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Twine Member Posts: 21 Member
edited March 1 in Esophageal Cancer #1

Many will have heard the name, but know little about this great learning resource. I was diagnosed with a stage 1b adenocarcenoma over 2 years ago and declined the default treatment of esophagectomy, opting instead for 3 then 6 month follow up endoscopy visits. I was declared cancer free at one point but then another tumour appeared in a different location and this time it was stage 2. I think that if I'd been aware of how good a tool ChatGPT is 2 years ago, it would have saved me an awful lot of hours trawling websites to try to make sense of the Data that may relate to my particular situation. This time I have been offered chemoradiation therapy after again declining an esophagectomy. The chances of 5 year survival are lower with chemoradiation therapy than with surgery but I'm happy that it should extend my current life expectation by a good way.