Some tips from CSN
Welcome to the CSN! Below are some tips to help you get started following and posting on the boards. You can follow your preferred discussion board to get notifications of new topics and comments. To follow a board, navigate to your preferred board and then select the bell at the top, followed by your notification…
Thyroid cancer
Hello, I am new here. My sister was diagnosed with thyroid cancer last October. She had a full thyrelodectomy in December and in March of this year she had a RAI treatment. It's been now two months since the treatment and she still feels very very tired,but our main concern is that she has pain from the inside of the…
Hello everyone, I am a 44 year old female and was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer on January 17th of this year. Is a total thyroidectomy the best option for me?! Hoping you can help! Here's my story - In the fall of 2023 I woke up with "frozen shoulder" (adhesive capsulitis is the medical term), in my left…
2 time cancer survivor!
HELLO EVERYONE!!! I’m so happy I found this site and am excited to share my story and get others opinions! so this all started about 10 years ago, my OB/GYN felt my neck and discovered numerous lumps on my thyroid after scans and biopsies. I was found to have papillary thyroid carcinoma. When they remove my thyroid, they…
New Member Undergoing Treatment Currently with Questions
Hello - new member (50 y/o male) to this site, so hello everyone! I was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Cancer (Follicular Variant) two months ago. They discovered this because a CT scan uncovered I had a 9.5 cm mass in my chest that was squeezing my trachea down to an opening the size of just 3 pencil tips. Within two…
Thyroid cancer - advice for recurrence and medications
Hi all, I have a couple of questions I'd love some insight on from the community. First, some background, I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer in July 2023 at 43 years old. The main tumor was on the right side and it was 2.5cm, there was spread to the left side, but no apparent spread to the lymph nodes. I had a…
PTC recurrence?
I had a ultrasound today and it is showing this: LYMPH NODES: Right level 3 node measures 1.6 x 0.3 x 0.9 cm. A left level 2 node measures 2.7 x 0.5 x 1.1 cm. None of my other past scans say this. It’s also recommending an iodine scan. I haven’t had one in 10 years. This is just the radiology report and all my drs are out…
PTC Tumor in One Lobe, Benign Cyst in Other - Completion Thyroidectomy?
Greetings. This is my first time on here. It doesn't feel right even calling myself a cancer survivor. So many people have it way worse than me. I feel my experience is nothing compared to what they are going through. My heart aches for them. Last fall, a "mass" was detected on my thyroid by accident. MRI for another issue…
4.5 cm nodule discovered by ultrasound
I was scheduled for a biopsy the initial biopsy showed atypia but had limited cellularity so they wanted to do a rebiopsy with pathology present to verify sample this came back suspicious for a follicular neoplasm hurthle cell type bethesda category 4 they recommend referral to ent which is scheduled what can i expect…
Second RA131 treatment 6 months apart
My 20 yr old daugther who has early stage papillary Thryoid cancer with slight lymph node pathology on two of 4 nodes, had RA 131 on 12/18. The uptake way mysterious and they decided it was either thyroid stunning which RARELY (only one docummented case ever)occurred from her RA123 next day R131 (150 mc) OR it was a fast…
Pathology report
hi to all trying to help my father these drs are no help does anyone on here have an exsample of a there papillary carcinoma fna test I need something to compare my fathers too I don’t need your personal information you can cover it but if I have an exsample it would help greatly with what I’m trying to accomplish thank…
58, Caucasian, female never identified as having thyroid issues although now have 2.2cm nodule
Hi, I’m a 58 Caucasian woman. For about 6 months now I sweet profusely. I had a uterine ablation in 2015 which ended my menstrual cycle. I’ve had really bad migraines for over a year which cause nausea. On MRI have seen T2 Flair high intensities-white matter. Having memory issues. I have spinal stenosis in neck, back and…
Radiated on purpose as an infant in the 1950's, cancer developed years later
I was born in the 1950's and treated with radiation as a newborn. I weighed 9lbs. 6oz. and my mom was told I was too big and had an enlarged thymus and radiation was necessary to prevent me from growing to gigantic proportions. Years later it came out that many babies were treated with radiation. The doctors I've found who…
Metastatic Papillary thyroid carcinoma
My husband has been diagnosed with metastasis papillary thyroid carcinoma in October 2023. He has undergone thyroidectomy and neck dissection (8 hour surgery!). 20 out of 30 lymph nodes were cancerous. He has had 1 treatment of R-131. His thyroglobin has been consistent and never elevated. So, clearly this is NOT a good…
anaplastic cancer of Thyroid
I have a good friend who was just diagnosed with anaplastic cancer, the worse thyroid cancer there is. They don't give her much hope and have evened suggested no treatment. She is desperate to find someone else who has gone through this or maybe a family member who has had the same. Any information would be very grateful.…
Medication for Metatsatic RAI resistance DTC
I had a TT with neck dissection in June 2023 and RAI last September. My lung nodules did not take up the RAI. My cancer was DNA tested, and they know it's an RAI-resistant strain that is aggressive. My 6-month check found my lung nodules have grown ~2-3mm (the largest is now 15 mm). I am scheduled to now see another…
Conservative treatment question
I recently underwent surgery to remove one lobe and the isthmus of my thyroid because they were obstructive. Despite benign results from FNA and DNA, path reports came back with two types of cancer in the removed lobe: papillary (very small), and follicular (3.7 mass). My surgeon is going to treat by leaving other lobe in,…
Problems they don't tell you about
Hello, new here and just diagnosed with thyroid cancer while undergoing eye cancer treatment. The endocrinologist recommends complete removal of the thyroid and does not expect needing any further treatment for the thyroid cancer after surgery. Many people say you can live without a thyroid, no problems. I'm looking for…
Thyroid cancer survivor imposter syndrome.
My husband works with hospice, and I only underwent a surgery and thyroid replacement hormone. I'm left feeling it difficult to express my many emotions (diagnosed less than a week ago) because my cancer isn't as bad as what hospice patients go through. Husband says he is supportive, but I can sense some resistance to…
Thyroid cancer & Rai Treatment
I was 33 when I got diagnosed with thyroid cancer, had a full thyroid removal (2 masses)and had rai treatment after. The recovery from surgery went well but Rai treatment was hell. I want to know was this hell for anyone else??I was on the no iodine diet for a full month, my hormone level had to drop and then I was able to…
I’m new
Hi, folks! I found out two weeks ago that I have papillary carcinoma. Of course I have been scouring the internet for information. I have an appointment with an ENT specialist a week from today and will hopefully have a surgery date set ip at that time. I would appreciate any suggestions, tips for preparing for whats ahead…
Hi everybody
SO I have PTC hopefully soon I will have it removed I have an appointment on Monday with the surgeon. I also have several nodules on my lungs that haven't changed in a year and a mass on my breast that could be cancer or pre cancerous and a cyst on an ovary that has to be surgically removed. I've had 9 biopsies and almost…
Effectivity of second RAI treatment without second operation?
Hi! So I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid carcinoma in 2017. Had a total thyroidectomy with bilateral neck dissection for some cancerous lymph nodes in July. RAI (105 mci) in August of the same year. Did a whole body scan in 2018 and it showed that the ablation worked. Haven’t had any symptoms ever since then. However,…
I just read my blood test results and my thyroid is through the roof at 9.30. I was diagnosed in 2021 with brain,spine and lung cancer. September of 2022 I ended up in the hospital for 30 days with pneumonia. I wasn't supposed to make it out. I was told to prepare for end of life. Well, I did make it out. But,…
FNA best provider for most accurate results Portland, Oregon?
I live in Portland, OR. Need FNA of thyroid and want to go where test and results will be most accurate. Where should I go? OHSU Thyroid Center or an interventional radiologist at Providence or Legacy hospitals?
Papillary cancer chest nodes and lung micro nodules
Hello all, I had a TT with neck dissection in Nov 23. I currently have medastinal level 3 nodes (2)that are enlarged. I had 200 RAI on 3-27-24.The previous chest C/T shows micro lung nodules. I was looking for anyone that had experiences with this? Treatments, etc. Thank you in advance.
High TG 6 months post-op
I’m mid 40s, had severe hypothyroid symptoms for about a year, then a partially obstructed airway which led me to this diagnosis: papillary thyroid cancer (follicular variant) diagnosed post-op. Thyroidectomy in September 2023 and just got my TG results. It’s 5620 ng/dL, which is much higher than expected range. I don’t…
Side Effects from Medication Adjustment
I was diagnosed with papillary thyoid cancer in 2022, and had my thyroid removed in December of 2022. My TSH has been suppressed since my surgery, hovering around .03, for about a year. About 3 weeks ago, my levothyroxine dose has finally been decreased enough that my TSH is starting to rise a bit. My issue is that while…
Did your nodules hurt?
Id be really grateful for thoughts on this please. I'm awaiting surgery on a nodule that's suspicious for follicular cancer but obviously as we know, they can't be certain until its taken out. What i want to know is, has anyone had a painful nodule that can be really sore consistently (8 months now), radiating up behind…
Hi everyone, does anyone have experience with Lenvima? I am interested in learning more about the side effects and how soon you might have started to see results on this med? This is for idione refractory metastatic thyroid cancer ... w lesions on the brain. Thank you.
Question about Father's TSH and Large Nodule
Hello, Thank you for reading my message about my father. Father is 87, lives in India. Primary care Physician did a routine physical and found a very high TSH of 9.82 (0.34 - 4.25) and normal values of T3 and T4. TSH was previously measured in July 2021, and it was 4.5 and since it was borderline, no further testing was…