Concerned about possible esophageal cancer
Hi All, I'm concerned about esophageal cancer and I have an endoscopy scheduled for next month. My history: I've had GERD since I was 12 years old (I'm 30 now) and took PPI's from 12 yrs old up until a year ago when I switched to the max dose of famotidine because I was dx'd with osteopenia. I have gastroparesis which…
Hello there. My husband has been diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer (with metastases near his pelvic bone and some spots on his lung as well). He had 10 chemo sessions since August 2023, unfortunately nothing seems to work at this point. His doctor had suggested for him to take Lonsurf as a "last resort", and they…
Post Esophagectomy
My husband was diagnosed in February with early stage 1 esophageal cancer. He underwent a transhiatal esophagectomy on May 17th. Lymph nodes and tissue surrounding his esophagus were biopsied and all came back negative and he has been deemed cancer free. What I am dealing with now as his caregiver is his mental state. He…
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Esophagus
63 male former drunk and sober since July 23, 1998, since smoking went hand in hand with drinking I also smoke ciggs, you know the little warning that says it causes cancer? they ain't lying, says right there on the box. now I will say that life has been the experience of a life time, learned tons and will never stop…
Lung issues 10 years after Ivor Lewis surgery
My husband is a 10 year survivor, with minimal negative quality of life issues. He had the Ivor Lewis full removal of his esophagus. However, apparently after intermittent reflux through the years, last year he developed a lung absess (infection) which made him very sick. (They thought it could be lung cancer at first view…
Proton Therapy Insurance challenges
Has anyone in the group faced challenges with insurnace denying proton therapy? I am with Unitsd Healthcare and they have denied stating its efficacy is not proven. How do I overcome this challenge - my doctor at MD Anderson is appealing second time
Treatment options
am 53 years old and got diagnosed with Esophageal cancer in the lower esophagus Stage 3. Non-smoker and no family history. Would like to speak to someone who has had proton therapy I m discussing treatment options with MDA
Post surgery late acid reflux
Hello to all, This board helped a lot early on in my husband's esophageal cancer journey. He is 6 years out from chemo, radiation and Ivor Lewis surgery at Mayo Clinic and has "graduated" out of the cancer department. The past year, he has started to get bad acid reflux in the middle of the night, even almost wake up…
Option on Stent vs J Tube
Hi All, My dad has Esophegal Cancer which he was diagnosed with in 2021, to date he has had 2 rounds of chemo and 2 rounds of radiation, as a family we decided we did not want to go the surgery route. The second time was because there were signs that the cancer had moved into a small section of the liver. He finished last…
Young Esophageal Cancer Patient
Hi everyone, my name is Emily, and I was diagnosed with Stage 3A Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagus at the age of 26. I wanted to share my story with those who might find it helpful, or just insightful in the journey of someone going through this cancer treatment at this age. In May of 2021, I ended up in the ER with upper…
Esophageal Cancer Treatment/doctor recommendation
We are still waiting for the pathology results post-endoscopy, but the Dr. found a 5 cm tumor which he said is highly likely cancer. I understand that the best treatment depends on many factors (e.g., stage, type of tumor, etc. ). We live in North California (but we can move if needed). Do you have any recommendations for…
Late term side effects of radiation
Long story short, I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx. Went through radiation and chemo. About three months out. I was given the amazing news that I am in remission. However shorty after about three weeks I started having trouble breathing. It got worse and worse. I then went to the ER I was…
are there any people that have undergone the protocel treatment for thier cancer?
Herceptin and heart damage
Has anyone continued with herceptin after having a decrease in ventricular ejection fraction? I have been on docetaxel, carboplatin, and herceptin for stage one invasive ductile carcinoma which is her2 and estrogen receptor positive. The plan was to continue the herceptin for a year but my Echocardiogram is showing some…
New Diagnosis Preliminary T3N2Mx
61 year old female. Endoscopy yesterday with a preliminary finding of T3N2Mx. Completely stressed out, as my father died from esophageal cancer in 1999. This was not really on radar as I have never smoked, seldom drink, and I am pretty healthy overall (My father had a smoking history although he had given it up many years…
Need surgeon advice
Good evening, im sorry if this is on here already. I couldn’t find it when I searched. My husband was just diagnosed with T2N1 EC. I have worked I radiation therapy for 25 years so I’m no stranger to this disease but it’s very different when it hits home. Based on my experience, I feel he will have pre-op chemoradiation…
Dad with esophageal cancer
Hi I am here to ask for some hope since my dad has 74 year got diagnosed with esophagus cancer on mid of june he will have the surgery in aboutvtwo weeks his cancer hasnt spread to any organ per last diagnosed have any of you had a surgery at that age my dad has never smoke or drink alcohol i am scared my soul in now in a…
A positive message of hope
Hello all, My name is Marci and I come here ocassionally to tell you that there can be light at the end of the tunnel. I am a caregiver to my husband, who was diagnosed with esophageal cancer aged 66. He had adenocarcinoma at the junction to his stomach. He had the normal chemo and it did not touch his tumour which was…
Refusing any Treatment for Esophagul Cancer
I'm early stages T1b, but don't fancy the Ivor Lewis treatment and what can come with it, so I know that my chances of survival are low. But how low, I don't know and how long before symptoms. The information out there is shockingly scant.
I’m New Here And In Search Of Help
Hello, I am a almost 39 year old male who was diagnosed with Barrett’s Esophagus in on St. Patrick’s Day 2011 when I was 27 years old. When I was diagnosed I immediately tried to get ablation surgery but because my spots were some of the smallest another doctor had ever seen it was denied and I instead recommended to do…
Still losing weight from Esophageal Cancer.
My husband age 74 was diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma Cancer in May, 2022 after choking on food while on vacation. His treatment was 23 sets of radiation, 5 chemotherapy followed by a 13 hour Esophagectomy with Thoracic Esophagogastrostomy Creation. He was told after the surgery that the radiation/chemotherapy had removed…
Did anyone experience this as primary symptoms
Hello, My name is Rob. For over a month now I have experienced a mass amount of clear mucus production to the point of gagging. There was blood in some but since my nightly nosebleeds stopped so did the blood in the mucus. Now it's just clear mucus mainly in the A.M. or after I eat a big meal. Mild dysphagia with no chest…
Small Cell Carcinoma
HIs anyone out there dealing with Small Cell Carcinoma, please reach out to me. I am almost 10 years survivor of Small Cell Carcinoma, it was in my liver, my Stomach and my pelvic. you can beat it, reach out to me with any questions so i can share my story with you, and be of some support along your journey. Believe and…
Afraid it’s back..
Been in remission from EC for about 2 1/2 years. Beat it back with just chemo and proton radiation from Mayo Clinic. But now I’ve developed a small lump I can feel in the back of my throat. Having a CT scan this week but my gut feeling is that it is back. I know I should be more positive but what else would it be ? Don’t…
Any long term survivors with stage 4
I have survived 1 year with Stage iv esophageal cancer. It spread to my bones and liver, and immunotherapy made my body attack itself too and I nearly died from liver failure as a result. I have also gone through many rounds of chemo that did nothing but make me sick and thin, as my cancer grew. However, I have always been…
Dumping Syndrome
Hello. I was recently diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma in 2021 and underwent chemo, radiation and an Ivor Lewis surgery (resection) of the lower part of my esophagus and top portion of my stomach in February, 2022. I am recovering well and feel great, but I am having issues with Dumping Syndrome. Wondering if anyone has…
Afraid I have esophageal cancer. I am extremely scared.
I know this forum is meant for those who have been diagnosed with the disease and I absolutely respect them and if this type of post bothers you. Feel free to not respond Getting that out of the way. I am a 28 year old male. Never smoked or drank a day in my life. I have dealt with reflux for about 7 years off and on. I…
Help please - 6 weeks post surgery
Apologies for any terms used that make no sense as I realise this is pimarily a US occupied board and I'm based in the UK. My wife (50) was diagnosed in May last year, we have had 4 rounds of chemo and an esophagectomy performed on 5th December 22, investigation of the tumor and the 40 lymph nodes removed are all positive…
scared and going down the google rabbit hole
hello, This fall I began to notice small things about my swallowing that were slightly off. I seemed to eat just fine but noticed maybe sometimes that bread didn't go down as fast as other food. I never really put much thought into. Now, in late October I started noticing my throat felt tight between my breastbone and my…
Too much Chemo?? Advice / experiences.
Hello and best wishes to all of you on this board. My father in law with esophageal adenoCa stage 4 is trying to decide how much chemo to continue to take and for how long. I know this is typically a highly personal decision, but I'm sure he needs to have a better sense of what chemo side effects COULD be around the…