Hi everybody

laurenbeth Member Posts: 2 Member
edited May 2024 in Thyroid Cancer #1

SO I have PTC hopefully soon I will have it removed I have an appointment on Monday with the surgeon. I also have several nodules on my lungs that haven't changed in a year and a mass on my breast that could be cancer or pre cancerous and a cyst on an ovary that has to be surgically removed. I've had 9 biopsies and almost all of them hurt mentally too. It's just so overwhelming I'm thinking the outcome of all of this might not be a good thing. I don't how to do all of this alone? Im just hoping to meet people and have someone to talk to.


  • J9BND48
    J9BND48 Member Posts: 5 Member

    welcome Laurenbeth. I’m new here too. I was diagnosed with PTC two weeks ago and have my first appointment with a surgeon on Tuesday. It is fairly certain mine has spread to at least one lymph node so I am anxious for surgery and some tests to see if it has spread elsewhere. I will be thinking of you on Monday and praying all goes well.

  • laurenbeth
    laurenbeth Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thankyou so much!!!! The doctors told me it hadn't spread to my lymph nodes and now I guess they might not be sure. So I will pray for you that you have good doctors and that it hasn't spread anywhere else💖

  • Miles' mom
    Miles' mom Member Posts: 49 Member

    Hi friends, This is a journey—to be sure. Mine lasted 5 years and I still have regular bloodwork and ultrasounds. It is doable (really, what choice do we have?). Not to say there is not pain—physical, emotional and mental. The latter two were, actually, harder for me.

    A support network, a close friend or relative to go with you to all of your apts and surgeries and be your note taker, and really great, trustworthy doctors are essential! These, JESUS and a WARRIOR attitude was how I got through.

    And one day (or step) at a time. 1 step forward, sometimes 2 steps back, but slow and steady wins the race!!
