Some tips from CSN
Welcome to the CSN! Below are some tips to help you get started following and posting on the boards. You can follow your preferred discussion board to get notifications of new topics and comments. To follow a board, navigate to your preferred board and then select the bell at the top, followed by your notification…
Sharing my Stage 3 journey
I posted the following in response to another thread but since there are those that my not see that thread I will repost on a thread of my own and try to comment to those just starting this journey. I think the best that I can contribute is to tell my battle with Stomach Cancer and let you pick what information is helpful…
Blood Test Markers
I did an endoscopy last week and the dr told me there was a cancerous mass on the upper inside lining of my stomach. He also ordered a blood draw which I did the following day. I know I can wait for the dr to go over the results with me but the 4 tests - carcinoembryonic antigen, CA 125, prothrombin time,…
Stomach Cancer - Thoughts / Doctors / Etc
Hello, my mom was recently diagnosed with stomach cancer (adenocarcinoma) locally advanced. She just started FLOT and the plan is to do 4 treatments, surgery, and then do another 4 treatments. Starting to learn a bit more (HER2negative / MMR loss on MLH1 / PMS2 (testing for Lynch syndrome now which could change some things…
Recently Diagnosed With Stomach Cancer
Good Evening! About two weeks ago I was diagnosed with stomach cancer. I've had acid reflux since the late 1990's and have been on Omeprazole since. As long as I took it no problems. My father and grandfather both died of colon cancer. My father preached me to look everytime I went to the bathroom looking for blood. Which…
Signet ring cell cancer - timely treatment
A couple of weeks ago, my mom was diagnosed with stomach cancer. After a series of follow-up scans and a laparoscopy (which felt like a rollercoaster ride with torturous waits!!), the doctor diagnosed her with T2N0 - still relatively early stage. However, her endoscopy results were already suspicious of cancer back in July…
50 yo sister diagnosed with cancer of stomach cardia
She had no symptoms except for swollen lymph nodes above the left collarbone and left armpit. Biopsy of lymph tissue showed cancer. Intenstive tests (CAT scan, PET scan, endoscopy, ultrasound, colonoscopy, MRI) did not show any cancer other than the lymph nodes. However, a biopsy of some stomach tissue came back positive…
Pregnancy after Total Gastrectomy
Hello everyone, I'm wondering if anyone has experience with pregnancy after a total gastroscopy. We are planning to conceive soon. I would love to hear your experiences and the challenges you had during pregnancy, and what to expect, what to prepare for. Any advice would be very helpful.Thank you all very much.
Should I book a vacation? Dad with stage 4 cancer
Hello, My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 gastric cancer in October 2023. It was very traumatizing at first has we were told he would have 6months to a year. It took a huge toll on us, specially me as he was estranged to me. Long story short we’ve gotten closer & I help him as much as I can. It bas been a year & 3 months…
New to group
Hello, I was diagnosed with stomach cancer of April of 2024, 6 months after I had my 1st heart attack. Stage 2 in May of 2024 they removed 80% of my stomach . Currently going thru chemotherapy, sometimes I feel like giving up. The symptoms seem to get worse and last longer with each treatment. I really don't have any…
New to The Group
Hello, I am 48, diagnosed with Esophageal/ Stomach cancer in March of 2024. Went through radio and chemotherapy. Then had major surgery in August. I was then told I was “Cancer” Free and called a Survivor. I am currently doing immunotherapy and also getting esophagus dilations almost every 1-2 weeks. I am still battling…
Gist Tumor and scared to death
I was diagnose with a GIST tumor at the end of August of this year. I had sugrey to remove the tumor and was told that all the tumor was removed. I was in the hospital for almost 2 months to heal. I have never experience anything like this before. I'm so scared that the tumor will return and i can not really talk to my…
in need of support
hello everyone, i am 18 years old and almost died of stomach cancer. I was wrongly diagnosed and no one knew i had cancer until i was on my deathbed. I had a partial gastrectomy and am struggling with my recovery. I don’t know anyone my age that has had or has cancer. It is very difficult.
Recently Diagnosed Husband
Hello, My husband was diagnosed with stomach cancer on July 10th. This diagnosis started with back pain in early June which progressively got worse over 12 days, when he went to the doctor the pain was initially diagnosed as kidney stones and he was to await a CT scan. The next day 6/16 he was in such extreme pain he could…
Can anyone relate to these symptoms? Possible colon or stomach cancer?
A little history..I've had a little stomach issues in the past. Has a couple of small ulcers that healed. GERD, acid reflux, been on meds for all that. But, now I have had diarrhea for 4 months straight, bowel movements tend to have a lot of mucus. Recently I started taking Metamucil, it has helped but 1 day without it and…
Getting help after 30yrs of radiation treatment
Hello everyone, I am new to this site. This has been a crazy time for me because I am a 30-year cancer survivor. The radiation treatment that I have received during my treatment is kicking my butt. Six months after receiving radiation treatment, My small intestants became fused together. surgery was performed. Since then,…
Linitis Plastica T4N1M0
I was diagnosed at 42 years of age with linitis plastica T4N1M0 August 2012 just over 1 year ago, and was given survival odds of 30%. When I was diagnosed I quickly researched all I could on the disease on the internet, not a good idea! I found a lot of the posts about the disease that were very negative and at the time I…
Stomach Cancer survivor
In 2014 I underwent surgery to remove 85% of stomach. For ten years still cancer free. Since COVID I find myself with constipation more frequently even though I don't eat a lot of food. I eat smaller meals and try to eat every two hours however the constipation tend to prevent my food intake. Any suggestion or…
HELP, Acid-Bile Reflux after Total Gastrectomy
Dear all, My fiance had a total gastrectomy, almost 3 years ago. She was diagnosed with sotmach cancer at the age of 25. One thing that continues to be an issue is the esophagus irritation (Esophagitis). We have consulted several doctors. Some say to focus on food and life style, others indicate that is is a mechanical…
35 year old husband just received diagnosis
I'm beyond devastated. It was only 2 weeks ago we were living the most full, happy, loving life. We've been married for only 9 months now and never anticipated he'd be diagnosed with Stage IV stomach cancer. The horrific prognosis we've seen all over the internet are making our worst fears feel more realistic. I feel like…
Revision surgery after Total Gastrectomy
Helo everyone, Has anyone had any expeience with revision surgery after your TG. My fiance had TG (Bilroth2 Braun procedure) and because a severe case of acid/bile reflux, we have been advised to perform a second (revision) surgery to Roux en Y. Thank You.
Bile Reflux post Stomach Cancer Gastrectomy
There are some serious posts in the last month from newcomers but I hope it is alright for me to raise a maintenance topic to see if anyone has a good answer to a difficulty. Four year survivor to Stage 3 Stomach Cancer. Chemo - Gastrectomy - more Chemo. Roux-In-Y reconnection. Currently two gall stones show on scans.…
Stage 4 stomach cancer
Hi everyone! One of my good friends was recently diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. He is in his early 40s and he’s been doing chemotherapy since July, this year. This journey is very difficult for him, and we (his friends) are trying to keep him motivated as much as possible. Unfortunately, he is slowly distancing…
Lanitis plastica
Hi my friend was just diagnosed with Lanitis plastica , given the option to remove stomach or start chemo looking for info from other folks that have had this situation
Help please
Good morning! I hope everybody’s doing well. My name is Fernando and my wife was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in her stomach about 4 months ago. She’s already gone through 5 chemotherapy sessions with little effect. We consulted with a gastro oncologist who prescribed immunotherapy. Our current oncologist agreed as…
Please HELP
I had a total gastrectomy 12/21/22. I don’t have stomach cancer but I needed the surgery for a different life threatening issue. Anyways, I had surgery 12/21/22, and it’s been a nightmare ever since. I’m beginning to get so discouraged. 1/1/23, they found out I had a leak where they connected my esophagus to my small…
Stomach Cancer with H. Pylori with Submarine Sailors
Good even, I'm looking for Veterans or their families who had multiple cases of H. Pylori that turned into Stomach Cancer, My husband was a sailor on the trident submarines Michigan 727, Alabama 731, worked on Missiles at SWFPAC.
Constant mucous vomiting
Hello They found a mass in my husbands stomach and performed an IvorLewisEsophahectomy removing 2/3 of his stomach 11/8/22. thankfully benign. In hospital 30days due to reoccurring fluid pockets. He also had a stent placed in his esophagus due the reconnection site of the esophagus to stomach was leaking ! Finally…
Post-surgery gallbladder and diverticulitis issues
Ok...it seems this forum isn't too active, but I figure I'll ask anyways... My surgery was back at the end of May...full gasterectomy for Stage III stomach cancer...and my last chemo session was 9-11-2020. I had been doing really well...for a while...was doing well with food, my weight stablized around 175 lbs. (down from…
Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy
I went through treatment for stomach cancer last year April 6, 2020, will be a year since my last chemo treatment. However, the chemo has caused neuropathy in my feet and my left hand. My ring and my pinkie finger are always cold and are numb as if you had slept on your hand. And the pinkie is the worst I can stab it…