Some tips from CSN
Welcome to the CSN! Below are some tips to help you get started following and posting on the boards. You can follow your preferred discussion board to get notifications of new topics and comments. To follow a board, navigate to your preferred board and then select the bell at the top, followed by your notification…
CA125 high after 13 years of being fine.
Been cancer free for 13 years and even when I had cancer my CA125 never went over 10. Just had a lab test done and now it is 41 and I am scared. Had complete hysterectomy in 2009.Waiting on dr to get with me to find out if he wants any scans done. Have been extra tired lately and now my brain is racing trying to examine…
Long-term Avastin use helps keep ovarian cancer in check
Long-term therapy with the blockbuster drug Avastin — already used to treat breast, lung and colorectal cancers — also appears to help women with advanced ovarian tumors, a new study shows. In a study presented Sunday at the American Society of Clinical Oncology, researchers compared the results of giving women standard…
Child of Ovarian Cancer Survivor Conducting Research
Hello! I am conducting an important research study to better understand the emotional and social experiences of individuals living with ovarian cancer. As someone who has experienced this journey, your perspective is invaluable in helping us: - Identify gaps in current gynecologic cancer care - Develop more effective…
Diagnosed with 3.5 cm ovarian endo, CEA and CA125 normal. Should I get a laparoscopy or watch and wa
I have a 3 month follow up U/S in 3 days since I opted for the watch and wait scenario rather than surgery since the OBGYN I dealt with told me she thinks the chance of cancer is low. I told her my aunt died of OC but that didn't change her mind. I asked a couple of times to get the CA125 test but was told they wouldn't do…
Granulosa Cell Tumor
Hello is there anyone who has been successful with treatment on this rare cancer?
Ovarian cancer worries with negative tests
Hello, I'm 39 years old with really no medical history at all to speak about. I have never had gynecologic problems. I have never experienced any of the problems below, it's all very new and very abnormal for me. In the first week of December I started having what I would call bladder aching, I thought I was getting a…
Avastin and Avastin/Doxil Side Effects
Hi Everyone, I am contemplating either Avastin alone or Avastin/Doxil as my next step along this journey. The published side effect look awful. I am looking for first hand information from you ladies that you might be willing to share on how well tolerated these drugs are......thanks.
Long term Chemo induced neuropathy
Hi. I was diagnosed with 2 types of Ovarian Cancer in 2015. After chemo I became disabled with peripheral neuropathy and my entire life as I knew it changed. Fast forward, I noticed pain and neuropathy symptoms worsening about a year ago and now I have pain, burning, extreme muscle tightness and pain if I'm touched on my…
What follow-up tests are done after chemo?
Hi OC Sisters: I finished 6 rounds of Carboplatin/Paclitaxol for ovarian endometriod carcinoma stage 2 a few weeks ago, and I am wondering what tests/scans are usually done to monitor recurrences. I am on a 3-month follow-up schedule for 2 years, then 6 months if I remain NED. What sort of follow-up have you had (PET, CT,…
Six weeks post chemo: Hair report
Just a hair report for future chemo grads ;) Ok..I have about 1/4 of inch of fuzz all over my head. It's white and soft, but I can feel stubble that is also growing in that I think is darker. It appears to growing in at a consistent length, so I guess that's good. Although, I have noticed about a dozen hairs that are…
Results back from 4th U/S in almost a year and cyst still hasn't changed. Still unsure what to do.
I'll start by saying I'm 53 an have been in menopause for at least 1 1/2 years. Not sure exactly because I continued to take bc pills and my doctor told me stop to see if I was indeed in menopause. Took a blood test as well and it showed me very much in menopause, so I could have been for years. And my U/S results didn't…
superstar gynecologic oncologist in Orange County or Los Angeles or San Diego
Hi Everyone, I am new to the forum. My MRI and ultrasound showed serios 2cm ovarian cyst that is suspicions for cancer. I am looking now for the a good gynecologic oncologist who can assist with further with diagnosis and probably the surgery. If you can help, I will be so grateful. Thank you.
CA-125 test came back at 672, anyone out there with similar or higher number?
On Dec 27, I went to the ER by ambulance because I thought I was having a heart attack. Severe pain in left arm. CT scan showed a large (13.3 cm) mass on my right ovary and smaller mass on the left one. Right side is complex (solid and fibrous), left was described as “cyst-like”. MRI confirmed same and said masses were…
Has anybody took Zejula Chemo pills for maintenance.
Has any one taken this for maintenance from recurrence of Ovarian Cancer? If so can you tell me about your side effects? I am having back pain, joint pain in my hip and knee, and nausea. Just wondering is this anything to be concerned about...my doctor says that unfortunately that is the side effects and that’s way he gave…
support Groups
hi I live in Port Orange, Florida and I’m looking for an ovarian cancer support group. Does anyone know of any thanks ahead
Parp Inhibitor
Any ovarian cancer ladies here on a Parp inhibitor? I thought I was finished with treatment and had the medicine for 3-5 years bomb dropped on me. I was so shocked I didn’t even write anything down. I was bummed the first week. Now I need knowledge! Me: ovarian cancer, 2a, hysterectomy & 6 rounds of chemotherapy…
Cruise ship affect
I completed chemo a couple of weeks ago, when I stand sometimes I feel like I just got off a boat. Is this normal?
Did you have warning signs before being diagnosed or was it found incidentally?
I am a post-menopausal 52 y/o and a mass on my ovary was found incidentally when I was sent for a CT scan after a visit to urgent care for stomach pain. The pain ended up being diverticulitis, but a fibroid and mass showed up on the scan. They couldn't be sure it was a mass so went for an ultrasound and they still weren't…
Recurrence - Fistula
My mom is undergoing immunotherapy (keytruda) after radiation therapy for her brain metastasis due to recurrence of endometrial cancer last may. Today they found she have bowel fistula and samples have been sent for biopsy (doctor suspect its cancer). Have any one experienced fistula due to cancer progression? They…
Has anyone tried Carboplatin and Etoposide chemo?
My husband diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Given Etoposide and Carboplatin ( low dose because he's so sick ). Anyone heard of these??? How effective are they?
Free House Cleaning for Ladies on Chemo
I was reading the acor.org site on Monday and noticed a link to a organization called."cleaningforareason.org" It offers free house cleaning for ladies on chemo. So I went to the site,and read up on it. Then I checked and got excited when I saw there were 3 companies here in Pensacola that would do the cleaning. I filled…
CA-125 rose to 82
my wife (54 y.o.) was diagnosed with high grade stage 4 OC 09/2023, went thru 3 cycles of chemos (carbo/taxol) , had debulking surgery 12/2023, then another 3 cycles with last cycle in 02/24. She's been on maintenance since 02/2024 (Avastin every 3 weeks and daily pills of Lynparza.) Her CA-125 has been rising every month,…
Grandulosa Cell Tumor Cancer.
On New Years I found that I had ovarian cancer for the 2nd time. In 2017 I was diagnosed as high risk Stage I GCTC patient. My left ovary, fallopian tubes, and lymph nodes were removed. Now I have multiple tumers a few, in my adrenal gland, nested between my kidney and my ureter and impacting my pancreas that are not a…
After Chemo
Monday was the sixth cycle of chemo for me- the last one. We have a follow-up plan for the next five years, at which time, I guess if I am still cancer-free, we can call it remission. For those of you who have been in this place, in remission, on surveillance, how do you not worry every day that it will come back? I…
Out of curiosity....
Has anyone started their ovarian journey and got diagnosed with a benign serous cystadenoma post biopsy? I recently did. Did you later on get another cystadenoma and it turn out to be cancer. My husband thinks I'm looking for something wrong. Truth is, I want to make sure that if I do end up having cancer, that my obgyn…
Stage 4 OCCC
My wife was diagnosed with well I guess stage 2 or 3 at the time cancer. (May 3rd, 2024) After seeing the oncologist the following week and them gathering a team to plan how to go about the process. We were told the masses were in the lower abdomen and the oncologist was pleased to see the spleen was in good shape. an…
Ovarian Cancer Symptoms
Okay, this may be a little long but please bear with me. In 2019 | had some health issues going on, I had a mammogram done and they found several enlarged lymph nodes in my armpit area, a biopsy was done and it ended up being nothing but I still didn't feel right, so my doctor ordered a CT scan and she called and said "I…
Could someone please help me read my daughter's MRI results?
Hello! Could someone please help me read my daughter's MRI results? Impression: 1. Exophytic left ovarian cystic lesion with thin internal septations, suspicious for cystic ovarian neoplasm. 2. Small left ovarian cystic lesion with thin internal septations, correlate not detected on prior ultrasound exams, MR appearance…
Insurance Question
I live in PA and I was just diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. I have my health insurance through IBX directly. It will be open enrollment soon for the affordable care act. Does anyone know if i can get a new plan during open enrollment with a pre existing cancer diagnoses?
14 Years NED
It's been 15 years since my diagnosis of stage 3c papillary, serous adenocarcinoma of the ovary. 15 years since my suboptimal debulking (tumors left in lymph nodes, on my bowel and on my liver that could not be removed). 15 years since I developed ascites so chronically and severely that I had to have it drained every 3…