern JS webapps? In this module, we learn how to take advantage of the JavaScript ecosystem.
Flexbox brought an incredibly powerful layout algorithm to the web. We learn how to make the most of it.
CSS has become a really dynamic language! We'll see how to use modern CSS features to build resilient layouts.
The most important part of any webapp is the content! We'll learn how to wrangle text and media.
CSS Grid is a revolutionary layout system for the web. We'll see how to use it responsibly, to create next-level user interfaces.
Animation is a vital part of all web applications. We'll learn how to build beautiful, lush animations.
In this jumbo-sized module, we'll cover a bunch of tips and tricks to create standout experiences on the web.
This curriculum barely scratches the surface.
Here are some other important things included in the course:
The Ultimate Tier comes with exclusive extras:
Have you ever stumbled on a particularly tricky layout or animation, and wondered how it works?
The Video Archive is a collection of in-depth build walkthroughs and explanations. Often, when a student has a question around how to build an unconventional layout, I'll record a video for the archive showing how I would implement it.
Over the years, I've amassed a fortune of tools.
The Resource Treasure Trove is a curated collection of my favourites. I share my favourite tools, generators, packages, and resources, with detailed guides for each one, showing exactly how I get the most out of it.
Using CSS and knowing CSS are two very different things. I've been using CSS for years, but I didn't know it well. This course is awesome - I've already learned a ton, and I can't wait to keep going!
Josh is one of the brightest authorities on CSS out there, bringing both deep technical insights and a fantastic amount of whimsy to all his work. I highly recommend checking his course out if you're looking to level up!
Since this course was originally released in 2021, I have made many updates to the content, though there are some modern features that aren’t yet covered. For example, the course doesn’t cover subgrid, view transitions, or container queries yet.
That said: I wouldn’t say that the course is outdated. Just about all of the stuff we cover is still relevant and useful today. It’s not as comprehensive as I’d like, but it still provides an excellent foundation in CSS.
Also: I’ve been pretty careful not to make any hard promises around future updates, since it’ll depend on my schedule, but I do plan on continuing to update the course over time. All registered students will receive all future updates for free!
Yes! If you visit this page from a country with significantly lower purchasing power, you should see a box that allows you to select a regional license at a lower price.
If you don't see the box and you're using a VPN, please try disconnecting the VPN.
This course is specifically built for folks who use a component-based JS framework like React, Angular, or Vue.
This affects things in a number of ways:
) works, you already understand how the cascade works! I explain the similarities in the course.I wanted to make a CSS course specifically for JS developers because I know how frustrating CSS can be for us! I struggled with it myself for years and years.
You don't need to be a JavaScript expert, but I do assume that you have some experience with a JS framework like React/Angular/Vue.
If you haven't used a JS framework, you'll still learn a lot about CSS fundamentals in this course, though some of the workshops will be more challenging.
Employers want to invest in resources that help their team deliver better results more quickly. I believe CSS for JavaScript Developers is an incredibly worthwhile investment.
If you work as a software developer and aren't sure how to get your employer to put this course on the company card, I created a letter template you can use to help persuade them to pick up a copy for you.
Check it out:
Letter To Your Manager
Absolutely! You can order multiple licenses on the Teams order page.
Depending on the number of licenses you purchase, a 10-20% discount will be applied automatically (requires at least 4 licenses to qualify).
You'll also gain access to the Teams Administration dashboard, which will allow you to assign your team and purchase additional licenses.
There is indeed!
If you're actively enrolled in an educational program, you can receive 20% off the full cost of the course (the “Ultimate” package). This discount can't be combined with any other sales or discounts, but it can be combined with regional licenses.
This discount is intended for full-time or part-time students, including coding bootcamps like General Assembly.
To receive a unique coupon code, shoot an email to [email protected] with proof of enrolment.
Nope! It's a one-time purchase. When you buy CSS for JavaScript Developers, you'll have access to the course for the lifetime of my course platform. Not only that, but you'll get all updates and improvements for free. 😄
I believe that in order to learn something, you need to get your hands dirty. This course offers a ton of opportunities to practice the concepts we learn!
Throughout each module, there are exercises, small challenges, and interactive demos. Most modules end in a workshop, a larger project where we can apply the skills we've learned in a broader, more-realistic context.
That said, there are over 170 bite-sized videos in the course as well. The general format is that each lesson will mix written and video content to explain the concept, and then there are opportunities for practice and experimentation, leading up to the workshop at the end of the module.
Yes — if you purchase either the "Basic" or the "Pro" package, you'll be able to upgrade your purchase to the "Ultimate" package later on.
The upgrade cost will be the difference between what you paid originally and the current full cost of the Ultimate package. Any future discounts or sales cannot be applied to upgrades.
If you're not happy with the course, for any reason, you can reach out by email in the first 30 days and I'll refund your purchase, unconditionally.
I've done my best to build an accessible product, but it's an area of constant improvement.
In terms of navigation, the course platform and all of its exercises, minigames, and interactive elements should be controllable through a keyboard alone, no mouse required. As it happens, the early days of the course development were done exclusively through dictation and eye-tracking, no mouse or keyboard.
In terms of color, all text and UI elements should have AA-level contrast or higher. I've also done my best to support colorblind folks, by never communicating anything exclusively through color/hue.
All videos include closed-captions in English.
For folks with little or no eyesight, I've struggled to imagine how I could build a quality course on CSS, given CSS' visual nature. I'm sad to say that it's a challenge I have not yet solved.
I've heard from so many developers now who have said something along the lines of “I've been writing CSS for 10+ years, and I've aleady learned so much.”
CSS is an incredibly rich language, and this course aims to give you a deeper understanding. Even if you've used CSS for a long time, there are mechanisms that can only be learned through research, and that knowledge has direct tangible improvements on the writing experience.
I'd recommend checking out these two blog posts. They're repackaged from the course. If you learn something from them, I expect you'll get a lot out of this course:
It depends on what you mean by "beginner" 😅
This course is not intended for absolute beginners. If you've never written any CSS before, this isn't the right course for you.
I also assume that you have some experience with a JS framework like React. You definitely don't need to be an expert, but you should be comfortable with the idea of components, and passing data between them (eg. through props).
That said, if you've been building web applications for a couple months, or have just graduated from a coding bootcamp, this course is perfect for you.
Here are some things I assume you know:
p { color: red; }
Knowledge of Git is beneficial, but not required.
Definitely not! Though I do expect you to have at least some experience with a component-based JavaScript framework (Angular, Vue, Svelte…).
Certain modules and workshops do use React, since I want to explain the concepts “in context”, in real-world situations. All of the React-specific stuff comes preloaded, though. You won't have to mess with state or any advanced React features. You will need to write some JSX, but I'm confident you won't struggle with it if you're familiar with another framework.
I created a 15-minute lesson specifically to help non-React developers learn "just enough React" to complete the workshops in this course.
Yes! We're using Discord for our online community. The community is already vibrant and mature, because of our Early Access period. Lots of great discussion happens there every day!
The community is moderated according to our Code of Conduct.
This course uses Discord as our community platform. There is a channel specifically for getting help with the content in this course, and you can also ask general CSS / web development questions!
I've been spending a lot of time answering your questions on Discord, but I've been thrilled to see that the community has been really active as well.
This course is built for JavaScript developers who wish they found CSS less frustrating.
Here are some examples of the kinds of people I think would benefit the most from CSS for JavaScript Developers:
CSS for JavaScript Developers might not be a good fit for you if you fit one of the following categories:
Yep! Anyone who completes the full course will be able to save a .pdf with their name on it, showing that they've completed the CSS for JavaScript Developers course. These certificates can also be verified, as each one has a unique URL!
This can be useful to claim reimbursement from your employer, to share on social media, or to just feel great about your accomplishment!
Right after purchasing, you'll be emailed a receipt/invoice from Paddle. You'll be able to add whatever name and address is necessary to facilitate a reimbursement.
You can also add your VAT number, to have any VAT charges reimbursed.
It's hard to say! There is a lot of content, but it's structured in such a way that it's easy to skip stuff that you already know.
Based on early feedback, most modules will take between 2 and 6 hours to complete, depending on how "thoroughly" you aim to complete them. There are 10 modules, so I expect on average it will take 40 hours to complete.
I can be reached at [email protected]! Feel free to send any questions you have.
Y'all this course is the TRUTH! Go ahead and get your coins together for this one. I got early access and it's well worth it.
with CSS for JS Devs Josh has taken the bar for what a coding course can be and raised it sky high fantastic structure and presentation offering a clear path to expertise in a practical and fun way phenomenal ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Every time a candidate mentions they have taken up Josh's CSS course, I don't bother asking them CSS questions in a junior frontend dev interview. That's the only stamp of approval you need 😄
After 2 weeks of Josh's CSS course, I can honestly say that it is the most in-depth and comprehensive CSS course that I've ever seen. The chapter on flow layout is so good that I understood at a deeper level things that I got by experience without truly knowing them.
Josh’s course is probably the highest quality, most complete, thorough and effective CSS learning material ever created so far! He’s gone above and beyond in creating this. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you’re missing out.
The work @JoshWComeau put into his CSS for JS devs course is just... on another level! 🤯 Never seen such an interactive programming course. I get it now why people were so excited about it.
I’ve gone through many, many different tutorials over the last few years. And I can’t overstate this: @JoshWComeau’s upcoming “CSS for JS Devs” course is the best course and training platform I’ve ever used. Seriously. Everything about it is A+. 🙌 🙌 🙌
I was given the opportunity to buy it while in development and I can say that it's the best way I could have spend my money. I love every single part of this course and I definitely recommend it.
Just 100% completed CSS for JavaScript Developers. The course design delivered some of the best learning experiences that i've ever had. Thanks Josh! 🎉
your course is just some wonderful piece of art. It solved sooo many questions I had and struggled with while making all types of projects.
I thought I knew CSS and then I got @JoshWComeau course, it’s amazing and so beautifully put together it’s a joy to go through it
Buying your course was one of the best investments I could do in 2021 as a frontend developer. Plus watching you having fun teaching it is a real pleasure Josh! Keep it up!
When this course launches, you're going to be blown away. Believe me, I purchased early access and it's on an entirely different level.
Just started @JoshWComeau course to review his platform. Nothing short of inspiring. The entire process of building the platform was meticulously thought out not for just the speed of adding things but for experience.
The attention to detail on the course is incredible Josh, massive thanks for putting it together. I'm learning CSS much deeper than I otherwise would have and enjoying it too! Just finished the Margin Collapse draggable game/challenge & I can't think of a better way to learn it.
This course is wonderful. Take an expert in a field, pair it with a lot of pedagogical knowledge and technical skills, and you get one of the best course you can find online. Hopefully we'll start seeing more course on this level! It's what online education should be.
trust me. you want this. i don't even write CSS anymore and i still learned loads.
My z-index wars are over. Thanks for the clarity @JoshWComeau! I made this pseudo-classes demo with stacking context in mind. I only had to reach for z-index once! Also, the course is incredible! ❤️ CSS
I'm on Module 3 of your amazing CSS course, and it's precisely what I need, filling in all the gaps and causing me to level-up tremendously--even though I've been writing CSS for years! Thanks for your passion and attention to detail!
Perfectly amazed by @JoshWComeau's work on the new modules of CSS for JavaScript Developers. Typography never made sense to me before and felt like magic. Now, I'm practically enjoying discovering how it works and how to apply it. Will certainly come useful in the near future. 🚀
Currently half way through. It's the best and only CSS course that every frontend dev should take.
Your course is great! I am so happy I took it. Really helpful community as well!
This course is total 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
You should be so excited for this course, it’s amazing.
I did the early access for this as well. It is legitimately excellent and will be pushing for the FE team I work with to all get it.
I must thank the very splendid @JoshWComeau for his excellent CSS course. I'm learning things I should probably have known for years. Highly recommended, both for old hacks catching up and juniors you can't be bothered to teach yourself.
Learn CSS. Seriously you're going to love it. If you're intimidated by it, Josh Comeau has a great practical and friendly course to set you up
When you started creating the course, I had high expectations, but you managed to exceed them. This is the most professional and fun course, congratulations 🙌👏👏
Shoutout to a CSS (and React) wizard: @JoshWComeau. At module 5 and still blowing my mind with nifty stuff about CSS in general. BEST - idk how much it was- I SPENT.
I still haven’t finished it since it’s a lot of information to take in and I want to take it slowly to let it sink in properly. The course has been invaluable, as it helped developed a minimal intuition about certain properties and bugs.
Yep it's awesome. I've almost completed the whole thing and I can say it's one of the only courses that as a frontend dev, all the stuff I learned has made my job that much easier 🥳
Oh man, your course is great!!!! Honestly incredibly excited for the remaining lessons because I know I'll learn a ton of helpful things.
I almost feel like the CSS for JavaScript Developers course needs a disclaimer that reads along the lines of: “Please do not let this course from stopping you from making a course of your own. There is no way to compete with this level of polish”
Your course is full stop amazing. Best learning experience I have had online. Bar none.
The bar for how online training should be has been set so incredibly high by this course. I am trying to go slow because I do not want it to end. 10/10.
I'm taking @JoshWComeau's new CSS for JS Devs class and I've already said, “Oh, that's what it does!” at least 4 times in just the Module 0 Fundamentals recap. So far a highly recommend!
Finally finished @JoshWComeau 's CSS course (only partially out, but still a ton of material) and The quality is incredible. Josh shares so many great insights throughout that I already want to go through the course again. So hype for the rest!
Having been a teacher I know first-hand how much time and effort that goes into a really good course. So I hope that gives more weight to me saying I'm absolutely gobsmacked at CSS for JS Developers by @JoshWComeau If you can, get it right now.
I'm such a huge fan of your course! It fundamentally changed how I do CSS, thank you so much for such high quality content. 😊
Thanks @JoshWComeau. Your course has been really valuable to me. Before your course, I was literally scared of learning css because of plethora of courses out there and I wasn't sure which one to pick but after finishing couple of modules, I feel I'm in safer hands now.
I got on the early registration list and it’s sooo good. Highly recommended when it becomes available.
The css whispering course I've learned to trust. @JoshWComeau has so much to teach here.
Really enjoying @JoshWComeau CSS for JavaScript course. My favorite exercise thus far is styling the create-a-character app. I added a randomize button to spice it up even further! Can't recommend the course enough
Always struggled to create a mental model for css but @JoshWComeau's course is awesome, explains everything so well, and want to say thanks, and so glad I purchased it.
@JoshWComeau css course is awesome. Firstly, I’m actually liking css, secondly it’s full of active vs passive learning, mental models are useful and fun, and discord community is 🔥
I've been following @JoshWComeau for a long time now and I truely believe he is the Professor Brian Cox of CSS! 🎓 He can explain any CSS concept so simply that even 5 year olds could become CSS pros with a few lessons from Josh. 👏
@JoshWComeau The “Margin Collapse” section of “CSS for Javascript Developers” was written masterfully. I'm in awe of how succinctly you walked through such a complex and misunderstood topic. I now have the mental model that I wish I'd had a decade ago.
I didn’t know how much CSS I didn’t know before I started @JoshWComeau’s course
Seriously, @JoshWComeau is raising the bar of how online courses should be given. I’m already half way through the 1st module and it’s 🤯. Learning new concepts in such an interactive way is so much more effective!
Another day and another incredible module built by @JoshWComeau! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us! Your course is fantastic.
👀 Peepin a lil preview of @JoshWComeau's CSS for JS Devs course that's launching next week and Y'ALL. IT'S SO GOOD! I love the format. I love the self-assesments. I love the design elements 🤩
Suddenly remembered I bought Josh Comeau's css course—went through his color module. I forgot what a gifted teacher he is. Material is expertly presented in such a personable way. If your employer gives you an education budget, definitely check it out.
CSS for JS Devs is easily the single best course I've ever taken. Even now that I've finished the course I always refer back to it constantly for snippets, explanations, and other quick references.
I thought I knew well Flexbox. It turns out I didn’t. Flex is so complex under the hood. It is powerful if you know all it can do! I’m learning so much from @JoshWComeau course. It deserves every cent I paid for!
The first modules of @JoshWComeau's CSS for JS Devs course has helped me solidify CSS rules that used to baffle me. It releases fully later this year and has fundamentally changed my relationship to CSS for the better.
I've been using CSS for over 20 years and have still learnt loads from just the first two modules of @JoshWComeau's course. I might even understand margin collapse now!
I just wrapped up Module 0 and 1 of @JoshWComeau’s CSS-in-JS tonight, and while I knew the pieces of css, it never really made sense in a big picture way. I even referenced a lesson today when I got stuck on a layout question. Only just starting and it’s paying off already.
Hot take: CSS is super fun ** Just have to take the time to learn it (I find this to be true of most things tbh) Thank you @JoshWComeau for your course!! I’m having a LOT more fun writing CSS since going through it :)
I've really enjoyed the fun aspect of this course as well. There's already so much polish and attention to detail. I'm on the edge of burnout so I've been going through this course with a glass of whiskey at night to unwind 💯
So far I am loving @JoshWComeau’s CSS for JavaScript Developers. I have to say, it is the first fun course I’ve worked through in quite some time. If your CSS course doesn’t have games, you’re doing it wrong.
I'm starting in on @JoshWComeau 'CSS for JS Devs' course today and it is phenomenal. I'm learning things in Module 0.
after years and years of signing up for coding classes and just not being able to follow thru... for the first time, going through @JoshWComeau 's course, I actually see the light
Josh is one of the big reasons I started learning how to code! And this is his big project! Glad I was a part of it! His CSS for JS course is not just full of knowledge but an inspiration. One day I wanna make my own platform like him! Congrats!
So I treated myself to early access of @JoshWComeau's CSS for JS developers course and it is SO good! I'd forgotten just how fun CSS is. Anyone else get the early access?
Done the first couple of modules @JoshWComeau and it is really awesome. Huge kudos - I have been looking for something for this for a while and the delivery couldn't be better
OMG I'm starting to *really* understand CSS Thanks @JoshWComeau for making this!
This is amazing! Well deserved. I started your course yesterday and was immediately blown away by the level of polish and attention to detail. I've loved watching you get to this point, congrats!
I finished Module 0 this morning. It was a lot of fun. The games were fantastic.
HUUUUGE shoutout to .@JoshWComeau's course (CSS for JS Devs) I promise he's not paying me to say it, but that course is 🔥 and definitely leveling me up!!
I'm working through @JoshWComeau's CSS course and it feels like a breath of fresh air… For the first time I'm feeling like I'm finally getting how things work “under the hood” and it just makes me so happy 🥰
Obsessed with @JoshWComeau’s #css course, jam packed with wonderful analogies which makes taking notes super fun!
Hey @JoshWComeau — “Will It Collapse?” is one of the most brilliantly executed playgrounds/exercises I've tried in a long time!👍 The difference between that and e.g. a multi-choice "questionnaire" is 💯 Hey @EveryoneElse: is 🔝💵
Ok, @JoshWComeau your open-to-the-public module of CSS for JS sold me. I learned new terminology in the very first lesson (although I've been writing CSS for 5+ years), and I'm hooked. I'm locked in and can't wait to see what else I learn.
The amount of effort that went into this is absolutely mind boggling. There are written lessons, video lessons and tons of mini games to help you learn. On top of that Everything is so polished. I have been writing CSS for 17 years and I can highly recommend this to anyone!
I have to stop myself from @ ing you about how amazing this course is almost daily just so you don't get annoyed, but this is really one of the best courses I've done!!
I just completed Module 0. @JoshWComeau has done a fantastic job on the course and the course platform. If you can afford the early access price, please buy it right now. I genuinely believe it is an investment and not just a purchase.
One of the things I love about @JoshWComeau’s course is that it puts things together in a comprehensive layout based manner. MDN is my favorite, but if you’re looking things up piecemeal it’s a lot harder to feel confident with CSS.
I'm primarily a JS/TS dev, I've been working with CSS on and off for most of the last 5 years and know enough to get most things done well, even if it requires googling. I'm 2 modules into Josh's course and have had several aha! moments. Really looking forward to the rest.
It’s paying off, really. This is not just a CSS course, it’s a masterpiece! I think it’s the best experience I’ve had in an online course, and I tried tons of them. If you can afford, go for it, you won’t regret Thanks @JoshWComeau!
Have used css for 17 years, i have authored css in JS libraries and i have spent the last year trying to build a visual css editor, and am learning new things from this course.
I broke my piggy bank to purchase this awesome css course. It's 💯% worth it! Thanks @JoshWComeau for rising the digital courses level so high! Keep up the great work
Never want to learn something in a different way 🤩 @JoshWComeau put the bar very high. You can feel all the hard work and passion he put into it. Thanks for making learning so much fun, beautifully presented with such great content.
Just started in on @JoshWComeau’s new CSS course. 🤩 WOW!!! It is so good! It’s very straightforward, informative, in-depth, and holds your hand just enough without ever feeling condescending or sluggish. Perfectly executed! The platform is also aces too
Just started with the course and I must say I'm impressed! The content is great, but I'm stunned by the custom course platform, the gorgeous welcome screen and the games. Will be fun!
CSS for JavaScript developers es es el curso definitivo para desarrolladores web. La interacción y la forma de enseñar de @JoshWComeau es otro nivel. Ojalá hubiera existido un curso así cuando estaba empezando mi carrera! 🎉
Just picked up the course! Super excited to go through this, I can struggle with CSS at times, & I think this will be a great way to take my skill to the next level. Josh makes incredible content, and I think this early access pricing is an absolute steal! Don't miss out!
The attention to detail your custom platform has is beyond words. Hats off, Josh.
Seriously so good. This course is so good that I'm never making a course 😂 Josh has put SO much into this.
If this course were 3x the price it’d still make a fantastic investment.
Just enrolled in @JoshWComeau's new course. Introduction is so beautiful I caught myself thinking 'I want the person who built this to teach me CSS properly'...luckily that's the whole point :)
I rarely buy courses, but I knew I needed this. The material is pure gold 🪙
I’m a couple modules in and this course is seriously so good. Great job @JoshWComeau!
I bought this course by @JoshWComeau after watching the video and thinking about it all day. My hype levels are through the roof :O
I started @JoshWComeau’s new CSS course today, thought it was a bit pricy but dayum is it good. Just the first module I’ve learnt so much already. Y’all should really check it out.
If you take the course you will see why it is making Josh mad bills. I have never had such an extensive and well-made course experience before
I bought a course by @JoshWComeau this weekend and already leaned a lot. Can’t wait to continue my journey and be more comfortable and fluent with CCS
I have been working with CSS since 2014 or so and I never heard of CSS Logical Properties and Values. Thanks for teaching me that @JoshWComeau Btw, his #cssForJsDevs course is awesome and in each lesson I have learned something new
This course will get you working with CSS right away, in a friendly and fun way. I’ve been an engineer for 6+ years and this is the css course I WISH I had when I was learning CSS!
Josh is basically the best teacher I have ever encountered online. And I manage a team of teachers for a living!