Basal Cell Nasal Reconstructive

Mckinney3 Member Posts: 3 Member

I just got the word in 2 weeks i see my Dr to make a plane for my basal cell removal across my nose and then right into reconstructive surgery!!! Iv never been so happy and scared to death at the same time. Do you guys think the flap surgery is the way to go, or get the skin graft surgery. I am so nervous for the process, I'm scared, relieved, happy and most of all unsure.. Thanks in advance for the feedback..


  • Shellebelle1
    Shellebelle1 Member Posts: 2 Member

    I actually did the flap and still going through the ordeal. They found a nickel size cancer on my nose (hence the flap) and had to have two spots removed one on each cheek. So scared after all that but so grateful as of now, I’m cancer free. It scared me so bad, I’m getting checked all over next week.

  • Michele30
    Michele30 Member Posts: 12 Member

    I had the flap on my nose, it looks pretty good after over two months. I noticed another lump by the incision line and just had another biopsy. Good Luck!

  • learning84
    learning84 Member Posts: 2 *

    Question for Michelle30, what did the new lump by your flap incision turn out to be? Was it rough to have a biopsy heal in that delicate area?

    I had the flap done on my nose 2 years ago (for basal cell carcinoma0 but now I seem to have a small lump/ bump on that delicate skin flap. Dermatologist thinks it might be a pre-cancer that happened to form on that skin. She wanted to use liquid nitrogen to freeze it off, but I was concerned with how that delicate skin could heal.
    so, instead i’m going back to the plastic surgeon who cut out the cancer and did the flap… and getting her opinion. She may have to biopsy it. If it turns out to be pre-cancerous then I need good options. Thank you

  • learning84
    learning84 Member Posts: 2 *

    I’M new here. What did you decide to do, and how do you feel about it. I went with the flap on the right side of my very delicate nose. Pathology said all margins were clear. Plastic surgeon did the flap. I was surprised how involved the healing was. I wasn’t in pain at all. My issues were more like not being able to see without eye glasses, distance and close up. My worry or anxiety could have been influencing my attitude. It healed decently, though there is scaring, mostly difference in skin texture. Now I have a problem with bad luck of a possible pre-cancer little lump forming on that new skin. I’m going back to the plastic surgeon for an evaluation and possible biopsy. dermatologist who diagnosed this from appearance wanted to remove the lump with freezing it off with liquid nitrogen. But i’m worried about the integrity of the skin of the flap.

  • Michele30
    Michele30 Member Posts: 12 Member

    They said it was an irritated angiofibroma and to have my regular dermatologist remove again if it grew back. It’s still ok and she tried extracting and got most of it.

  • Shellebelle1
    Shellebelle1 Member Posts: 2 Member

    I had it done. I never knew how extensive the procedures were. But it is amazing what our bodies can do. I am almost 4 months post-op and still trying to cover scaring. I know I want everything done, but it’s a healing process. Just one day at a time

    Best of luck❤️🤘🏼

  • bmd1020
    bmd1020 Member Posts: 1 *

    Hang in there, rely on your team both medically, family, friends, etc!

    I had my flap with nasal bone reconstruction done in April 23 which did not get clean margins and about 6 months after I had a new spot near my flap so now 2 types of Basel Cell (Infiltrative & Nodular). I started immunotherapy since July 23 which I will be on this as long as I can tolerate it, and insurance approves it. I got a third opinion and have a new team now. At some point, I will have another surgery with radiation which is the hard part no time frame. When I talk to complete strangers, they say they don't even notice my nose flap or scar below it. It will get better

    Keep the FAITH and find enjoyment in all life's little simple pleasures as you fight your battle with cancer.