? ?
Journal created:
on 17 October 2005 (#8564716)
on 14 May 2008
Posting Access:
Select Members
  ♥  N A V I G A T I O N

♥ { Subject Claims List } ♥ { FAQ } ♥ { Waiting List Claims } ♥ { Hall of Fame } ♥
♥ { Resign a Claim } ♥ { Memories } ♥

  ♥  A B O U T

In the most basic terms, this community is for icon makers to claim a subject for a certain amount of time in order to meet the challenge of making 100 icons out of said subject. A fan of CSI, CSI Miami, or CSI New York? Well then are you up for making 100 icons of CSI to show your devotion? If that sounds like an interesting challenge to you, then why not join in on the fun?

How it works:
{one} Join the community. You must be a member to participate.
{two} Submit a claim for your subject of choice at this post and then wait to be approved.
{three} Once approved, you will be given posting access and you may then begin to post icons of your subject.
{four} You make 100 icons out of your subject following certain terms and themes. You don't have to do it all in one may post them in small batches each time.
{five} If you've completed the challenge successfully, comment at the Hall of Fame post to get listed. You can also get a shiny banner to show off your insanity. :D Your subject is then free for the taking again.

But as with all communities, there are some rules and fine details. Please read the following carefully. If you have any questions, you can ask here.

  ♥  R U L E S

{&&} The subject focus that's allowed in this community is CSI all versions, their characters, their actors/actresses, pairings/otps/ships, guest stars, the actor/actress that plays a guest star, one particular episode, or one particular season. For more information on rules pertaining to the subjects, please refer to the FAQ.

{&&} Each subject may only be claimed by one person at any given time. You are allowed a span of 10 weeks to complete the 100 icons for your subject, though of course it'd be nice if you finish them sooner than that. =] This is done so that one person isn't just hogging a subject all the time without making the icons. To prevent "fake claims", you must post at least your first batch within the first 2 weeks of claiming a subject.

{&&} Each person may claim up to two subjects at a time. Additionally, you'll have the same amount of time to complete your icons. So if you've applied for 2 subjects at once, you will still have 10 weeks to complete 200 icons.

{&&} All 100 icons must contain your subject in them. That's the whole point isn't it? Your icon can include other characters as long as your subject is in the icon as well. While this is allowed, I would recommend you to do it sparingly and to please remember to try and keep your icons focused on your subject.

{&&} You do not have to post 100 icons in one go. You can break them up into smaller batches...say about a minimum of 6 or more per post so that the community won't clog up everyone's friends pages with single icon posts. Please put your icons behind a cut! You are allowed to preview up to 3 icons outside of the cut. And before you ask,'re allowed to do fake cuts if you wish - all I ask is that you state clearly that it's a fake cut.

{&&} If your icon contains questionable rating content, please post a noticeable warning and place all of those icons behind a cut. You MUST do this! And while I know this should be pretty obvious, please no porn movies. =P

{&&} Please make new icons for this challenge. It defeats the point and isn't much fun if you just dig out old icons you have of your subject and post them as part of your 100 icons. =P Also, while icon makers of all levels are welcome...please put effort into your icons. Don't just crop a picture and slap text on it. You're supposed to be devoted to your subject, so show it in your icons! =]

{&&} Out of the 100 icons you make, part of the challenge is to make 50 of them following a particular set of themes. These themes are included down below and can be taken pretty much any way you like. You can use them as the text on your icon or you can use it purely as an abstract interpretation. For example, in the "red" theme, your icon can represent that theme in terms of the actual color of your icon...or if red reminds you of anger as in seeing red, your icon can show anger, etc. Be creative! =]

So basically, 50 of your icons are free choice, meaning you can do whatever you like with it as long as it pertains to your subject. And the other 50 has to follow a given set of themes to make it a bit more challenging. =] Note: You do not have to make your icons in the order of these themes. You can make them in any order but each theme can only be counted once. Don't make 5 icons of one theme and skip some other themes entirely.

Please know that these themes are included for extra fun and challenge. There's no theme police around here to determine if your icon qualifies under said theme. All in all, just have fun with them. :)

{ Themes }

{ 01 } Prohibited
{ 02 } Here
{ 03 } There
{ 04 } Haunted
{ 05 } Paper
{ 06 } Anxiety
{ 07 } Shy
{ 08 } Touch
{ 09 } Concern
{ 10 } Corpse
{ 11 } Chemistry
{ 12 } Desert
{ 13 } Locked
{ 14 } Sleeping
{ 15 } Gun
{ 16 } Hope
{ 17 } Faith
{ 18 } Charity
{ 19 } Dance
{ 20 } Evidence
{ 21 } Sneak
{ 22 } Want
{ 23 } Need
{ 24 } City
{ 25 } Country
{ 26 } War
{ 27 } Peace
{ 28 } Noise
{ 29 } Silence
{ 30 } Skin
{ 31 } SUV
{ 32 } Glasses
{ 33 } Warm
{ 34 } Cold
{ 35 } Speed
{ 36 } Grin
{ 37 } Frown
{ 38 } Death
{ 39 } Life
{ 40 } Heroes
{ 41 } Denim
{ 42 } Take A Stand
{ 43 } Echo
{ 44 } Sharp
{ 45 } Nonsense
{ 46 } Thank You
{ 47 } Details
{ 48 } Blood
{ 49 } Angst
{ 50 } Science

{&&} When posting your icons to the community, please do it in this format:

Subject: (if it's a character, please include the version as well, like "Catherine Willows from CSI Las Vegas" or "Calleigh Duquesne from CSI Miami")
Batch: (what batch you're on, which number of icons are in that batch, etc.) Ex.: Batch 1 // 11 - 21
Themes: (the themes that you are using in your icons, if any)
Additonal Notes: (like credits, disclaimers, your rules of usage if someone wants to use your icons, etc.)

And then your icons, of course. ;) It would also help greatly if you could include the batch number and/or how many icons you've completed so far. This just helps me and the members see how far you've progressed...and it's also easier on me when I sort them into the community archives.

And that's basically it. Please take a look at the FAQ page for more miscellaneous info or if you have a question, you can ask there as well. =]

  ♥  A F F I L I A T E S

Our Daughter Communities:

dwicons100 for the Doctor Who Icon Challenge
tw_icons100 for the Torchwood Icon Challenge

Icon Challenge Communities:

icons50 for any subject
100_anything for any subject
100days100icons for any subject
abc_icons for any subject
bones_icons100 for anything Bones.
cinematic50 for anything movie related
digitalart100 for any subject.
disney100 for anything Disney
duet_icons for musical duos
elite100 for elite icons on any topic
gg_100 for anything Gilmore Girls
icon_alphabet for TV/movies/celebrities
iconfiend100 for animanga subjects
icons100 - For TV/Movies/characters
iconship100 for ships from movies/TV
manga100 for manga subjections
music100 for any and all musical subjects
musicon100 for music subjects
narnia_100 for everything Narnia
oc_icons100 for anything The OC
otp100 for real life pairings
pairgroup_icons for pairings/trios/groups
pb100icons for anything Prison Break
scifi100 for anything science fiction
ships100 for pairings/ships from movies/TV
sports_abc50 for sports
titan_100 for anything Teen Titans
tv_junkie100 for 9 specific TV shows
tvcharacters100 for TV subjects
vm_100 for anything Veronica Mars.
vowel_icons for any subject
wd_100 for Disney animations
whedon100 for Whedon TV shows
xf100or anything X-Files

CSI Related Communities:

icontest_csi for the CSI Icontest
csi50 for csi fanfic
sofia_stillness for the Sofia Curtis Stillness Challenge

Other Icon Communities:

twilight_25 for the Twilight 25 Icon Marathon
jodie_stillness for the Jodie Foster Stillness Challenge
mymagicalstars for teh_gandu's personal graphics/fiction journal

// All questions should be directed to this page and I'll try to reply as soon as I can.

  ♥  C H A R T

You may use the following chart to make post your icons in. (You don't have to but it's easier to keep track of your icons)

Creator: unspell
Maintainer: moira_fae11
Moderator/Claims List Upkeep: moira_fae11
Expired Claims Notifier: moira_fae11
Banner Maker: moira_icons
Tags and Memories Updater: domilie_fan

Current site layout by: nowordforit

And finally, please help promote this community and spread the word. After all, the more the merrier...and the more icons you get to see/share. :D
